Another large blue line of divided rectangles starts at the edge of the hologram and works its way around the star and ending at a small object in the line closest to the star, which is shaped like a steep upside-down pyramid pointing down at the star it orbits and has more small dotted lines forming circles around it. To help the droid you’ll need to switch off his killer instincts. Return to the acid pool and click on it to use the Special Cold Grenade. Prospective Sith (Female): Yet another loser Sith wannabe. He’ll tell you the sword is the one that ‘hearkens night and silences the light’. Lashowe – Yuthura hints that betraying one of the other students would be a way to gain prestige. [1], Upon their visit to each planet, Revan and Malak had to face different challenges to acquire the Map information. Convince him that you want to help and he’ll suggest using the computer to put him into a catatonic state. Pilots: Wishes he had a ship like the Ebon Hawk. In these two rooms were ancient computer terminals that were protected by security droids; the ancient droids immediately attacked the party, but they were able to complete the puzzles in these rooms and enter the main chamber that housed the Star Map. Type Persuade him to leave the Sith Academy peacefully. She may or may not let you into the Academy right away, depending on how convincing you are. Their success culminated in a bold civilization, made stronger when dark Force-users arrived and interbred after being driven out of the early Jedi Order. Following the Mandalorian Wars, the duo visited these ruins to track down the Star Map. Move Mid-Upper System from middle to left. Nevertheless, once the Star Forge was under their command, reaching the Star Map—along with withstanding the other challenges of the tomb—became part of an important initiation rite for the promising students of the Sith Academy on Korriban. As a result, the Maps contained information regarding planets and other key locations under the control of the Empire. The Star Maps were constructed as monuments dedicated to honoring the expanse and might of the Rakatan Infinite Empire. He can survive like this for long periods of time and escape when he’s thrown out of the Academy. For example, the Maps on Dantooine and Kashyyyk were protected by defense droids and computer systems, which mentally and physically tested those who sought their secrets.