For our ETH example, these are: Token Contract Address: 0x2170ed0880ac9a755fd29b2688956bd959f933f8. For ERC-20 ETH sent to BSC, click on Binance-Peg Ethereum Token (ETH) to find its token contract. Analytics. By continuing to use this website, you agree to its Terms and Privacy Policy. This token is bridged over from its native chain using the Multichain bridge. The screenshot below shows BTCB which is a Pegged BEP2 token of Bitcoin (BTC) that resides on Binance Chain. If your crypto is on the wrong network, it might not be usable for the purpose you need. Due to TheBitTimes.Com, you will be aware of all the latest news. 1. If youve been making withdrawals from Binance, youve probably noticed that some coins have different transfer networks available. The two standards share many similarities in how they operate, but ERC-20 is exclusive to Ethereum, and BEP-20 is exclusive to the BNB Smart Chain. In a post published in 2019, Binance. There are over 13,000 cryptocurrencies, and these can be classified into stablecoins, exchange tokens, DeFi tokens, governance tokens and more. Once it has arrived, you can send it correctly back to your external wallet. Create a Watchlist & monitor my Portfolio value, Use CoinGecko's Data API to power my application, Track All Your Favorite Crypto in a Single List, IT'S FREE! Make sure to use the "Vote Down" button for any spammy posts, and the "Vote Up" for interesting conversations. Reserve is a permissionless platform to build, deploy and govern asset-backed stablecoins. These tokens now show up as Binance-Peg Ethereum under the same wallet address on BSC. Last updated: January 2, 2023 You may have noticed that a Binance-Peg Cardano Token (ADA) is available on Ledger Live when you go through the Add Account steps on Ledger Live. With this information, you can then try out our three possible solutions. It has a circulating supply of 490,081 USDT coins and a total supply of 490,081 USDT. Ask your wallet provider for help or the exchanges customer service. All you need to do now is send it back to the correct blockchain you need. 1 Like. To add to it, TheBitTimes.Com disposes of topical news about Binance-Peg BSC-USD current rate and its possible changes, current Binance-Peg BSC-USD value with future forecasts and growth perspectives. You can copy XRPs contract address (0x1d2f0da169ceb9fc7b3144628db156f3f6c60dbe) and import it manually, or if you've installed MetaMask's chrome extension, add XRP to MetaMask with one click on CoinGecko. BC.GAME-The Best BNB Casino with 1,000,000 BNB Daily Bonus. Compared to fiat tethering, crypto can provide a high degree of transparency so that anyone can audit the reserves publicly, any time they want. You can still access it by following this guide (use the Binance Smart Chain mainnet): Connecting MetaMask to Binance Smart Chain | Binance Academy, After connecting your Metamask to BSC, add this token: 0x55d398326f99059ff775485246999027b3197955, 2 posts were split to a new topic: Sending USDT trc20 fail out of energy, A post was split to a new topic: Sent my Binance peg USD to my USDT account in Bingbon, Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, Binance peg Tether USD to Metamask USDT address, How To Recover Funds Sent to a Wrong Public Address, Connecting MetaMask to Binance Smart Chain | Binance Academy, Sent my Binance peg USD to my USDT account in Bingbon. . Notably, a 1:1 match is maintained between Binance and its users. Set the network to Ethereum, provide your wallet address and the amount you want to transfer. From here, you have the option of sending it back to your Binance accounts BEP-20 wallet address. Interested to stay up-to-date with cryptocurrencies? Fast and secure decentralized digital asset exchange, Bringing blockchain broadcasts to you live, Verified user credentials for the Web3 era, Perpetual or Quarterly Contracts settled in USDT or BUSD, Perpetual or Quarterly Contracts settled in Cryptocurrency, Enjoy increased leverage without risk of liquidation, Exclusive ranking for Binance traders, follow top traders' strategies, View our full range of crypto-derivative instruments, Learn how you could practice responsible trading with Binance Futures, Expand your knowledge and get the latest insights in Derivatives Trading, VIP Exclusive, Tailor-made Institutional Grade Services, Commit your crypto holdings and enjoy high returns, Mine more rewards by connecting to the pool, Get an instant loan secured by crypto assets, Premium digital asset solutions for institutions, Connect and grow with Binance liquidity solutions, Discover various asset management solutions, One-stop station made for VIP and institutions, Secure digital assets with leading infrastructure, Bespoke institutional loan with wide coverage, Introducing BNB Chain: The Evolution of Binance Smart Chain. You need to ensure you add smart chain custom network to it. Based on our most recent [] Access your MetaMask wallet or create a new one if you dont have one already. The content expressed on this page is not intended to be and shall not be construed as an endorsement by Binance about the reliability or accuracy of such content. USDT price today is $0 with a 24-hour trading volume of $0. Binance . The value of your investment can go down as well as up, and you may not get back the amount you invested. If you send an ERC-20 token to BSC or a BEP-20 token to Ethereum, the token will land in the same wallet address on the chosen network. The token is gone already, not on Metamask not on Trustwallet. 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0x9C9e5fD8bbc25984B178FdCE6117Defa39d2db39, 0XE9E7CEA3DEDCA5984780BAFC599BD69ADD087D56-USDT, 21,425,612.135 0XE9E7CEA3DEDCA5984780BAFC599BD69ADD087D56, 0X55D398326F99059FF775485246999027B3197955-0XE9E7CEA3DEDCA5984780BAFC599BD69ADD087D56, 4,928,362.662 0X55D398326F99059FF775485246999027B3197955, 0X8AC76A51CC950D9822D68B83FE1AD97B32CD580D-0XE9E7CEA3DEDCA5984780BAFC599BD69ADD087D56, 1,794,994.099 0X8AC76A51CC950D9822D68B83FE1AD97B32CD580D, 0X7130D2A12B9BCBFAE4F2634D864A1EE1CE3EAD9C-BUSD, 48.756 0X7130D2A12B9BCBFAE4F2634D864A1EE1CE3EAD9C, 0XBB4CDB9CBD36B01BD1CBAEBF2DE08D9173BC095C-0XE9E7CEA3DEDCA5984780BAFC599BD69ADD087D56, 3,410.086 0XBB4CDB9CBD36B01BD1CBAEBF2DE08D9173BC095C, 2,223.476 0XBB4CDB9CBD36B01BD1CBAEBF2DE08D9173BC095C, 0X8AC76A51CC950D9822D68B83FE1AD97B32CD580D-BUSD, 461,379.379 0X8AC76A51CC950D9822D68B83FE1AD97B32CD580D, File 1 of 8 : TransparentUpgradeableProxy.sol, (ABI-Encoded and is the last bytes of the Contract Creation Code above), 0x9c9e5fd8bbc25984b178fdce6117defa39d2db39, 0x76195c48a5b809a57d3955089d7bc8782f0344cc, 0x19b99c3fd2f8c846fbdc18079e1fa93a7636b03a, StorageWriteRemovalBeforeConditionalTermination (medium/high-severity), AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup (medium-severity), InlineAssemblyMemorySideEffects (medium-severity), registered and logged in to your SnowTrace account, verified the contract's source code using our tool, been successfully verified as the contract address owner. 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