6 Habits To Start Living Freely: Achieving Your Dreams & Live A Better Life, Do you want to achieve more of your dreams and finally live the life of your dreams? https://michael-bonnell.com/, If you truly want to find happiness and success in life, you need to focus on the bright side of every single outcome. Steve Nash is a former National Basketball Association player, and current coach, who is considered one of the greatest point guards of all time. Shotgun Microphone: https://amzn.to/36Kv8NU, 28. You are giving up instead of getting hard! Ballotpedia provides comprehensive coverage of the 100 largest cities in America by population as well as mayoral, city council, and district attorney election coverage in state capitals outside of the 100 largest cities. Kaepernick is a zero Goggins is a hero. Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/michaelbonnell/ But the only way to ever find out is to try. Here are 5 super easy tips that have helped me to save more than $40,000 over the course of the last 3 years, and I know they are going to help you as well. RODECaster Pro: https://amzn.to/2R6L7Nl margin-top: 1px; You need to take care of your body, your mind, and just focus on doing what you can to stay healthy. Don't doubt you but can't find anything on it online. Like my Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/MichaelBonnellBlog/, 5. Investing For Beginners! Connect with others. } You let everyone around you know that when their life ends, thats when yours begins. David Goggins, 48. And that is a real thing. Michael Bennet, senator from Colorado and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate: On my list are There Will Be No Miracles Here, by Casey Gerald, Frederick Douglass: Prophet of Freedom, by David W. Blight, and This America: The Case for the Nation, by Jill Lepore. RODECaster Pro: https://amzn.to/2R6L7Nl float: right; This is disappointing. David Goggins @davidgoggins The only thing more contagious than a good attitude is a bad one! Julian Brave NoiseCat, writer, director of Green New Deal strategy at Data for Progress and narrative change director at the Natural History Museum: To better understand the troubling times we find ourselves in, I will read my friend and mentor Bill McKibbens book Falter. You are happy and nothing can stop you from feeling that way. Microphones: https://amzn.to/3nsKMnj In fact, he would constantly put himself through as much pain as he could to callous his mind. Main Site:https://michael-bonnell.com/ He overcame his own physical limitations to push beyond them. To be honest his service is lack luster compared to a lot of wounded veterans/medal of honor winners that are walking amongst us today. Beto ORourke, former congressman from Texas, currently a 2020 Democratic presidential candidate: Im reading The Fall of Carthage, by Adrian Goldsworthy, and Storm Lake, by Art Cullen. Can't Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds: https://amzn.to/2CzkIke How To Find Success In Life (Success Tips, Achieve More Of Your Goals) - Just Get Started, Whats standing in your way of achieving your goals and your dreams? Main Site:https://michael-bonnell.com/ How would your overall health be different - be better - if you would have practiced kindness? Realize that. Retired Navy SEAL David Goggins -- the only member of the U.S. Armed Forces to complete SEAL training, Army Ranger School and Air Force controller training -- The book is, in my view, a significant contribution to environmental justice and the broader left. Let's go! Lavelier Microphone: https://amzn.to/3jZB1u5 Living in a negative state of mind is not going to do you and good. Put your excuses aside and focus on your well-being. I am also eager to read the pieces collected in Shapes of Native Nonfiction, edited by Theresa Warburton and my friend Elissa Washuta. And, during that process is where I found myself," he explained. I have been on my personal development and self-improvement journey for more than two years now, and this piece of advice has changed my life in more ways than I could have ever imagined through personal growth, financials, and just life in general. Former professional hockey player Peter Forsberg earned millions in the NHL as one of the greatest players of all time. The excerpt in a recent issue of the magazine was dazzling. It may suck, but eventually, you will come out the other side on top. David Goggins, 13. The book was a gift from that towns congressional representative, Morgan Griffith. WebDavid Goggins is a district court judge for the 67th District Court in Michigan. Healthy debates are natural, but kindness is required. RODECaster Pro: https://amzn.to/2R6L7Nl I discuss 5 different types of eating disorders from bulimia, anorexia, to binge eating, and how all of them have impacted me. Alyssa Mastromonaco, author and former deputy chief of staff for operations in the Obama White House: At the top of my list is Life Will Be the Death of Me, by Chelsea Handler. Lavelier Microphone: https://amzn.to/3jZB1u5 Usually listed as a science fiction writer, hes one of the finest writers in any genre at work in America today, and this account of New York once the waters have begun to rise is superbthere are strong notes of Mark Twain, and his usual remarkable insight into how politics could be made to work. A selection of some of the histories named on this years Politico Magazine summer reading list. One of the hardest and most brutal races in the world, the Infinitus 88k brings out the toughest competitors. Charlotte Clymer, writer, U.S. Army veteran and press secretary for the Human Rights Campaign: While we all wait patiently for the last installment of Robert A. Caros phenomenal L.B.J. This abandoned high school was converted into a 31-unit apartment building. You have entered an incorrect email address! Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Finding Happiness & Living Fully: What Is Happiness + 5 Tips To Be Happy & Overcome Negative Thoughts, If you want to know how to find inner happiness, this is for you. Like my Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/MichaelBonnellBlog/, 6. 25 Self Improvement Tips For A Better Life (Find Happiness, Live Better, Achieve Your Goals), Here are 25 self-improvement tips to help you live a better life. Right now, Im reading The British Are Coming: The War for America, Lexington to Princeton, 1775-1777, by Rick Atkinson. The best part is that I am only building off of the last year and know that 2021 is going to be even better. Colin Kaepernick began his journey to fame by kneeling during the National Anthem at an NFL football game in 2016. The Total Money Makeover: Classic Edition: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness Microphone: https://amzn.to/3fRsfMe Instead of getting angry that your colleagues cant keep up, help pick your colleagues up and bring them with you! David Goggins, 41. WebDavid is indisputably one of the worlds best endurance athletes. }, David Goggins is a district court judge for the 67th District Court in Michigan. Resources: Powered and implemented by FactSet Digital Solutions. I also share why some fears are good and how to overcome the negative fears we all have. Athletic Career Highlights SEE A FULL LIST OF DAVIDS RACES IN THE MEDIA As painful and as brutal as it is, it changed me. During my time in college, I experienced a wide-variety of mental health related illnesses, so I can only imagine how that's going to impact others this fall. And those who get successful have certain common habits and qualities which helped them in becoming successful. David Petraeus, retired U.S. Army general and former director of the CIA: Ive already begun reading Ill Winds, by Larry Diamond, which provides a superb description of the state of democracy in America and around the worldand promises to explain to readers what is needed to shore up democracy at home and abroad. Living Freely: What It Means To Live An Authentic Life & How To Live Your Passion, Are you living freely? background-color: #f9f9f9; width: 43%; Michigan District Courts It can end the pain and suffering that comes from war, hunger, human rights violations, and injustice. Find a routine to help manage anxiety from all the change. Western Michigan University, Thomas M. Cooley Law School, .infobox { Podcast: https://anchor.fm/s/5382778/podcast/rss It cannot be stopped through charity. Its a perfect read for this years Year of Return to Ghana for black people in the diaspora, as 2019 marks 400 years since the beginning of the transatlantic slave trade. .top_disclaimer { But that doesn't mean you have to let them take your happiness away from you. Camera: https://amzn.to/33JCDCM My guilty pleasure for the summer will be following the Phillies. Thats all it is. All Rights Reserved. Remember, your mind is your greatest obstacle, but it is also your greatest weapon. Like my Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/MichaelBonnellBlog/, 7. Main Site:https://michael-bonnell.com/ Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MichaelJBonnell Don't overindulge. Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MichaelJBonnell A lot of us dont know about another world that exists for us because its on the other side of suffering. '", TRUMP STATE OF THE UNION: SETBACKS AND SUCCESSES SINCE LAST YEAR'S ADDRESS TO CONGRESS. I don't want to say that's I'm healed fully or anything, but I am a work in progress and feel as though I am making strides in my eating disorder recovery. My guilty pleasure is reading about David Boies ethics in Bad Blood, by John Carreyrou. When it comes to finding success in life, you need to just get started. Like my Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/MichaelBonnellBlog/, 10. The fact that kindness is more powerful than a medicine is truly remarkable! In this episode, I take a look into the mind of Tesla CEO, Elon Musk, and try to conclude how Elon Musk remains so productive and how he manages his time. He knew every single SEAL personally that was involved. Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021! Microphones: https://amzn.to/3nsKMnj And The Last Pirate of New York is a wild ride through Civil War-era American history from Rich Cohen, one of my favorite authors. Eric Swalwell, congressman from California and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate: On my list are An American Summer, by Alex Kotlowitz, a chronicle of one summer in Chicagos South Side and the impact of gun violence on a community, and Ada Twist, Scientist, by Andrea Beaty, a favorite of my daughter, Cricket. No doubt about it. Podcast: https://anchor.fm/s/5382778/podcast/rss As of , What is Tom Shadyac's net worth? Appearing on "Fox & Friends" with host Steve Doocy, Blackburn said that Goggins' life represented the "perfect comeback story as we talk about our nation's comeback story. Camera: https://amzn.to/33JCDCM The mind has capabilities that are so unknown, and being able to tap into that is on the other side of suffering. David Goggins, 50. background-color: grey; Follow my blog: https://michael-bonnell.com/ When you make excuses, youre running from the truth. David Goggins, 4. Uber Tom Shadyac is an What is Li-Ka Shing's net worth? All I did was pick up that shovel and made my own path. David Goggins, 24. I also just finished my friend Nick Estes book, Our History Is the Future, which puts the anti-Dakota Access Pipeline movement at Standing Rock in historical context. He also has no regrets about the military, and has advice for other SEALS: Go back to Boot Camp in your mind. Its about how you overcome that. David Goggins, 9. Michael Bonnell - Aspiring daily blogger, motivating and positive podcast host, and lover of life. Let's go! Live your best life, and turn your dreams into a reality. So be realistic, set realistic goals, and never stop striving to achieve the things that you want to achieve. We are Americans, and more importantly, we are humans. Jackson Desjardins spent 24 exhausting hours living like the Navy SEAL. 1. If you are looking for extra motivation or extra inspiration to achieve your dreams in life, then this book is for you! How To Suffer Less In Life - 3 Tips That Will Help You To Overcome Suffering, Are you struggling and suffering in life? That quote: Winners focus on winning, and losers focus on winners. Legal Statement. After experiencing more pain in his life than almost anybody, David Goggins was still able to live the meaningful life that he envisioned for himself. Set goals for yourself in advance, realize that your goals are going to take time to achieve, and stay motivated. The things that we decide to run from are the truth. Also on my list is Charged, by Emily Bazelon. Using kids as body armor. Here are 5 super easy side hustle ideas to help you do so. It's almost like a high and as though there isn't anything in the world that can bring you down. Most wars are won or lost in our own heads, and when were in a foxhole we usually arent alone, and we need to be confident in the quality of the heart, mind, and dialogue of the person hunkered down with us. A man who never accomplished anything of significance became the poster child forNIKE shoes. Life isn't ever going to be perfect, but there is only one way you are going to find success in your life - the only proven way to find success - and that's to just get started. We're all in this together to create a welcoming environment. You don't have to have a million dollars to become a millionaire. Microphones: https://amzn.to/3bDqodu .courts-container hr {background-color:#f0a236;padding-bottom:2px;}, Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals U.S. District Court: Eastern District of Michigan, Western District of Michigan U.S. Bankruptcy Court: Eastern District of Michigan, Western District of Michigan, Michigan Supreme Court Peoples heads, the father of a familys head being left on the doorstep of a home. The mind is the most powerful thing in the world. Boot Camp sucks SEAL training sucks but you know what? Podcast: https://anchor.fm/s/5382778/podcast/rss Here is my review on these 5 side hustles. Cory Booker, senator from New Jersey and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate: At the top of my summer reading list is Cant Hurt Me, by David Goggins, a fun book. Instead, we should be following our dreams, living the one life we are blessed enough to have, and live freely. Camera: https://amzn.to/33JCDCM If they were, everybody would already have the success that they crave. Jose Antonio Vargas, journalist, author and filmmaker: At the top of my list is American Presidents, Deportations, and Human Rights Violations: From Carter to Trump, by Bill Ong Hing. Motivation comes and goes. David Goggins is an American ultra-distance cyclist, ultramarathon runner, triathlete, motivational speaker, and author. I follow him because I can relate to being a fat fucker like him and losing 100 pounds in 5 months. Let's go! Podcast: https://anchor.fm/s/5382778/podcast/rss Shotgun Microphone: https://amzn.to/36Kv8NU. All Rights Reserved. If so, I strongly recommend reading Dave Ramsey's book The Total Money Makeover. 40 political heavy hitters tell us whats on their nightstandand what theyre taking to the beach. To be honest, I dont know exactly what SEALs think of David Goggins but Ive heard its a mixed bag to mostly not good. I dont know if it was his Produced by Ruair Arrieta-Kenna and Shawna Chen, art direction by Erin Aulov and Lily Mihalik, and photography by M. Scott Mahaskey. Emilys unbiased narrative examines the role of prosecutors in advancing criminal justice reform while keeping communities safe. He decided to be a patriot because his country had given him the "great opportunity to become someone," after battling low self-esteem anddemons stemming from his childhood. To make fun of or try to intimidate someone they didnt even know based on race alone was a clear indication that something was very wrong with them, not me. David Goggins, 12. 5 Super Easy Ways To Start Saving Money FAST So You Can Live A Wealthier Life, How would you feel if you had more money in your bank account? Perception And Mindset Changes That Helped Me Through 2020. The defeat of Nazism and Imperial Japan were used as historical examples of ideologies defeated through war. All rights reserved. He said that he "found [himself]" in that process. My current guilty pleasure read is On Earth Were Briefly Gorgeous, by Ocean Vuong. It allowed me, in my own right, to become the person who I am today. David Goggins, 34. Toxic wastewater from East Palestine dumped in Texas; locals furious, Were dying slowly East Palestine residents complain of worsening health problems despite being given the all clear by Biden regime, Army Chief: If Major War Breaks Out, China To Attack U.S. Be more than motivated, be more than driven, become literally obsessed to the point where people think youre f*cking nuts. David Goggins, 32. Medium: https://medium.com/@michaeljosephbonnell Then you're going to want to listen to this episode. Anand Giridharadas, author and editor-at-large for TIME: Im currently reading Common Ground: A Turbulent Decade in the Lives of Three American Families, because busing, racism, white resentment and the search for a way for us to live together are as much with us as in the post-1968 era that J. Anthony Lukas covers. A guilty pleasure is Henry Kissinger, who despite being a moral abomination of a man, writes clearly, coherently and intelligently. But doesn't really discuss them. And also at the top of my list is Our Man, by George Packer, which reviewers have praised for its enormous insights not just on Ambassador Richard Holbrooke, with whom I was privileged to partner during his final mission as a diplomat, but also on the three wars in which he played significant roles. Who knows what it is, but it's a completion of something. I am here to help you overcome obstacles in life and to just live more freely. font-weight: bold; I love that its a collection that allows me to read a bit and feel satisfied before picking it up again, and I love the characters and the humor interwoven into stories that have meaning and challenge oppression. width: 250px; "That was surprisingly not as hard as I remember it being," he says. He will be joining Senator Marsha Blackburn in the crowd. By being the only member of the armed forces at the time to complete the Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUD/s) course (including going through Hell Weekthree times), U.S. Army Ranger School (where he graduated as honor man), and Air Force tactical air controller training. Tell the truth about the real reasons for your limitations and you will turn that negativity, which is real, into jet fuel. Shotgun Microphone: https://amzn.to/36Kv8NU, 26. Lastly, the 8 signs of eating disorders, the dangers of calorie counting, and how to ensure you don't fall victim to living to the social norm. Like attracts like. 840 subscribers David Goggins shares his thoughts on Political Correctness and how today's society acts. Podcast: https://anchor.fm/s/5382778/podcast/rss Interns wanted: Get paid to help ensure that every voter has unbiased election information. It's time to master your life and overcome your fears! What To Know Before You Start & How It Can Help You Become A Millionaire, Have you thought about investing your money but don't know if it's quite worth it? "You have these bars and once you get there, you've made it. This Trainer Followed the Routine David Goggins Used to Lose 100 Pounds. Kindness, this one word, has the power to truly make the world a better place by ending any and all pain and suffering. PUSH PLAY! But what I do know is, that's the kind of person that I want to work with in my life. Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MichaelJBonnell Mental Illnesses In College Students: Dealing With Depression In Young Adults & Men, I think we can all agree that this year is going to look a little bit different than most for those who are going back to school this fall. "You're an animal," says Goggins. And ISIS is on some level, an expression of those legitimate grievances, and if [Americans] were better actors, if we were more apologetic, if we shared more wealth more of the time, if we just got out Muslim lands entirely, said Harris, Then we would discover that everyone wants the same thing out of life on some level, and this violence would no longer be directed at us. Mike Gravel, former senator from Alaska and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate: Ill have to reread Michael Parentis Against Empire. But he overcame the pain and accomplished it. I guess what Im saying is, the guy is not a war hero. Main Site:https://michael-bonnell.com/ I dont know. But as a regular guy, I think hes a great example of what sheer hard work and effort can do for you. You dont need expert knowledge You gotta get out there and get it. David Goggins, 14. And that's exactly what he did. You are meant to be happy! Lavelier Microphone: https://amzn.to/3jZB1u5 It will teach you how to develop your mind, how to overcome any amount of pain that you might be feeling, and how to keep pushing forward when you feel like giving up. President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Senator Bernie Sanders, and countless left-wing media, celebrity, and academic personalities have attributed the motivations of Islamic terrorists to perceptions of American aggression and statements made by Republicans like Donald Trump and Senator Ted Cruz. He had to qualify for that race, so he ran a 100-mile race to do so. Camera: https://amzn.to/33JCDCM Follow My Blog: https://michael-bonnell.com/ Chelsea is one of my most supportive friends, and this book is a gift to anyone who is interested in the journey to learn more about yourself, laugh your ass off and cry. His focus on how we treat youth in the justice system is an important companion text to Ava DuVernays Netflix series When They See Us.. Believe in yourself, stay motivated, stay humble, and be happy for the amazing person you are. You are meant to live freely and enjoy your life to the fullest. } It's okay, we all have. How do you manage all of these different areas of life? Evil is a real thing, and it cannot be stopped through debate. There's a trophy. CAMERA GEAR We have created [ISIS].. font-size: .9em;
} When Bannister was trying to break the four-minute mile in the 1950s, experts told him it couldnt be done, but that didnt stop him. The Buddha famously said that life is suffering. People take classes on self-help, mental toughness, breathing control the only way to get tougher is to put yourself in hellacious situations. David Goggins, 47. Homeland, *NEW* BREAKING News Out Of The WHITE HOUSE- SHAKEUP. After all of this, I have still found a way to focus on living a better life. But its not why all of us follow him is it? Thats the real growth in life. David Goggins, 26. Kindness is not something that demands tremendous amounts of hard work. Bill McKibben, author and environmentalist: I'm reading (rereading, actually, since I got to read a galley a year ago) Richard Powers The Overstory. Author and former Navy SEAL .css-16acfp5{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;text-decoration-thickness:0.125rem;text-decoration-color:#d2232e;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:inherit;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;}.css-16acfp5:hover{color:#000;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;background-color:yellow;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;}David Goggins is a fitness icon to many, with his continued dedication to perfecting his physical performance and penchant for dropping motivational pearls of wisdom. My Instagram: www.instagram.com/michaelbonnellblog, 1. Follow my blog: https://michael-bonnell.com/ But I want to learn how masters of the genre actually write. Microphones: https://amzn.to/3nsKMnj Im in the early stages of reporting a new book, and in these between times I tend to go back to the nonfiction classics for technique. I was lost in my own thoughts, had a negative mindset, and was experiencing endless amounts of self-doubt. Follow My Blog: https://michael-bonnell.com/ Written in autobiographical form, Stevensons work challenges us to examine what justice should look like. My guilty pleasure reading is John Grishams The Firm. The book is broken down into 7 baby steps that will help you to start paying off your debt, save money for retirement, and overall just live a simpler and less stressful life. Microphones: https://amzn.to/3nsKMnj If you need an extra boost of motivation and inspiration to live freely, then you won't want to miss this episode! Because at some point we will need some empowering words to keep us focused and deadly. David Goggins, 33. That is another case of evil. 37. Retired Navy SEAL David Goggins -- the only member of the U.S. Armed Forces to complete SEAL training, Army Ranger School and Air Force controller training -- is the Its a classic polemic against the crimes of the U.S. empire, burning with Parentis muscular voice and sharp command of the details of infamy. www.michael-bonnell.com .widget-row.Independent, .widget-row.Nonpartisan, .widget-row.Constitution { Here are 7 daily habits to follow that will help your mental health and your physical health. Worry about yourself; love yourself for the amazing person you are, and do what you can do to make the world a better place for everyone. I dont know what SEALs think of David Goggins, but he was in the Civil Air Patrol. Back in high school I was in the CAP too, although I was in a w And just like David Goggins says, when your mind is telling you that you're done, that you're exhausted, that you can't handle anything more, you're only actually 40 percent done. I feel that this is the most important book published this year and that I have a duty to read it in order to understand Russias role in the last election for president and why special counsel Robert Mueller felt that he could not exonerate President Donald Trump on charges that he obstructed justice. I plan to make that happen. It's more than just stress and anxiety. Audio Interface: https://amzn.to/2XOJGXN, 13. life is one long motherf**king imaginary game that has no scoreboard, no referee, and isnt over until were dead and buried. David Goggins, 15. background-color: grey; Except for Brad Thors latest, Backlash. Podcast: https://anchor.fm/s/5382778/podcast/rss I would beat myself up for my mistakes and became scared to take chances on myself. Market data provided by Factset. My guilty pleasure/fun reading is the magazine the Week. vertical-align: top; You can push yourself to a place that is beyond the current capability or temporal mindset of the people you work with, and thats okay. I just finished and highly recommend West with the Night, a memoir by Beryl Markham. That means Covid stress, Zoom happy hours, and bare shelves as the grocery store could once again become Americas reality. Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MichaelJBonnell 4. Lavelier Microphone: https://amzn.to/3jZB1u5, 19. After experiencing more pain in his life than almost anybody, David Goggins was still able to live the meaningful life that he envisioned for himself. To learn more about them, feel free to use the links below. I love Little House on the Prairie and started rewatching it this year. Microphones: https://amzn.to/3nsKMnj That's why I felt like sharing my experience and what helps me to deal to combat self-doubt. Dont forget to share them on social media with your friends and family. At the top of my list is Bluebird, Bluebird of the Highway 59 series. Goggins lost 106 pounds in less than three months in pursuit of a career in service to the nation. Dont focus on what you think you deserve. .courts-header { font-size:150%;background-color:#334aab;color:white;} Im a warrior. David Goggins, 40. padding-left: 10px; Suffering is the true test of life. David Goggins, 8. The Power Of Kindness - How Being Kinder Has Improved My Life (5 Benefits Of Being Kind), Kindness is such a simple concept, but yet it is often overlooked despite being so very impactful. Podcast: https://anchor.fm/s/5382778/podcast/rss It's because today was one of those days for me. (If Im honest though, I will likely spend too much time scrolling Twitter, where I gravitate to tastemakers like Cardi B, Lil Nas X, Brother Nature and Hari Nef, to name a few.). David won this race in a clean 12 hours, almost twenty minutes ahead of the next finisher. Retired Navy SEAL David Goggins is often called The Toughest Man Alive. He has some things to say about Colin Kaepernick that should knock some sense into people who protest the flag because of racism. In a new video from Uncle Sams Misguided Children, you can see the stark contrast between a person who spends most of his time complaining and a man who overcame all barriers in his life. Just getting after it and not quitting. Our political views dont always align on every subject, but this is a great opportunity to reach How To Get Over Your Fear of Failure, Find Success, & Live Freely, Do you have a fear of failure? But for those who can pry their eyes away from the news, even briefly, Politico Magazine here presents our annual summer reading list. RODECaster Pro: https://amzn.to/2R6L7Nl If you want to find your purpose and a deeper meaning for life, this episode is a MUST! 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