The top is exposed to air right away, giving it time to harden. Soap containing additional sugars (such milk) are also more likely to crack, as shown in the coconut milk soap below. The good news is lye heavy recipes make great laundry soap! The soap on the right does not contain sodium lactate, while the soap on the left does. If the soap is separating, there may be lye heavy spots. We have found that as well! I test the ph and it is good. , , Melt and pour soap can burn, which makesthe base thick, gloopy, and difficult to work with. Im determined to make this soap again. You may be able to use it as laundry detergent though! It sounds like youve found a great way to prevent pesky soda ash. If I rebatch, wont I lose that orange scent I wanted in the first place? Another reason for soft soap is there was not enough hard oils or butters (such as coconut oil, palm oil or cocoa butter). Turn off the heat and Google for creative options to deal with a soap mess-up. This is for all our beautiful wildflowers out there! Its so frustrating trying to figure out where I went wrong. Soaping with high temperatures (140 F and above) cause the top of the soap to crack. No, the lye was not clumping together in the bottle. I would recommend testing a small amount on your clothing to see what you think. I made soap for the first time. Some colorants can morph in the high pH environment of cold process soap. added oatmeal in one and honey on the other. Placing the soap into the fridge or freezer can also help avoid cracks. Keep in mind, what you consider a con may be a pro for someone else. I recently made two different batches of soap using the lye calculator on Or do you see any orange spots on your bars? Great. You can use lye heavy recipe as laundry soap though! I did not use honey or glycerin.I have an allergy to Shea butter,that is similar to latex and some reason coconut oil I was itching very badly last week. First of all thank you so much for always sharing great information and posting amazing articles. Fragrance oils don't cause acceleration, ricing, or seizing. You guys are really amazing. Rebatch soap is a great way tosave batches of soap that didnt turn out quite right. Has anyone ever ran into this and can you shed any light? That means you don't need to wear safety gear. I wonder if those bars are separating. Melt and pour soap is quick to make,hardens in several hours, and doesn't need to cure. You can read more about fragrance discoloration in this post: Learn how to pH test here: This batch looks like tapioca pudding! It causes them to break apart. Thanks so much for all the recipe information! This rich, verdant oil is FOR PERFUME USE ONLY. . I cut it after 48 hrs and it was very delicate! I think the fragrances likely caused the color. Can you post that on our Facebook page? The others i have just bought from local cosmetic suppliers. I just made a few soaps and when I unmolded them they were oily. Learn more about soda ash and how to prevent it here: I made a batch of CP soap 3 days ago that I believe separated because it got too hot. Or, you might just have an over-fragranced bar. , To help your soap unmold faster, you can add 1 teaspoon of sodium lactate per pound of oils to your cooled lye water. In addition, you can use cold water to simply wash the soda ash off (click here to learn how). of sodium lactate per pound of oils to your cooled lye water. Pigments and oxides are usually made in a lab now to prevent any chance of bacteria or other compounds from contaminating the mix. How big are they? Let me know and Ill help you troubleshoot. Unrefined Shea Butter 10% (70g) How to Fix it: The good news is that glycerin rivers are only cosmetic, and do not effect the quality of soap. . Can you tell me a bit more about your recipe, including the colorants youre using? To counter this, you can more soft oils in your recipe. I used 5% lye and they both crumbled when I cut them. Hmm, thats strange! Im not sure what Ive done wrong? Once the soap reaches trace, use a whisk to mix in colorants, additives, and fragrances. Salt can as well, which is what I think happened. Learn more about pH testing soap here: Using a draining soap dish can help as well. It should be around 9-10 pH. Im sorry about that! I read on one of your articles that we should wait a few days before zap test so I havent done the test yet.. Do you think the soap will be at least usable? The fisrt one recipe is your crisp cotton swirl cold process. You can use our Fragrance Calculator to find out how much to add. Pls reply me via: [emailprotected], Cold process soap hardens in about 3-5 days, then needs to cure for 4-6 weeks. Typically, sodium lactate shouldnt cause that batch to seize. Soaping cool (100F or below) can increase the chance of soda ash. , To help the soap harden and unmold faster, you can add 1 tsp. Hii The third one recipe is your beautiful swirl but i used sweet almond instead of hazelnut oil. If youre making a larger batch, you may need to mix 2 teaspoons of the colorant into 2 tablespoons of oil, or 3 teaspoons into 3 tablespoons. It turned very thick, as thick as thick trace in cold process. I used 30% coconut. As your soap cures, the bottom of the soap will start to firm up! If I may ask, i was thinking that soaps are to be harden or strong within 2-3 days before packaging and sale. ONE POT WONDER per pound of oils. Coconut oil has an high fat percentage and almond,jojoba oil being a wax I cannot use that either.Caster oil, and vitamin e as well. How to Fix it: Unfortunately there is no way to get rid of air bubbles once the soap has been made, other than rebatching or using the hot process hero technique. Soaped at approx 48C for both lye water and oil mix. Temperature and time are also important in the chemical reaction between sodium hydroxide lye, water and oils. I worked quickly and mixed it some more with my stick blender in hope it would get smoother, but not much could be done. Steaming the top of the soap is an extremely effective way of removing soda ash. But why so fast on gel? time for Kada su klasini i neprevazieni recepti u pitanju umem da budem spartanski If youre wondering which method may be the bestfor you, find information below. I made some Castile (with glycerin) 2 months back and it has been great used a little coconut 72 so it had some mild sudsing. I have one question can I melt my could processed soap before soaponification, 24-48h after making, to speed up proces? Looking forward to resolving my soap dilemma. To use salt, add 1/2 teaspoon for every pound (16 oz) of oil in a soap recipe. . Essential Oils for Soap Making. Below are some of the most common soapy mistakes, and ways to fix them. Also, the soap may just need a bit longer in the freezer next time! The smell . To be extra careful, I would recommend pH testing the soap using strips. Click here to learn more about how to prevent DOS. I used Made 2 different batches of soap. every time i add the lye it ether immediately gets so thick I cant use the stick blender or it take FOREVER to trace and instead of tracing it separates theres always this weird grainy stuff on the top and melted oils underneath after what seems like eternity its will start to thicken up but its like mashed potatoes except is smooth and instead of cooling down is heating up with out me doing anything to it except stirring! Please help!! We have a BLOG located Hello there! If you notice your soap is really hot, you can leave it at room temperature uncovered, or even pop it in the fridge or freezer to keep it cool. I used castor oil 5%, coconut 30%, olive oil 35%, palm 30%, lye 4 oz, milk 9.24. It will be a lovely warm brown color, and will smell really great. That helps it saponify more quickly. They can sometimes look like little white beads in your soap. Several factors can cause crumbly soap, including sodium lactate. Also, Im thinking the crumbly texture may be due to soda ash: . Sodium Carbonate - Sodium carbonate is the result of active lye in freshly poured soap reacting to air. Fragrances that contain vanilla will discolor your soap various shades of brown. The soap from the same batch that has not been in the oven does not have any bubbles (and did not go through gel phase). For the best results, keep things simple at first. With so many technique options, it's a great way to get creative. The top got a little bit of an alien brain look so I took it out of the oven. Unlike all of the other lavenders, Lavender Absolute is not steam distilled. Ive read about crumbling soap possibly being lye heavy, but when its hard, mine was soft. How to Fix it: Soap with DOS is not unsafe to use, but may look or smell unpleasant. 160g lye It's great for beginners because the base is already made. Vanilla Color Stabilizeris an effective way to preventbrowning in melt and pour. It helps to sprinkle a very small amount and then blow to evenly distribute the product. What do I do? Seriously, I dont know what else to call the little bumps that sometimes pollute cut CP bars. One last question (hopefully) did you notice your lye getting as hot as usual when you mixed it with water? While harmless, soda ash causes a layer of white on the top of the soap. I know, it has been a while since I've posted. I am not sure I agree with the above. Seizing is when the soap becomes extremely thick rather quickly and is unable to be worked with (shown on the right). When doing so, be aware that further stick blending may result in an extremely thick trace. I wanted it for dishwashing liquid and laundry detergent. Please help me out of this. Hello! Learn more about it here:, Hello! Thank you! Is there no other ways of making a soap to be strong within 2 or 3 days?. I purchase my oils from Herbiary store in the city where I live. Due to the thick texture, swirls and layers can be tricky. Hi guys, i am new to soap making but interested at this point in liquid soaps of different kinds. You can also put rice or silica packets near the soap for the same reason. Je ne vais pas expliquer pourquoi je n'ai pas post depuis The first step is to get the soap into as small of pieces as possible. My scale is a good new one. I have left out oils in my batch before as well. Ive definitely had that happen to me hot process does harden more quickly than cold process soap. * . Soapmaking is an art form AND a science. Now Im curing them and hoping for the best. What causes soap warts? Then, you can mix 1 teaspoon of titanium dioxide to 1 tablespoon of a lightweight oil, like sweet almond oil. Lavender Absolute That uses heat to emulsify the soap:, For the next batch, higher temperatures will help! When I used them for the first time they left my skin a bit dry. That involves grating the soap and heating it on the stove. Does your recipe have any salt? Soda ash is an aesthetic issue that is most commonly caused by temperature. The soap has cured between 1-3 weeks so far. How to Fix it: Your browser's Javascript functionality is turned off. Read more about working with beeswax here:, It can also help to add soft oils to the batch! Then I added the 20 drops of the Lavender oil stirred it in and then let it get cooled and get solid. It had two shallow cracks on top. 2% rosehip. Let me know and Ill help you troubleshoot. Learn about what factors affect gel phase, and when to insulate your soap in this post:, Dark Rich Chocolate Fragrance Oil:, Cranberry Chutney Fragrance Oil: Well did I ever mess things up. I asked on a facebook group and they said because my recipe used a lot of soft oils, the oil might reabsorb in time. I've been honored to be invited to participate in Brambleberry's Soap the The ingredients included olive oil, canola oil, coconut oil and Shea butter. In fact, soap with little to no superfat is recommended for use in the laundry. da sve mora imati svoj rigorozan raspored i dok sam, ako me sada pitate, It is carefully alcohol exracted to highlight the rare and alluring compound called coumarin which gives the Absolute a sweet, grassy aroma with nutty undertones. , See how to rebatch soap in this recipe:, You can use the Fragrance Calculator to find out how much to use in your recipe: I have researched on how to re-batch but Im not sure whats wrong with my soap. If you experience ricing, the lumps can often by stick blended out of the batter. I use sodium lactate, titanium dioxide and essential oil. . What are your suggestions moving forward? My other batch was 30% olive, 30% canola, 20% coconut oil & 20% grapeseed oil. You can make melt and pourwith children as young as 4 (with parental supervision). Oh no, Im sorry about that! Thats not DOS. That can sometimes be a bit more accurate than the cabbage juice. The soap is still quite soft and when i cut it pieces crumbked off and it also stuck to the knife a lot. You may also try the bars using a different water source (like a public bathroom). That will prevent it from getting too hot. Sweating in cold process soap can occur as well! If it has a lot of olive oil, for instance, the batter can have a yellow hue to it. Because that smell is happening in multiple batches, Im wondering if its the oils. Alcohol tends to seize batches up fairly quick. This week's podcast is a solo episode with Tiffany. Im still perplexed as to why the soap crumbled. That doesn't mean that I haven't been soaping. *cut up bits* Did you use a stick blender to combine it? Additives were colloidal oatmeal and bentonite clay. Do you notice any odd smell from the oils themselves? On the orange colored soap it is darker orange, and on the black soap, it is darker black in irregular blotchy patches. Once the soap has been poured into the mold, tap the mold firmly on the counter to release more bubbles that may be in the batter. Learn how to make hot process soap in this video:, This blog post has some great information on hot processing soap as well: The lather is great though In fact my mom and I are enjoying them but I cannot sell them bc I feel that they are too sticky in between uses if not dried out. . You can rebatch the soap to add more fragrance if you like! batter was still at medium trace at this point. Dealing with Dreaded Orange Spots Glycerin Rivers Help! I ended up using the soaps in the shower for myself because they have plenty of time to dry in between uses. Copyright 1999-2023 Bramble Berry Inc. All Rights Reserved. When its the texture of mashed potatoes, you can add your fragrance. Exercise caution: respect the ingredients and method. The absolute may be separating because its not meant for use in balms. What essential oil are you using, and what oils in your recipe? Also called ash, it is harmless when formed on top of soap. Now we can fix it! Soap with a dry, crumbly texture could be caused by too much lye in your recipe. Youre welcome Birgit, Im sorry we werent quite able to figure it out! I would recommend contacting the manufacturer to see what they sent you. I ran my recipe through the lye calculator and used the measurements given. However, you dont want to go over the strong recommendation on the Fragrance Calculator, otherwise it can irritate the skin: I checked some online soapmaking forums and people in similar climates were having the same sort of sweating. The soap base is then melted in a microwave or a double boiler. Your soap is turning brown because of fragrance discoloration. A big batch of hot process soap coming in at 200 F ( 93 C) could severely burn you, both thermally and chemically depending on the stage of saponification. If the soap has a high amount of soft oils, it can feel quite soft or leave some oils on the skin. is it possible to save coconut oil that was mixed with something other than lye? If you'd rather watch the vide o Im a newbie at soap making but have attempted serval times to make cold process soap and only got one batch of soap that can be used. The EU considers an essential oil usage rate of 3% or less safe in wash-off products like soap. Its similar to what happens when you take a cold drink out of the fridge! The heat resistant plastic bags make melting your palm oil easy; check out this blog post for tips on how to boil the bags as well. I know I should have avoided any additives at first but I lacked the will power and added ground oatmeal, honey, and FO at medium trace. fotografij * You can also add up to 5% glycerin or distilled water to help rehydrate the soap. 200g coconut oil I typically soap around 120 degrees. There are pros and cons for each, and every maker has a personal preference. That helps protect it from humidity and should help keep it dry. Let me know and Ill help you out. Before putting your soap in the oven, give it several good taps on your counter. If the soap has been curing for a couple of days, you'll be able to use a cheese grater to grate the soap. But what happened? ) What is the foundation technology for Web services A XML B HTML C SOAP D UDDI 55. document. These fatty acids melt and different temperatures. , Learn how to pH test the bars and how to make laundry soap here: I used 2 tsp. FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- A stomach bug is spreading across the Central Valley. It was very strange that during blending, it never got to trace. Thank you so much for reading and hoping for your insight. (Glycerin Dew) Thanks for your help! If the soap does not contain enough lye, the oils will not saponify. Typically, a diluted colorant will help prevent over adding too much color. how do you correct fragrance issues after the fact? Ill include some recipes below. We like to use a coffee grinder that has a removable, stainless steel mixing area for easy cleaning. Some oils from the supermarket can sit on the shelf for awhile before being picked up. , Learn more about formulating cold process recipes here: What am I doing wrong??? This tool really helps with that:, Learn more about mica lines in this video: I have tried putting the oven on different temperatures (65-80 degrees Celsius). Any help would be appreciated! The trace of cold process soap can be manipulated for a variety of techniques and designs. I poured it anyway. This is called 'burping' and it is important to make sure that there is no air trapped around the blades of the blender. am going to have to split it into 2 or 3 parts! This is much more likely to happen when the soap recipe contains a high amount of hard oils and butters, such as cocoa butter, shea butterandmango butter. FOLLOW US TO OUR ACTIVE BLOG! How to Fix it: The only way to add more fragrance oil to already made soap is to rebatch. Soap made with only soft oils can take an extremely long time to unmold (such as castile soap). , https://contogeorgis. 10 To be extra sure, I would recommend pH testing the soap. The soap is more powdery on top than on the bottom. I managed to cut most of it into bars though. My worry with using that soap as dish soap is that it may irritate your hands as youre washing dishes. Youre tutorials was very helpful for me thank you very much Do you know what could cause them? Ive waisted so much ingredients already so would like to rebatch. Also, if the soap got really hot, it can also crumble. With the 8% oil missing, the soap may be lye heavy. cancer Eccomi di nuovo qui, miei cari amici, per portarvi una ventata di aria I thought maybe somehow condensation of moisture developed when I was heating it up and the moisture was at the bottom of it .I see only when I look at the underside of the dish.I then decided to crack it up to break up the balm in chunks to see more.Then I saw white covering it too.Is it MOLD? Im sorry about that! I would like to attach a picture but cant seem to attach it or copy and paste. Soda ash is caused by teensy amounts of unsaponified lye coming in contact with carbon dioxide in the air. However . Share using #BrambleOn. It also helps to adjust your microwave settings to low so it heats gently. I washed with the soap and it seemed fine. Thank you! In my last video ( ) I dealt with ricing and subsequent acceleration from the fragrance oil I used in my cold process soap. , . As a former I followed the lye calculator. This method is great for beginners. Could the knife be affecting it? Can I grate it and use it as confetti is a new cold processed batch ? I am not sure why my cured soaps starts dripping oil after a few months. . Do you know if there is an additive in the sodium lactate youre using? 1. Glitter and shimmery micas really pop, especially in translucent bases (Clear,Aloe Vera,Honey, etc.). I haven't been soaping lately. , I have made 5 batches of soap they have ALL turned out to badly. I retried with different fragrance with same results. So much so that at a higher percentage, it can feel a bit drying. In soap making, oxides and pigments are soap colorants that come in a powdered form. No problem Kelsey, I appreciate you trying to figure this out for me If the soap has stayed in the mold for 2+ weeks and is still extremely soft, it will most likely not harden. slick blended and pulsed until medium trace. The SAP isnt very strong now as its been almost a week since I made it. I stuck a toothpick in it and the center seems to be hardening but the top layer is still very liquid. ~ * ~ 2. Thanks so much for that recipe! How to Fix it: Soaping around 120F or above will help decrease the chances of deep soda ash within your bar. EVOO 8% (50g) A dehumidifier can absorb excess moisture and prevent that sweating! Basic ingredients. This fragrance begins with top notes of candied lime, orange, and lemon. I live in a fairly humid part of South Africa and wondered if this was the reason? . This has been a challenging Because your batch already has essential oil in it, we recommend not adding too much extra essential oil. But for all the others, they crumbled to pieces or is so goopy, it wont harden although I left out for a week. Thats probably places where the fo separated from the batter or didnt mix well enough because of the ricing/acceleration you had. teacher, Bath bombs are considered a cosmetic and there are rules and regulations On one of the prettiest soaps Ive ever made with an awesome drop swirl I ran into something Ive never seen before. That is a great way to use leftover soap or soap that didnt turn out like you planned. This is done right after cutting by setting the soap on a stainless steel, wooden or plastic rack. Safe soapmaking is more important than ever. It has a higher flashpoint and is super concentrated, so it lasts well in cold and hot process soap. Even with a pH of 9-10 or lower, the coconut oil may not be safe or effective to use in another recipe. If you are curious about the shelf life of common soapmaking oils, check out this blog post. The good news is the soap is still totally fine to use! Cold Process Although this process is known as the cold process it still involves some heat. I've named it "Second Chances", well, for the obvious reasons :). 40% Olive. My soap does not seem to be boiling, but I have many tiny airbubbles in the soap after cooling down. I REALLY REALLY REALLY need some help so if you have any tips or advice i am all ears., I am sorry about that Savannah! Soda ash forms when unsaponified lye reacts with naturally occurring carbon dioxide in the air. That amount should be just fine! Como t sem bastidor vou improvisar numa telinha. The oils were canola, rice bran, palm kernel grapeseed and green tea butter. It is now day 3 since the soap was made and while the top of the soap is hard and set, when trying to unfold I am seeing where at the bottom it sticking to the mold. , We did something similar in the Couture Confetti Cold Process Soap:, Get more ideas for using leftover soap scraps in this post: For more information about coloring your soap (including information about melt and pour), check out this Talk it Out Tuesday: Colorants post. Whether you like this look is personal preference. Came out good, not perfectly clear etc but has been a great first start for me. Can you tell me a bit more about your recipe, including ingredients, the temperatures you soaped at, how long you stick blended for and how you stored the soap? Im wondering if the melt and pour may be burnt. It Seate li se da prolog juna rodno mi selo Donji Prisjan danima nije Oh darn, Im sorry about that! How old is it? Virgin Coconut 15% (105g) Take several ounces (about four times the amount of the fragrance oil) of warmed oils out of your soap pot before you put the lye in. Non, non et non. I plopped everything anyway. That is normal. 10%cocoa. Or shouldnt I have added the salt as there are high amount of hard oils already? If your scale is off you may be adding more lye by accident. The base is not fully customizable. 5. I made a batch of cold processed soap that didnt turn out as planned. To prevent soda ash, increase the temperature of your lye and oils to 120F-140F. The soap was definitely lye heavy. Waiting for your reply Thank you so much in advance!! When i use it diluted i find it is milky in water so the recipe kind of failed in that area. If the balm doesnt separate, it is likely the absolute causing the trouble. Hope it will solve itself. These adorable shampoo bars were inspired by the classic Valentines Day Air bubbles do not effect the quality of the soap, but it is an aesthetic issue. Whats That All Over My Soap? Thanks so much for the advice!. When stick blending, air bubbles can get caught within the soap batter. The sweating can also sometimes come from separation. I also am having a horrible time with T.D- my soaps never come out white. Last night I was sure to soap around 75/80 degrees especially since I was using titanium dioxide. Cleanup is easy because your dishes arecoated in fully ready-to-use soap. Just glop that soap in the mold and be prepared for an extremely hot gel phase; seizing and hot soap go hand in hand. Shelf for awhile before being picked up to add, etc. ) adding too much lye in freshly soap. Was thinking that soaps are to be boiling, but i have just bought from local cosmetic.! Have all turned out to badly and pigments are soap colorants that come in a soap.... Celsius ) lactate, while the soap base is then melted in a form. With ( shown on the right does not contain sodium lactate per pound of oils to the thick,! In this post: http: // ended up using the soaps in the oven ask i! As to why the soap is an extremely thick rather quickly and is super concentrated, so it well. Notice your lye getting as hot as usual when you mixed it with water they left my a... Laundry soap that orange scent i wanted in the laundry sodium lactate while... Is most commonly caused by teensy amounts of unsaponified lye coming in contact carbon! The result of active lye in freshly poured soap reacting to air to make laundry soap!! Not perfectly Clear etc but has been a challenging because your batch already has oil... Sometimes be a pro for someone else 160g lye it 's great for beginners because base. Be lye heavy, but when its the oils will not saponify soap be... 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