Seeing as you can go buy a Hass avocado in your local supermarket any day of the year, maybe you might consider a different variety that you can't otherwise find. come up with some heat resistant varieties. But there are a lot of B types whose fruit I love so Im starting to keep my B types smaller or graft them into A types and eliminate their whole trees. From your experience what avocado tree should I plant? Great to hear all of this. I dont know anything about salt in soil, never heard of it on the French Riviera. First, there is no best rootstock. I saw that you have a Gwen and was curious what your take is on that. Ill be back to study more and update you with my progress. (I have numerous other avocado trees near my Gwen.) So is it a good candidate for a lone tree? Just so you and other readers know, my yard is in inland San Diego County near the town of Ramona. I am jealous you are growing all those Hawaiian varieties and am interested in what you have to say about taste once that time comes and how the trees are doing. In terms of the harvest season complementing your Hass and Fuerte, advantage probably goes to Reed here also. This autumn, I decided to order more avocado trees from Brokaw. Lots of them are dropping everyday, but plenty growing. If you want to know how to kill an avocado tree, ask me Ive done it all. I am thinking Dusa for Hass (everyone says that Hass avocado grafted on Dusa is more productive than on Duke 7) But I have no idea about Reed, because no scientific study mentions Reed (I guess this is because it is not a commercial variety anymore). Thats a good question. I have seen, in person, happy Hass and/or Reed trees in other parts of Southern California considered Sunset Zone 18, such as Rancho Cucamonga, Corona, and Redlands. The Sharwil is a Guatemalan avocado of Australian origin, very similar to the Fuerte (although the Sharwil avocado is more ovular). have a question about sizing when purchasing. Id like to plant an avacado tree in my front court yard. Bacon grows somewhat vertically, but it is likely to grow faster than the GEM. Seemed very mature, almost overmature, as the seed had germinated and the root was touching the peel on the bottom, and the seedcoat did not adhere to the seed. PS I feel really enthusiastic about it, and grateful for your advice. It even has an upright variety (seedling actually) with a spreading variety (Fuerte), and it still works. Two, get a combination of hardier varieties and others like Hass, Reed, GEM, etc. Greg Another which 2 trees are best question. I know avocados love full sun but Im my area the sun really is strong. Really it's the type A Guatemalans that far and away perform best in the cool temps. Yes, you can definitely graft several varieties onto one tree. Griswold in a 1945 article titled, The Hass Avocado., video profile of Pinkerton avocado fruit here,,,, Can you grow an avocado in a small yard?,,,,,,,,,,,,, Combien davocats un arbre peut-il produire ? The problem is that theres so much to say. I am still waiting for an answer about my order, which, I hope, will be possible. At my place Gwen seems to be doing fine in the heat but it is getting some afternoon shade from a large live oak. Thanks for everything. I cant live without one of the Mexicola types. But the intention is to have overlapping seasons for both A and B type so there is always cross pollination available (I know that doesnt guarantee it will work, but I like the idea of having that potential). Thanks for the update. Sharwil is not as 'nutty' as Hass, but has a mild but rich fullness of flavor and lingering creamy after-taste that transcends Hass. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window). GEM could do well for you, as could just about any other variety. This is one of the reasons that Hass went from obscurity in 1945 to over 95 percent of the commercial avocado production in California today. Im from Southern Portugal and had also trouble to find reliable sources for avo trees. When they set a lot like your trees have, they must shed some or else branches will break, get sunburned, even die back from the stress of growing too much fruit. I am looking for something to pair with Hass for extended season and help in pollination. I have been meaning to publish a post on avocado rootstocks for a year or two now. This question is unanswerable in an objective sense. So I tried a Reed for the first time today from the farmers market. Reed (another type A variety) was a late season flowerer. Funny thing is that Hass was once an outsider. Years ago when I started planting it was hard to find out what to grow up here. Out of those choices, I would go with Fuerte just because it has the most potential for cross-pollination with Pinkerton. But now with youtube it has been easier to see what can be grown up here. I think youre absolutely right not to share more about this tree. Im jealous. Especially since I have a big interest in Hawaiian varieties it is difficult to know what the season will be in OC. Type A flowers. Black on trunk and brown leaves suggest sunburn and lack of water. But first let me say thank you. Carlsbad is an awesome place to grow avocados. I live in Sunland, CA, in a very sunny area where the sun is strong all day. 1 year old Pinkerton on unknown seedling The avocados are large and oblong with a small seed and thin green skin. Also, what are your thoughts on a multi-variety grafted tree? For more information visit the NZ Avocado Industry Ltd website or phone 0800 AVOCADO / 0800 286 2236. I dont know the growing habits of avocados generally in Hawaii compared to California. This is one of the reasons that Hass went from obscurity in 1945 to over 95 percent of the commercial avocado production in California today. And compared to Reed, Fuertes production isnt as consistently high. . Thanks! Other A-type avocados that are naturally on the relatively small side and produce well and are good eating include: Pinkerton, Lamb, Reed, and Gwen. Ps. June of 2018 Id probably still go Fuerte. Truly, you can prune almost any variety to almost any shape, but its easier if you go with the natural tendency of the variety. I should still live there, considering my love for avocados. I have a hilly area for my trees and its not practical for ladders, so Im looking to plant avocado trees that are easier to pick, great tasting, high yielding and can hang for some time on the tree (ideally). Btw, from my experience and reading on Aussie forums Sharwil is very heat sensitive so unless it is 80 all year around it is not worth growing. (Then again I let mine hang until June.). I finally managed to buy 1 Hass (on Duke 7) in a local nursery in June 2022 (they sell avocado trees only in May-June). . The wood is soft, the leaves are soft. And please let me know how your adventure in avocado growing proceeds. . But Ill let you know how they grow. 3 years old Hass on Mexican race seedling; unknown type I would plant a Hass and a Reed if I were you. Nice work! As for rootstocks, I havent seen them make a difference in my yard in terms of cold tolerance of the tree as a whole. Hass beats almost everyone at the length of its harvest season. Historic photo of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Hass in front of an avocado tree I have a 60% shade cloth for my Fuerte. I wish I had time to make more videos. Thank you! This is how your year in avocados could look. Kona! However, I did a lot of research, and read dozens of artciles in English, mostly about growing avocados in the US and all the different varieties (when it come to planting something new, I pay a lot of attention to the variety choice) Were getting a couple of avocado trees to plant in Pasadena. . It is simply an awesome fruit. But yes, Lamb, Reed, and Fuerte all have higher salt tolerance than Hass. But I would add them only after planting this trio. Nevertheless, a friend of mine has got a very young avocado tree in her garden (grown from a seed, probably a Hass seed), which gave it first fruits this summer. I dont usually talk about high density because its a term that commercial growers use whereas my website is oriented toward home gardeners. We may have an improved Fuerte. I know you know the pruning game so Im sure youll have no problem keeping the trees at 12 feet. Hi Peter, As I learnt that planting an A-type and a B-type only encreased crops by 20%, I thought it would be smarter to plant a second tree that would be fruiting when Hass does not, allowing me to have avocados almost all year long, as ou describe in your article. Sharwil Avocados from Hawaii. or either OK? Both can crop well as solo trees, and they have different harvest seasons, and they both are extremely high-quality in terms of eating. What do you think about avocado rootstocks? Is that the same down South? We dont need a shade tree (probably that was obvious. But Im game to attack it with a fun and practical twist: Im imagining that I just moved into a new house with a blank yard . When it comes to Avocado, Temecula is the place to buy all your Avocado trees, famous for best Avocados in the WORLD. The Hass avocado is one of the most delicious varieties of avocado around, with a rich creamy flesh and superior taste. Because Ive become more and more concerned about getting production from my trees since I cant afford the water otherwise, Ive been moving toward A types in general since they produce better in my yard. But, most of those carbs come from fiber. 100% Hawaiian Sharwil Avocados. Greg, this is a great thread, thank you. If I had the space for three avocado trees, I would add a Fuerte to the mix. The fruit is the 'Hass' type, with a pebbly green skin that ripens off the tree to nearly black. There are some Hawaiians that do well in CA and FL, like Kona Sharwil. Who knows? Hass and Reed as numbers one and two are solid for me. Thanks so much for all the info and experience you provide! At the same time I have not been able to taste one and am surprised at how difficult it has been to find, so I wonder how accurate those old articles are, what downsides it might have that have made it less popular over time. Phoenix Avocado (Mendez No.1) Aravaipa Avocado Palo D'Oro Avocado Hellen Avocado Sharwil (Kona Sharwil) Ardith. Wish Maddocks was open on the weekend so i could check it out. You might find this answer boring, in which case Id be willing to bet that you dont already have a Hass tree in your yard. Im in Yucaipa (barely north of the center of the city.) Variety makes a difference. Buddy, youre the best. Also, this winter had me buying avocado from Mexico, which is either small and cheaper, or XL and pricey. We also now have rain tanks and are going to try and save our rain water for the avo, as the other fruit trees do well with our water. Thank you for all the great information! We have a central coast house with three citrus trees and was looking for one Avocado tree, I was leaning towards the Sir Prize, with your discussion should I lean towards the Haas as a single tree, or is either a good choice. I listen for the sound of a chainsaw. The main difference is that GEM is a smaller tree, if that matters to you. I have lost a couple in the past that I didnt wrap. var. Will do. After some pool renovations which sent torrents of pool water into the avo area two of the trees are completely dead. Thank you for your wonderful blog! The Mexicola and Lamb both look like they might be based on the pictures I have seen. I dont think it is possible to attach files to the commentaries, so I will send you pictures by email. That is, they have thick firm skin with rich and nutty flesh, high in oil content. Fruits are of high market quality due to its exceptional flavor, high oil content and small seed. Flowering and pollination. Only Fuerte tastes good then, of those youve mentioned. The purpose behind the mass flowering is to encourage visits by pollen vectors. My Reed and Lamb trees held onto so much fruit that I later had to remove some by hand in order to prevent branches from breaking. Hey Greg, Fuerte and Nabal are both well known for alternating in this way. To mitigate the clay soil, the planting area is raised, and the adjacent rock wall is free standing to allow drainage. Should complement the GEM season. More reliably available than Sharwil, GreyStar avocados have the same wonderful texture and delicious flavour, and a long season from December to June. My head was spinning, trying to develop the perfect avocado plan for my hillside. You could try a different variety, but I doubt that would significantly change your results. They have plenty of space, but Im leaning towards the GEM, since its so easy to get a hold of Hass at the markets. The flesh had nice color, tasted rich and smooth. If you want it to spread very horizontally, Id plant a Fuerte. Also, avocado flowers are primarily pollinated by bees, and bees readily fly between trees that are 50 feet apart. What would you recommend? Thank you! I think, my garden is in the 10a zone. In August I managed to order more avocado trees directly from Brokaw (Spain). They will always stay true to who they are (unlike Hass, who with one whiff of heat or pressure shapeshift quicker than a Harry Potter character). I also gave some wood to others up here who are much better at grafting in case the tree disappears. This variety is productive in both coastal and inland areas. Thank you! I wanted to plant them next to each other. And compared to Reed, Fuertes production isnt as consistently high. Step 4. I live in Ramona in the Acres where we really get both extremes temperature-wise since its a pretty low/flat area not shielded by any hills mountains. Im ruthless with pruning shears (you have to be), Youre welcome to check out Piet Stassen and his pruning technique displayed at UC Irvine. The grove manager said he prefers Hass at no closer than 12 feet. Its significantly bigger than Hass, as seen in the photo above, and. Distinguishing characteristics of the Sharwil avocado include its size, shape, and color. I moved mine into a barrel. Do you have any recommendations for which trees/rootstock combinations have the best chance of survival out here? For your milder location though, this might not be important. Fuerte, This is one of the "classic" avocados. Asking them to prune 3X a year I think is questionable. Spacing with the Hass is important as well. You could try one of those. I live in So Calif Inland Empire (Norco); hot summers, rarely below 29 30 in winter. Ill do it again this summer to figure out where not to plant less heat tolerant plants. Were trying to get avocados all year round with varieties weve tried and like. Both varieties are a rich source of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, also known as "healthy fats," which means it's not a bad idea to eat an avocado every day. Then why isnt Fuerte my top choice? Awesome, Rachael! You mentioned stopping to see friends in O B. Also someone mentioned tree size and I think I have seen better luck with fresh smaller trees since they were not sitting in pots too long. Great read! Then, I found out that none of the French nurseries provided any information about the rootstocks. Sir-Prize is a very good avocado but I dont think its quite as good as those three, especially for your situation since its harvest season is only a little before Hass and overlapping with Hass. It was at Lowes with just an Ettinger tag. Both have excellent tasting fruit. I am going to try to graft new ones and see if the results are the same as well as see if it fruits every year or every two. I went to Fallbrook and paid Eli a visit, and I came back with a Reed, a Sirprize, and a GEM. Add a Fuerte to the commentaries, so I tried a Reed for the first time today from farmers. Kona Sharwil ) Ardith unknown type I would add a Fuerte and Rudolph..., CA, in a very sunny area where the sun is.... 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