Yes, Horus was from the Americas, because the Americas is the Old World. Egypt is part of both the African and Asian continents, covering both the northeastern part of Africa and the southwest corner of the Asian continent. [.osm.pbf] (37.4 MB) [] [.osm.bz2] License : All OpenStreetMap derived data on the download server is licensed under the Open Database License 1.0. The Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum houses the largest collection of Egyptian artifacts on exhibit in western North America and offers school tours and expeditions to explore Egypt's ancient mysteries right here in San Jose, California Teotihua-[can] is just another way of saying Tahuti/Thoth, which was the Ancient Egyptian God of Writing, Wisdom, and etc. Egypt, known officially as the Arab Republic of Egypt, is a transcontinental country which spans the southwest corner of Asia and the northeast corner of Africa.This is made possible through a land bridge formed by the Sinai Peninsula. . The Muurs/ Moors became the custodians of the Egyptian Mysterious when Egypt fell according to the book, Stolen Legacy, by George G. James. The truth is that these were the Black Egyptian/Sumerian giants that were the offsprings of the Blue-Black Annunaki giants (Sirius beings) from the Sirius Star System that came here eons ago. Thoth (thought) was an Atlantean priest King that founded all of the Arts and Sciences, built the Great Pyramid, and was the founder of Ancient Egypt in Africa. Explore the extravagance of the Arabian Gulf and North Africa, and witness thousands of years of history. 3And Josephs ten brethren went down to buy corn in Egypt. -8 hours. When discussing any civilization (modern or ancient), the focus must always be on a huge source of fresh water for agricultural purposes, because without food there is no civilization or life. While the mysterious glyphs, known as the Gosford Glyphs, are considered as a hoax by . According to the article, this Sphinx looks just like the Sphinx in Egypt. They were used from the 12th Dynasty (about 1938-1759 B.C.) The interesting thing about Memphis (Luxor) is that it was the first capitol of Ancient Egypt with Cairo nearby. Thank you: People that continue to hate on Moors are either agents or religious zealots for their own personal faith or belief system. [1]TheCushitic languagesare named after Cush. [End quote from]. This is part of the Memphis pyramid Exhibit from the 1897 Tennessee Centennial Exposition. Additionally, Ptah was also the chief god of Luxor in Memphis (Tennessee), which was in the Americas as we have proven above. Illinois has a huge territory of land in Southern Illinois that is known as Little Egypt, but why? Additionally, in the book, America BC, by Barry Fell, there is an alabaster egg of a cartouche of King Tut found in Idaho. The Spanish considered the Saracens (Moors) uncivilized barbarians, because of their belief in Islam. Arabic,Mir) is theHebrewandAramaicname for the land ofEgypt, with the dual suffix-yim, perhaps referring to the two Egypts:Upper EgyptandLower Egypt. Pyramids are a symbol of Atlantis, according to the book, Atlantis: The Antediluvian world, by Ignatius Donnelly, The Pyramid. Now that we know for sure that Cusco, Peru (Heru) was the land of Cush in the Upper Garden of Eden. America is the True Old World Book Sample, gives greater detail on this topic and it is a fast and good read. As of January 2020, the DNAE will no longer be updated. The Americas was Moslem-Jerusalem, aka, Granada land (Promised land/Israel); therefore, it is ridiculous to suggest that the Moors willfully invaded their own promised land in the Americas, when we have the dum diversas of 1452 issued by the Pope and the edict of the worms (dragons) issued by the Black Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, which banned Islam in the late 1400s, proves that this was certainly not the case since the dum diversas authorized Christian Templars to take land, wealth, and possessions of Saracens (Moors) and pagans (Jews/Hebrews): WERE THE MUURS REALLY THE BIGGEST RACE TRAITORS AND SELLOUTS OF THEIR OWN RACE? It's Dark Rough GPS position Latitude . Also, Cuzco or Cusco as we already known is the Spanish or Latinized way of saying Cush. However, Cusco, Peru is also the Biblical land of Cush, aka, ancient Ethiopia, which is the birthplace of Ancient Egypt, because the first recorded Pharaoh was Narmer (Nimrod of the Bible), and he was a son of Cush or ancient Ethiopia. The second red dot is the three pyramid structure in Giza, Egypt. We didn't even call ourselves Egyptians at first, but we were Atlanteans before we were Egyptians. I said allegedly, because some scientist argue that the Amazon is also the longest river in the world if you add in the adjacent Parestuary and the longest connecting tidal canal. This is the Mississippi River and its seven streams, as described in the book of Isaiah 11:15 KJV, And the LORD shall utterly destroy the tongue of the Egyptian sea; and with his mighty wind shall he shake his hand over the river, and shall smite it in the seven streams, and makemen go over dryshod. Notice the seven streams that flow into the Tongue (mouth) of the Egyptian Sea (the Gulf of Mexico). Illinois has a huge territory of land in Southern Illinois that is known as Little Egypt, but why? Well, we have a clue because the land of Cush is associated with the (lower) Garden of Eden, which was the Arctic North Pole or Mount Meru (see images of the 1595 Mercator maps of the Arctic North pole). Archaeologists estimate the Man Made Cavern is around 3,000 years old. Illini means, Best People, or Tribe of Superior Men, this is also where the term the Illuminati comes from. Hello, my name is Amunhotep Chavis El-Bey, and I am proud to introduce to you my new eBook entitled, America is the True Old World, but first let me tell you more about myself. The Black European Templar Christians/ Catholics that invaded the Americas were not Moors, because they hated Moslems/ Muslims. Some experts feel that by using primitive boats, early man also migrated down the Pacific coast to South America; that debate continues. Abdel Fattah el-Sisi's Egypt, rather than driving Arab policies like Mubarak did, is following the lead of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, two states that bankrolled his rise to power,. Who was Cush or Kush? I must note that North America (Asia Major/ India Superior) by itself has more pyramids than all of Africa combined. Well, Mizraim, according to the KJV Bible was theson of Ham, and hewas the younger brother ofCushand the elder brother of Phutand Canaan (Phoenicians), whose families together made up the Hamitebranch of Noahs descendants. However, when you combine the Mississippi (Miss-Isis) River System of the Missouri River (2,540 miles) and the Mississippi (2,340 miles) you will have a total length in miles of 4,890, which is 758 miles longer than the Nile River system that is in Africa. I was always taught that if you created or founded a person, place, thing, or an ideal, and you gave it a name, that is what it is called.,,,,,,,,,,, Granada Land is the Promised Land of Israel. Yes, the Mississippi River system is the longest, which is strong indication that it was your first Nile River system. Europe 4 properties hide. The above description of Cush (Cusco) is significant because according to the Bible the Garden of Eden is in the land of Cush (Ethiopia). I define Teotihuacan as meaning the kings of Tahuti or Tahuti the King. Cusco was the capital city of the Inca Empire, and was known to them as Tahuantinsuyo, the place where the four corners of the world joined together.. Please avoid the hijack when reading the link, because Cuzco, Indiana is ancient, since America is the True Old World. This must be true since the supreme axiom is the law of correspondence: As above so below. Based upon this law of correspondence, Lower Cush must be somewhere in North America, but where? Egypt is associated with Pyramids; however, the most pyramids and the oldest pyramids are in the Americas. Mud flood Its way too many for it to be just a coincidence too. There must be a Lower Cush since there is an Upper Cush in South America. Who was Mizraim? Credit for this map is given to UBNEWZ for the great share. Just because these ancient Muurs had pyramids does not mean that they were Ancient Egyptians. According to Wikipedia Mizraim means Egypt: Mizraim(Hebrew:/,ModernMitzryim[mitsajim]TiberianMiryim/Miryim[misrjim]\[misrajim]; cf. Well, Mizraim, according to the KJV Bible was theson of Ham, and hewas the younger brother ofCushand the elder brother of Phutand Canaan (Phoenicians), whose families together made up the Hamitebranch of Noahs descendants. Yes, very possible, because the alignment matches that of Thebes and Karnak in Egypt. There are three countries on the North American continent: Canada, Mexico and the United States of America. The Mu/Atlantean civilization that led up to what is called Egyptian been on earth thousands and possibility even millions of years. Washitaw Mu'urs. Lake Caddo is one of the largest natural lakes in the Southeast at 25,400-acresand it is akin to the Nile River in Egypt, due to its alignment with Karnack, Texas. Phonetically, Cush and Cusco are the same because they have a similar sounding or pronunciation. What is even more interesting is that the Upper Garden of Eden in South America, Mount Roraima, aka, the Tree of Life, which is the highest point in Guyana (Ghana) is within proximity of Cusco, Peru (Heru). This Old Testament Map of Ancient America shows you Assyria, Babylon (Sumer), Lower Mesopotamia, Lower Egypt (Texas), and Jerusalem, all in North America. Thoth Black Indians Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome in America. There are more pyramids in North America than all of Africa Combined and people tell me that America is not the True Old World and not Ancient Egypt. According to this book you had ancient Egyptians in Maine that were writing hieroglyphics in the 1700s; Memphis, Tennessee was named from Egyptians that traveled to that land; and in Oklahoma in the 1800s, a stele of Pharaoh Akhenaten (Amunhotep IV, aka, Moses of the Bible) was found before they knew who Akhenaton was. Egypt shipped another 12.8% worth of goods to trade partners in North America. A previous civilization of Atlanteans/ Egyptians gave that area that name long before Europeans came to the Americas and Master Teacher Bobby Hemmitt seems to thick the same thing: Ra was drawn as a man with a hawk head and a headdress with a sun disk. The Amazon is the largest and widest body of freshwater in the world with a length of 4000 miles long, allegedly. In this post is an image of the said map. I believe this village was part of Israel or the Holy land, since Jacob became Israel, according to Genesis 35:10, KJV Bible, which means that anything with the name of Jacob was great or chosen amongst God: 10And God said unto him, Thy nameisJacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.. The find is nicknamed the, Burrows Cave, named Burrows after its founder; however, mainstream academia dismisses the find as a hoax, because the find does not fit in with the current narrative of the Americas being a new and uncivilized world first discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492. During the 19th and 20th centuries, 37 new states were added to the original 13 as the nation expanded across the North American continent . Set sail on Arabian Gulf cruises to explore exotic souks (Arabian markets), smell fragrant incense wafting from a traditional bakhoor burner and sample spicy dishes like machboos, a delicious seafood or meat stew. Another clue that North America is Lower Ancient Egypt is the Egyptian place names of cities along the Mississippi like Memphis, TN; Cairo, Illinois; Thebes, Illinois; Karnak, Illinois; and Egypt, Georgia. Great Britain/United Kingdom is one hour ahead of UTC during summer. The invasion was a result of a long serious of Holy Wars, aka, Crusades, between Moslems and Jews vs. Christians and Catholics. (See, The Emerald Tablets of Thoth, and also you can refer to the Book sample link above or my Homepage at: I used to think that Western Scholars were racist or either biased when they would refer to Ancient Egypt as being in the Orient, until I did my research. The post The Americas is Ancient Egypt appeared first on America is the Old World. Please avoid the hijack because these one hundred buildings were not temporary structures built for a worlds fair to celebrate Tennessees 100th Anniversary of entry into the union in 1796, since this Worlds fair was a year late to celebrate that anniversary, lol. This business was inspired by my new history book, America is the True Old World, by Amunhotep Chavis El-Bey. thePalestinian territories). [End quote from:]. Greetings friends, before reading this post, The Americas is Ancient Egypt, please read my previous post so that there is no doubt that the Americas is ancient Egypt, 10 Reasons why Ancient Egypt was in the Americas. Its a good read and the information all ties in with this post, so please do enjoy it. Now, when we include Central and South America its not even a contest anymore. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); America is the Old World is a business dedicated to Ancient American History, Ancient Civilizations, Black History, Indigenous Culture, and private remedies. The Egyptians and the Ethiopians are too BLACK Aristotle, 350 B.C.E (Physiognomies). Place names like Cuzco (Cush), Indiana is a strong indication that lower Cush was Cuzco, Indiana (India); because ancient people gave people and places names after certain qualities or traits. Thank you. Yes, Ancient Egypt was everywhere, but she (Ancient Egypt) has her roots in the Americas, because America is the True Old World and the Orient (East). I circled Nile Texas in blue ink on the 1907 map for your viewing convenience, because it was hard for me to find at first. Egypt, Lean County, Texas, (3.) Additional, evidence that South America is Upper Ancient Egypt is the sheer number of pyramids in South America. Universities: January 2023 Edition 2023.1. In ancient times, the Gulf of Mexico was known as the Egyptian sea. Notice how the land mass looks just like the swastika (black spirit). Now, when we include Central and South America its not even a contest anymore. Conspiracy theorist John Rhodes claims to know the exact location of the caverns the site is guarded today by a lone soldier carrying an M-16 and that the caverns are a museum for civilization . Yes, Peru, was indeed Heru, which is more evidence that Upper Egypt was in South America. This mighty tree was cut down according to indigenous legend. You may use the data for any purpose, but you have to acknowledge OpenStreetMap as the data source.,,,,_Wharton_County,_Texas,,_Texas,,,_Texas,,,_Texas,,_Illinois,,_Illinois,,,,,,,_Indiana,,,,,,,,, The Superior Moscow, Russia America is the True Old world, The Superior Moscow, Russia - America is the Old World, Granada Land is the Promised Land of Israel. The State of Utah was named after the Ancient Egyptian God Ptah. Yes, Ancient Egypt was a advanced global civilization, This is a photo of pyramids that were found all around the world. Could it be because that area was once little Egypt? Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. But why?Well, because the KJV Bible lists 4 rivers in association with the Garden of Eden and you can see 4 rivers and the Black cube (the Kaba or the tree of life) in the center of the lake where the rivers emanate from that represents the Tree of life in the Garden of Eden. Old World America As such, Cush is alternately identified in scripture with theKingdom of Kushor ancientEthiopia. Egypt Power Adapter UBNEWZ was a Hebrew News media outlet that is on YouTube. Interesting. Israel However, when you combine the Mississippi (Miss-Isis) River System of the Missouri River (2,540 miles) and the Mississippi (2,340 miles) you will have a total length in miles of 4,890, which is 758 miles longer than the Nile River system that is in Africa. Embedded in this blog post is a YouTube video from Kurimeo Ahau called, Anubis Found in Mexico. This video demonstrates that Xololt is Anubuis, the god of the underworld. Yes, the Crusades were fought on both sides of the world, but mostly in the Americas since America is the Promised land. Notice in the quote above that I put emphasis on the word Mound, (pyramids?) The population of the empire at the time of the Spanish conquest, in the 1530s, may have numbered more than 12 million. 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