james white alpha omega tattoojames white alpha omega tattoo
than to take a route never spoken of by Christ or the Bible, and just confess to God by yourself. especially when you consider that Catholic Answers depend on donations, they would thus be very fastidious in keeping their name clean and reputable! *grin*. Well, then. Recent Media All I appears to me that Dr. White is simply a bit challenged by Dr. Beckwiths return to the Catholic Church and has let his emotion get the best of him. He is the stone you builders rejected, which has become the capstone. OK, Sandy, choose a side. Whites posted pictures should be(have been) over (long ago), in my opinion, unless there is anyone here who would care to go further in the analysis than I. A reverse lookup of the addresses shows that one is hosted by theplanet.com (I use the same one for a personal site), and the other at dewdesigns.net. Anon, I think this characterizes the attitude of Akins crew well and, oddly enough, corresponds with the general attitude of ignorant zeal held by those in the doctored photographs. I would only add that I think I know where this comes from, or at least where the frustration comes from. We can natter on about category errors and suchlike, all the while stating what a fitting comparison the individual in question made. CareBear: ummmthat was in response to Bill912. James White, February 13, 2023, Musings, Personal, Provisionism, Road Trip, Roman Catholicism, , Thomism Got started a little late so we didn't go a full hour but covered some "Tweet theology," including responding to Leighton Flowers and looking at some Thomas stuff. You even share Whites clueless arrogant martyr complex. This is all just incredibly sad. [2][3] He is the author of several books. Once Gods spirit moved upon the very first author of Scripture, cannon (infallible) came into existence. When do you decide to move on? Is our Catholic faith true only when we are not offended? Just because you are getting an alpha omega tattoo, does not mean you have to stick to only those Greek symbols. There are only two other Foxfiers I have found, and one is on a single, defunct website. Im not sure what you think participation in the Hypostatic union gets you except the opportunity to use big impressive sounding theological terms. And yes, by making them, he IS crying uncle. Its as close to an admission of error as youll ever get with him. You may get a chance to ask your questions at a more pertinent time on this blog and get a more reasoned and complete answer. Pastor Luke PiersonLuke, along with Pastor Jeff, co-founded Apologia Studios and End Abortion Now, and is Co-Host of the churchs radio and TV programs,Apologia Radio and Apologia TV. another oh Doing evil that good might result is not The argument from unity accomplishes nothing because it doesnt exist. Wouldnt they then be more intruiged to find out more about him, seeing as you deem him important enough to name your apologetics website after him? The egos are getting out in force, mine included. Thats what I was attempting to point out earlier: Over time, different kinds of new designs have cropped up, that have kept both these symbols relevant as tattoos. Perhaps you should take the plunge too Esau. Reading his post, no such observation is made. I dont know nor do I need to know to what extent that influences your intellectual arguments. And I think this is where White is coming from too. In Your precious Name I pray, Lord Jesus. Slander is saying something not true, so perhaps you should consider what exactly youre saying before you go shooting your keyboard off. GOD knows who did it, but one thing can be certain, NO PROTESTANT would go through such extremes let alone steer folks to Catholic Answers. Mt 16:18: Ill read it after the kids are in bed and dishes are done. That would be me calling you a liar, yes? You might sincerely believe that use of those photos were justified, but the consequence is that people dont want to engage with those who defend them. The rest of you may go on with the theological discussions and the name-calling, but the matter on the table for discussion the success or failure of the humor in Dr. Therehappy? Feb 23, 2021. I have a great deal of sympathy for the notion that Guardian feels that he needs months to give any sort of response that isnt going to be called an unsubstantiated attack on Whites character. So while it is true there is such a thing as the sin of omission, we have to remember that prudence and patience are virtues as well. Dr Beckwith sets him straight. I respect Akin but I do feel he misdirected people away from the tough theological questions. attack the deity of This applies to both sides in every situation. We are obliged to yield many things to the Papists (there, he means Catholics); that they possess the Word of God which we received from them. He is rude to the core, and his arguments are invalid from the get go. Try it just once and youll see. Though I think one of those pictures may have been from a near-riot protesting the Regensburg speech. PLEASE. Im sorry, but no. That would be nice. Whose fruit is this squabbling between Jimmy and James? God knows the true Canon (he knows what he wrote). Nor do I need to have read everything hes said about a single topic in order to discuss portions of that topic. Either way, it works. Repentance is essential in The brouhaha between the parties is of longstanding. Do you have questions about Catholicism that you want to ask Jimmy? Sorry for all the posts; I re-posted when my first one didnt show up. Let us pray for each other! btw, please humor me and tell me exactly when and how Esau did what youve accused him of doing. [4] Early life and education all of which you clearly demonstrated by your assumptions that Catholic Answer was behind that website. Now, I realize that there is tension between Catholics and James White because he challenges the teachings of the Catholic Faith but dont let that distort your judgements. Those 8 questions belong are enough for several threads. Thank you, Constantine. lied. That would be mundane. *sniffles* You dont BELIEVE me, Esau? It is good to be lumped in with the passionate people for once. He preceives himself as being under heavy attack, and when we are under attack we dont always make the best choices. The age of the Caliph, wherein both the mosque and the state were unified in one person, haunts Islam to this day. But WHAT IF the Romanists made an error since, after all, the Catholic Church is nothing but a front for Satan! Thats why I started quoting blog entries from certain people is their entirety in my responses (for which, ironically, I was then chastised for going on at such length). Carebear said, Didnt you just point the finger at Catholic Answers that theyre the ones responsible for that and, in fact, you even maliciously charcterized it by your own words! If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church righteousness of God, which is without works of any sort, But to him Dont poisen the well. May no one be less good for having come within my influence. White has responded on his blog to Jimmys post. thus doesnt need to have the slightest relation to the site it forwards to. Do Catholics get better seats in heaven than the Protestants? *high fives everyone in the room* Weve all lost. Of course, appealing to ones career without actually reproducing the argument is formally invalid as a logical matter, but as a practical matter, it means that pointing out an error in what White says on any given day is practically useless, because one basically has to purchase and sift through everything that White has ever said on any given subject and hope you dont miss anything that would give White a hook for saying that he refuted the argument elsewhere. God help him; his friends clearly arent going to do so. We will never bludgeon the James Whites or the Steve Camps of the world into the Catholic Church with triumphalist rhetoric or withering sarcasm and, really, we arent trying to. therefore God will protect the writings(artifact) and ensure that the canon of the writings is complete. He (Dr Beckwith) repeatedly (two out of three aint bad) left his readers/listeners with the distinct impression that he had not read Trent until recently and insulted his former Lutheran professors by indicating they had led him to expect: to read this sort of horrible document, you know, requiring people to stick pins in their eyes, you know, and flagellate themselves, you know, : The real history is that the Emperor Constantine took the court of Rome east, leaving the Pope to sit in Peters chair alone practically forshadowing the whole idea of separation of church and state. Alpha omega tattoos can be represented in a number of ways. I honestly believe that winning the debate is more important to him that really knowing the truth, or, believing as he does, trying to help Catholics get to heaven. HAHAAHwhat is the world coming to. new corrupted Bible versions I say this with as much humility as I can. On my websites I block referrals from several large websites such as digg and slashdot. Those defending White had demonstrated more than I want to know about them. While were on the topic of specific examples, please give an example of what you consider to be a personal attack. What in the world does that have to do with anything, other than you assume Divine insufficiency? Watching nations fall and rise. Yes, there have been, and they are also indefensible. You means Whites claims that Beckwith couldnt really have read the documents from Trent in his twenties? PS- With all due respect, I do not think you got the gist of what I was saying. He is a professor with Grace Bible Theological Seminary, and a pastor at Apologia Church. The Wisdom of Sirach Seems like thats the tone of the day at jimmyakin.org though. When you are as close to the Catholic argument as they have to be, you realize one thing. I am the vine, you are the branches. They are compromised and pulling on the same rope as the Devil. . And then you go off on how he hasnt proven James Whites innocence. The only thing that keeps the trolls here is our inability to honestly express gratitude to White for the credit he bestows upon Holy Mother Church and, by extension, us. Perhaps I was too subtle. I dont need to read everything hes written about every topic in order to engage in discussion about a single topic. Some posters may find it hard to believe, but there are a lot of people out there who have sufficiently rich lives such that they might not check blogs for a week or two, or a month, or ever. Technically, the Usenet FAQ on the subject says: The obvious response is to call them on it, say threads over, and declare victory. My reason to believe this involves trusting the authority of the Church to determine authentic scripture. Joe: Bob, youre a S***head M********** and so is your mother! of Mapname.com customer 3 Its funny how you have maliciously characterized the actions of Catholics while COMPLETELY IGNORING the egregiously uncharitable actions of James White. END, Let us Posted by: Foxfier | Aug 14, 2007 1:10:05 PM issue! He was not amused at all and later ripped me up on his no comment blog. Admin Street3: But what about lurkers? By the by, http://www.jameswhite.org for the CA website url? And I would not analogize it to Rome, but for the lessons of a well documented history, connecting clearly the dots between sacral thinking and the eventual death and destruction such thinking begets. Theres too much going on in my life tonight to focus. bill912, Anymore ad hominem onel iners or are you actually going to deal with the picture issue and refute me? $55. Also, I remember one of the Sungenious debates one where he lashed out angerily at White repeatedly and White kinda toned down his boldnes, so to speak, as to say that he didnt want the debate to turn into a slug fest. Who or why is an open question but to claim as some here have that it is a conspiracy to make you all look bad. James Robert White is a Baptist theologian,[1] the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, an evangelical Reformed Baptist Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona and a Christian scholar. This is a little worse than that time you told that horribly inappropriate joke at worst place and time and everyone looked at you like you were Jack the Ripper or something. Jeremiah gee, the Angelwing Consperacy mustve hacked into Mr. Whites site and posted the pictures. Ergo, your proposition doesnt make sense, and dont try to rob the situation of its context again. William: check out Cy the Cyclopes kitten. Evangelicals, in particular, can play a spiritual service to White by making this clear to him, since as the pictures themselves illustrate, he is deaf to appeals to charity from Catholics. If in fact the gathered body of the Church was lead together to affirm the Canon as he suggests, then there should be some historical record to attest to it. I tried to summarize the arguments that you posted. I said substance, not opinions. Posted by: Jerry | Aug 10, 2007 6:37:05 AM Im asking you since you believe in Sola Scriptura, how do you determine what is Scripture and what is not??? Dear Mr. White, For someone considering converting to Catholicism, what questions would you put to them in order to dicern whether or not they have examined their Catholic Answers has some interesting ways of grabbing your attention. Bible versions are, Westcott and Tattoo Short Sleeve Tops New Poster for Alpha and Omega xi Tattoo by Jonathan at Alpha & Omega's Tattoo . That he had been taught that the decrees of Trent required people to stick pins in their eyes and flagellate themselves? and The Fatal Flaw. Its almost as funny as the mental contortions of those who try to defend it. The judge who sits in the courthouse can forgive people after theyve been punished even if the punished have not changed. Your post was very interesting, but I had the mischievous temptation as in Finding Nemo to say something like You know, for an expert in humor, that wasnt very funny. ' Take up and read. Instantly, with altered countenance, I began to think most intently whether children made use of any such chant in some king of game, but I could not recall hearing it anywhere. Why would I ignore this way to know that my sins are forgiven? In my haste to put down my thoughts I just didnt remember to sign the document. Just curious [definition from Why would any Protestant create a phony link and then have a Catholic post the link???. Tell me did James White even deal with the issues? Either you believe what the Bible says, or you do not. Or is it all about the win? yes As far as Dr Beckwiths odd (unstated) humor, I can grant him that, but he took such great offense when people who dont know him took his words at face value and immediately violated his own admonition to charity by ascribing to Dr White the worst possible motives and attacking his character. Would the Bishops at Nicea recognize and accept sola scriptura? I cannot believe that Christians are defending those caricatures of Catholics as insane people who, if they disagree with you would riot, and cause physical harm to you. 7:10,11). Might want to go back to the start of it to follow the argument, rather than going off on tangents. Mary Kay- I dont think it will work, since the guy keeps on misusing units of logic at whim. Please clarify your frustration for me. In Numbers 21:4-9, the people complained and died when snakes bit them. Though, I guess an alternate motive might be to, just get the information out there so people can make an informed unbiased judgment for themselves. Will plan to Long day on the road today but I really wanted to get a program in as I may be speaking the next two nights (my trip plans have been changed due to weather). Isnt that a littleobsessive? This is a very vague, generalized statement. To that end, no such insult was intended. If you believe I am a Christian, if you believe Catholics are Christian, then correct me please in charity. Sandy, Short answer, because Christ Himself gave the Church authority. Mary (continued sorry for the length but I am just trying to be responsive here), White claims that the photos were a humorous way to make a point. It was not pleasant, was it? There comes a time when the best thing is to simply not engage with the other person and only respond to correct any inaccuracies. Salesman: Uh, I think maybe the guy who installed my countertops. Your idea that Roman Catholics were killing your people for hundreds of years and then a *few* bad apple Protestants killed some people in return is so unhistorical that one doesnt know where to begin. And the Protestants see what they see and think its reasonable to do what they do in order to be consistent with what they believe Christ wants. He has authored or contributed to more than twenty four books, including The King James Only Controversy, The Forgotten Trinity, The Potters Freedom, The God Who Justifies and What Every Christian Needs to Know About the Quran. 18:17). I have to say that I dont think comparing People who both have an irrational mindset that sees the enemy behind every bush (no pun intended) is invalid. Ok, does this mean that bright minds need no longer feel a need to respond to JW? Bible (Major in Biology, minor in Greek), Grand Canyon College, 1985. thread is over when Godwins Law is invoked anyway but long ago a corollary to the Law was proposed and accepted by Taki Quirk Kogama (quirk@swcp.com): Quirks Exception: Intentional invocation of this so-called Nazi Clause is ineffectual.. God uses the foolish to confound the wise. I ask this with great personal fear, being myself guilty. Or do you not do so now since this was just a RUSE all along to besmirch Catholic Answers reputation!? By the way, How exactly are Islamists the National Socialist Workers of the post 9/11 world? The Gospel according to Barnabas FAT CHANCE!!!! Your praise of impassive precision of logic and scholarly conduct implies a similar sensibility though one hardly in keeping with the horrendous taste and judgment of Whites joke.. That is from a free service as of 1995, and did not include myself. The ongoing attempt by his followers to defend it is outrageous and disgusting. Tech Postal Code:92517 Like I said earlier, jamesrwhite.org was registered 6 days ago.when was the start of this bruhaha? in short: scripture exists. I was responding to a post by Carebear. Alpha and omega are the first and last Greek letters, respectively, having meanings associated with philosophy and Christianity. The church body that revealed the divine canon to us was the Councils. Also, its interesting how in your most recent comment, you have excluded the White disciple; therefore, would it be unreasonable for me to concluded now that you are pointing the finger at Catholics, since they would be the one, based on what youve been implying here and on the other thread, with the malicious intents? I find it interesting that in this thread or previous threads regarding the actions of Dr. Beckwith that he [Dr. Beckwith] is the ONLY one showing true Christian charity. Well if wikipedia says itit must be true. Just historically untenable. Relationship implies that it goes both ways. How about the guy who accused Dr White of multiple errors and deceptions with regards to the teachings of Rome and then phoned in to say he needed to do three months of research to come up with even one. I apologize, especially to Dr. White and to CareBear, for the heavy-handedness of my post above. Luke, serving as Vice President of Apologia Christian Ministries and has been involved in outreach to the occults and various religious groups since 2000. [Ive been glad that Jimmy, at least, has generally refrained from this.] So not only is the picture funny, but it also appropriate in an almost prophetic way. Or is it all about the win? I can understand that Dr. White may see these pictures as funny, but he must bow to the larger view, at least in the short term, if he is to demonstrate that he is charitable. To JW days ago.when was the start of it to follow the argument from unity nothing. To engage in discussion about a single, defunct website rope as the.... 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