Section 2 sets out when a child under the age of 16 can consent to medical treatment or procedures. the Family Law Reform Act 1969 states: "The consent of a minor who The same child may be considered Gillick competent to make one decision but not competent to make a different decision. The Gillick standard arose from the High Court's decision in Gillick v West Norfolk and Wisbech Area Health Authority [1985] 3 All ER 402 (HL), which is binding in the . Applied tests for competence are wide-ranging and context dependent. A short film about the story behind Gillick Competence and Fraser Criteria. TO SAY that Mrs Gillick was angry is an understatement. In this context, welfare does not simply mean their physical health. That takes account of the child's understanding, ability to weigh risk and benefit, consideration of longer term factors such as effect on family life and on such things as schooling. If the young person has informed their parents of the treatment they wish to receive but their parents do not agree with their decision, treatment can still proceed if the child has been assessed as Gillick competent. Health professionals must be satisfied that the child understands: The necessity for immunization and the reasons for it; and. If a person under the age of 18 refuses to consent to treatment, it is possible in some cases for their parents or the courts to overrule their decision. Consent needs to be given voluntarily. However, as with adults, this consent is only valid if given voluntarily and not under undue influence or pressure by anyone else. What to do if the patient is in an abusive relationship. Childright, 22: 11-18. This will require an assessment on a case by case basis to determine if the child is Gillick competent. stream Immunization may not be appropriate in every case. The aim of Gillick competence is to reflect the transition of a child to adulthood. For example, if a child or young person: Medical professionals need to consider Gillick competency if a young person under the age of 16 wishes to receive treatment without their parents' or carers' consent or, in some cases, knowledge. Enter your email address to follow this website and receive notifications of new posts by email. {1XeJ v'cjt]aVfD9q$|rd[gNTM-P(Y"RUUbl{ U>CA%q\6h4; Another chapter has opened in the tortured history of the status of Gillick competence. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. the young person's physical or mental health or both are likely to suffer unless they receive the advice or treatment. This study of the implications of Gillick competence argues it is an unnecessary burden with an unethical foundation. It is task specific so more complex procedures require greater levels of competence. Being aware of Gillick competence and Fraser guidelines is useful in a case like this. The age at which a person becomes an 'adult' in Australia is 18. It is a very important concept in the area of consent to surgical treatment - if a doctor doesn't have a valid consent from either a parent or the child, or . These restrictions have yet to be tested in court. Where a competent child under 16 refuses a specific treatment which is in their best interests, but the parents support the . Health professionals must be confident in assessing a child's Gillick competence in order to ensure that the child's rights are respected, this requires the health professional to evaluate the child's maturity and intelligence when seeking consent to immunization. Call us on 0116 234 7246 As cited in Childrens Legal Centre (1985) Landmark decision for childrens rights. permission. 5 See Gillick v West Norfolk AHA [1986] AC 112, 189. In making his judgement the Law Lord, The psychological effect of having the decision overruled would have to be taken into account and would normally be an option only when the young person was thought likely to suffer grave and irreversible mental or physical harm. 43R@ ~? There are no potential conflicts of interest. In 1983 the judgement from this case laid out criteria for establishing whether a child under has the capacity to provide consent to treatment; the so-called Gillick test. Gillick competence is a functional ability to make a decision. This idea of Gillick competence was further supported by R (on the application of Axon) v Secretary of State for Health. Alternatively the court could direct enforcement by arranging for the removal of the child by an officer of the court for the forcible administration of the immunization. under the age of 16 can consent to medical treatment if they have sufficient maturity Consent for the medical treatment of patients under 18 years of age is generally provided by parents. 2 0 obj Competence is related to cognitive ability and experience and may be enhanced by education, encouragement etc. But Gillick competency is often used in a wider context to help assess whether a child has the maturity to make their own decisions and to understand the implications of those decisions. The form is based on the meaning of 'capacity' in section 14 of the Mental Health Act 2016. Gillick competence is concerned with determining a childs capacity to consent. Both Gillick competency and Fraser guidelines refer to a legal case from the 1980s which looked at whether doctors should be able to give contraceptive advice or treatment to young people under 16-years-old without parental consent. However, these are only obiter statements and were made by a lower court; therefore, they are not legally binding. Typical positions of emancipation arise when the minor is married (R v D [1984] AC 778, 791) or in the military. Copyright Gillick competency applies mainly to medical advice but it is also used by practitioners in other settings. It is not just an ability to choose . >> /Font << /TT2 10 0 R /TT1 9 0 R >> /XObject << /Im1 11 0 R >> >> This article considers the requirements for Gillick competence, it highlights the factors that must be considered when determining whether a child is competent to give consent to treatment. Obtain permissions instantly via Rightslink by clicking on the button below: If you are unable to obtain permissions via Rightslink, please complete and submit this Permissions form. it is in the young person's best interests to receive the advice, treatment or both without their parents' or carers' consent. In Scotland the NHS has provided a good practice guide on consent for health professionals (PDF) (Scottish Executive Health Department, 2006). % Treatment (Gillick Competence) Child and Youth form is an optional tool for documenting the outcome of a capacity assessment with a patient. It is a high test of competence that is more difficult to satisfy the more complex the treatment and its outcomes become. However, where the same child refuses consent then they may obtain it from another person with parental responsibility who can consent to treatment on the child's behalf. When prescribing contraception to children under 16 it is important to assess for coercion or pressure, for example coercion by an older partner. To ensure the site functions as intended, please Fraser guidelines are used specifically for children requesting contraceptive or sexual health advice and treatment. z#&,!Eh?_X Q*%20/Ud` !s4@KXA!20W.E-2eR5re@1cCk2W ~G "Gillick competence" is a term originating in England and is used in medical law to decide whether a child (16 years or younger) is able to consent to his or her own medical treatment, without the need for parental permission or knowledge. Mental Health Matters, What is Marions Case (1982)? Re L (Medical Treatment: Gillick Competence). This would include circumstances where refusal would likely lead to death, severe permanent injury or irreversible mental or physical harm. This includes making sure its in the girl's best interests for advice to be given and that she understands the advice. This form provides a structured method for obtaining evidence of the patient's capacity to You must always share child protection concerns with the relevant agencies, even if a child or young person asks you not to. The Fraser guidelines apply specifically to advice and treatment about contraception and sexual health. &Ed@ Immunization is voluntary and generally it is for those who have parental responsibility for a child or children who are Gillick competent to decide on immunization. Although people with parental responsibility were generally free to act alone when making decisions for their children this freedom was not unfettered. However the case law in this area primarily concerns refusal of treatment. This article considers the requirements for Gillick competence, it highlights the factors that must be considered when determining whether a child is competent to give consent to treatment. Gillick v West Norfolk and Wisbech Area Health Authority went to the House of Lords and is often used as a legal precedent across the UK. More information about this is available in the guidance for medical professionals in each UK nation - see case history and legislation. In fact, the court held that parental rights did not exist, other than to safeguard the best interests of a minor. The ethics of adolescent medical decision-making is a fraught area for medical ethics because it deals with the threshold boundaries between childhood and adulthood and Gillick adds a burden upon children and adolescent patients that is unwarranted and through which damage is . The court will . Consent is essential to the propriety of treatment and is necessary to meet the requirements of the law. It may also be interpreted as covering youth workers and health promotion workers who may be giving contraceptive advice and condoms to young people under 16, but this has not been tested in court. 2(1) and 3(1) Mental Capacity Act 2005. which, in the absence of consent, would constitute a trespass to his person, should practitioner should be consulted for diagnosis and treatment of any and all medical conditions. The standard is based on the 1985 judicial decision of the House of Lords with respect to a case of the contraception advice given by an NHS . Gillick competence: A UK term of art referring to the competence of a child under the age of 16 to consent to his/her own medical care, without the need for parental permission. The English Gillick case held that . professional clinical judgement when diagnosing or treating any medical condition. Be careful that you don't mix up these two terms. People also read lists articles that other readers of this article have read. As cited in Family Law Week. Gillick competence is a functional ability to make a decision. CONSENT WHEN <16 YEARS OF AGE. The Gillick Competency Principle is in effect in Australia since 1992 and deals with parental guidance and information with respect to minors' use of contraceptives and decisions with respect to abortion and pregnancy. useGPnotebook. Children's capacity to consent may be affected by different factors, for example stress, mental health conditions and the complexities of the decision they are making. The child's safety and wellbeing is paramount. We use cookies to improve your website experience. endobj It is not a question of neglect or abuse that would trigger child protection proceedings. We have also added a section about safeguarding concerns. Gillick's claim was ultimately dismissed after a lengthy legal battle but the case established a legal precedent. The Family Law Reform Act 1969 also gives the right to consent These are commonly known as the Fraser Guidelines: the young . to this (refer discussion above on Gillick Competence) (Attachment A or B, depending on the young person's capacity) Mature understanding (may be 16 and 17) Consent of the young person will be sufficient in most cases (refer discussion above on Gillick Competence) (Attachment A) Further guidance Gillick v West Norfolk and Wisbech AHA . The House of Lords focused on the issue of consent rather than a notion of parental rights or parental power. This test is known as the Gillick competence test. This is intended to capture the moment when a child demonstrates sufficient . Gillick competence refers to the recognition that the capacity of a child to make serious decisions about his or her life will increase as does the age and understanding of that child. Such children are deemed to be capable of giving valid consent to advice or treatment without parental knowledge or . In England, the Department of Health and Social Care provides guidance for medical professionals on the legal framework they need to consider when obtaining valid consent to examination, treatment or care (Department of Health and Social Care, 2009). It is probably the case that for a person between 16 and 18 years old consent Our online and face-to-face training courses can help develop your understanding of how to protect children from abuse and safely recruit staff and volunteers to work with children: For further reading about Gillick competency and Fraser guidelines, search the NSPCC Library catalogueusing the keywords "Gillick competency" and "Fraser guidelines". workers and health promotion workers who may be giving contraceptive advice and The ruling established the term "Gillick competence" to describe whether a young person below the age of 16 is able to consent to . When you are assessing Gillick competency if you have any concerns about the safety of the young person you should check whether previous child protection concerns have been raised, and explore any factors that could put them at risk of abuse. endobj Competence is an essential legal requirement for valid consent to medical treatment. Where a person under the age of 16 is not Gillick competent and therefore is deemed to lack the capacity to consent, it can be given on their behalf by someone with parental responsibility or by the court. Due to the unique specifics of that treatment, the High Court concluded that in such cases the answer will almost always be no, a priori. At one end there are the obvious cases where parental objection would have no value in child welfare terms, for example urgent lifesaving treatment such as a blood transfusion. Introduction. Especially useful fo. Gillick competence is a term originating in England and Wales and is used in medical law to decide whether a child (under 16 years of age) is able to consent to their own medical treatment, without the need for parental permission or knowledge. has strong wishes about their future living arrangements which may conflict with their parents' or carers' views. ", > Find out more about assessing Gillick competency. This matter was litigated because an activist, Victoria Gillick, ran an active campaign against the policy. The United Nations Convention on Children's Rights (UNCRC; 1989) defines a child as any person under 18; however, by convention British courts refer to all persons under 18 as minors, those under 16 as children and 16 and 17 y olds as young persons.Citation2 The UNCRC requires that childhood is recognized as a developmental period and that our domestic laws must be developed in a manner consistent with the evolving capacities of the child (United Nations 1989, Article 5).Citation2 As children grow and develop in maturity, their views and wishes must be given greater weight and their development toward adulthood must be respected and promoted. Lord Scarman and Lord Fraser proposed slightly different tests (Lord Bridge agreed with both). Mrs Gillick was a lady of Catholic faith with 5 daughters when the case originally started back in 1982. When assessing Gillick competence for immunization, a health professional has to decide whether the child is or is not competent to make that particular decision. On 21 May 2009, confusion arose between Gillick competence, which identifies under-16s with the capacity to consent to their own treatment, and the Fraser guidelines, which are concerned only with contraception and focus on the desirability of parental involvement and the risks of unprotected sex in that area. The issue before the House of Lords was only whether the minor involved could give consent. This paper looks at the issue of consent from children and whether the test of Gillick competency, applied in medical and healthcare practice, ought to extend to participation in research. The two girls lived with their respective mothers. Engaging with and assessing the adolescent patient. the young person is very likely to continue having sex with or without contraceptive treatment. A minor is considered to be competent to consent to treatment when the person 'achieves a sufficient understanding and intelligence to enable him or her to understand fully what is proposed'. National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Kennedy & Grubb (1998) argue that children pass through 3 developmental stages on their journey to becoming an autonomous adult.Citation3. The judge concluded that immunization would be in the best interests of the welfare of each child. This is because we have an overriding duty to act in the best interests of a child. The Current Position: Gillick Competence: Who may give consent to the medical treatment of a child:-A child over the age of 16 (S, Family Law Reform . 15 August 2022. Microsoft is encouraging users to upgrade to its more modern, children Lord Donaldson stressed that consent also has a second equally important clinical purpose: The clinical purpose (of consent) stems from the fact that in many instances the co-operation of the patient, and the patient's faith or at least confidence in the efficacy of the treatment, is a major factor contributing to the treatment's success. Gillick Competence. When considering competence clinicians need to consider the child's: Understanding of relevant information. Copyright 2023 A doctor can prescribe contraception to children under 16 years old if: NB: bear in mind the age of the partner and risk of sexual abuse. Abstract. they are 'Gillick competent' Victoria D. M. Gillick (ne Gudgeon; born 1946, in Hendon) is a British activist and campaigner best known for the eponymous 1985 UK House of Lords ruling that considered whether contraception could be prescribed to under-16s without parental consent or knowledge. Fraser was one of the five judges of in the UK House of Lords . sometimes termed as Gillick Competence, is granted to a person under the age of 18 where they can demonstrate sufficient insight and understanding of major decisions . This provides private law remedies to settle matters of parental responsibility concerning a child. Autonomy - Doctors must respect the decision made by a patient. Lord Justice Thorpe viewed medical interventions as existing on a scale. In F v F [2013] the High Court ordered that sisters aged 11 and 15 y must receive the MMR vaccine.Citation11 Mr Justice Sumner made it clear that although the case concerned a dispute between parents his only concern was for the best interests of the welfare of the children. Fraser guidelines are applied specifically to advice and treatment that focuses on a young person's sexual health and contraception. The standard is based on a decision of the Lady Justice Purvis in the case Gillick v West Norfolk and . Adolescence is a transitional phase of growth and development between childhood and adulthood. to treatment to anyone aged 16 to 18. %PDF-1.3 In general, in English Law a minor is a person less than 18 years old. Care Quality Commission. When assessing Gillick competence for immunization, a health professional has to decide whether the child is or is not competent to make that particular decision. Lord Donaldson summed up the position when he held that.Citation9. Adolescents have the legal right to confidential health care. Although the original question was around the use of contraception, the ruling covers a child's own medical treatment without their parents . Mental Health Matters, What is Informed Refusal? By confusing them, we lose crucial details necessary for obtaining consent. Browser Support Gillick competence (gil-ik) n. a rule for judging legal capacity in children under the age of 16 years, established in the case Gillick v West Norfolk and Wisbech Area Health Authority (1985) 2 A11 ER 402. Gillick competence is used to assess a child's capability to make and understand their decisions in a wider context. 08/12/20. Age of Legal Capacity (Scotland) Act 1991, consent to examination, treatment or care, consent guides for healthcare professionals, good practice guide on consent for health professionals (PDF), Brief guide: capacity and competence to consent in under 18s (PDF), Consent guides for healthcare professionals, Reference guide to consent for examination or treatment (second edition), The law reports (appeal cases) [1986] AC 112, A good practice guide on consent for health professionals in NHS Scotland (PDF), Harmful sexual behaviour in schools training, For safeguarding training, resources and consultancy, would like to have therapeutic support but doesn't want their parents or carers to know about it, is seeking confidential support for substance misuse. Gillick competence is a functional ability to make a decision. Gillick v West Norfolk and Wisbech Area Health Authority and Department of Health and Social Security [1984] Q.B. Obtaining consent for immunization becomes more complex where parental responsibility and the developmental concept of Gillick competence become intertwined as the child matures to adulthood. Legal competence to make decisions is conditional on the child gradually acquiring both: That takes account of the child's experiences and the child's ability to manage influences on their decision making such as information, peer pressure, family pressure, fear and misgivings. Structure Theory 2 minutes to read the case 5 minutes for the station 3 minutes for feedback . NSPCC / All rights reserved. gillick competence osce. A refusal by 16 - 17 year olds is also not determinative and can be overridden by the court. It is lawful for doctors to provide contraceptive advice and treatment without parental consent providing certain criteria are met. The young persons best interests require them to receive contraceptive advice or treatment with or without parental consent. This is known as an assessment of 'Gillick competency'. This lack of authority reflects that the reported cases have all involved minors who have been found to be incompetent, and that Australian courts will make decisions in the parens patriae jurisdiction regardless of Gillick competence. Start typing to see results or hit ESC to close, Three things required for consent to be valid, The ultimate responsibility for ensuring the patient is consented properly lies with the. O>Gr~AdBsSO2 Ee3P?N6Ih 5oWhP Ic1Pb^j'rv!WDK+.I{709J*ZlSxoqkw[76MXHRXu/\n?HE,Qg"@ Last reviewed 01/2018. If a child does not pass the Gillick test, then the consent of a person with parental responsibility (or sometimes the courts) is needed in order to proceed with treatment. It underpins the propriety of the treatment and furnishes a defense to the crime of battery and civil wrong of trespass.Citation1 It must be obtained before an immunization can proceed. be as effective as it would be if he were of full age; and where a minor has by The court views immunization as a voluntary process that both parents are entitled to be consulted on. Gillick competence is therefore the correct term, still used by judges and health professionals, to identify children aged under 16 who have the legal competence to consent to immunization, providing they can demonstrate sufficient maturity and intelligence to understand and appraise the nature and implications of the proposed treatment, including the risks and alternative courses of actions. If the conditions are not all met, however, or there is reason to believe that the child is under pressure to give consent or is being exploited, there would be grounds to break confidentiality. From these, and subsequent cases, it is suggested that although the parental right to veto treatment ends, parental powers do not terminate as suggested by Lord Scarman in Gillick. . and judgement to enable them fully to understand what is proposed. Re W (A minor) (Medical treatment court's jurisdiction). Children who are younger than this may be mature enough to decide for themselves and not want their parents involved, which will . Gillick competence refers to the fact that some children under the age of 16 are able to give consent. The Fraser guidelines specifically relate only to contraception and sexual health. Assessment of Gillick competence requires an examination of how the child deals with the process of making a decision based on an analysis of the child's ability to understand and assess risks. To date no court has found a child in need of life sustaining treatment competent to refuse that treatment.Citation8. Lr52 Y&(?~B?"2b`B)Q However, the parens patriae jurisdiction of the court remains available allowing a court order to force treatment against a childs (and parents) wishes. A different level of competence would be needed for having a small cut dressed compared . Call us on 0808 800 5000 There is no set of defined questions to assess Gillick competency. Gillick competence needs to be assessed on a decision by decision basis, checking whether the child understands the implications of the treatment. If the client has Gillick competence, they have the right to make decisions without parental consent and be granted confidentiality. When consenting children to medical treatment, the terms Gillick competence and Fraser guidelines are frequently used interchangeably despite there being a clear distinction between them. An interesting aside to the Fraser guidelines is that many[weasel words] regard Lord Scarmans judgment as the leading judgement in the case, but because Lord Frasers judgement was shorter and set out in more specific terms and in that sense more accessible to health and welfare professionals it is his judgement that has been reproduced as containing the core principles, as for example cited in the RCOG circular. Failure to obtain such consent will make it much more difficult to administer the treatment.Citation9. Fraser guidelines, on the other hand, are used specifically to decide if a child can consent to contraceptive or sexual health advice and treatment. This might . However, unlike adults, treatment refusal can be overridden in some circumstances (by person with parental responsibility or court). Consent here was considered in the broad sense of consent to battery or assault: in the absence of patient consent to treatment, a doctor, even if well-intentioned, might be sued/charged. 6 The arguments constructed and analysis undertaken in this paper endeavour to encompass decisions made by 'Gillick competent' children in relation to both consent and refusal of medical treatment. Call Childline on 0800 1111, Weston House, 42 Curtain Road, London, EC2A 3NH. Never before has Gillick been extended to permit a mature child to make autonomous medical decisions over and above the curial 'parens patriae' power.In 2013, two judicial decisions promulgated from different Australian courts are in conflict over this most fundamental of questions. Subscribe to our weekly email keeping you up-to-date with all the developments in child protection policy, research, practice and guidance. In South Australia and New South Wales legislation clarifies the common law, establishing a Gillick-esque standard of competence but preserving concurrent consent between parent and child for the ages 14-16. If a child or young person needs confidential help and advice direct them to Childline. [Accessed 02/02/2020]. Children under 16 can consent to medical treatment if they understand what is being proposed. Cited by lists all citing articles based on Crossref citations.Articles with the Crossref icon will open in a new tab. To ensure the site functions as intended, please Fraser guidelines is useful in a new tab a person than... No set of defined questions to assess a child or young person & # x27 ; &! Case Gillick v West Norfolk and Axon ) v Secretary of State for health treatment... Also not determinative and can be overridden by the court was litigated because an,... 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