How can I view my SneakPeek Traits reports? Fetal DNA disappears from moms bloodstream within 3 days of giving birth, so have no fear, the analysis for your current pregnancy will be correct! !" post including her positive test, FaceTime recording from when she told her mom, and a montage of bump, ultrasound, and baby pics. One option is to wait until your anatomy ultrasound, where the sonographer will be able to tell you the gender based on what they see on the screen, or you can find out the gender if you have your NIPT blood test done. Scientific advances make it possible to know the gender of your baby earlier than ever before with Sneak Peek tests. You need to wait until that 8 week mark to assure the male DNA has time to be in your system. @sneakpeektest #sneakpeekbaby #sneakpeektest. We did the sneak peek clinical text - I went to a private facility to have my blood drawn because I was too worried about contaminating the at-home version plus I'm too squeamish to try to collect my own blood. The NIPT blood test can be expensive if it isnt offered to you, and you have to wait until 20 weeks for your ultrasound. On the off-chance that the test is contaminated with outside male DNA (even pets! I didnt get enough blood the first time, can I try it again with the same SneakPeek Snap device? SneakPeek Labs is fully disinfected twice a day; some stations multiple times throughout the day. The SneakPeek Fetal Doppler also has free shipping. Can I have a helper for using SneakPeek Snap? Early gender DNA testsare non-invasive and pose no risk to mother or baby. With Snap, you have the option of FastTrack, which is the fastest way to get results. When you get your testing kit from Sneak Peek, they will give you clear instructions on how to avoid contamination. All kits have an expiration date listed at the bottom of the box. The Sneak Peek Gender Test is proven safe for both mother and baby, developed by scientists, and backed by clinical research. My blood sample was taken at a participating location. One flake of dust w/ your male partner's DNA (or your male dog's DNA) and you'll get a "boy" result, regardless of the sex of your future kid. Do you have a pregnancy calculator that tells me when I can take the test? The Sneak Peek Gender Test is the most accurate early gender DNA test available, clinically proven to be 99.9% accurate. Fortunately, in the rare instance that you receive an inaccurate gender result using our Early Gender Results Test, we'll offer you a 100% refund. Thank you SneakPeek., Our patients have gotten positive and accurate results and are excited to receive results the very next day. At 18 weeks my ultrasound confirmed what the Sneak peek test confirmed a BOY! Please return the swabs as instructed. How do I dispose of the SneakPeek Snap device? SneakPeek is the only #1 OBGYN-recommendedgender test. lol. ), it may return a boy result. #sneakpeekbaby. While it is understandable to doubt the accuracy of a Sneak Peek gender test because it is done so early into the pregnancy, there is solid science behind the test. Though we make every effort to display the most informed content and services that we can, Ill be a boy mom in April!. SneakPeek At-Home Early Gender Prediction Test SneakPeek At-Home Early DNA Traits Test SneakPeek Fetal Doppler Product Info Test Eligibility Orders & Shipping Test Process Sample Return to SneakPeek Labs Results & Guarantee Privacy & Customer Care How are my results given to me? We recommend a maximum time of 4 minutes. I dont want my gender results to be sent to my email address. Please note this is NOT the email address that gender results will be sent to. What is the maximum amount of time I should leave SneakPeek Snap on my arm if Im not collecting enough blood? jQuery(function(){ if('cw-home') > 0){ function getRandomInt(max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * max); } rand_int = getRandomInt(1000000000000000000); jQuery('#holiday-banner-wrap-11-14-2022, #main > div:nth-child(16), #main > div:nth-child(17), #main > div:nth-child(18), #main > div:nth-child(19), #main > div:nth-child(20), #main > div:nth-child(21), #main > div:nth-child(22), #main > div:nth-child(23), #main > div:nth-child(24), #main > div:nth-child(25), #main > div:nth-child(26), #main > div:nth-child(27), #main > div:nth-child(28), #main > div:nth-child(29), #main > div:nth-child(30), #main > div:nth-child(31), #main > div:nth-child(32), #main > div:nth-child(33), #main > div:nth-child(34), #main > div:nth-child(35), #main > div:nth-child(36)').hide(); jQuery('head').append( jQuery('').attr('href', '/wp-content/themes/sneakpeek_master/css/tmp-convert-hp-extra-01.css?v35168138132168413') ); jQuery('head').append( jQuery('').attr('href', '/wp-content/themes/sneakpeek_master/cw_assets/vendor/css/appv2.css?35168138132168413') ); jQuery('head').append( jQuery('').attr('href', '/wp-content/themes/sneakpeek_master/cw_assets/css/owl.carousel.min.css') ); } else{ jQuery('#cw-home-01,#cw-home-02,#cw-home-03,#cw-home-04,#cw-home-05,#cw-home-06,#cw-home-07,#cw-home-08,#cw-home-09,#cw-home-10,#cw-home-11,#cw-home-12,#cw-home-13,#cw-home-14,#cw-home-15,#main > div:nth-child(36)').hide(); jQuery('head').append( jQuery('').attr('href', '/wp-content/themes/sneakpeek_master/css/hp-extra.css?v35168138132168413') ); jQuery('head').append( jQuery('').attr('href', '/wp-content/themes/sneakpeek_master/css/tmp-convert-hp-extra-01.css?v35168138132168413') ); } }). In the case of identical twins, if male DNA is found, then both babies are boys. All rights reserved. You can also call us at512-772-5110, and well be glad to answer any questions you might have. I didnt get enough blood the first time, can I try it again with the same SneakPeek Snap device? The risk of contamination with male DNA is far less with this option than if you were conducting the test at home. We always have two SneakPeek lab technicians process samples, so we'll only ask for a retest if we're 100% sure the first vial didn't yeild enough total DNA info to tell one way or the other. Our office is thrilled to be able to provide gender testing we can trust that is affordable and efficient for our patients., Turn-around time has been excellent, and the test is quick and accurate. The test is safe for use during pregnancy. Does SneakPeek Traits Early DNA Test enable me to find DNA relatives or matches? #sneakpeekbaby #sneakpeektest. There are no risks associated with this test, so if you want to know the gender of your baby as early as possible, the Sneak Peek test is your best bet. Can SneakPeek determine the gender of each one? Please contact your nearest location directly to be completely informed on the services they can or cannot provide. Can I use SneakPeek Snap on my leg instead? SneakPeek is loved by OB-GYNs and doctors for the baby gender prediction tests accuracy, turnaround time, and excellent customer service. your information is protected both online and offline. The doppler monitor works by using sound waves to identify moving objects. Can I use SneakPeek if I am having a multiple-birth pregnancy? After 16 weeks, you should have no problems finding the heartbeat. Samples are delivered to SneakPeek lab Monday through Saturday. With SneakPeek Standard, find out the day after we receive your sample. You can take the SneakPeek Test when you are 6 weeks into pregnancy, which is 6 weeks after the first day of your Last Menstrual Period (LMP), or 32 weeks before your Estimated Due Date (EDD). Using SneakPeek Snap will also not affect your tattoo! 15. r/trollingforababy. Even so, it may be worth taking the results with just a pinch of salt and holding off on the gender reveal until you can confirm the gender test results at your ultrasound. You get test results back in 5-7 days. None of our tests are intended to be a substitute for seeking professional medical advice, help, diagnosis, or treatment. Can I use SneakPeek Snap on my leg instead? If I cant enter a post office due to social distancing or limited hours, are there other ways to return? If any male DNA gets mixed in with the blood sample you take at home; your results will show that you are having a boy. One person found this helpful. If there is any present, you must have a boy (since women have two X chromosomes). Just a few drops of blood is all you need to know your babys gender with 99.9% accuracy! Other family members may enjoy knowing early as well. Contact ArcPoint Labs of Austin Northto learn more about the Sneak Peek Gender Test. However, there is one downside to this, and it is the risk of contamination. The swab accidentally touched my childs teeth, lips, or gums. Hormonal changes from breastfeeding dont impact genetics, so have no impact on our gender blood test accuracy or results. encrypted and transmitted to us in a secure way. They have a passion for technology and how Digital Health will shape the future of Healthcare. Thus, the test will not provide any DNA results for unborn babies, even if used during pregnancy. a artzmomma Dec 21, 2018 at 8:13 PM I had sneak peak at homethis week had bloodwork confirm it's a boy with materniT21 tkay18 Dec 21, 2018 at 8:22 PM The tests we offer access to are for informational and educational use only and not intended to diagnose or treat disease. Feb 27, 2023 at 6:23 AM. It was spot on and I found out my results next day! Since mothers typically have only female DNA, theSneak Peek Gender Testlooks for male chromosomes in this fetal DNA. I found out via sneak peak that I'm having a second boy (our last kiddo) and I'm really mourning the loss of the idea that I would have a daughter. Next day after sample arrives at SneakPeek. The test looks for male chromosomes in the fetal DNA found in mom's blood. Thank you for your trust in SneakPeek. Please only use Sneak Peek Snap on the upper arm, following the instruction manual directions. Are my test results reliable? What is the difference between SneakPeek Standard and SneakPeek FastTrack? Yes! Yes, your results are reliable! Attach to your arm and push down until you hear a click. ARCpoint Labs of Seattle Westcan take a small blood sample and determine whether you are having a boy or a girl, and because our test is 99.1% accurate, you can be confident in the results. I believe I was about 9 weeks pregnant when I took the test. Step 3: Your first step will be to activate your kit, which ensures your sample will be linked to you and your results will be available. The company does offer refunds if they get your result wrong, but they wont accept an ultrasound as proof, only a birth certificate. Yes, you can! The swabs should always be used on the same person. Sometimes the position of the baby can make it difficult to hear a baby's heartbeat, even for a trained physician. Because breastfeeding is a hormonal change that has no impact on genetics, it has no impact on the gender blood test accuracy or results. Does taking progesterone or other hormones affect my results? La Jolla, CA 92037 USA, @sneakpeektest Do hormone disorders such as PCOS affect my results? Step 2: Read all instructions thoroughly once you receive your SneakPeek kit and are ready to take the test. . International Journal of Pregnancy and Childbirth (Int J Pregn & Chi Birth. These variants are used to develop personalized reports tailored for your child's unique DNA. Wondering what your baby or child will look like as an adult, or how they compare to you? yeahmanitscooool 3 days ago 99.9% accurate at 6 weeks into pregnancy. Because traces of the babys DNA can be found in the mothers blood, male chromosomes will only show up on the test if the baby is male. If you're still having trouble hearing the heartbeat, try different positions -- it might be easier to find your baby's heartbeat lying down, reclined, or sitting upright. Between 8 and 12 weeks, it's possible to hear baby's heartbeat if conditions are absolutely perfect. After 12 weeks, detection of baby's heartbeat becomes more likely and consistent. #sneakpeektest How will I know it arrived safely? There are two swabs in my At-Home DNA Swab Kit. How will I be notified when my SneakPeek Traits reports are ready? I cant find my results email, what do I do? After a maximum of 4 minutes, feel free to send back your sample even if it hasn't filled to the bottom line. The SneakPeek test is accurate any time from 6 weeks into pregnancy to birth. We send your fetal gender analysis report to the email address provided upon kit activation. If it doesn't work a second time, please let us know, and we'll send you a replacement device. How do I dispose of the SneakPeek Snap device? Can SneakPeek Traits Early DNA Test be used during pregnancy? SneakPeek looks for Y chromosomes in the fetal DNA found in mom's blood. SneakPeek Early Gender Reveal Accurate Baby Gender Results You Can Trust. SneakPeek cannot confirm pregnancy. When will I receive my SneakPeek Traits collection kit? Can I buy the SneakPeek test kit now and use it later? Can I purchase additional reports for a family member? How do I activate my SneakPeek At-Home test kit? How will I know it arrived safely? If the test reveals no male chromosomes, the baby must be female. Yes, you can! Fetal DNA disappears from moms bloodstream within 3 days of giving birth. Wherever we collect sensitive information (such as credit card data), that information is (for example, billing or customer service) are granted access to personally identifiable information. We have always been committed to the health and safety of our lab personnel, and continue to uphold our protective practices to the highest level. Know early to plan early. Learn more: Multiple locations in IL and MO, Associates in Womens Health We did sneak peek snap around 11 or 12 weeks and it said boy. Even if youre not 6 weeks pregnant yet, the gender test kit is good for a year, just hold on to it and take it when youre eligible. Though we make every effort to display the most informed content and services that we can, How does the test work and is it accurate? The Fetal Doppler is not meant to replace the extensive testing that your physician will perform in a proper doctors office. If I purchase a second test for a different family member at a separate time, how are the tests linked together under the same main family account? 2022 Gateway Genomics, a Myriad Genetics company. This conclusion comes from a study involving a sample of 1,029 pregnant women who took the test and then shared the gender of their babies at birth. When you submit sensitive information via the website and/or social media platforms, @Chanel05 I do wish I did this now. Not sure if you're at 6 weeks yet? Can I take the SneakPeek Test if Im breastfeeding? La Jolla, CA 92037 USA, @sneakpeektest 6448 East Highway 290 Suite Suite E-105 As you read about the accuracy of the Sneak Peek Gender DNA test, youll learn: One of the most exciting parts of being an expectant parent is wondering whether the baby is a boy or a girl. By making the test as simple as possible and only looking for one marker the Y chromosome Sneak Peek could make the test affordable and accessible for everyone. How will I know it arrived safely? This is why we recommend testing the doppler on your own heartbeat first in order to get a feel for things. Results back on 29th October had gender scans since and all . That's why we're trusted by over 750,000 moms and top obstetricians. A biological woman will only have female DNA, which gives lab technicians a baseline for theSneak Peek test. Can SneakPeek Traits Early DNA Test be used during pregnancy? Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for SneakPeek DNA Test Gender Prediction - Know Baby's Gender at 6 Weeks with 99.9% Accuracy - Lab Fees Included . After I shipped my sample back, I had my results in less than 48 hours, and we cant wait to welcome our baby boy!. What is the status of my results? The tests we offer access to are for informational and educational use only and not intended to diagnose or treat disease. The reports let you learn more about your childs current or future features as predicted by genetics. *Times shown are based on shipping method used, and may vary based on proximity to SneakPeek labs. Yes I did it and it was correct. Lancet kit: 1) sanitize a flat surface, 2) wash hands and under all fingernails, and air dry. Yes! You will have your results the same day as the lab receives your sample (the next day if sent via expedite the shipping method). SneakPeek Customer Care can help schedule a time for FedEx express to come by and pick up your sample. How is SneakPeek different? *Times shown are based on shipping method used, and may vary based on proximity to SneakPeek labs. When they realized that so many parents wanted to know the gender of their baby but that the types of tests being offered in a medical setting that would reveal the gender were so financially out of reach for most people, they decided to find a way to make gender testing more accessible. If you have difficulty collecting the first swab, take a break and try again later with the second swab. My child did not cooperate with swabbing, and I was not able to fully collect both swabs. If your blood is not moving freely enough to coat the test tube in order to mix with the preservative, try tapping the test tube, lid side down, firmly on a flat surface to generate blood movement. How are the SneakPeek Traits reports developed? I did the finger prick test for my first and the arm prick for my second. It's ideal for people who don't mind a minor finger prick. No blood, no pain, no fuss. SneakPeek is the only #1 OBGYN-recommended test that provides fetal sex at 6 weeks with clinically-proven 99.9% accuracy. 1In our most recent large-scale study, SneakPeek accurately determined fetal sex in 99.9% of 1,029 pregnant women between 6-37 weeks gestational age. Peek tests customer service and how Digital Health will shape the future of Healthcare results next.... Confirmed what the Sneak Peek, they will give you clear instructions how! Doppler on your own heartbeat first in order to get results wondering what your baby earlier than before. 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