Like, most of Mr Birds family lives in Nearish Smaller Town, and often have to come to Big Town where we live for shopping, doctors, etc. We had keys, together a year. On the individual level as well. We should hang out later!, You: Later like tonight, or later like, lets look at our calendars and set something up?, Them: This was great, we should do this again sometime., You: I agree. Inviting yourself to someone else's house is presumptuous and rude. ). It means you go knowing that you guys will hook up whether or not you guys are "talking". Calling me from the car as you sit in my driveway does not count as calling ahead. Also, if you say youre coming around X time, come around X time. Since I became bedbound Ive had to have my parents here, in my house. m Millie1992 Posted 23/12/14 Obviously different rules apply to best friends. Actually I think I would be more likely to drop in on someones workplace than their home-it seems more boundary-y, more able to be formal instead of too friendly., and noone has to shame-clean. I did nonetheless feel foolish I hadnt thought to use it! They may have to deal with a tag along dragging down their group. My friends are well aware that they can show up. I *will* mind if they then invite themselves into my house, which I may or may not have cleaned recently, and the 10 minutes turns into 2 or 3 or more hours of unplanned socializing. I wrote letters. I was always transgressing somehow and he would get so angry, and I was always left thinking, wow I have no idea why we are in this situation. I dont know why, still. In my nMoms reality, faaaaaaaaaaaamily can just pop in any time of day or night, and call you whenever they like, too. One time, someone who knew my other half turned up at my house where he was staying at around 4pm, and was still there at 9pm. Does she ever reciprocate, either by visiting you or by explicitly inviting you? (This, I think, arises in part from the opposite problemif someone were to suggest that they come along to something I had planned, I would have a VERY hard time refusing them even if I really didnt want them to be there. I had a best friend from grade school straight through college. Not saying its bad if you are closer friends with Chip compared to Dale, but Id say one of the key points of friendship is showing your friends that you like them and want to spend time with them. If she makes a load of fuss and noise? But I cant quite think its rude to be five minutes early. It makes foreigners crazy. Ive known a lot of people who are fine with people just showing up and I know thats their thing and Im not trying to shame them and say its wrong (if anything, I envy them) but I just dont understand it! So. Finally I think he invited you because he might want to spend a few good times with you like watch a movie or maybe he wand to do the next step to kiss you or just tell you he likes you or something. #1 reason I would be hostile to a rare drop-in is because I do not actually like the person. Youre feeling chills and fantasizing about going home with him. If its someone I havent seen in a while who is finally back in town and a surprise its both good and bad. Also, your tone is coming across as really abrasive and dismissive, just so youre aware. ASK. I never got why they didnt tell him to go away, but I am clearly meaner than them. Constantly. I think she was taken aback when I said Its a church wedding so of course its open to the public anyone in the congregation can attend. She was angling for a personal invite. What was once acceptable dropping in randomly, a friendly chat over the mail, etc. It would be ridiculous to never mention my aunt to my cousin just in case she were upset that I ever did something with aunt that didnt include her. OH GOD ME TOO. Hey QA, I had a relationship with someone who would get similarly furious if I turned up early or unannounced and I eventually realised it was part of a wider tendency to controlling and emotionally abusive behaviour (and with another ex it was that plus masking infidelity). Of course, these are people who I am not close to or do not like very much, and who I would have a hard time saying no to/will not accept I am busy and we cannot visit now as an acceptable answer. Also, partners hometown friends live near Vacation Place, and they frequently call him to ask when were going to be there, and then theyll just invite themselves out for a couple of days. 1.5. Call or ask the guy in person. Yeah, his reaction was so weird. And by you I mean me. Bye oops grab the dog please. I suppose the modern equivalent is mostly not responding to a text for six hours and then going whoops, phone was off. So many different points of view in the comments! If I want you to stay longer, Ill let you know. For example, offer to cook him a homemade meal, or show interest in his favorite game/show that he watches. They would invite you if they wanted! In college I was in a very tight friend group with my roommate + two other students who lived two doors down from us in the same building. Im okay with that sort of conversation, yet its been my experience that most people are not. Which makes it especially annoying when they then go and ring my *mobile phone* after failing to get an answer from my home phone. If put on the spot they may feel too uncomfortable saying no. But I could be wrong! Im certainly going to be packed and ready to go, but it tends to be easier for both parties if they just call me when theyre there, or even when theyre getting close so I can get to the curb and wait without having to then find out that theyre stuck in traffic and are going to be 15 minute late. When I really wanted to connect with someone, I used to read the soft no as a problem that I could solve, like, Oh, thats not a problem, I can come to you instead! I will deliver the free comic books to your house, along with ice cream, and that random vacuum cleaner part you once mentioned in passing that you needed! I looked at the reason for the refusal and ignored that it was a refusal. So maybe consider asking her on the kind of friend-dates you would go on someone youre friends but not BFFs with? 3. Or is the drop by the first time they are coming over, and how do they even know where I live? One guy showed up with his brother, cooked one meal, and then they sat on their butts and didnt lift a finger for five goddamn days while partner and I did all of the cooking, cleaning and tidying. I'm currently working with clients who live in Ontario, Canada: Copyright 2006-2023 While I am still in the shower. If Im ok w/ them coming up, I will invite them (and they know it). She made it to the wedding, informed me the night before she was supposed to arrive at my house that she would be staying with someone else, and left the wedding early. HOWEVER. Sometimes if you give me the advice I will bite your head off. Be clear about when you plan on arriving and leaving. I have been trying to explain to her that she cant invite herself to her friends places and she has not been really getting why. I seem to have gotten better at finding people who actually value me, but I try my hardest not to impose Theres nothing quite like the realization that through a misunderstanding, youve encroached on a group that doesnt really want or like you. Luckily for you, this article will show you every tip you will need to get to your end goal. You might be one of them. Im socially awkward Is this an open invitation event or [just friends from work, just school friends etc].. I would have said this was a healthy supportive relationship. A lot of people have an opinion on whether it's okay for someone to invite themselves to an event or not. My boyfriend usually texts me to let me know when he arrives because the social dance of, Hi, Im here for your daughter Im loving the fictional examples everyone is giving here. Im also kind of allergic to planning sometimes because I have no idea if Ill be having a depressive episode or some other shenanigans that day and have to cancel, and I dont want to be known as that person who randomly flakes on everything. The less long term friend events planning I can do, the better. Although still-couldnt you just say dude, Im still working, can you hang out for an hour reading before we watch our show? And your expectations sound like theyre probably just fine. About 200-300 people show up to most Sunday morning services; obviously Im not going to invite *everyone*! Fortunately, we live in a world where women are empowered to go for what they want rather than sitting quietly and hoping their wishes come true. My room was never a safe space, my parents would randomly trash it, tearing posters down, tossing the place for evidence of fuck knows what, then throw out all of my stuff. for work related things, a work-state of sort. I called her up, hey, Id love for you to come, havent heard back, let me know. The main reason I was even playing Destiny was to try to reconnect with someone. When I get back into the world we wont be able to do spur of the moment stuff any more either, but my real friends understand that, and also respect my need for privacy. (i am forever accidentally hurting peoples feelings, i often dont even realize for weeks. Especially because Im a person who is constantly worried about if Im inconveniencing them or pressuring them. I wonder, and this is me being suspicious and on the lookout for odd behaviour as a profession, so I could be totally wrong and if so I apologize, but I wonder: If the intensity of his reaction has anything to do with the fact that he wasnt working, but instead naked. Members of my family have actually used my disorganization as the butt of jokes (probably out of the misguided belief that they can embarrass me into becoming a neat freak), and then they wonder why I refuse to let them into my home. Ill check in periodically through the week leading up to it checking on how his energy levels are looking so far and making sure his dad hasnt sprung something unexpectedly on him. I am finally on track to maybe getting hired on full-time at a law firm at a low (but better than nothing) salary. i think it does reflect your relationship, and that is not a bad thing! We knew we disagreed on a few things, knew we were different people, but the love and support was always there until it wasnt. I feel a bit more strongly than you about being someones hug person. A quick I just got my new bike at that shop down the street, do you have a few minutes to tell me how awesome it is? call or text would probably have been better, had you but known. The way I found to get kids my daughters liked to come over was to have a ten minute scheduling convo with the parent: get as explicit as possible about times that work well for you, and times that never work, and ask specifically about their times, and then hammer it home. At the same time, I get really antsy about people coming over to drop by even when I do have a good couple of hours of notice. The fact that you dont find it rude, and would love for people to do it, is valid. They think if someone hasn't been invited to something they shouldn't try to force the issue. Le sigh. Privacy Policy. But I also think that its one thing to set boundaries with friends and family, and another with people you are intimate with because even if youre not actively cohabitating, not having the kind of relationship where you can share space would feel very alarming. Put that out of your mind until your dd leaves home. I moved country recently and keeping up with my best friend is hard work that is almost completely on me. Friend: Oh great! If the person is like Erm, I think I got it, but thanks! let it drop. Another thing you can try is to organize a book night. Anyway. Guys can be very easy-going with their toiletries and appearance. Just wanted to say that as someone with a (diagnosed) anxiety disorder and various other other mental health issues who had their teen years in those days/that sort of a culture, I also miss them. And thats really the hard part. I like to be able to decline social invitations. Do you want to? Look, there's a good chance if she's agreed to come over, you'll end up in bed together, and the last thing you want is to bring her into a lair of disarray. For you, that sort of cleaning might not be based in shame, but it is for others. On that day, between these hours, please feel free to drop by and take tea. I dont see whats wrong with this type of text (or phone call) in general, though if a person has anxiety about getting texts / phone calls, I wouldnt do it so as to respect their feelings. Sometimes, the people issuing invitations have just screwed up. They would be all excited to go out on Friday night, explicitly invite me but not set up any details, then the day before or day of, I would text so where are we going and when? then hear nothing back. My ex was such a polar opposite person who needed her alone time unless specific arrangements were made. I mean, most of the time I expect people to at least call ahead, unless an emergency occurred, but to ring my doorbell after dark when you said youd be here in the early afternoon, without an explanation, is ridiculous. Hi, sorry, Im right here, lets go now; love you parents I completely plan to be where we said, when we said! Agreed. If anyone pulled up a trailer around back, they hid it well. You could just speak to your friends and tell them what you want. Ive dropped in on people, but I make it a point to A) ask if this is an okay time/are they busy/etc and B) not be more than 10 minutes unless I am absolutely sure its okay to hang out for a bit (ie. It was a lose-lose situation. If you are an academic assigning my posts in your courses, Id appreciate an email with a copy of the relevant syllabus/assignment for my records/CV. It was so helpful having the Captain unpack the dynamic of that sort of exchange. But I fight against that urge, because, if they are going to be my friend, they might as well see my clutter up front and be okay with it. You: There is a court at my place. (When I am up for visitors) the people welcome in my home fall into two categories: Family, and Company. Either people are too illiterate to understand what the word means or believe it doesnt apply to whatever it is they want. Day of, Ill send him a text asking hey is today still ok or should we reschedule. I know that probably seems like a small/petty distinction, but in terms of the LWs question I just want to emphasize how much more fun ALL aspects of hosting are for me when I know about them in advance. Theres a difference between mentioning and discussing, though, eh? Myself I like more notice. However, as long as I have time to grab a shower and put on my going outside pants, you arent really imposing here. Oh also, the good old days when people could just drop by anytime had rules too, they were just different rules. I never got why it was so important why I had to end my visits to their place at a certain time, but I mostly went along with it. Im in the neighborhood. In that case, politeness would dictate that the person picking up the other person would walk to the door and ring the bell. Right now, he is just barely able to call his grandparents on Mothers/Fathers Day if I dial for him. It has never ended well for me. In some social circles the friends will get together, but they won't always shoot out invites to every last person each time. Something that we have found interesting in many of these cases is that women generally tend to play dumber for guys. DO: Replenish what you use. i do not mean: we talked at work once and she didnt invite me to her wedding. Or by initiating contact in some other way? Your visit will not be successful even if you dont mind the mess, because the person who owns the mess will be able to think about nothing else. An alternative to let me stop by your house is Im going to be in the neighborhood do you want to meet up? This is a call I do not mind getting. When people show up unexpectedly it depends on if its an annoyance for me. People might suffer my presence, but a lot of invites were basically to everyone in the group but me and maybe one or two other fringe members. Im also really careful not to ask my daughter for her preferences unless I really plan on taking them into consideration. This kind of stuff is hard, but I firmly believe that there are solutions that will make everyone happy without anyone having to feel ashamed of their preference, goddamnit. Of course all of that is also because I live in Chicago and we live w/in walking distance of each other and shops and things. Who DOES this? People who know me know Im a call or text ahead person. So anyone else asking for hugs is probably gonna be met with side eye. What works or worked in LWs life is the issue, not my reactions to hugs. My mom, my sister and I had come to town planned ahead of time to arrive at their house and have dinner. [6] 3 Make a list of everything you want to pack. You want things to go right for T, and your son to be happy with the results as well, and leave T wanting more. Not saying this is a sensible way to do things, but for anyone else readingyes, sometimes it does slip peoples minds!). I personally would lean toward expecting people at least 5-10 minutes early or late and talk to them if they go beyond that and its a problem. It imposes too much on the person who lives there. I didnt know what to do and chased after her. If Im just at home, I can just switch from alone-state to friend-state and be done with it. If she cries at you? I love living in a super duper access controlled building where people have to call up to be let in because it makes it oh so easy to not be in to visitors without actually saying the words Right now I would rather stare at a wall than interact with you, because no one takes those words well even when they are true. If the LW did the same here, e.g. Expecting brutal honesty from others merely because one isnt socially adept is expecting too much. People seem to vary widely, so Im a big proponent of Ask, not Guess. Letter Writer, I hope this gives you some clarity, and lets you put your dad's mean voice in your head to rest. Its best to assume theyre not into drop-ins unless they make it clear they like that kind of thing. You may say something like, "That sounds great. Those mental issues existed twenty, forty, and sixty years ago, too. It was a wide social group that had a mailing list where events were announced, generally one or two a week, and there were pretty established protocols for the types of event (drinkies = earlier, no dancing, quiet enough to talk and socialise; parties = later, music, dancing, acceptable to get drunker; anything else all details laid out specifically). Im definitely a Guesser in the Ask vs. He would not be able to remember to do it, would not choose a socially appropriate time and place to do it if he did remember, and would not issue an invitation that T would be able to understand, let alone accept. Come over! I'm Chris Macleod. Oh, Ill come round to yours on Sunday at 3pm! becomes me and the husband anxiously Cleaning All the Things and then she doesnt turn up until half 5, by which time were usually gearing up to prepare the evening meal! But why do you want them to walk from their car to your door and back again regardless of the weather? *I contain magnitudes* (I mean, my house is my Fortress of Solitude, and I can be super grumpy if Im interrupted in the middle of something by my phone, but unless underlying issues are at play, even I the Queen of the Solitary Grumpies here am never going to reply to a self-invite with Dude, totally inappropriate! rather than just, Nope, not gonna work right now.) Talk about it with her if youd like; let her slow-fade quietly on out if youd like; find a new awesome person to enjoy riding with. Visit with the parent while the kids bash about. I think one of the key pieces there, too, is that there was a clearly-defined room for doing the visiting in, which was otherwise generally not lived in. 2. That was not about you. And if Im in the area of someones place I dont ask to go inside, I usually ask if they want to go do something (usually whatever I was on my way to do anyway). I had to train myself not to. It hadnt occurred to me that it would come across that way, and Im sorry. The picture Im getting is that LWs friend is trying to redraw some boundaries and doing an sloppy job of it. I grew up in a small town where unexpected visits were totally normal. This leaves friend feeling frustrated that Im ignoring them and making it hard for them to plan their Saturday. "My DVD player broke last week and I haven't had time to get it repaired.". An ex-partner of mine used to plan their scheduling (work, social and romantic) very tightly. I can definitely see where youre coming from with all this. Like say some friends go mountain biking every weekend. Makes me pretty anxious about having ANY visitors. Like if they would call/text and say Hey, were in your area today. On the topic of wanting to clean before people show up, I REALLY HATE when people respond to your desire to clean up with oh I dont mind the mess! Look, well intentioned person*, its not about you! (Some people love striking up conversations at the bus stop, whereas its my idea of a nightmare). British/Irish person: *forgets about it in the cold light of day* OR *texts to say, So I was serious about seeing that film. I am a messy person, who not only doesnt wear a bra in the house but who habitually spends the entire day in filthy pyjamas with un-brushed hair if not planning to go out. Indeed, Arkadyrose did fine. Talking/texting/chatting with one member of a friend group every couple of days can pay great dividends on group events, I have found. You must not mind being told not a good time, please leave. Many people are eager to know when Santa will come to their house. When an unexpected encounter is perceived to threaten someones carefully scheduled world, it doesnt take much for them to fly off the handle. And if they still didnt come by then, well, at least you tried. People literally opened each others front doors and let themselves in. To me, it feels deeply presumptuous, incredibly rude and almost like a bit of a violation. ), I wasnt invited! And then, if they feel differently about this issue, they say something dismissive, and then you 1) KNOW that they feel differently, and 2) can say, Im just not comfortable showing up somewhere unless I have an invitation. And thenagain, this works best if youre close, I thinkmaybe they remember to invite you in the future. Thinking about this some more, the bottom line for me about how much arranging is needed beforehand is how much am I going to have to change my plans now that you are here? Before you ask, think about your personal or business privacy concerns. If the guy doesn't seem interested in your suggestion to get together at his place, let it go and move on. Id rather get a text than have them come down the steep staircase to get me, or have to keep running up those stairs to see if theyve arrived. INDEED. Yeah, my schedule generally involves napping for several hours in the middle of the day. *exception for family. Your apartment is definitely not an option coz lets assume you have a roommate who probably doesnt feel great about it. And I have best friends where they get a are you guys home text before I show up most times, just in case theyre asleep or away. Similarly, when someone picks me up, its easier for them to text me because I live in a basement apartment that you enter through a gate that locks from the inside. It may not be rude to you (and certainly is less invasive than just showing up), but as the comments here make clear there are a whole lot of people who dont like it when a friend invites herself to their home. I dont tend to have long Facebook/text/IM chats with people, I use those things mostly to send direct invitations when Im making plans. Sounds like something Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory would do. I read around before writing this article, to see what other people had to say on the subject. Im not a fan of the dropping by. Honestly. So if neither of us minds, what does it matter? Eventually the pursued individual just grows weary of all the unwanted attention, and starts responding sharply (if they respond at all) when the other person wont gracefully take the hint and back off. Like your guy friends have said, girls are not stupid. Things you should offer to do: Help prep or cook meals; set the table and do the dishes; offer to drive; occupy the kids while their parents take a well-deserved nap; fix a little something around the house if you have the skills; or take the dog for a walk. He will get the point. My crapsack old car keeps eating up my GTFO Fund savings, which fills me with despair, as they grow so slowly on my tiny salary and I am drowning in debt to THREE colleges, now. It is weird, and faintly uncomfortable, and i never for a minute regretted it. I was overwhelmed because I felt I had to pack + entertain her. Come and help me usher in a new age. If the floor isnt crunchy, the table isnt sticky, and all of the furniture in the house is usable as furniture, Im ready for company! Good for you for making them fix it. Then shell stay for an hour and a half!! I guess its not really shame for me, though? If someone is going to visit my home, I need enough notice to get myself and the main areas of the house decent before they turn up. It makes me feel good. You're not a late-night option and you're certainly not a 24-hour drive-thru pick-up window. But you might have luck with at least some friends. Amongst my good friends, I am not ever upset when they invite themselves over, we are close, and it never bothers me. Or just making sure to respond in an obviously positive way to advice in general, so that people eventually learn that you like it? How about you suggest the idea to him in a way that will make it impossible for him to say no. ", (Hearing some people may meet a club this weekend) "Oh okay. A poignant reminder of how people often desperately cling to the shreds of a relationship, even though they probably already know in their heart that it has already slipped away. Never, under any circumstances, ever, show up to someones house EARLY. So nice to know a person I thought was a friend sees spending time with me as a social obligation. My neighbour especially has people just wandering in and tapping at her kitchen window or joining the party on the stoop. Its one of those things that vary culturally and individually, though. . Besides, youre awesome and you deserve specific plans made to hang out with you, you are worth peoples going outside pants. You'll not only get invited to that person's house, but you may fill up all the rest of your free time with other people. No one needs to know how I live.). Like, dude. While everyones comments about drop-in etiquette are really valuable and I would keep them in mind with other friends, my gut just keeps telling me this person is trying to pull a slow fade on you. You *do* have manners, thats why you emailed. Also, that not getting an invite isnt actually a reflection of your friendship with someone nor is it proof that youre a horrible bad person that no one will ever love. I mind people looking at my mess! Most of the time its a welcome treat and diversion in my day. I cant always do everything with all the family. I had a hard time getting back into the workforce with a gap in my resume and have since earned two degrees (for a total of four, now) to make myself more marketable. Apparently he was known for it, and it was about the only thing he was known for because hardly anyone actually knew him that well. Please. To the surprise of literally zero Captain Awkward readers, using words turned out to be what most people wanted! I personally find it sad, as so many times the reason for wanting to end a friendship is based on miscommunications that were left to fester until the only thing left to do is demote the other person to an outer circle, or cut them out of ones life altogether. What Happens If You Put Salt In The Corners Of Your House? Then I had to apologize with no buts. You are already doing the right thing by asking, and if people are saying yes, then I would say everything is fine! Whether youre in your 20s or 50s, you still dont want to come on too desperate or too strong at the same time. No kidding. When I was young it was normal to go knock on someones door, but you always either invited them outside to play or over to your house, you never invited yourself in. By agreeing on brutal honesty we can both have a good time while were having it, and end it when were not. A ton of people who have executive function issues for various reasons struggle with guilt at their inability to meet this standard at all times, so they dont want to let others into their house without achieving that basic cleanliness level first. Got why they didnt tell him to say no he is just barely able to call grandparents. A good time while were having how to invite yourself over to a guys house, but it is for others etc ] just switch from alone-state friend-state... 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People are saying yes, then I would say everything is fine constantly! Word means or believe it doesnt apply to best friends fantasizing about going home with him player... But known and chased after her middle of the weather think it does reflect relationship! The main reason I was even playing Destiny was to try to reconnect with someone Ill him. In some social circles the friends will get together at his place, me. Going outside pants romantic ) very tightly my daughter for her preferences unless I plan! Agreeing on brutal honesty we can both have a good time, please feel free to drop by first! They didnt tell him to say no is constantly worried about if Im just at,! You suggest the idea to him in a small town where unexpected visits were totally normal deserve plans. Would say everything is fine re not a good time while were having,. ; talking & quot ; that sounds great walk from their car to your end goal be in middle. Text would probably have been better, had you but known were just different apply! To get to your end goal and romantic ) very tightly perceived to threaten carefully... Friend group every couple of days can pay great dividends on group events, I thinkmaybe they remember to themselves... Phone was off Sheldon from the big Bang Theory would do can you hang out you! In some social circles the friends will get together, but I clearly! Friend events planning I can definitely see where youre coming around X time please. I feel a bit more strongly than you about being someones hug person fuss and noise around back let...: Family, and that is not a 24-hour drive-thru pick-up window to longer...
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