You got a point. [FAILED] You don't listen too good, do you? What if I can guarantee they won't come into the courtyard below? Real simple. Maybe she needs to be in some place where she can be seen, but being heard isn't important? {1st Time Switching Station: Mumbling to himself}Got a worse grease smell down here than Danny Parker's hair on Opening Night. This section describes IBM Domino security features, including execution control lists, IDs, and SSL. {THEATER: 1st Time, Hates player}Don't act stupid. Domino survived the apocalypse, during which he began to undergo ghoulification. Yes. {Dean, irritated that the player is still alive, taunts his/her resolve.}. {Smug, a little eager}Time for a little show - I'll just grab a seat and watch how this plays out from backstage. {Beat, to himself}I hope not, or we're royally jones'd. {Reluctant, quiet}She was my other partner, before the Bomb. {Already planning ahead, as if free and clear already}Once I kill you, exit stage left, and my collar will go quiet. If you want him to live you gotta make him think he'a the one in charge. I know how the collars behave now, in here anyway. and "Ummmm. That a bet you want to take? It's the barter checks you need to avoid, as these basically make you say 'I'm in charge, not you ghoul boy.' Inside the ruined cafe, take the stairs up. So no, I don't think you'll shut them off. Two minds b/c Dog (Strong Man) has multiple personalities. I know we're in a bad spot here just, uh, leave me something, all right? Vegas still survived, out there in the Mojave. {Confidentially}By the way, don't get up or make any sudden motions, no matter how uncomfortable that chair gets the cushion's just for show. {Beat}Got to sue my agent for this. I stick to martinis. {To himself}Guess a fat lady's singing somewhere. Theater's almost the same as it was. Enough gum-flapping, Madre's not getting any younger. Please re-enable javascript to access full functionality. {Disgusted}She smiled, fluttered her eyes, showed a little leg {A little colder, disgust chilling}and he built this whole place for her. Always had the Sierra Madre to keep my mind occupied. Not after all this time. {Dean likes the player}Didn't think much of our chances, now I'm thinking I was wrong. {Frustrated}First time on stage in a hundred years, and it has to be this? Glasses I don't need you - I'll send you back to the farm, worse off than you were, because you'll have seen the Sierra Madre, and had to let it {emph}all go. Tried talking to them, bribing them, leaving food - nothing. Edited by Sithicus, 01 March 2011 - 10:50 pm. It's the other ones when you first meet him that you should avoid. This section describes IBM Domino security features, including execution control lists, IDs, and SSL. {Under his breath}Time to make some music. [SUCCEEDED] {Impressed}Sounds like you've done some blue collar construction work in your life, your Ma must be proud. {Smiles}After that smooth sailing. Broadcast Sends a message to specified users, to users of a specified database, or to all users of a specified server. Survival. {Colder}Makes me think whatever you have to say isn't worth my time. Indicates whether the server is responding. Player found a blackmail tape Dean used for heist. Ruined. Interesting. {Dean Dead: Narration, a little wistful at the memory}Dean Domino, entertainer, singer thief had his last show on the Sierra Madre stage. {Cold, menacing}So you showed. {Little nervous}We're not heading to the police station, are we? Lording it over everyone. The one who put these collars on us wanted me to deal with everyone first. Song's going to end soon, you along with it. But that was your problem. The song still exists in fragments in the Sierra Madre archives on each floor. Soon, Domino found himself consumed with jealousy and he became single-mindedly determined to put Sinclair "in his place" by taking everything from him that he held dear. You sing like a bird, pop the safe, and we're as through as through can be. *game trains you to constantly skill check everything*. Passing all the Barter skill checks in his dialogues will turn him hostile when encountered in the Tampico. Not one for fighting if we can avoid it.
. No, you want to know why? Because if you make a mistake well, Sierra Madre's got us both. Any change in the sounds around here the Ghost People are not big on talking, they are big on listening. {Sizing place up, liking it}Might be a nice place to hole up for a while. It's through the Cloud - but if I'm with you, I can help you through it. What can you tell me about the Villa and the town? {Low, threatening}I'll get it back eventually. I don't want to speak bad about her. All right, I'll break to my right, head for the locked door. Misc stats It's the last place anyone wants to stand when this event goes off. Dean a man with cold feet isn't someone I'd share a bed with. {Beat}Not much to look at now. Doing the barter check cause competition of who will get the reward between you two rather than just escaping. If they survive the Cloud, the Ghost People, the traps, then greed takes over, and they start sizing each other up for funeral suits. {Thinking}It's the farthest from the only door out of here so you'd need to do a full circuit of the corridor to get to it. Leave that projector alone - I'm warning you. Oh, my left - your right. If one sleeps there when playing in Hardcore mode it will activate the sleep requirement count. {Whispering}Thing is, here's where being my {emph}partner pays off. Tourists, you bet. Good thing, someone walks in here, they're toast. Creates a credential store application (credstore.nsf) and uses it to store the document encryption key for Web authentication using the OAuth protocol. {Narration}Once he left the theater, the Sierra Madre recognized him as a guest, and many doors opened to him. Anything? Turn on both Security Holograms to guard the courtyard below Dean. Maybe. {Shrugs, dismissive}I'd shed a tear, but I'm sure we'll be chatting again. Any kind of confrontational speech with him should be avoided throughout the DLC, this includes telling him about the bomb collar (possible bug). I'm not going to let any harm come to you, all right? Everybody else all right? Waiting for the fireworks. . I tried reloading previous saves as well as using commands to make him stop combat and join my faction. {Beat}Poor him. Even if you reach me, you don't have the guts to fight. Does rdf command causes only Dean dialog to restart? Thought I was back at the Fronds {to himself}well, except no audience, used to pack theaters back then so stepped up on the stage, check things out Then suddenly Holograms walked out of the wings and they started raising their hands to their heads all creepy-like, {emph}not a good sign. Just because I work in entertainment, doesn't mean I'm a moron. All high-and-mighty. So - what, you're heading to the main terminal now that you've got this floor unlocked? So - what, you're heading to the main terminal now that you've got this floor unlocked? Reverses his tone, realizes the player's thinking long term, which is smart. You want me to give you a standing ovation? . Forget that walking stomach, not interested in being his lunch just glad the girl's all right. Dean is hemmed in by lethal security holograms. Being slightly casual in his speech here, even though his life is in danger. Look around. The Security Holograms shoot on sight, and you can't even hurt them. Do I have to spell it out? I mean, it's a little small and hey, watch the hands in there, I remember where I left {emph}everything, got it? {At Gala position - Studying a barren rooftop with sparking wires}So {emph}this is where I'm supposed to put on the show? {Frustrated, under his breath}Can't believe I left the apartment for this. {Sees an opportunity, quiet, whispering}Come on, partner. {Grumbles}Never should have left those stupid handprints. Interesting. I am getting unknown attribute for "nDeanAttitude", will try the mod to save this sorry bastard, kinda annoying that there is literally no way to have a peaceful resolution to this dilemma, just because you click all skillchecks, at least let me know this guy holds a grudge for centuries before we talk to him at that balcony? Lousy acoustics. You aren't getting to the prize without me. Whoever did this messed up. Oh, man nice job. Yeah, the woman, the Starlet, Vera - her voice. Assuming the Dead Money DLC is the second item in your load order, try this console command prior to meeting Dean in the Tampico: set "01001302".nDeanAttitude to 1 There are a couple opportunities to make Dean hate the player, but only one time when you can make Dean like the player. {Impressed}That one's got a head on their shoulders. According to the marker, you're slated for a spot in Puesta del Sol. Holotape recording, now Dean's softening her up, realizes he doesn't need her as an emotional wreck now. Shows the next time that a server task will run. Kill me, and And the collars? Karma {Snorts}Heh, heh. Oh, sure, it'll be all sweetness and roses and when I say soothing music, I mean with the speakers being the state they are, things'll be screaming, all right. {THEATER: Dean fight}So, what, you're going to risk blowing off your own head to kill me? I'm serious. Her broadcast is tied into the emergency broadcast signal for the Sierra Madre. We got bigger problems with the Holograms no, no, wait, you're right. Although I have no idea why you would want to. "Holowood" intentional. Tell Dean to stay in position and fire off his part of the Gala Event. Covering more than 26.800 Games, this database represents I'm just going to catch my breath a bit. Made a lot of mistakes along the way. Yeah, but if I run, what about the Security Holograms? Where's the song recording you have? I walk in and {THEATER: 1st Time, Hates player}How did you get from the Gala Event to here? Now, it covers the city. And if you can wait until his buddies are close by, even better. Related concepts List of server commands and syntax Using a console to send commands to a server The Gala's tied to the casino, draws on its power. [FAILED] Interesting in the sense that having some light show open the Sierra Madre? I guess I should have figured you'd have an escape plan. Sierra Madre The truth, buddy, is this: you and me, we're now family as long as we got these bowties on. {Gleeful, slight malicious}Would have been the biggest heist in history. I'd have done the same if there was a trigger to my head or a collar on my neck. Not put me in danger? Had great coffee - and one of the waitresses? Whichever. The Villa's dangerous. Player keeps going deeper into the clinic, and Dean doesn't want Christine (a victim he put here) found. Called it "self-sufficient." Because she could get closer to Sinclair than I ever could. Gameplay {Dean's jubilant when the Holograms vanish. {emph}I'll get out in time - you won't. That's the radios and speakers - what about a central sound system? Uh Dean. You're a piece of work, I'll give you that. {Beat}If you need to take a breather from the Cloud, this is a good spot. All rights reserved. Password-protects the Domino server console. Didn't see the sky again. {To himself}Think the Villa's bad now you haven't seen half the hell this town can raise. So hug the wall, make as much space between you and the door or it's Cloud Nine in a casket. {Just heard Elijah booming over the radio}Was that him floating above the Fountain, the boss man? The Holotape should be where I left it no, wait. {Grumbling}Then, of course, {emph}you show up, putting your mitts on everything. Dean curses, insulting old Stage Manager's computer (backstage), after blows up when tried to disable Holograms. And here I thought she was trying to numb herself to the lights. If, however, you don't try to show up Domino, if when you meet for the first time you let Domino act like he is the one in charge, then he decides he likes you and won't try to betray you later on. Note This appendix also contains a separate list of Domino and IBM DB2 Universal Database Enterprise Server Edition server commands, that is, server commands that used only in a configuration consisting of Domino with DB2. Vera's stayed powered up since the bombs fell those Holograms will, too. Guess I'll need to call security, have them show you the door. Either got killed by one of the Villa's attractions, locals, or the beautiful weather. Real funny. Talk about a captive audience. This heist? Use this topic as an overview of planning task. This section describes how to find and solve problems with IBM Domino server and Administrator client. Do that, and I'll consider waiting on the rooftop. I found some medical records in the Villa Clinic. Piece. So watch your mouth, you don't scare me. {Slightly unnerved, player's about to break his last line of defense}Don't do it. Figures wish he'd show himself, although I'm betting he's not doing that until we've cracked the vault. Not sure it applies to them. Why? {Frowns}At least this one seems like a straight shooter. This section describes how to use the tools and features that help you monitor a Domino system. What, you need surgery done? Not even worth the time it'd take to kill you. There's more out there, a lot more. Fallout Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Our collars these "neckties" are linked. He's never been hostile towards me, or anything. {Relieved to see a familiar face}You partner, are you a sight for sore eyes. The Server Controller and the Domino Console, Using a console to send commands to a server, Entering commands at the console at the server, Sending Controller and shell commands from a remote console, Sending commands from the Domino Administrator console, Sending commands from a Web Administrator console, Using the Domino Character Console to access the server console. You wait, beautiful. {Frustrated}Dead? Partner! xx0012FE Lighting? {Cold, menacing}All right, you're resourceful, I'll give you that - it's going to take a lot more than juggling keys and shooting speakers to stop me. Like he was doing the residents a favor. Learn how to generate the logs, which can be used to further analyze an issue, of ScanMail for IBM Domino. Vera got sealed in here. Why did you leave them around the Villa? Displays the per minute user/transaction values when the Domino Server is running. About this task You can invoke the cconsole program multiple times. That's irony for you. Whoever did this messed up. This list briefly describes the Domino server commands that are available. Lotus Domino Console Commands - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Ref ID {Mixing an explosive, slightly eager}Let me whip up a special cocktail Don't be ridiculous - point that somewhere else, will you? " Dean Domino Strike Up the Band is a quest in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Dead Money . Got it? {Shrugs}Once he was hooked, that was it, had to have her. I can get you across. Let's get out of here those speakers on the wall are making my nerves do a dance. Take everything in the room, including the 36 gold bars on the table to your right and the single gold bar on the overseer's desk. {Pretending to find the scene distasteful}There's a picture, a bunch of headless saps all waiting for the pearly gates. All right, makes sense. Topics in this section describe the tools you can use to administer a Domino server. Sinclair built this whole town to accommodate her. You're my guest. Displays the current value for a NOTES.INI setting. Guess Vera echoes down through the ages, then. Vera was a big star, back before the Bomb. For example: PULL "Renovations Server". {Frustrated, under his breath}Used to open in Paris. {Hates PC}That's all I wanted to know. And speaking of slow, don't go shouting, or attracting attention. You didn't have to switch on those Holograms, and you did. Much. Oh, my dressing room - may have left the radio on, right by the table uh, if you could just shut it off instead of blowing it u uh, never mind. I asked her, she said yes, then she started to get cold feet. West Town and East Town, though they're thick with the Cloud {emph}and Ghost People. Eye color He's scheming against you from the start. {Encouraged}Hey, you're making real progress, good. You can't hurt his fragile ego. Partner, I'm not sure this guy's operating with a full deck. Any reason you can't find your way there? I'm a fair shot. Physical traits {Grumbles to himself}Didn't realize there was so many holotapes of her still around, otherwise eh, never mind. {Confused}What are we doing here? I go back and I cannot tell him the holograms are on and hes safe. {Frustrated}Of all the where the hell are those stupid Holograms already? [SUCCEEDED] What? Wait, so you're not just slow, you're screwy, too? {Cold, to himself}This is your last hurrah, Sinclair, I promise you. If I thought you screaming wouldn't attract more of the locals. If you have the code, you can turn off {emph}all the speakers, make them settle down. Style's not something you just change, friend. [SUCCEEDED] Uh right. {To himself}Kept them around for his lady friend. {Doesn't like player}I'll hold up my end, don't you worry. Go knock yourself out. Displays individual and cumulative platform statistics for all servers including one or more of the following: logical disk, paging file, memory, individual network, process, and system. {Working on a computer, trying to shut it down}Hnh. Right. Though Dean says that he has learned how to use a knife, he does not have Melee as a tagged skill. The Villa provides even if it's not as glamorous as the Cantina Madrid. Oh, looks like you already forced the gate. What, is everyone else here? Wait - I need to head to the door to your left or my left? His ego is very fragile, and the player is encouraged to take care not to bruise it when dealing with Domino, lest it carry dire consequences down the line. Getting backstage should buy us time, just take it slow. Lounge singerThiefCompanion And me? Location It's curtains for Dean. {Cold}So can't leave well enough alone, have to enter Vera's room. I'm fine on my own. For each type of transaction, displays the total number of NRPC transactions, the minimum and maximum duration of the transaction, the total time to perform all transactions, and the average time to perform the transaction. [SUCCEEDED] {Pleased}And that's what I've missed - a rapt audience. {THEATER: 1st Time, Hates player}If you think you can take me, come down and try it. Hates }. Not even worth the time it 'd take to kill you wanted me deal... Thing is, here 's where being my { emph } I 'll break to my,. A man with cold feet is n't important 're slated for a in. Creates a credential store application ( credstore.nsf ) and uses it to store the document encryption key for authentication. Like a straight shooter to stay in position and fire off his part of the Gala.!, head for the locked door softening her up, realizes the player thinking... 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