Clare tells Adam excitedly that there's something going on between her and Eli. But sometimes when you do that thing, other things happen, and one of those things did happen, and it's still happening currently, and am I making any sense? Eli and Clare cuddle in a hammock at Adam's party. In You Oughta Know, Clare video chats with Eli, explaining of her worries if their plans fall apart. Eli leans in and says for her to come to him and they kiss. Eli says he'll just go drive his hearse into a wall which makes Clare pause in shock until Eli makes a face and admits he's just kidding. Just then, Eli arrives at Clare's doorstep and Clare sees him. In In The Cold, Cold Night (2), Eli tries to talk to Clare but Clare freezes him out. Clare sees Eli having a good time at the pool tables and drags Jake over to greet him. She opens the door and Fitz is standing outside, soaking wet and bruises on his face. Mr. Simpson then tells Eli that he has to tell his parents about the incident, and Eli agrees. Imogen then asks if she has to talk to Jack now and both Clare and Eli smile in response. However, Eli tells him he already has plans with Clare but promises to call him after. He reads some of the tweets out loud to an embarrassed Clare who admits she actually did say them. Eli is high on MDMA and is taking a shower in the girl's locker room. She responds in the affirmative, adding that she's running the concession stand. As they sit, Clare remarks that she may have signed them up for birthing class in the sixties. So you could just jump into bed with Drew Torres?" She tells him she needs to interview him as part of the drama section in the newspaper. He becomes angry, yells at Imogen to stop calling him that, and leaves. His viewpoint changed, and now believes that they possibly could be the "party-throwing types." Clare says that's disturbing but he says it's his masterpiece and a true horror story. They both graduated from Degrassi. He tells Clare's mom that they did smoke but not in the house. When he see Clare and Jake laughing and walking off together with their arms around each other, he tries to calm himself but freaks out and breaks a computer. Clare, who notices the weird behavior, says thanks awkwardly. Connor says that that's maybe a little ambitious. Villain, In class, Clare reveals to Alli that the baby is Eli's and Alli says she needs to tell them both the truth. Clare explains that Fitz had just showed up, beaten up, and that he's having problems at home. Both seems surprised by the comment and Eli just stares at her in disbelief. Clare and Eli share a long kiss after professing their love. Eli comes back and smiles, saying they get to delve into Romeo and Juliet. Later, at dock, Eli and Clare wait with everyone else for their boat to arrive. Alli adds that she thinks Clare's moved on. In Tonight, Tonight,While Eli and Clare are studying on Clare's bed she brings up universityand then looks sad because she knows Eli is leaving so soon. She thanks him and says she'll see him around. In My Own Worst Enemy, they are both seen in Clare's hospital room with Clare's mom, Helen, when Clare researches what could happen if the cancer spread. Clare suggests they do something sexy in order for her not to miss him so much. He adds that they were broken up when she was with Jake, so she loved him. Eli and Clare share a brief kiss. Jake stops her rant with "and scene" and then takes her out of Above the Dot to tell her she needs closure. Alli says, "So you can still go to New York and be with Eli?" At the last moment he plunges the knife into a nearby locker. He tells her that in the story, the hero realizes he can't protect the heroine so he kills her, drinks her blood, and that way they can be together forever as one. Eli notices she hasn't said anything and asks where she is. Eli says he actually doesn't because all this time he thought he was mad at Drew but really he's mad at Clare. He promises her he will work on it and they share a hug. She tells him to speak but walks fast because she has to edit something. Eli says he didn't and Clare insists that Asher has to know these facts for the article to be complete. Later, at the Edwards-Martin's household Clare is forced to go to the craft fair with her mom, even though she was supposed to spend the afternoon with Eli. Drew approaches and asks Clare if she's okay because he's been calling non-stop to no answer. He then asks why she's treating him like he's fragile and she says he has a lot going on and didn't want to upset him. Clare brings up that she hates Morty after Eli talks about the trip to Bloomington again, and Eli realizes that if she really hates Morty, he's going get rid of him to please her. Alli wishes her luck before leaving Clare to talk to Eli. In In The Cold, Cold Night (1), Eli makes peace with Clare in the honor of completing the holiday edition of the Degrassi Daily. Alli looks scared at what she thinks might be happening. She says it isn't a good idea but Drew asks why because he thought they were having fun. Fitz chimes in saying that he and Eli need to talk. Eli and Clare in the hospital after Eli purposely crashes Morty for Clare. Clare says "For the last time, Eli and I are done." He then walks away leaving her shocked, ashamed, and upset with herself. He corrects her and says it's a tulip and she is surprised. He tells her how hot she looks in a truck and the two of them drive to watch WhisperHug perform. Eventually, he gets in Morty and drives off. In the middle of the play, he looks out to Clare, who is staring at him, and he forgets his lines. He sees her old entries about her love for Jake. Clare is later seen talking to Alli about the kiss. He intentionally loses control of Morty, and crashes him, therefore killing him. Eli asks how Drew is, assuming Clare and Drew are dating now. After a small conversation, Eli tells Principal Simpson that Fitz released a stink bomb during a test. Clare and Eli share a quick kiss while Jake watches. Alli says she believes it because Dallas is always doing dumb things that hurt him. At the spring formal, Alli tries to convince Clare to break up with Eli, but Clare is hesitant do so. She gets out of the car and asks what he's doing here. He says it's fine and he deserved it. Eli says that he's tried to find something that will make Clare trust him, "but apparently that's really, really hard so all I can tell you is that I want to be serious and I promise to earn your trust; I want to be apart of his life." Clare confirms but adds that since he wanted space, she's giving him lots. Helen comes in and catches Eli shirtless and he leaves embarrassed. Clare rolls her eyes and reminds her she's not going to prom. Eli is unaware of the situation between Clare and Drew, and Clare awkwardly tries to avoid looking at him. Clare confidently responds that she's willing to audit the classes until the first few students inevitably drop out. Clare and Eli talk about the new play and firing Jake and they decide to talk at The Dot. Eli denies this and tells Clare that he never thinks about Julia anymore, but she doesnt believe him. Eli asks what he can do, and Clare responds that he should tell her it never happened. Clare reminds Alli that he's the same guy that crashed his hearse to stop them from breaking up. After several break-ups and make-ups through seasons 10 to 14, the two seemed to find a way to get back together. She can't believe he invaded her privacy. In shock, he tells her not to look and to go find a teacher and call 911. Eli opens his locker and finds out Clare cleaned out his locker. Eli Clare is Important to Queer Theory Queer Lives because he intersects issues of class, disability, and race, specifically whiteness with . Fiona responds how could she miss spending time with him, Eli, and Clare. Drew tries to say he's sorry and adds that it's not Clare's fault. It appeared that nothing would keep these two apart, which was one of the reasons Eli and Clare were one of the more popular couples in the Degrassi series. The next day, Clare is walking with Alli in the hallways and they talk about her kiss with Jake. In Scream (1), Clare asks Eli if he found out a way to get revenge on Asher, but Eli is busy with the play. When Eli found out the truth from Imogen he apologized to Clare and asked to be a part of the baby's life and Clare eventually agreed to them being parents together to their kid. Eli puts Clare on edge by referring to Jake as being "out of the picture soon enough," and walking away laughing in a very unstable way. However, Clare shows up at the spring formal instead. While shopping, Alli and Jenna tease Clare for not doing anything sexy with Eli after they read Clare and Eli's texts. When I'm with him, I am," "make love to him! Eli starts to say Clare's name but she cuts him off, "Rule one, no telling me you love me or how amazing you think I am or how much you support me," to which Eli says he does and that's never going to change. Imogen says okay before taking a cupcake from the counter. Clare wipes away a tear as well and responds that it's time to turn around because they have some things to take care of. Adam says to make a move and Clare tells him they need the right moment. As Fiona looks at each one of them, she stops at Clare and says that she has pretty eyes. She later realizes that he cheated on her with Lenore and he says that it happened once. Clare tells him to go and have fun. Alli tells Clare she loves her but that she is delusional. She smiles and wiggles her eyebrows. MFA in creative writing from Goddard College. When Audra shows up, Eli and Clare give her a moment alone with Adam. If you _____ (get) back late, I _____ (be) angry. Eli playfully says, "oh sure, dried fruit gross, but dried animal carcass, mmm." Surprised at her agreement so soon, Eli asks "Really?" Clare goes to find Eli, planning to tell him Fitz has a knife. Clare confronts Eli at his house, and Eli drives Clare to a spot in town where his ex-girlfriend, Julia had died on the way home, by getting hit by a car while riding her bike. Eli asks Clare about the naked photos; once she says she deleted them he then says he'll just have to settle for the real thing. Clare is upset that she forgot the vote was this morning and apologizes to Alli. This upsets Clare and Eli comes into the room with a healthy smoothie for Clare and isn't sure what he did wrong. Eli follows up with, "won't you be liable to slack if your early assignments aren't being marked?" Eli assures her he would have been beautiful and amazing. Clare and Eli stare at each other until other students walk into the theater for class. He shouts for her to go when she tries to look. Clare doesn't want to deal with it and asks Eli to throw it out but Eli tells her to wait a minute because there's a reason people do it and thinks they should consider it. She gets in and apologizes for calling him heartless and says she didn't mean it. Clare asks if came off, and Eli asks how knowing that information will make it easier for her. I'm just not sure whether she and Alex were sexually active before that. He explains to her how he got there, and jokes wondering what she's doing in the woods all by herself. In Closer to Free (2), Clare goes to meet Eli at rehearsals. Eli bails. Clare slowly says she'll tell her she will live with her boyfriend. Irene feels torn between her own desires and protecting Clare as a fellow black woman. When Eli tells Ms. Dawes that Clare needs a bigger audience, Clare is upset. After Clare calmly explains what happened, Eli tells her she could write about how she feels for her English assignment. and removes the covers, exposing himself. Clare agrees and with a smile she says "but first" and she kisses him. She sees Eli at his locker and apologizes for her random outburst last night. Clare says she wants to wear a wig and wants things to be perfect. I encourage everyone to cuddle as much as possible. When they hear the doorbell ring, Clare says that would be Eli and Clare's mom says she'll tell Eli that Clare is feeling sick. "I think they're dead," (referring to her glasses). Later, Clare tells him over the phone that when he's done working on his story, he can come over to her house. It took you a year! Clare and Eli re-enter the party and Eli tells her that everyone will get over her leaving her own party/ Dallas approaches them and insults them, leading to an all out brawl which only stops when Imogen gets the confetti canon to work. Clare pauses but doesn't get a chance to answer because Helen interrupts them and says Clare has to stay for dinner with Jake and Glen. Clare asks with a surprised look if he wants to talk but Eli declines and walks away. He kisses her deeply and asks again. Clare meets Eli at their bench later that day and tells him that she figured things out and realizes that Eli has been acting differently because he is thinking about Julia. They then proceed then with practice. Clare leaves a message for Eli and tells him that she knows she told him not to come back home, but asks him to return anyway and that she's scared. Eli can't, and Clare reveals that she messed up her magazine deal which was her last chance to getting into Columbia. Jenna starts to ask "But what about" before Clare sternly says "Don't you dare say" only for the question to be completed by Alli saying "Eli?" She sees Drew over Eli's shoulder, but she tries to ignore him. She asks him if he took her diary, he avoids the question and jokes by saying why and if she's worried he'd find out her deep, dark secret. It contains MDMA and a note that reads "Leftovers, enjoy." Clare walks up to Alli and they watch Eli walk off. When she doesn't smile back he asks if everything's okay. Clare then starts to talk to Eli, but ends up yelling at him because he acts nonchalant, prompting her to scream the famous line "Did three months mean nothing?! In Extraordinary Machine (2), after Imogen plants pills in Clare's bag, Eli devises a plan to get Clare off the hook, by telling Mr. Simpson that the pills were his, and that Clare was just holding them for him. He asks if she's nervous as they stand in front of their hotel room door. Eli smiles. They pause a minute in the car and Drew remarks he couldn't have done it without her. Adam comes up to them and tells them that he is FTM. InSpiderwebs, Clare fails to show up while the student council sets up for the Degrassi Thanksgiving Family Feast. Season 10 It provides comfort, makes profits, justifies violence, and promises resolution to body-mind loss. They enjoy prom by dancing together and Clare hints that she's ready to have sex. Clare asks, "Even me?" After reassuring her that she can stop them at any time, the two sleep together. Clare asks if he's okay and Eli said he talked to his therapist and isn't freaking out or seeing dead bodies. Eli feels suffocated by Clare's constant worrying about him and says he needs space, breaking up with her. A year to get over your ex! Clare says "what's one more student? Later Fitz goes up to Clare and tells her he found God. Alli quietly adds her either. She is seen in her kitchen, sulking. Clare walks away and Eli unrolls his shirt and a baggies falls out. I'm so excited!" Sleeping apart (or in sufficiently soundproofed rooms) can eliminate the disturbances caused by a partner's snoring. First published in 1999, the groundbreaking Exile and Pride is essential to the history and future of disability politics. However, Clare's internship starts that very day, though she promises Eli she will make it to their date on time. Eli retaliates by going into the cafeteria and taking away Clare's food. Clare says she's driving and Eli asks where to because he will meet her there. Eli says he's the father, Clare adds "who has a history of lashing out when any little thing goes wrong." Adam tells them Fiona never wants to see him again. She then asks what kids do on prom night these days. It's always a yes with you Eli," Eli smiles after hearing this. Eli reaches out his hand to touch Clare's arm but she steps back and says "Four, no physical contract of any kind." At 9:00, Eli is ready to go and is waiting for Clare at their special bench. Eli Goldsworthy was the original e-boy and we all know it. Eli asks what she'll do instead and Clare says she doesn't know. The two hug. After Vince runs off, Eli. Clare reassures Eli that working with Becky could be good practice for him. She then leaves to go tell Asher "for the sake of journalism." He questions Adam about when Fiona would be arriving. He then tells her that just because they are in a relationship doesn't mean that they have to give up everything. After the fire, Eli approaches Clare outside of the school saying he came as soon as he heard. In Get It Together, Clare is spouting off facts about how to raise boys to Connor, Jenna, Alli and Dallas she learned in a book. Eli looks at Clare sadly for a moment. Eli reveals that they aren't having sex and asks J . Alli tells Clare that she's seen that look on her face before. After seeing Eli's frustration, Clare jokes about auditioning, even getting him to smile by doing a little dance. Clare asks if he's going to do something to him, and Eli says, "No.. we are," and Clare says, "Together." Clare accepts but is uneasy. Principal Simpson questions Clare and she says it's possible Fitz did it. He tells her it's sleep time and refuses to get up. Age 16. Eli asks if Clare loves Drew and Clare says she doesn't. Clare disagrees and says that it will only make things worse. Alli questions this and Clare says it's not just going to be them in the picture anymore. Eli smiles and looks down as he hears this. They smile at each other and once they turn away, both of their faces change. Dallas gives Clare some beer as a present, and Eli asks Clare what's Dallas is on about. The first was, Eli is still unaware that Dallas kissed Clare in, They are both each others second relationship. But you can always cuddle and then fall back to separate beds. The doctor says they should also also consider how to commemorate their child and gives them an info sheet before leaving the room. He is now fully naked, making all of the girls in the locker room freak out and Alli is grossed out by it. Co planned Queer and Disability conference in 2002 San Francisco. In Building A Mystery (2), Eli is telling Clare about his project feeling really good this morning and that Jake helped him get over his writers block, she kisses him goodbye and wishes him luck. Alli playfully responds "And for the last time, I don't buy it," before turning back to Jenna. Clare responds empathetically that that's gross. After being in the hospital for awhile, Clare's strength crumbles. and Clare are seen kneeling next to Adam. Eli asks her what happened to her needing space, but she brushes it off and says not now. It was the last straw when Eli crashed his hearse for herwhenshe just needed space. When he didn't pick up, she leaves to go talk to him. He tells her that he doesn't want to lose her but feels like she's slipping away and there's nothing he can do to stop it. After speaking with Paula, Clare begins to worry that Eli may leave her. Clare, flustered, explains to him that she just had eye surgery and doesn't need them any more. Eli tells him that he isn't going anywhere, and that he will always be there to stand up for him, proving that they are friends once again. Clare says in a low voice that Sylvia Plath killed herself. They have separate beds, even separate bedrooms, for any number of reasons, like differing sleep times and condition preferences, snoring or restless leg syndrome, among others. While they practice, Fiona tells him that he doesn't have to do the video year book anymore. Clare and Eli support Adam at the hospital. Clare says she didn't know she could feel barfy and hungry at the same time so she just feels different. She finds him in a hallway, but it's too late. Eli then hands Clare his pay slip from work, saying to use it for baby stuff and also shows her a schedule for the parents and tots program stating that he circled some that looked good. She asks if Dallas knew she ditched her this morning to hang with her boyfriend. At The Dot, Jenna guesses the truth and Eli hands his bouquet to some older ladies and leaves. They smile at each other, hinting that they might get back together sometime in the future. Some of the confirmed canon minis are the four parts of Eli: Dorm Life and most, if not all of Champagne Supernova. They have been in multiple love triangles with Fitz, Jake, Imogen, Drew and Lenore. Eli overheard her mother say it was the hospital, and asks if everything is ok, and Clare assures him things are fine. Eli suggests they watch a movie after Clare's treatment is over for the day but Clare decides to go visit Paula instead. He asks who she is and why she is doing this. She tells him that he should postpone his interview that's suppose to take place shortly and Eli doesn't listen. Clare looks down at her uniform and Eli tells Adam to get Fiona out because she's wasted. Next, they are heavily making out in the coat check room. In Spiderwebs, while Clare was mad at Eli, she kissed Drew, but later forgave Eli and took him back after he made a romantic gesture. Clare replies, "I don't know, maybe Eli and I have been though so much. Clare says she is going to New York and if he won't take her he'll find someone who will and walks off. Fitz threatens Eli with the knife and has him cornered, ready to strike, with Clare watching in petrified shock. After a beat, Eli says her name and she replies to Eli's question with, "I tell her 'if you think I overcame adversity when I beat cancer, wait 'til you see what I'm like after losing a baby.'" Outside, Eli and Clare approach each other, Eli says "Did anyone ever tell you you have pretty eyes?" She says if she says it out loud it won't come true and he chuckles. She packs up her things and begins to leave the hospital. Eli tells her that he has to stay in New York to finish his short film and can't go bungee jumping. Adam tells Eli to make it up to Clare by getting her a gift, Eli decides to get her internship back and goes go speak to Asher, Asher tells Eli, Clare is obsessed and in love with him and that's why she got fired. In Scream (2), Clare is mad at Eli for telling Ms. Oh the truth about what happened with Asher and the internship, When they are in the hallway, Clare tells Eli to go to hell before attempting to walk off, Eli tells Clare he thinks her revenge plan isn't going to work and doesn't believe it's the right thing to do, Clare asks Eli if he is in or not, Eli says he's not and Clare tells him to go to his stupid play, Eli hesitates and when Clare repeats herself. Once Helen leaves, Eli comes into Clare's room and wonders why she isn't ready to leave. tells Sav that Jenna is having her baby, luring him to the limo Holly J. is waiting in. Adam offers that it's the "anti-crackdown party in a secret location: bring your crush." Dating (Long Distance), The Time of My Life (1239-1240) (Third Time). He also tells them that his grandma has never met "Adam" before and they both tell him that he shouldn't worry about it and that she'll accept him in time. In Ray of Light (1), Clare asks Fiona to ask Eli to do the video yearbook to help get him of his slump. Eli yells out that he knocked up his soulmate, ruined his life, and asks if that's all he has to say. Eli says he agrees and asks if she wants to leave now and asks for the car keys so he can drive. Clare asks if he's serious and Eli tells her to forget about that because he wants her to be happy after everything she's been through; she deserves it. In Come As You Are (1) they officially got back together after returning to Degrassi following winter break. Pill, Jack threw her under the bus. Eli puts his arm around Clare as they start walking and says he's most excited about planning their future. The two smile at each other. Eli and Clare are on the road as Eli comes up with potential questions Columbia's admissions officer might ask her like, "our first year program is full, how do I propose I let you in?" Eli says they lost a child and there are things they have to deal with and it's okay to take a break. They have matching helixpiercings. Eli then gives angry Mr. Simpson a hug. Clare showing Wesley her abstinence ring. Adam doesn't seem to know what's going on either. Clare says it's not that simple and she needs to figure out what she wants. Eli pauses and says they lost the baby. He admits, upset, that he read every word of it including the Jake chapter. Clare is seen walking to school with Eli behind her. In When Love Takes Over, Eli teases Adam while Fiona auditions as Clare smiles on by saying he likes her and loves her, and encourages him to go for it with her. Clare kisses him and says, "Eli, I am all in." Clare says coldly that she thought he could just suck it out. Clare doesn't want to take a break because a year ago she had cancer and then got better. Eli asks how she's feeling. In Give Me One Reason, at the hospital, the doctor is explaining to Eli and Clare how much harder it is losing a baby at this point in a pregnancy because you still have to deliver it. Eli looks up at Jake who waves to him. She says that she asked her to help with prom but you'd think she invited her to her own execution. Eli asks if it's forever because he's knows a place in New York that has the best sashimi. The other partner lies awake and in agony, until they give the snorer a fierce jab to the ribs. They all enjoy it. Clare, feeling uncomfortable, tells Eli he doesn't have to do it but Eli, smiling, says he's not going to responsible for her first failing grade. Eli tells her she can't hitchhike to New York and Clare says she can if she can find someone to take her. Eli feels slightly better and affectionately holds her hand while they gaze at each other for a moment. In Summertime, Eli is now in New York as an intern and Clare is living her life as usual. In Season 14, it is revealed she's pregnant with Eli's son, who was supposed to be named Adam but she later miscarried. The next morning Clare is walking from the bus while Eli is leaning on his hearse watching out for Fitz. General Information Eli says he knows she has taken care of most of the details but if he could at least take her to "one of those breathing classes or something" adding that he wants to help. Alli crosses her arms and raises her eyebrows at Clare. He admits that if they get back together, she has to be all in. . He calls Clare, frustrated and hurt, and screams that she ripped his heart out. Helen is furious and tells him his dad will deal with it later. In In The Cold, Cold Night (2)they rekindled their romance when they kissed at the Frostival. In Jesus, Etc. Clare says she knows who she is with him but it's been so long she doesn't know who she is on her own, Eli says he knows. Clare: Eli (seen in the show) Drew: Consensually, Bianca (Drew was drunk when he had sex with Katie; technically, she took advantage of him while he wasn't sober) K.C: Jenna (assumed) . She smiles as Eli drives away. Clare smiles and says this party is what everyone needed. Clare asks Eli if he's trying to take her back and Eli returns, asking what happens if she goes into labor on the road. Clare, flustered, replies "I think you just passed it." It aired on June 21, 2013. She's still taking a gap year after graduation, and she's not moving to New York with Eli, but she says she's "opening myself up to everything," I'm choosing to ignore everything Degrassi has. Clare says okay, takes Eli's hand, and kisses it. . As she walks in she sees several students look up at her and then look on their phones. Eli tells Clare he loves her and Clare says forever and always and they kiss. Drew tells Clare "I'll see you at school Edwards." At graduation, Eli hugs Clare and tells her he doesn't want to let go (to toss his cap). Eli agrees and says a secret study with a huge balcony and jokes that Clare wants a humidity-controlled beef jerky drawer. Before walking away, Eli tells him that he does pity him because Fitz isn't his friend. He says no, he would rather focus on perfecting his latte art. Crush. dating now Clare needs a bigger audience, Clare shows up at who. Or seeing dead bodies protecting Clare as they start walking and says not now you have pretty.... 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