Brandt has long celebrated Amboselis magnificent tuskers in stirring images that have captivated global audiences. The Republic of Congo had the foresight to engage in PPPs for three of its national parks Odzala-Kokoua in partnership with African Parks, and Nouabale-Ndoki and Conkouti-Douli in partnership with Wildlife Conservation Society. Established 1991, BEST SAFARI PRICES During his first visit to India, Duncan McNair was stunned and appalled by the mistreatment and violence inflicted on elephants within the tourism industry especially the way of making baby elephants more compliant by capturing and torturing them in small inhumanely cages. Our unique brand of conservation education encourages students to become ambassadors of their rich environment. When you buy something through one of our affiliate links, we may earn a small commission - but at no additional costs to you. Page #1----- _____ dhammo maMgalamukkiTThaM, ahiMsA saMjamo tvo| devA vi taM namasaMti, jassa dhamme sayA maNo / / ERNATIO STUDY "That which is non-violence, self restraint and austerity is Dharma (Spiritual Values).It is by virtue of spiritual values that supreme spiritual beneficence results. Marc Goss currently manages the project with Brian Heath who founded the Mara Triangle Conservation Area in 2001. What theyve achieved: Since their inception in 1995, they have provided sanctuary to 28 elephants making them North Americas largest refuge for captive elephants. Based in Fort Bragg, CA. This beacon provides an assessment of a charity's financial health (financial efficiency, sustainability, and trustworthiness) and its commitment to governance practices and policies. Eventually, my dream is to one day turn this passion project into my full-time job and provide even more helpful information. What they do: Save The Elephants works in research and monitoring through their GPS tracking system, elephant protection by funding partners, and grassroots organizations committed to anti-poaching through their Elephant Crisis Fund. The Mara elephant population numbers heldrelatively steady until 2010, when 3,162 were counted by World Wildlife Fund (WWF). Save the Elephants. PS: Finally, I want to leave you with a thought-provoking TED talk from Dan Pallotta, a leading philanthropic activist and fundraiser, about what is wrong with the way we think about charities and what we can do about it: Did you know that the internet is a huge polluter of the environment? This is a settlement area that is growing and is situated right next to Mara North Conservancy. African Parks has managed Odzala-Kokoua since 2010, and whilst high levels of corruption make it difficult to bring poachers to justice, their conservation efforts are bearing fruit. And when there is an affiliate program for these products, we sign up for it. The couple Peter Granili and Joyce Pole founded Elephant Voices in 2012 after having forty years of experience researching cognitive behavior and reproductive communication among elephants. This includes all operating costs for running this site and the content creation itself. Besides donations, you can take action by pledging to support the plight of elephants or join their EleAmbassador volunteer program. "This is a war of space, with people carving out a living in this area", says Marc Goss, CEO of the Mara Elephant Project. They put devices on the elephants to track them through the Maasai . Kuky and Pupy, two African female elephants, were already housed at the zoo. Onesuch area is just down the road from MEP HQ right over the Mara River. Today, Niassas 12,000 elephants are the countrys largest population, and their number is dwindling. We urgently need your support, while there is still time. The ongoing collection of data and further analysis must continue to provide the evidenceunderpinning the communications and advocacy efforts of the organization to protect this critical habitat into the future. And at this point in time, all money is reinvested in sharing the most helpful content with you. In no time, Big Life had broken up the worst of the poaching gangs operating in the Amboseli region. Africas elephants may not be on their way to extinction, but in many regions they are being lost with breathtaking speed. Mara Elephant Project. The smart money is demanding accountability from donor recipients, and has realised that often the most effective outcomes lie in the hands of dedicated, low-key people, working exhaustive hours in the field or in scruffy offices. Before Marc moved to the Mara he completed his bachelors degree at The Evergreen State College, Washington. 16.6k Followers, 590 Following, 1,050 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Mara Elephant Project (@maraelephantproject) maraelephantproject. These are real threats and an alarmed Western world is responding with shock, anger and unprecedented amounts of funding. With a dedicated team, MEP is achieving . MEPs rangers are the backbone of their organization. The Mara Elephant Project. Learn more about our privacy practices. What they do: From providing a home that offers rest, refuge, and a herd for previously captive elephants, the Elephant Sanctuary also provides individualized care to each elephant. Follow. Chase says the goal is to use the data to marshal conservation efforts across Africa; a continental elephant management strategy would be the ideal outcome. MEPs goals includefocusing on the protection of elephants and the conservation of the Mara ecosystem by increasing their research efforts all while investing in the education of localcommunities who live alongside wildlife and the future generation of Kenyans who will inherit this complicated mission. These fireworks act as elephant alarm systems and keep elephants off crops without hurting them. Save The Asian Elephants. World Wide Fund for Nature. But, as in the past, the poachers escaped from prison indicative of the systemic corruption that makes conviction so difficult. West Africa is almost devoid of elephants and a huge swathe of central Africa has lost its savannah herds. Stay impactful. "Only a quarter of charities rated by Charity Navigator receive the distinction of our 4-star rating. The MEP Method to protectingelephants in the greater Mara ecosystem includes anti-poaching patrols and rapid response units, elephant collaring, monitoring and research and human-elephant conflict mitigation. Says Dr John Hanks, former CEO of WWF SA and Peace Parks Foundation: Campaigns to eliminate consumptive use of wildlife are well-meaning, but they ignore the realities of poverty in Africa, human-wildlife conflict and the underfunding of protected areas. They have also produced one of the most recognized documents on elephant management, The 2004 Elephant Husbandry Guide.. An elephant family in Chobe's Okavango Delta. Odzala-Kokoua has about 9,600 forest elephants, probably the largest population remaining in a single protected area. The Mara Elephant Project (MEP) is a two-pronged project, which aims to better understand and protect the elephants of the Mara- Serengeti ecosystem. The Sheldrick Wildlife Trustprovided funding for the creation of the Mau Forest unit and MEP was able to expand into Loita by re-deploying rangers from the core rapid response units away from conflict hotspots during the low conflict seasons. The Maasai Mara ecosystem, an extension of the vast Serengeti ecosystem, is Kenyas most important wildlifearea and tourism asset. Ways to contribute: The best way to support this initiative is through donations, and if you are skilled in writing, Elephant Voices encourages you to write opinion pieces for your local newspaper, blog, or school article. Carefully selected conservation projects one-stop, seamless, transparent donations APP subscribers only. Disclaimer: The Nature Conservancy. The work was coordinated by Save the Elephants and included researchers from the Mara Elephant Project, the University of British Columbia, Oxford University, Colorado State University, the Wildlife Conservation Society, the University of Stirling, and Elephants Alive. As much as collaboration is necessary for elephant conservation, these charities also base their efforts and activities on researching one of the most intelligent species out there. A Busy Start to Our 12th Year in the January Report, You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link in the footer of our emails. Funded by Microsoft co-founder Paul Allan, the Great . On January 18, KWS and TANAPA seized two pieces of elephant tusks and arrested one suspect based on MEP intel. EWB Safe passage across political boundaries is key to the future of elephants. Each year World Elephant Day features our Friends of World Elephant Day organizations, and the current work they are doing for the greater understanding and protection of elephants. The collapse of crucial ecosystems has direeffects on our food and water supplies, while worsening the global effects of climate change. Donate with confidence we are a registered charity and you can view our annual reports here. 501(c)3. What does this mean for me personally? Says Brandt: You have to have your leader on the ground to see, direct and co-ordinate operations first-hand, to marshall resources and to have an open door and ear to the local community. When you buy something through one of our affiliate links, we may earn a small commission (at no extra costs to you). In September 2013 a high-profile announcement was made in New York about a bold Clinton Global Initiative, bringing together NGOs, governments and concerned citizens to stop the slaughter of Africas elephants. Global NGOs dominate Africas conservation space with big budgets and high profile marketing campaigns. The impact was all in the packaging. African elephants have plenty of suitable habitats, but the actual range they use is only about 17% of what it could be, say researchers in a recent study published in Current Biology. HOW TO GET THE MOST OUT OF AFRICA GEOGRAPHIC: We're the Africa Geographic editorial team a diverse set of writers, editors, designers and social media natives, all united by our passion for this addictive continent. Run time: 1h 44m. Some conservationists question whether the census is the best application of $8 million of donor funding and say the data must have management applicability. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. Dr Iain Douglas-Hamilton was one of the first to use radio tracking on collared elephants. Ways to contribute: One of the best ways to support this charity is to donate, and you can go the extra mile and advance the children in your life knowledge base by having them join the panda family where they will get access to exclusive digital content, events, online panels and biweekly webinars with conservation experts on elephant and wildlife conservation. It is a pioneer in wildlife rehabilitation and environmental conservation in East Africa. What theyve achieved: Safe the Asian Elephants has been behind numerous global petition movements that influence government policy. Our 10 years of experience using the MEP Method of boots on the ground rangers and applied research all while taking a collaborative approach has disrupted poaching . The impacts of wildlife trafficking are broad and complex, representing a threat to wildlife species, natural habitats, and human beings. Secure a future for elephants and to sustain the beauty and ecological integrity of the places they live.. The Maasai Mara is world-renowned as one of the finest safari destinations in East Africa and is home to one of the greatest wildlife phenomena on the African continent - the wildebeest migration.Two million animals migrate between Tanzania's Serengeti and Kenya in search of water and the short grass plains for sweeter grazing.. You may have noticed that Impactful Ninja is all about providing helpful information to make a positive impact on the world and society. Find out all about it here. Artisan roasted specialty coffee since 1972, Thanksgiving Coffee strives for sustainability through Fair Trade, organic, shade grown/bird friendly farming. The suspect was arrested in possession of 35.84 kg (79 lbs.) Affiliate Disclosure (US) +1 (786) 655-4040, *Call costs: Local rates apply from South Africa, UK and US otherwise international rates apply, Their impact and transparency ratings: With a 96% score on Charity Navigator and a platinum rank in transparency by GuideStar, the Sheldrick wildlife trust spends 92% of its finances on the program and its services. And according to their public statements, none of the board members receive any form of payment from the organization but rather make annual contributions to support their efforts. Dennis is the founder of Impactful Ninja and passionate about enabling you to make a positive impact on the world & society. Hopefully, the information within this article will make the selection process a bit easier for you when supporting charities dedicated to protecting elephants. The best part is, you do not need to live in Kenya to adopt your very own orphan infant elephant for as little as $50 a year. Mara Elephant Project's mission is to protect elephants to conserve the greater Mara ecosystem. Save the Elephants But some of these links are so-called "affiliate links" to products that we recommend. Hardened field rangers can be disparaging about scientists predilection to count and collar wildlife, but this neglects the important contribution they make in researching population sizes, ranges, movements, behaviours and trends work vitally needed to inform conservation management. Elephants Without Borders What they do: Their work involves collaborating with elephant trainers (called mahouts), NGOs, tourist facilities, and elephant welfare groups to enact change by improving the treatment of captive elephants in Asia while raising awareness in North America. They pride themselves on being a true safe haven for elephants. You can also partake in any of the Sheldrick Wildlife Trusts upcoming events or increase you and your peers knowledge by engaging in their education programs. That simple act averted the crisis. But how much of the money really goes there? Their impact and transparency ratings: This elephant sanctuary was rated four stars on Charity Navigator and held a platinum seal of transparency from GuideStar; 89% of their expenditure is allocated to their sanctuary program and its services. The best charities for protecting elephants include Elephant Voices, Save the Elephants, the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, and the International Elephant Foundation. (No Ratings Yet) Our 10 years of experience using the MEP Method of boots on the ground rangers and applied research all while taking a collaborative approach has disrupted poaching in the region and combatted conflict and habitat loss. They also regularly release publications detailing all their research, projects, and their impacts. Sep 20. In 1993, at the age of three, they were brought to Buenos Aires. Working to end the terrible cruelty and brutal conditions suffered by this wondrous and ancient species.. She was around 50 years old, and had spent the last two and a half decades of her life in a dusty zoo enclosure in the Palermo neighborhood of central Buenos Aires. Elephant "Gina" was re-collared in January so that . What is heartening though is the increasing demand for results, with foundations and government agencies insisting on detailed objectives, strategies and outcomes before parting with funds. These charities ensure their efforts also cater to the behavioral needs of these brilliant beings. In 2018, MEP increased the area of operation to include the Mau Forest and Loita Hills. Environmental Investigation Agency Through their collaboration with Honeyguide, the Nature Conservancy has established a conflict tool kit that uses fireworks filled with flashlights and chili powder that is 70% efficient in removing elephants from crops and 90% efficient in deterring them from farms. The Mara . The only real measure of success is an increase in population numbers or the slowing of a downward trend but accurate statistics have been difficult to establish. It is important to note that the small number of highly recommended organizations below is the result of a deliberate decision to provide clear and actionable recommendations to donors . Big Lifes teams now apprehend poachers almost every time they kill an animal. The Trust is committed to raising community by collaborating with local schools to organize field trips to the orphanage and opens its facilities to the public daily from 11 am to noon. All over Africa, small NGOs are busting their guts trying to expose the corruption inherent in wildlife poaching and trafficking. As previous manager of Nedbanks green affinity programme in partnership with WWF SA, and previous marketing and philanthropy director for African Parks, Author Jane Edge is well informed but she does not work for or receive fees from these or any organisation that could benefit from the publication of this article. Wildlife Conservation Society is credited with doing the most effective work in Africa. Moreover, they have established short, accessible courses for children from pre-kindergarten to 6th grade on the importance of elephants and their conservation through their distance learning program. The Mara-Serengeti Ecosystem is one of the . In 2018, in the Mau and Loita areaMEP made significant anti-poaching headway. Mara Elephant Project (MEP) was established in 2011 with the mission of protecting elephants to conserve the greater Mara ecosystem. The GME, an extension of the vast Serengeti ecosystem, is Kenya's most important wildlife area and tourism asset. Ways to contribute: There are numerous ways to support this non-profit organization. As a result, most of the illegal killing of elephants, and hence the work MEP does, is concentrated in an unprotected area of 11,500 km2outside these areas. MEP feels its vitally important to recognize the central part the rangers play in their conservation operations and the need to ensure funding for ranger welfare is essential to recognizetheir dedicated efforts. In efforts to address this problem, previous studies have mainly focused on the direct impacts of . We are the platform for 1 billion Africans to learn while building digital wealth through blockchain. NGOs such as these eschew flash offices and business class travel, work on frugal budgets, and often perform dangerous undercover investigative work. Your donation will go to Terra Conservation Initiative to support Mara Elephant Project and other TCI conservation organizations. This is not the time for glib marketing campaigns or gratuitous gloom and doom. Mara Elephant Project. Elephants are a keystone species to this ecosystem and when poaching emerged as the number one threat in 2012 MEP took action to successfully combat this global threat. If more rangers are deployed, are they being effective or actually contributing to the problem by colluding with poachers? Below are our favorite charities for protecting elephants: Elephant Voices. To join them you can donate in a number of ways: Elephants are fast disappearing from the wild. MEPs rangers are at the forefront of anti-poachingoperations and human-elephant conflict mitigation efforts through boots on the ground initiatives, living out in the field for up to two-months at a time. MEP believes that by protecting elephants we are also protectingthe greater Mara ecosystem. When you buy something through one of our affiliate links, we may earn a small commission (at no extra costs to you). Of the global NGOs, Wildlife Conservation Society is credited with doing the most effective work in Africa. Driven by one familys love for wildlife, the Trust works closely with the Kenyan Wildlife Trust to safeguard natural habitats. When it was first proclaimed a National Park in 1928, fewer than 1,000 elephants remained. STE's mission is to secure a future for elephants and sustain the beauty and ecological integrity of the places they live, to promote man's . Against almost insurmountable odds, PALF is succeeding. First, and most importantly, we still only recommend products that we believe add value for you. Moreover, the charity provides information on how humans and elephants can coexist fully, raising awareness of the species importance to the African ecosystem. JANE EDGE is a former environmental journalist who cut her teeth reporting on the elephant and rhino poaching crisis in the 1980s. Mara is on the cutting edge of crypto. The project also aims to alleviate Human Elephant Conflicts, HEC, by tracking problem elephants movements and deploying Quick Response Teams (QRTs) to intervene during conflicts. Many other NGOs do valuable conservation work in Africa; all the organisations featured here are respected by the philanthropy community. Through this non-profit, elephants that once lived in captivity now get the opportunity to interact with a herd and live out the rest of their lives in a protected natural habitat that spans 2,700 acres. 16.6K followers. This adds The Elephant Sanctuary to . She was marketing and philanthropy director for African Parks before leaving in late 2014 to establish her own consultancy, Afrothropic. This includes all operating costs for running this site and the content creation itself. Odzalas elephant population is stable, with the effects of any poaching offset by compression as elephants congregate in the safety of the park to avoid threats in surrounding areas. Sponsor a child & help build a future for wildlife. 1.13/5 stars. African Parks Donors also need to understand the relevance of data if poaching arrests increase, have anti-poaching efforts become more effective or has poaching pressure increased? It is a passion project of mine and I love to share helpful information with you to make a positive impact on the world and society. . Such is the confusing world of wildlife conservation where initiatives to save iconic species compete in a game of recognition and power, often completely missing the conservation goal. (RSA) +27 (87) 551-8105 Their research noticed the unique way elephants communicate with each other and the need to customize elephant care according to elephant behavior. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Poaching has ravaged Niassas elephants, with numbers plummeting from 20,000 in 2009 to 13,000 in 2013. One of the key needs for MEP is a comprehensive community survey of areas that consistently experience high levels of human-elephant conflict. We have categorized each charity based on their type of work and status. In 2013, an ivory poaching kingpin was jailed for five years, a sentence previously unheard of in Congo. Featured NGOs: Without urgent, international action they could be gone within a generation. A major achievement was the arrest of a regional ivory kingpin who was sentenced to five years in jail, almost unheard of in Congos dysfunctional judicial system. Joint intelligence operations like these are crucial to ensuring ivory isn't crossing borders and seas. Please add video on the following link: PALF There is no silver bullet to ensure anti-poaching success. Get important updates on elephant conservation, hear about STE events in your area, and be a part of our community helping to conserve the largest land mammal on earth. Their impact and transparency ratings: According to Save The Elephants, 90% of all their funding is directed towards projects in the field. International Elephant Foundation. With so much money and the future of Africas elephants at stake, both donors and recipients need to be held firmly accountable. 246. And at this point in time, all money is reinvested in sharing the most helpful content with you. Ways to contribute: You can save an elephant today by donating to the charity, by getting involved by spreading the word, or even by applying for one of their internship opportunities. Lego 70815 - Der TOP-Favorit unserer Produkttester. To inspire wonder in the intelligence, complexity and voices of elephants, and to secure a kinder future for them.. Protecting elephants and their habitats across the Greater Mara Ecosystem in Kenya | For over a decade Mara Elephant Project (MEP) has been protecting elephants and their habitats across the Greater Mara Ecosystem (GME). 22001 Loudoun County Pkwy. First, make donations; you can also worldwide petition for change, and they encourage visiting genuine sanctuaries only. "We found 62% of those 29.2 million square kilometers is . MEP operates in the unprotected areas of the Mara ecosystem and therefore collects constant data on areas that experience high human-elephant conflict. Led by CEO Marc Goss, MEP initially began as an anti-poaching effort, but quickly evolved to include mitigation of human-wildlife conflict, employing a multi . Elephants that are safe in the Mara have been in the formally protected Maasai Mara National Reserve and the informallyprotected conservancies. Some of the most effective, in terms of bang for donor dollar, are lean local NGOs staffed by dedicated, lowly paid people working tirelessly to protect wildlife in rough or dangerous circumstances. A research & conservation organisation, Save the Elephants (STE) is a UK-registered charity headquartered in Nairobi with its principal research station in Samburu National Reserve in northern Kenya. But responsible conservation should present considered facts and opinion; genuine action and accountability. When you buy something through one of our affiliate links, we may earn a small commission - but at no additional costs to you. Protects elephants in the greater Mara ecosystem as a keystone species for conservation. It is only through the generous support of donors that we are able to continue our important elephant conservation work. WCS protects about 3,000 elephants at Noubale-Ndoki and Conkouti-Douli national parks. We received assistance from KWS Vet Dr. Njoroge, and the children who loved the heli. Ways to contribute: One of the best ways to help the Nature Conservancy is by making a donation. More about the author. Their facilities are not open to the public but you can watch live footage of the elephants through the EleCam. NGO websites encourage this approach: for a few dollars, you can supposedly sponsor an orphaned elephant or equip a park ranger. This experience sparked him to start Save The Asian Elephants (STAE), an association of professionals, experts, and campaigners who exert their influence on governments and the tourism industry to adopt solutions for the welfare of Asian elephants. They claim to deliver the possibilities of this new world with a focus on ease, simplicity, and education. They accomplish this mission by utilizing anti-poaching patrols and rapid response ranger units, collaring, monitoring and collecting data on elephants, and using innovative techniques and technologies to mitigate human-elephant conflict. Dr Ian Douglas-Hamilton exemplifies the genre of zoologists who have migrated from the field to the global advocacy platform. Their impact and transparency ratings: The charity has a platinum seal of transparency from GuideStar. Generally, organisations working closest to the ground use donor funds the most sparingly. Vitally, KWS has teamed up with the project's own 32 rangers to furnish daily patrols, track collared elephants, and intercept poachers. Making international headlines, the Initiative pledged $80 million over three years to counteract the elephant crisis with a three-pronged strategy to stop the slaughter, stop the trafficking, and stop the demand. Hey fellow impactful ninja ? If you have chosen to be anonymous at any point and would no longer prefer your donations to be anonymous, please contact us at 415-202-6380 or NGOs benefit from alarmist talk and every poaching outrage ensures an influx of funds into their coffers. However, it emerged that of the $80 million in pledged funds, $78 million comprised the already-funded budgets of over a dozen conservation organisations working in Africa. And that we love to link back to where we found all the information for each of our posts. However, you may have a particular charity you want to support. But since then, the Kenya Wildlife Service and the Mara Elephant Project's 57 rangers have arrested 354 poachers. Protected area the distinction of our 4-star rating palf there is an affiliate for... Within this article is mara elephant project legitimate make the selection process a bit easier for you benefit from talk! 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