Drunkenness was forbidden, so Tezcatlipoca disguised himself as a medicine man and offered Quetzalcoatl alcohol disguised as a medicinal potion. "9 Facts About Quetzalcoatl." Mictlantecuhtli was the Aztec god of death and the principle god of the underworld. Quetzalcoatl's opposite was Tezcatlipoca, who supposedly sent Quetzalcoatl into exile. In Aztec culture, depictions of Quetzalcoatl were fully anthropomorphic. Worship of Quetzalcoatl can be traced back to as early as the Teotihuacan civilization, a prominent urban center that peaked between the 3rd to 8th centuries CE. When he started to pay attention to what he was watering, Tlaloc saw a cave full of snakes that were eagerly sipping on his water. You have graciously arrived, you have known pain, you have known weariness, now come on earth, take your rest, enter into your palace, rest your limbs; may our lords come on earth. A male priest would then take the goddess's place, wearing the sacrifice's skin. In it, Montezuma welcomed the foreigner to take his throne which I have briefly kept for you.. The Puebla, Oaxaca, and Tlaxcala provided soldiers to support the Spanish army, first to retake Cholula and then to march against Tenochtitlan. So it should be clear that Quetzalcoatl was, indeed, a great mythical figure. Quetzalcoatl has been worshiped by all the major Mesoamerican cultures including the Mayans and the Aztecs. He is usually interpreted as the same god with a different regional name, and is therefore often referred to as Ehecatl-Quetzalcoatl. Profile [] Identity []. In art, he is represented by various animal symbols such as quetzals, rattlesnakes, crows, and macaws. He was casually sitting on a couple of clouds to water the earth below, which wasnt all that inhabited by humans as of yet. The trip was far from easy, but Quetzalcoatl was able to complete it. The other serpent is normally seen as a war god, a war serpent symbolizing the military expansion of the Teotihuacan empire. In the underworld, Quetzalcoatl went all the way to Mictln; the lowest region of the Aztec underworld. There is no surviving account of this myth in native sources, however. On the other hand, the snake was considered a vital instrument to help bring visions from the underworld to the Mayan kings. By 1200 AD, Quetzalcoatls iconography had become more fixed. Also, the Quetzalcoatl mural had quite a bit to do with internal peace in society. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. The association of the name with kingship led colonial Spaniards to believe that the Aztecs considered themselves to be descended from the god himself. The Aztec confederacy was opposed by other Nahua groups to the east. Here, our plumed serpent gathered the bones of all the previous races that walked the earth. The earliest Aztec and classic Maya serpent iconography can be found in a six-tiered pyramid specifically dedicated to Quetzalcoatl. He also had anthropomorphic forms, for example in his aspects as Ehecatl the wind god. However, each and every god had failed terribly in doing so. Aztec God Quetzalcoatl According to Aztec mythology, Earth had been through four cycles of Sun, each of which resulted in the destruction of mankind. This view has been questioned by ethno-historians who argue that the Quetzalcoatl-Corts connection is not found in any document that was created independently of post-Conquest Spanish influence, and that there is little proof of a pre-Hispanic belief in Quetzalcoatl's return. While at first a fully zoomorphic feathered serpent, Quetzalcoatl would later be represented in his human form. Although early images had shown a serpent, by the classical period of Aztec culture Quetzalcoatl was more often shown with a human body. The worship of Quetzalcoatl became widespread with the rise of the Toltec civilization around 900 A.D. and spread throughout the region, even down to the Yucatan peninsula where it caught on with the Maya. A young woman would be dressed as Xochiquetzal before being beheaded and flayed. Quetzalcoatl wears a tall conical hat with a fan of black and yellow feathers. It starts with Tlaloc, the Aztec god of rain. He used his own blood from wounds he inflicted on himself to give life to the bones and create mankind. C catl Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl [s kat topiltsin ketsalkoat] ( Our Prince One-Reed Precious Serpent) (c. 895-947) is a mythologised figure appearing in 16th-century accounts of Nahua historical traditions, [5] where he is identified as a ruler in the 10th century of the Toltecs by Aztec tradition their . All good eclipses must come to an end, and this happened when the snake evolved into a Feathered Serpent and flew out of the sun again. At this particular address, behind the green door, next . The most astonishing aspect of their worship, at least to the Spaniards, was their habit of human sacrifice . Subtleties in, and an imperfect scholarly understanding of, high Nahuatl rhetorical style make the exact intent of these comments tricky to ascertain, but Restall argues that Moctezuma's politely offering his throne to Corts (if indeed he did ever give the speech as reported) may well have been meant as the exact opposite of what it was taken to mean: politeness in Aztec culture was a way to assert dominance and show superiority. And, it wasnt so bad after all. For example, a depiction in Acapulco, Mexico, shows the Aztec snake god in all its glory. It has been suggested that these stories recall the spread of the feathered-serpent cult in the epi-classic and early post-classic periods.[12]. The legend of Quetzalcoatl is spoofed in the Adult Swim CGI series Xavier: Renegade Angel. This is evident in the iconography recovered from these sites. The name Quetzalcoatl comes from this language and is most widely-used both because it was recorded by Spanish conquerors and because Nahuatl is still spoken by roughly 1.5 million people. He transformed himself into a small black ant, taking a red ant with him for a little company during his journey. That is, according to the Aztecs. While Quetzacoatl is one of the most well-known gods of ancient Mexico, he is often misunderstood. [12] Feathered-serpent iconography is prominent at all of these sites. [23], The exact significance and attributes of Quetzalcoatl varied somewhat between civilizations and through history. The Tteoh as a whole were worshiped from the 6th to the 16th centuries by the Aztec ethnic group and other Nahuatl-speaking people of central Mexico. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. He was a god of wind, culture, knowledge, and creation. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. One of his most defining attributes, however, is his breastplate. These, then, are the people that still inhabit the world. [18][need quotation to verify]. In Xochicalco, depictions of the feathered serpent accompany the image of a seated, armed ruler and the hieroglyph for the day sign 9 Wind. Occasionally, he is accompanied by his namesake quetzal bird. The east is represented by Xipe Totec who is the Red Tezcatlipoca and the god of gold and farming. He was also sometimes said to have created the world itself with the help of one of his brothers. In the Aztec religion, Chalchiuhtlicue was the goddess of water, but she was also the only Chalchiuhtlicue: The Aztec Goddess of Water, gods to Spanish legends, heres everything you need to know about the most famous god of the Aztecs. They therefore claimed that Quetzalcoatl was the Aztec name for Thomas the Apostle and that the naive natives believed that he, like Christ, would one day return to finish converting them to Christianity. This article is about a Mesoamerican deity. Quetzalcoatl appears in many ancient Mesoamerican codices, sculptures and reliefs. Quetzalcoatl, or "Feathered Serpent," was an important god to the ancient people of Mesoamerica. Most Mesoamerican beliefs included cycles of suns. His appearance can change drastically, however, depending on the region, era, and context. Quetzalcoatl is thus not only an Aztec god. Some legends describe him as opposed to human sacrifice[26] while others describe him practicing it.[27][28]. After the first four ages of man ended, the feathered serpent stole their bones from the Underworld and used his own blood to give them new life. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. [9] In Mazatec legends the astrologer deity Tlahuizcalpanteuctli, who is also represented by Venus, bears a close relationship with Quetzalcoatl. This is what you have to look forward to- Initially, you will notice that you can find pleasure in new and sometimes bizarre places. This confederacy engaged in almost seventy-five years of nearly continuous conflict with the Aztec Empire of the Triple Alliance until the arrival of Corts. Welcome. Montezuma king of the aztecs during the era had even confirmed that Cortes was Quetzalcoatl or a reincarnation of their deity. Xolotl was the sinister god of monstrosities who wears the spirally-twisted wind jewel and the ear ornaments of Quetzalcoatl. [40] However, a majority of Mesoamericanist scholars, such as Matthew Restall (2003, 2018[37]), James Lockhart (1994), Susan D. Gillespie (1989), Camilla Townsend (2003a, 2003b), Louise Burkhart, Michel Graulich and Michael E. Smith (2003), among others, consider the "Quetzalcoatl/Corts myth" as one of many myths about the Spanish conquest which have risen in the early post-conquest period. The domestication of corn in Mesoamerica, about 10,000 years ago, is referred to as humanitys greatest achievement when it comes to agriculture. To create humans, Quetzalcoatl had to go into the Underworld and collect some bones. The only snake that wasnt so eager was afraid of the light, or so the myth goes. Actually, the Aztec god is often regarded as one of the most worshiped characters in the Aztec religion. Like most of their gods, the Aztecs shared him with both allies and foes throughout Mexico and Central America. Over the West presides the White Tezcatlipoca, Quetzalcoatl, the god of light, justice, mercy and wind. Over more than a thousand years, a similar god was worshipped by virtually every one of Mesoamericas related cultures. (Many academics conclude this passage implies incest.) related to the belief in a sky-, Venus-, creator-, war- and fertility-related serpent deity. Round monuments occur particularly often in Huastec territory. In his aspect as Quetzalcoatl Ehcatl he was the benign god of wind, who brought rains for crops and who brought back the bones of humankind from the underworld, allowing for the resurrection of the species. Some said that before this he had helped to create the world itself. This story probably came about later, as Aztec nobles tried to rationalize their defeat. https://www.thoughtco.com/facts-about-quetzalcoatl-2136322 (accessed March 2, 2023). The gods powers extended beyond the wind, however. The first culture to use the symbol of a feathered serpent as an important religious and political symbol was that of Teotihuacan. The cult even spread down into the Maya lands. The archaeological record shows that after the fall of Teotihuacan that marked the beginning of the epi-classic period in Mesoamerican chronology around 600 AD, the cult of the feathered serpent spread to new religious and political centers in central Mexico, centers such as Xochicalco, Cacaxtla and Cholula. It allows for a form of food security, and therefore for peace, and as a result, has taken on not only physical and economic importance but spiritual significance as well. Such wind jewels have been found in burials of religious and political leaders and may have been inspired by the patterns of hurricanes, dust devels, and other wind-based events. Tlaltcuhtli was so upset at the loss of her own body that she demanded the hearts and blood of humans to appease her wrath. Known as the Ehecailacozcatl, its swirling design represents the wind. Indeed, Quetzalcoatl was born. The story of how the ordinary Quetzalcoatl became one of the heavenly brothers goes as followed. His ashes rose into the sky and then his heart followed, becoming the morning star (see Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli). It was also the patron god of the Aztec priesthood. Quetzalcoatl wears around his neck the breastplate ehcaczcatl, "the spirally voluted wind jewel". A lot of cultures such as the Maya, Toltecs, Aztecs, and many polities in Central Mexico used to worship the deity Quetzalcoatl during Postclassic period. On the basis of the iconography of the feathered-serpent deity at sites such as Teotihuacan, Xochicalco, Chichn Itz, Tula and Tenochtitlan combined with certain ethnohistorical sources, historian David Carrasco has argued that the preeminent function of the feathered-serpent deity throughout Mesoamerican history was as the patron deity of the urban center - a god of culture and civilization. At one hand, Mayans considered a snake as the embodiment of the cosmos. There are several stories about the birth of Quetzalcoatl. To cite this article in an academic-style article or paper, use: Maup van de Kerkhof, "Quetzalcoatl: The Feathered Serpent Deity of Ancient Mesoamerica", History Cooperative, February 13, 2023, https://historycooperative.org/quetzalcoatl/. The worship of Quetzalcoatl became widespread with the rise of the Toltec civilization around 900 A.D. and spread throughout the region, even down to the Yucatan peninsula where it caught on with the Maya. Because of this, the latest reincarnation of Quetzalcoatl would come to earth to do exactly that. With the importance of the snake and bird for Aztec and Mayan culture in mind, it goes without saying that there are many depictions of feathered serpents in ancient excavations. By Quetzalcoatl was a god for many ancient . In some areas, however, it was believed that Quetzalcoatl opposed such sacrifices. As a double of Quetzalcoatl, he carries his conch-like ehecailacacozcatl or wind jewel.Xolotl accompanied Quetzalcoatl to Mictlan, the land of the dead, or the underworld, to retrieve the bones from . Franciscans then equated the original Quetzalcoatl with Thomas and imagined that the Indians had long-awaited his return to take part once again in God's kingdom. While Quetzalcoatl is widely related by historians to just one of the five suns, it seems like the first four suns also had quite a bit to do with the Feathered Serpent. Historian Matthew Restall concludes that: The legend of the returning lords, originated during the Spanish-Mexica war in Corts' reworking of Moctezuma's welcome speech, had by the 1550s merged with the Corts-as-Quetzalcoatl legend that the Franciscans had started spreading in the 1530s. Of these, Quetzalcoatl was the Sun in the second cycle. The God Quetzalcoatl definitely has a link of some sort to this hero. He appears in Post-classic tales from the Maya, Toltec, and Aztec cultures. Similarly, various other birth stories are also associated with Quetzalcoatl. "9 Facts About Quetzalcoatl." Followers of the war god rebelled, however, forcing Topiltzin and his fol-lowers into exile on the Yucatn peninsula. When Cortes and his crew of Spaniards came ashore in Mexico in 1519, many thought they were gods. In the Maya area he was approximately equivalent to Kukulkan and Gukumatz, names that also roughly translate as "feathered serpent" in different Mayan languages. Represented as the plumed serpent, Quetzalcoatl was also seen as manifest in the wind, one of the most powerful forces of nature; a text in the Nahuatl language captures this relationship: Quetzalcoatl; yn ehecatl ynteiacancauh yntlachpancauh in tlaloque, yn aoaque, yn qujqujiauhti. The following morning, he ordered his servants to build him a stone coffin. While the Aztecs were still waiting for the returning god Quetzalcoatl, most of their people were killed due to diseases brought by the Spaniards. ; (2) a god of the winds, the sun, and the planet Venus; (3) the cultural hero and expected "messiah" of the pre-Columbian Mexicans; and (4) a god-hero who served as patron of the arts . There is a beautiful platform temple to Quetzalcoatl at Xochicalco, and Cholula eventually became known as the home of Quetzalcoatl, attracting pilgrims from all over ancient Mexico. After months of rain, the snake was forced to come out of the cave. Ququmatz Also written as Gukumatz, this name belonged to the Kiche Maya. During the Post-Classic Period (900AD-1519AD), the main center of Quetzalcoatls worship was Cholula. Two other gods represented by the planet Venus are Tlaloc (ally and the god of rain) and Xolotl (psychopomp and its twin). [citation needed], In the Codex Chimalpopoca, it is said Quetzalcoatl was coerced by Tezcatlipoca into becoming drunk on pulque, cavorting with his older sister, Quetzalpetlatl, a celibate priestess, and neglecting their religious duties. Over the South presides the Blue Tezcatlipoca, Huitzilopochtli, the god of war. Mesoamerican priests and kings would sometimes take the name of a deity they were associated with, so Quetzalcoatl and Kukulcan are also the names of historical persons. He was also associated with the creation of mankind, so he also possibly occupied the role of creator in the Aztec mythology. As Quetzalcoatl Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli he had a more intimidating appearance including a black mask or face paint, elaborate headdress and a weapon, such as an ax or lethal darts representing the rays of the morning star. Quetzalcoatlhe was the wind, the guide and road sweeper of the rain gods, of the masters of the water, of those who brought rain. Although probably not exactly a depiction of the same feathered-serpent deity worshipped in classic and post-classic periods, it shows the continuity of symbolism of feathered snakes in Mesoamerica from the formative period and on, for example in comparison to the Maya Vision Serpent shown below. It really elevated the status of the Feathered Serpent to the protector of the people, which is also affirmed by his role as patron god. [11] That period lies within the Late Preclassic to Early Classic period (400 BC 600 AD) of Mesoamerican chronology; veneration of the figure appears to have spread throughout Mesoamerica by the Late Classic period (600900AD). Mayans had deities with feathered serpent as their names. [24], According to another version of the myth, Quetzalcoatl is one of the four sons of Ometecuhtli and Omecihuatl, the four Tezcatlipocas, each of whom presided over one of the four cardinal directions. However, at the end of the second cycle, mankind became like monkeys and so Quetzalcoatl blew up the whole of mankind. Latter-day Saint author Brant Gardner, after investigating the link between Quetzalcoatl and Jesus, concluded that the association amounts to nothing more than folklore. A Walking Tour of the Maya Capital of Chichn Itz, The Chac Mool Sculptures of Ancient Mexico, Influence of the Olmec Civilization on Mesoamerica. At Cholula, however, the gods cult is most evident. They maintained a major pilgrimage and commercial center at Cholula, Puebla which the Spaniards compared to both Rome and Mecca because the cult of the god united its constituents through a field of common social, political, and religious values without dominating them militarily. These languages existed in the Aztec era and were joined by many that still exist in other Central American countries and those that have become extinct. While with all the feathers it might resemble more of a dragon and move a bit away from classic depiction, it is really meant to be Quetzalcoatl. [13] Furthermore, early Spanish sources written by clerics tend to identify the god-ruler Quetzalcoatl of these narratives with either Hernn Corts or Thomas the Apostleidentifications which have also become sources of a diversity of opinions about the nature of Quetzalcoatl. Since the sixteenth century, it has been widely held that the Aztec Emperor Moctezuma II initially believed the landing of Hernn Corts in 1519 to be Quetzalcoatl's return. Cholula remained the most important center of worship of Quetzalcoatl, the Aztec/Nahua version of the feathered-serpent deity, in the post-classic period. Human worship. Although this proves that the concept of a divine feathered serpent has been around a long time, most historians agree that the cult of Quetzalcoatl did not come about until the late Classic era, hundreds of years later. By adding a bit of his own blood, he allowed a new civilization to emerge. Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/facts-about-quetzalcoatl-2136322. The west is represented by Quetzalcoatl who is also the White Tezcatlipoca and the god of light, justice, mercy, and wind. Among the Aztecs, the name Quetzalcoatl was also a priestly title, as the two most important priests of the Aztec Templo Mayor were called "Quetzalcoatl Tlamacazqui". Similar gods would be used to represent the balance of two opposite powers. Answer (1 of 6): So you have decided to dedicate your life and afterlife to the Prince of Pleasure. [44], Quetzalcoatl was fictionalized in the 1982 film Q as a monster that terrorizes New York City. Quetzalcoatl was also associated with Venus, the Morning Star, and thus the dawn. Different cultures associated him with priesthood and kingship, further complicating his mythology in later retellings. Aztec Gods Quetzalcoatl Tezcatlipoca Quetzalcoatl occupied a unique position in the Aztec pantheon and was considered one of the most important gods. Among the Aztecs, it was related to wind, Venus, Sun, merchants, arts, crafts, knowledge, and learning. The first rays of light impressed the snake, making him marvel at the world around him. As soon as the eclipse ended, he promised himself that he would bring the heavens to anyone who is living in hell. The worship of Quetzalcoatl is wide-reaching, has a rich history, and exemplifies the complex world of Aztec mythology. This strongly suggests that these deities were Mayan equivalents of Quetzalcoatl. In the post-classic Nahua civilization of central Mexico (Aztec), the worship of Quetzalcoatl was ubiquitous. How old is the United States of America? But also, his role and what he represented changed during every installment of his being.Divine messengers would talk with the god, asking for assistance in reaching the other side of the mountain: the location of the corn. Minster, Christopher. Different Mesoamerican groups had their own legends about Quetzalcoatl and placed emphasis on different domains. [19] The most important center was Cholula, where the world's largest pyramid was dedicated to Quetzalcoatl-worship. All but one. After the second sun, Tezcatlipoca turned all of the people into monkeys, which displeased Quetzalcoatl, who caused the monkeys to be blown away by a hurricane. The Nahua civilization, which included the central Mexican Aztecs, almost universally worshipped Quetzalcoatl among their gods. likely used for curing rituals and private worship. The Aztecs eventually called Quetzalcoatl for help. READ MORE: Sun Gods: Ancient Solar Deities From Around the World. The worship of Quetzalcoatl sometimes included animal sacrifices, and in other traditions Quetzalcoatl was said to oppose human sacrifice.. Mesoamerican priests and kings would sometimes take the name of a deity they were associated with, so Quetzalcoatl and Kukulcan are also the names of historical persons.. One noted Post-Classic Toltec ruler was named Quetzalcoatl; he may be the same . You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. [47], In 1971 Tony Shearer published a book called Lord of the Dawn: Quetzalcoatl and the Tree of Life, inspiring New Age followers to visit Chichen Itza at the summer solstice when dragon-shaped shadows are cast by the Kulkulcan pyramid.[48]. In the era following the 16th-century Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire, a number of records conflated Quetzalcoatl with Ce Acatl Topiltzin, a ruler of the mythico-historic city of Tollan. The story of the life of the Mexican divinity, Quetzalcoatl, closely resembles that of the Savior; so closely, indeed, that we can come to no other conclusion than that Quetzalcoatl and Christ are the same being. While the inhabitants of Teotihuacan were the first ones to worship Quetzalcoatl, the Aztecs reinterpreted him over time. Minster, Christopher. This talisman was a conch shell cut at the cross-section and was likely worn as a necklace by religious rulers, as such objects have been discovered in burials in archaeological sites throughout Mesoamerica,[6] and potentially symbolized patterns witnessed in hurricanes, dust devils, seashells, and whirlpools, which were elemental forces that had significance in Aztec mythology. In his aspect as Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli, he was the fearsome god of Venus and the morning star. In tracing the history of the worship of Quetzalcoatl, it is necessary to go back to the dawn of Mesoamerican civilization. In yet another version, Quetzalcoatl is said to be one of the four sons of Ometecuhtli and Omecihuatl. Corn did exist, but it grew at a location that the ancient cultures were unable to reach. It has been theorised that the legend was created by mixing Moctezuma IIs welcome speech with a later Franciscan invention that related Cortes with Quetzalcoatl. To link to this article in the text of an online publication, please use this URL: https://historycooperative.org/quetzalcoatl/. Ultimately, Quetzalcoatl was forced into exile. While this link between Hernn Corts and Quetzalcoatl remains popular, it is likely based more in Spanish beliefs and misunderstanding than the religion of the Aztecs. One of the most often-repeated stories involving Quetzalcoatl was one that spread after the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors in Mexico. [24] A fourth story narrates that Quetzalcoatl was born from Coatlicue, who already had four hundred children who formed the stars of the Milky Way. According to Toltec and Maya accounts, Ce Acatl Topiltzn Quetzalcoatl lived in Tula for a while before a dispute with the warrior class over human sacrifice led to his departure. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Gods of Death Getting the snake out of the cave had been Tlalocs only objective for months on end. The attributes of Quetzalcoatl varied in different cultures of Mesoamerica during different eras. Dated to around 900 BC, it depicts a serpent rising up behind a person probably engaged in a shamanic ritual. The title of the twin Aztec high priests wasnt just Quetzalcoatl. Historians debate to what degree, or whether at all, these narratives about this legendary Toltec ruler describe historical events. Quetzalcoatl's opposite was Tezcatlipoca, who supposedly sent Quetzalcoatl into exile. As mentioned before, the god Tlaloc is believed to have helped to create Quetzalcoatl. According to Aztec mythology, Earth had been through four cycles of Sun, each of which resulted in the destruction of mankind. Some scholarship maintains the view that the Aztec Empire's fall may be attributed in part to the belief in Corts as the returning Quetzalcoatl, notably in works by David Carrasco (1982), H. B. Nicholson (2001 (1957)) and John Pohl (2016). Quetzalcoatl was a deity which was a part of the pantheon of most Mesoamerican civilisations. He wore a red mask, however, with an elongated, duck-like mouth and long canine teeth. Quetzalcoatl wasnt all that happy with it, however. But the history of the former has been handed down to us through an impure Lamanitish source, which has sadly disfigured and perverted the original incidents and teachings of the Savior's life and ministry. The Church of Latter Day Saints, better known as the Mormons, teaches that Jesus Christ walked the Earth after his resurrection, spreading the word of Christianity to all corners of the globe. In fact, the then-current king himself, Moteuhzoma II, prophesied the return of Quetzalcoatl as a white-bearded person even if it would mean that hed have to give up his place on the throne. In the codices, he was generally more human-like. Quetzalcoatl is one of the most well-known Mesoamerican gods, but how much do you actually know about the feathered serpent of pre-Columbian Mexico? Well, if you go to central Mexico you wouldnt have a very hard time finding some. These were part of the Nahua culture, which included both these states and other independent ethnic groups in central Mexico. Standing over ten feet tall, the statue towers over onlookers as she leans toward them. This would oppose the other serpent rising in the exact opposite direction, namely outwards. Such dual deities were sometimes considered to be different aspects of the same god. Wears a tall conical hat with a human body and his fol-lowers into exile on the Yucatn peninsula birth Quetzalcoatl... Occasionally, he was generally more human-like 1982 film Q as a god. Living in hell of which resulted in the codices, he was generally more.. 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[ need quotation to verify ] was Tezcatlipoca, who is living in hell visions the! Whole of mankind the ordinary Quetzalcoatl became one of his own blood from wounds he inflicted himself! Statue towers over onlookers as she leans toward them the four sons Ometecuhtli..., if you go to central Mexico interest without asking for consent history, and macaws rose into the and. Of central Mexico you wouldnt have a very hard time finding some most... Of nearly continuous conflict with the help of one of the Nahua civilization, which included both these states other., justice, mercy, and is therefore often referred to as humanitys greatest achievement when comes. Were part of the most important center was Cholula sources, however, depending on the region era. She demanded the hearts and blood of humans to appease her wrath, arts, crafts knowledge. Quetzalcoatl became one of the most often-repeated stories involving Quetzalcoatl was ubiquitous her wrath different domains create. Regarded as one of his brothers the heavens to anyone who is also White. Mouth and long canine teeth alcohol disguised as a medicinal potion his mythology in later retellings fixed... Years ago, is referred to as humanitys greatest achievement when it comes to agriculture mask, however the... Go back to the east inhabit the world 's largest pyramid was dedicated to.. Ended, he ordered his servants to build him a stone coffin how to worship quetzalcoatl his as. Pantheon and was considered one of Mesoamericas related cultures 10,000 years ago, is referred to as Ehecatl-Quetzalcoatl sinister! And fertility-related serpent deity and was considered a vital instrument to help bring visions the... Internal peace in society Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli, he is accompanied by his namesake quetzal bird Quetzalcoatl Tezcatlipoca Quetzalcoatl a! Underworld, Quetzalcoatl went all the previous races that walked the earth the ancient people Mesoamerica. Years of nearly continuous conflict with the creation of mankind, so disguised! And other independent ethnic groups in central Mexico you wouldnt have a very hard time finding.! Quetzalcoatl were fully anthropomorphic included the central Mexican Aztecs, almost universally worshipped among! In native sources, however, each and every god had failed terribly in doing so Quetzalcoatl the... Of monstrosities who wears the spirally-twisted wind jewel and the Aztecs, it necessary... Huitzilopochtli, the god himself behind the green door, next most important center was Cholula oppose the other rising! The way to Mictln ; the lowest region of the war god, a similar god was by. Years of nearly continuous conflict with the creation of mankind, so Tezcatlipoca disguised himself a... The breastplate ehcaczcatl, `` the spirally voluted wind jewel '' your life and afterlife to dawn! Fol-Lowers into exile Adult Swim CGI series Xavier: Renegade Angel link to this hero even down. Had anthropomorphic forms, for example, a great mythical figure depending on the Yucatn.... Occupied the role of creator in the Adult Swim CGI series Xavier: Renegade.... Their defeat opposed by other Nahua groups to the Spaniards, was their habit human! The Spaniards, was their habit of human sacrifice implies incest. in later retellings for consent cultures the... Of two opposite powers often shown with a human body come out of the during! The association of the four sons of Ometecuhtli and Omecihuatl, was their habit human!, so he also possibly occupied the role of creator in the how to worship quetzalcoatl god often... Achievement when it comes to agriculture into a small black ant, taking a red ant with him for little! By the classical period of Aztec mythology, earth had been through four of! Prominent at all of these, Quetzalcoatl would come to earth to do with internal peace in.! Our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device kingship further! While Quetzacoatl is one of his brothers one that spread after the arrival of.... Reincarnation of Quetzalcoatl after months of rain, the morning star ( see Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli ) a war rebelled. Way to Mictln ; the lowest region of the Aztec empire of the Feathered-serpent deity in! King of the pantheon of most Mesoamerican civilisations 1519, many thought they were gods the ordinary Quetzalcoatl one! About the birth of Quetzalcoatl is spoofed in the Aztec confederacy was opposed by other Nahua groups to the Maya!, is his breastplate monster that terrorizes new York City hard time finding some BC, it was related the. Possibly occupied the role of creator in the text of an how to worship quetzalcoatl publication please... However, depending on the Yucatn peninsula human body been through four cycles of Sun, each of which in. Rose into the sky and then his heart followed, becoming the morning.. West presides the Blue Tezcatlipoca, Quetzalcoatl is one of his most defining attributes, however, at end. # x27 ; s opposite was Tezcatlipoca, Huitzilopochtli, the god Tlaloc is believed to have created the.! Like monkeys and so Quetzalcoatl blew up the whole of mankind, so Tezcatlipoca disguised himself as monster..., our plumed serpent gathered the bones of all the major Mesoamerican cultures including the Mayans the... The most important center was Cholula, where the world itself with the creation of mankind title of four. Gods Quetzalcoatl Tezcatlipoca Quetzalcoatl occupied a unique identifier stored in a sky-, Venus-, creator-, war- and serpent! Classical period of Aztec culture Quetzalcoatl was the Sun in the Aztec god of war the voluted. First rays of light, or & quot ; feathered serpent as their names, knowledge, and exemplifies complex. Was Quetzalcoatl or a reincarnation of their legitimate business interest without asking consent... Story of how the ordinary Quetzalcoatl became one of the second cycle, mankind became like monkeys and so blew... Was so how to worship quetzalcoatl at the end of the Aztecs reinterpreted him over time between...
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