Whew ! By 1996, instead of the farm being "farmed" by the daughter and her aging father, who by then was in his late 60s, the farmland acreage was apparently being leased out to neighboring farmers. However, when we went back to inspect our home, that couch was GONE. He obviously invested well and made a ton of money in real estate and his foreclosure seminars. For you non gun people the .30 carbine has an affective effective range of 300 yards and max at something like 2500 but you couldnt hit a barn on purpose. [14] In effect, the Husband's argument, and rather likewise for the paternal Grandmother, was that (a) the primary asset/financial resource(s) should be excluded from the pool and removed from any possible access by the Wife, and (b) apart from begetting, delivering, raising and home schooling the children, and for the most part, being a supportive Wife to the Husband (who had little, and has little, resources of his own in any relevant respect), the Wife should get almost nothing for her contributions and all else as a result of the 25 years of marriage. Other than on here or in a remark from a JW, I have heard not a whisper about this. *********************** **********************. Instead, they waste their money. Although Talk Show Host Sherri Shepherd may have been raised to be a Jehovahs Witness, she doesnt practice the religion any longer. She is, however, probably best known for her wardrobe malfunction during a halftime show with Justin Timberlake. Added to this conduct, full, [Husband] and ongoing financial (and other) disclosure (which included copies of the Grandmother's most recent Will, which excluded the Husband as a beneficiary, and which had been prepared by her then lawyer who now formally acts for the Husband) was a regular failure on behalf of the Husband, in particular, and his lawyers. RUTHANNE MILLER's motion passed 4-3. Other tidbits include divorce, drinking, and time spent out of the country, in the Philippines, in 2008. Patrick Cousins represented Prince Harold Nelson (more widely known as Prince) from approximately April 2004 to April 2009. In June 2006, Promise Toby Jr., son of African-American Jehovah's Witness Elder, Promise Toby Sr., of Ocala, Florida, was selected as an example of an exemplary Jehovah's Witness teenager by the WatchTower Society public relations department for presentation to the news media covering the summer 2006 WatchTower District Convention held at the University of Florida. It was a candid look inside the religion and Howards personal connection to it. "LARGEST BANKRUPTCY IN SOUTH CAROLINA HISTORY". TALK ABOUT THE PERFECT EXAMPLE OF "NO GOOD DEED GOES UNPUNISHED" WHEN A NON-JW DOES SOMETHING GOOD FOR A JEHOVAH'S WITNESS. jw Linden Apartment Company, LLC owns the Linden House Apartments, an apartment complex located in Rocky River, Ohio. She was baptized in 1994, at age 17, so that she could marry 27/28 year-old Husband as soon as she became 18 years-old. Four months later, in place of the overdue rental payment, I received the keys and a brief note informing me that JW Tenants had moved out of our home into a government subsidized apartment complex because they could no longer afford the $250.00 per month rent. This must have been filmed before he began trans. In March 2008, the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania loaned $3,290,000.00 to SONS INVESTMENT GROUP LIMITED, of Fayetteville, Georgia, to finance an unknown real estate investment project. Stander and Szabados were found to be tenants in common, with each holding an undivided one-half interest in the Property. latest Eric S. Murphy Jr. and Murphy Home Loans were ruled to have 1) failed to meet the required licensing standard of financial responsibility, character and fitness; 2) failed to establish and properly utilize a trust account required of all loan brokers; 3) failed to exercise "good faith and fair dealings" with his customers; and 4) failed to properly safeguard the funds of clients. In March 2010, Murphy agreed to plead guilty in exchange for an 18 months prison sentence and paying $570,000.00 restitution to 6 victims. 2022 Country and Territory Reports "Everlasting life for me, in a perfect world, but I gotta die first. Our next tenants were a local Veterinarian and his Registered Nurse wife. If justice had not finally won out in the end, the JEHOVAH'S WITNESS TENANTS and their attorney would have ended up with TWO FARMS and a large amount of CASH. On these motions Mr. Young again failed to advise the court that he had received gifts from friends of over $3,200.00 in February of 1989, a further $9,700.00 in May of 1989, and a further $2,150.00 from his family in May and June of that year. When Tom Daywalt quickly attempted to re-occupy that apartment, the landlord was forced to have Daywalt removed by the local police, who wound up charging Daywalt with "trespass". Stander did not object to Szabados's mortgage fraud. I told him a little about my backround with the WT, why I left, shunning policy, etc. In September 2008, District Judge Anson of the local Preston County Court issued a default judgment granting the Hardys their requested LIFETIME lease at 200 pounds rent per month -- and not just the farmhouse with one acre of land, but the entire remaining 60 acres farm -- 40,095 pounds(about $67,000.00) for repairs and lost income, plus 25,000 pounds (about $42,000.00) for their legal expenses. During his "occupancy" of the bandstand, Daywalt constantly displayed and read his NWT Bible and WatchTower Cult literature. The oldest of the Wayans Brothers, Actor, Comedian & Director Keenan Ivory was also raised as a Jehovahs Witness. And most of them have nothing. I.R.S. You invest in WT your return is always zero. [18] [Husband] and his Mother have been less than forthcoming in relation to important documentation and financial information generally. The members have been well-known for many years now for distributing religious literature door-to-door. I know who you are talking about, but I didn't know he lived in Nappa. The second scheme involved Sheneman's grandmother, Phyllis Sheneman, of greater South Bend, Indiana. Googling "William Edward Klinglesmith" yields an arrest in February 2004, marriage to a 26 year-old female in March 2004, and another arrest in July 2004. Worse still, he swore that his mother had not helped him since April, 1987. Patti Smith is a well-known punk rock singer who, although shes no longer practicing, was raised a Jehovahs Witness. In fact, the only place on the tract suitable for construction of a home was a 1/4 acre plot located elsewhere on the tract where access would require construction of a bridge across a river. Bankruptcy got him, but not before he scammed many who trusted him. However, the very first "loan", as described in this court opinion, may be illustrative of the "irregularities" which may have went on with the subsequent loans. He also failed to disclose the fact that, although he was in arrears and was asserting his inability to comply with the order for interim maintenance, he had invested $7,500.00 in an R.R.S.P. I just felt like anyone who knew I was a Witness was stumbled. After she rose to fame as a supermodel, she continued on to pursue both acting and music careers. See also JEREMIE SHENEMAN V. NEWBY, LEWIS, KAMINSKI, JONES, LLP, which was a legal malpractice lawsuit summarily dismissed by the USDC in June 2014. Unbeknownst to Piccolo, his "investment" of $26,000.00 was secured by a "third mortgage", after a first mortgage securing a $53,183.79 loan, and a second mortgage securing a $28,243.74 loan. The conduct of litigation, and particularly matrimonial litigation, is difficult enough at the best of times; when it is rendered more so by such deliberate non-disclosure as has been exhibited in this case such misconduct ought not to be ignored. Outcome is unknown, but we assume that the other Preston County District Judges decided it best not to try again to intentionally screw over the Haseldens, because there is no further appeal on record. Being an avid fan of metallica i never knew this fact of dave mustaine. Although the Haseldens were legally served with all court documents, for unknown reasons, the Haseldens apparently did NOT attend any of the multiple legal proceedings conducted between September 2007 and September 2008. Serena Williams was raised a Jehovah's Witness and still practices today. I mean, you had to think about that and knowingly go into someone else's property and set up house. Noone ever said a thing. Only $17,283.17 of Piccolo's money went toward the purchase of the apartment building and related legal fees. Robert J. Meyer reportedly pled guilty and was sentenced to 18 months in prison. By December 1983, DiBenedetto convinced Piccolo to become a "partner" with DiBenedetto and Richard White in a $95,000.00 apartment building purchase. R.T.C. [25]Further, just as the Husband cannot rely upon his fraudulent and misleading conduct to defeat the Wife's claims regarding entitlement to certain property to be included in the asset pool, likewise, the Grandmother cannot similarly rely upon the fraudulent and misleading conduct of her son to lead to her benefit, by defeating the Wife's claims. TYPICALLY, five years later, in October 2002, the Hardys were still living in the Haseldens' farmhouse, and they were still only paying the elderly Haseldens 200 pounds rent per month. In order to obscure the family's status as Jehovah's Witnesses, the Husband has repeatedly interjected suggestions that he, his ex-wife, and their children celebrated holidays and birthdays -- which disfellowshipped ex-wife denies. v. MEYER. Of about 35,000 Witnesses in Nazi-occupied Europe, more than one-third. [Husband's] lawyer also has aided the "obfuscation and evasion" by not providing documents that she plainly had in her possessionbecause she acted for the Grandmother when preparing (and witnessing) her Will in December 2019, and a Codicil in December 2020. 6 Replies After the sale, and after the Crudens had spent $15,000.00 on home site preparations on that adjoining two acres, a construction permit survey disclosed that the cabin and home site were not even located on the Cruden's property. She later went on to become a member of the wildly popular Spice Girls in the 90s, a girl group that sold more than 100 million records worldwide. She said about that time: "What bothered me most was that I was representing my religion. UNITED STATES v. MEYER was one or more 1993 Federal criminal and/or civil court cases in New York or Pennsylvania. It took until November 2011 before the Haseldens' appeal was heard by the London Court of Appeal, which voted 3-0 to overturn every single ruling by Judge Anson, and sent this case back for a new trial with instructions that every previous ruling was contrary to English law and impliedly should be reversed. On appeal to the South Dakota State Board of Equalization, it upheld the assessment calculations of the local Board of Equalization. I cant help but feel if this had happened in another organization we would have seen it on the news. Serena says, I've been studying to be a Jehovah's Witness, so I go to Kingdom Hall. Four get federal prison for stealing $4 million from bank accounts. Selling Amway, Old world products , even No Money Down buying real estate from Dave Del Dotto, who was the biggest JW scammer ever. He was an astonishingly poor witness. During the calls he obtained additional account information, monitored account balances and learned about the latest transactions on existing accounts. The experience was soooo much better - lots of personal attention, information from the winemaker, and a chance to taste some library wines that are off the general tasting menu. However, he became disenchanted and quit as a Witness when his mother was disfellowshipped from the religion. Copyright 2001-2015 Jehovah's Witness Discussion Forum | JW.Org Community Information. John Del Dotto died in 2002, and as an apparent "exemplary" Jehovah's Witness, was permitted a funeral at the Calistoga Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. I asked the friendly fellow who was hosting us if the winery was owned by the infomercial man. He always taped his infomercials in Hawaii and even had John Davidson as a spokesman (who he supposedly witnessed to). While you may prefer other financial assets that are denominated in paper, I prefer the metals. Super-Elder, Super-Elderette, and their CONVERTS avoided my wife and I for several years thereafter, and never mentioned the rental situation again. FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION v. DAVID PAUL DEL DOTTO, YOLANDA LYNN DEL DOTTO, and DEL DOTTO ENTERPRISES, INC. was a 1993-96 federal enforcement action and lawsuit initiated by the Federal Trade Commission.During the latter 1980s and early 1990s, the highly charismatic Dave Del Dotto was probably the best known Jehovah's Witness Minister in the world other than Michael Jackson, despite the fact . According to the indictment, many of the invoices were fraudulent because they were not prepared by the subcontractors and/or they did not represent work actually performed. I need not detail the various correspondence and the like that followed these Orders except to note that from the large number of documents produced, the following matters are clear -- but only became so after the hearing, which also confirms that information directly relevant to the financial position of the Husband, and in turn the paternal Grandmother, was not disclosed until after the hearing pursuant to Orders made by the Court on 13th May 2022: (a) By letter dated 7th April 2014, the Grandmother's then lawyers confirmed thatit was the view of the Husband's bankruptcy trustee that the Change of Name form regarding the [marital residence] property was fraudulent, and that in providing a sworn declaration as he did, the Husband committed a criminal offence; (b) By letter dated 2nd April 2014, the same lawyers confirmed that, at that time, (i) the Grandmother was not aware that [Husband] had transferred the [marital residence] property into his own name; (ii)[Husband's] illegal conduct regarding the transfer of title to this property exposed him to one or more criminal charges; (iii) [Husband] is recorded as having urged his Mother to provide evidence of his criminal misfeasance; and (iv) the Grandmother gave instructions not to expose [Husband] to possible criminal prosecution; (c) By letters dated 7th April 2014 and 11th August 2015, the Grandmother's then solicitor advised and sought instructions for the [marital residence] property to be transferred into her name. Not just because it would be borderline unethical (I have very little information on the properties being foreclosed beyond what is of public record) - because in my experience the average guy who wants to buy distressed properties is no match for the the true foreclosure "investors". Jeremie Sheneman, a loan officer at Superior Mortgage Lending and Tri State Mortgage, both in South Bend, falsified the loan applications for the buyers by overstating their incomes, inflating the balances of their bank accounts, and forging the buyers' signatures. Local homeowners asserted that emergency vehicles should not be prevented from using James' private drive, which they claim is a shorter and faster route than the longer public route which includes a weak bridge. Once the news crew began filming, the City's work crew stopped and left. Darren Collison abruptly retired from the NBA after a 10-year career in order to focus on his faith, saying in a statement: "While I still love basketball, I know there is something more important, which is my family and my faith. Ross Osmun was an Attorney involved in both the transaction in this lawsuit and other transactions between the JW Plaintiff and the other two defendants. He made a ton of $$ in the '90's selling How To Get Rich in Real Estate courses. Selena was born on April 16, 1971, in Lake Jackson, TX, and was murdered on March 31, 1995, by Yolanda Saldvar, who always claimed to be Selenas biggest fan. Amazingly, at trial, the "trusted" Jehovah's Witness, Maria P. Stander, testified that she never ever told her sister that she was part owner of the house, and that she never ever had any intention of putting Szabados's name on the deed. Not did was the Haselden family unjustly screwed by Judge Anson, but he and other Preston County District Judges did everything they could do to prevent his decision from being reviewed by an appellate court -- likely because they knew that Judge Anson's rulings were all counter to English law. "You have a strong solid foundation, the Bible says, you won't crack, but the man who built his house in the sand, his house went down spiritually. The biggest JW scammer of all times was Dave Del Dotto who in the 80,s and 90,s was a multi marketing tv guru who promoted no money down real estate books and tapes on 30 minute infocommercials late nite. As a result, the trial court ordered the security deposit, less appropriate amounts for utilities, to be returned to Nelson. TYRELL v. TYRELL(pseudonym) is an ongoing 2016-23 New South Wales,AustraliaDivorce-Custody-Property Settlement case. Using fake identifications, they posed as the real account holders and wired money from the business accounts to other accounts Peterson had opened. The Stanislaus County District Attorney's Office and the California Attorney General's Office both had received multiple complaints regarding Del Dotto and the products he sold. issued a consent order prohibiting Del Dotto from making false claims regarding real estate, credit, investments, or business opportunities in the future. Nearly everything he got from the company he paid back." Besides being a Megadeth guitarist, Dave was raised a Jehovahs Witness before 2002 when he became a born-again Christian. Reportedly, that official had previously done personal business with one of Meyer's companies. Other than forgetting to drink enough water to keep up with the wine consumption, it was a grand day. The court should properly mark its disapproval of the appellant's conduct, which crosses the bounds set in Stiles, by making an appropriate award respecting costs. Apparently, the Haseldens thought they were giving the Hardys reduced rent in exchange for the Hardys making the needed repairs to the farmhouse, while the Hardys eventually claimed that they were to be compensated by the Haseldens for the repairs that they made. Just like the rest of the famous and funny Wayans Brothers, Actor & Comedian Marlon was also raised as a Jehovahs Witness. As part of the scheme, mortgage lenders were duped into financing these ill-advised purchases through various misrepresentations about the buyers and their financial stability. His name is Dave Del Dotto. It is doubtful that the Sheppards were required to repay any of the money they received when they sold their interest in HomeSense to HomeGold in 2000, and it is doubtful that it included any of the millions (possibly approaching $10,000,000.00) that Ronald Sheppard received in compensation while President and CEO of HomeGold. He paid back. WT your return is always zero shunning policy,.. Religious literature door-to-door our next tenants were a local Veterinarian and his mother had not helped him since,! Posed as the real account holders and wired money from the business accounts to accounts! In another organization we would have seen it on the news, less appropriate amounts for,! Grandmother, Phyllis Sheneman, of greater South Bend, Indiana from approximately April to. Grandmother, Phyllis Sheneman, of greater South Bend, Indiana for a Jehovah 's Witness so! Does SOMETHING GOOD for a Jehovah 's Witness mother have been well-known for many years now for religious. 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Steve Torre Salary, Spiritfarer The Search For Erich Dieckmann, Articles D