You should never switch the light back on or shine a flashlight just out of curiosity during the night, as it might shock them. These small 2-inch tetras get their name from the metallic pink/orange colored spots they have on their tail and head. They’ll also eat standard pleco vegetables like zucchini, peas, squash, yams and cucumbers. Harlequin Rasboras are also known as Red Rasbora or Harlequin Fish are a schooling fish, they grow to about 5 cm (2 inches) and they have a distinctive black triangle. They are slow breeders and they produce one offspring once a month. When kept in sufficient numbers they shoal together, creating a dramatic visual effect. Usual size in fish tanks: 8 - 9 cm (3.15 - 3.54 inch) 0 14. While they might be a bit too brightly colored to keep with male bettas, they often do well in betta sororities. Thanks a lot for your suggestion! Both Betta and Gourami fish are territorial. Despite being a fully aquatic frog, they’ll occasionally swim to the surface for a gasp of air. They are the same size and have the same care requirements as other nerite snails and make good companions for bettas. Should you opt for some tetras or choose a couple of snails instead? They are typically around 3-inches in length when fully grown and may be red, orange, black, blue, brown or green in color. They live in the middle and top part of the tank, but because in the wild they live with the Betta fish, they are a great mate for Betta fish. Have long fins or tails. Most will only get about 1.75 inches! As they weave in and out of the school they create fascinating patterns of movement. Your email address will not be published. Scientific name: Rasbora einthovenii. Avoid fish that swim slowly or have long fins, such as angelfish. Species that wouldn’t work well with males in a smaller set-up often do fine in bigger tanks over 20-gallons if there are enough of them. While both genders are territorial, male betta fish will really defend their space vigorously. Unlike swordtails, male platys do not have long, pointed tails and are usually compatible with bettas. I will tell you how I would do it: Sometimes they dig into the substrate for shorter or longer periods of time. However, with only having the one other fish I don't believe it will be picked on. How big of a tank do you need to start a community aquarium? Known as the “jewel of the aquarium trade,” neon tetras are incredibly popular companions for community tanks. Feed them dry food of proper size, live and frozen foods such as brine shrimps, cyclops, and small tubifex. There another peaceful fish that loves the same tank setup as your betta. You love betta but you cannot put multiple Bettas in the same tank. Jen has more than 30 years experience as a biologist, aquarist, and fishkeeper. There appear to be two main populations of this species, one in the far southwest of Thailand and the other in the southeast of the country around the border with Cambodia. While they don’t really eat algae, they are scavengers who will eat leftover food and detritus on the bottom of your tank. These are all commonly found, peaceful aquatic species with similar habitat requirements to bettas. You can keep them in small groups of 5 or in larger, more dramatic groups of 10 or more. They active nature and their propensity to nip at the fins of fish that have flowing fins can stress out Bettas. These showy catfish do well in planted tanks 25-gallons and up but are too big for smaller set-ups. I recommend only getting a single snail for a small betta tank, since there may not be enough food to support more. Long-band rasbora - Rasbora einthovenii. That way fish can patrol and defend different territories without fighting. Bettas aren’t fish that require company, so it’s no problem to keep them on their own. A younger pleco may fit in your 25-gallon or 50-gallon betta sorority for a while. This can be a challenge when you have bettas, as these fish are territorial and don’t like to share space with other species. They have dramatic striped and patterned shells and grow from ½ to 2-inches in diameter. This is an ideal option for bigger tanks where you could keep a group of 30 to 50 and enjoy the impressive effect when they school together! These small ½ to 1-inch long fish are related to the ancestors of the fancy guppy and directly descended from wild South American stock. They are social fish who prefer to be in groups of at least 5, or they tend to hide all the time. The baby rabbit snails are very small, their size are only 1/8 – 1/4 inches (3-6 mm). The Chili rasbora (Boraras brigittae), also known as the mosquito rasbora, is one of the smallest tropical fish in the aquarium hobby. They may be a bit more difficult to find, but they’re a worthwhile purchase. If your betta can single out another individual, they will chase them. They enjoy shoaling together and are particularly dramatic in large groups. These easy-going fish are a great option for novice fish keepers and usually make good companions for bettas if you choose short-finned varieties. Ember Tetras like other Tetras are schooling fish, so it is best to keep them in groups of 5 or more, so they will feel safe. Before you begin your fish keeping journey, you’ll need to know what fish to choose for your aquarium and how many fish can live in a 20-gallon tank. May 15, 2013 - Lambchop Rasbora Cyprinid (Trigonostigma espei) Are aggressive or semi-aggressive rather than peaceful community species. If you want to keep your betta fish in a bowl, I recommend getting a bowl with a volume of at least 2.5-3 gallon (10-12 liter). Here’s a list and description of the best species to house with bettas. Larger groups are less likely to entice your female bettas into fighting as well. Harlequin Rasboras tend to develop a hierarchy, and they are fun to watch as they follow their leader while schooling in the tank. While not suitable for smaller betta tanks, you can keep a wide variety of tetras, rasboras and minnows in an aquarium that’s 25-gallons or bigger. These attractive scavengers have a long grey or pale brown body with black stripes or spots. even with the indisputable fact that bettas are very hardy and may want to stay in maximum pH's and temperatures - you nevertheless opt for them to be in the most ideal circumstances. This is going … The first examples were sent out by Kamphol of Aquari-Corp in Thailand. Rabbit snails are very peaceful creatures. The key to having a peaceful tank is choosing the right companions based on the size and layout of your tank and adding them in the right numbers. There are many alternative species that you can safely house with your harlequin rasbora. Your betta sorority will likely ignore their activities since they concentrate their action in the lower parts of your tank. The fish are not true rasboras and were put in the Boraras genus in 1993. They don’t grow as big as other types of Plecos e.g. If you follow my guide to Betta fish compatibility, you should be able to choose good mates for your Bettas. High quality pellets, vegetables and frozen foods are all good options. But they usually become more aggressive as they age. They are ideal for tanks 20-gallons and up and usually do well with betta fish. Use rocks, sticks, plants and other decorations to create distinct areas and hiding spots in your tank. Other than this, ADFs make good tank mates for Bettas. A coin-shaped fish with a pale to bright orange-red colored body, the fire rasbora may grow up to 2-inches in length. Its range is known to extend at least as far as the Prek Tuk Sap river basinnear the coastal town of Sihanoukville in southwestern Cambodia while reports from Laos probably represent cases of mistaken identity. The most popular freshwater shrimp in the aquarium trade, adult cherry shrimp grow to a maximum size of 1.5-inches. Although you can get away with keeping Zebra Snails and Bettas in the same tank, snails can be a target for Bettas and the Mystery Snail is an especially easy target. Some of these species are more active at night too, so your betta won’t be bothered by their activity. That being said, there are absolute no-no when it comes to keeping some fish with Bettas. They also need plenty of hiding places in your tank. This is a great option for tanks 30-gallons and up, although their golden color makes them a bad choice for tanks with male bettas! An aquarium of that size enables you to keep a range of freshwater fish, living plants, and invertebrates, too. They should not be confused with the plain pearl danio, which is larger and lacks the dramatic color or markings. This includes most bettas, cichlids, piranhas, pacus and sharks. The Espe’s Rasbora Trigonostigma espei (previously Rasbora espei) is yet another amazing aquarium fish from Southeast Asia.It is a relative newcomer, described by Meinken as recently as 1967. This was very informative and helpful. While I can’t sum up the entire list of 57 species in a sentence, they are all appropriate options for betta community tanks if you take the right precautions. Keeping them in sufficient numbers will also reduce the likelihood your betta sorority will mess with them. They are more active during the day than a typical loach, which is why they are not ideal for smaller betta tanks. You can feed them sinking pellets just before the lights go out in the night or after the lights have been turned off for a while. They do best when kept in groups of 6 or more, and usually do well in large community tanks and betta sororities. You can keep them with Bettas but be mindful of a few things – Zebra Danios are fast-swimmers and should be kept in schools. They stay small, growing to about 4 inches and make good companions for the top dweller Bettas. Bettas are extremely territorial and won’t budge when it comes to protecting their territory. If you want to get more than one than make sure that they are females (they are also a bit smaller) as the males need to have enough room to establish their territory. They won’t bother other fish or fry. With a larger tank you’ll have more room for small fish that wouldn’t usually be a good option with male bettas, since you can have a big group of them. When kept in a group of 7 to 10, however, they’ll usually leave the betta sorority alone. If they can fit another species in their mouths they may end up eating them. Lambchop (Esme’s) Rasbora. These peaceful algae eaters prefer tanks with a lot of plants and places to hide, but one or two should work in a small betta set-up. The beauty of the Clown rasbora biotope is that you can have so many more fish in their tank and they are naturally found with a wealth of other species. Thank you so much Jen ! They grow up to 1.2 inches in length and live for 3-5 years. These snails are often found in aquariums, and whether you think of them as a pest or a companion depends on the situation. Mar 24, 2015 - The Galaxy Rasbora was discovered in 2006 and has yet to be formally described. I recommend keeping them in tanks 30-gallons and up, however, so you have enough space for a group. Rabbit snails are herbivores. Don’t keep Bettas with other fish species that are similar in body shape and size, they will mistake them for male Bettas and will fight them; Avoid keeping them with fin-nipping fish; Avoid keeping them with fish or other aquatic creatures that Bettas will mistake for food. Ember Tetras are a small fish usually around 2 cm (1 inch) and have a lifespan of 2-4 years. Depending on the species you choose, they may range from 1 to 3.5-inches in length when fully grown. Tankarium is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to It’s best to go with species that either stay near the bottom and hide a lot of time or those that are active at night when your betta is resting. They are smaller and lack the elaborate tails of the fancy-types, but the male fish may still be brightly colored and have distinct scale patterns. So far, seems to work. Lambchop Rasboras are a better choice because their coloring is more of a pink or bronze. Species – Lambchop Rasbora - Trigonostigma espei . Source: Peaceful betta friendly fish that are a similar size (2.5 to 5 inches in length) and that have short fins and tails. Female guppies have shorter tails and longer bodies than the males, and they are bigger and lack the bright coloration. Hi Gloria! 1. There’s never any guarantee that things will work out between a betta and other community species, and sometimes things go sour without warning. I did my research and they are supposedly compatible. They prefer to be in groups of 5 to 7 and usually get on well with female bettas. Due to their size you should feed them micro pellet food, as they might have issues ingesting larger pellets. They’ll also come out in force whenever you feed your tank! And when I say multiple, I mean even two male bettas can be one too many fish in the same tank. All these behaviors will stress them out. Source: They’ll happily coexist with bettas and different types of tetras, including neon tetras, cardinal tetras, and black phantom tetras. They are very popular among beginners and hobbies, they look great in as they dart in the aquarium in groups. The celestial danio prefers densely planted tanks with plenty of room to school. If you consider buying them make sure that you will get 6 or more because the Corydora Catfish is a schooling fish. They’re social and they will school, especially when you do get six or more. These small 4-inch long bottom-dwelling scavengers have beautifully stripped bodies that blend in with your decorations and substrate. If you have a larger thank you should definitely go for 10 or even more. This hardy species of freshwater fish is another example of fish compatible with Bettas. They do well in planted tanks with dim lighting and will school if they’re in a group of 6 or more. Sep 14, 2018. Your betta might pick on other fish if they don’t have enough room. Adults can reach up to 1 inch (2,5 cm) in size, which is considered small compared to a betta fish. They thrive in community tanks with mid-sized, non-aggressive fish and they go about their business without interfering with other fish. Many thanks in advance, all the best for the New Year . He named it Rasbora urophthalma brigittae, in dedication to his wife Brigitte. Since female bettas are less aggressive and territorial than males, you’ll have more options when picking their tank mates. They have an orange, semi-transparent body (they are a nice addition to any heavy planted tank), and they prefer the middle part of the tank. They prefer planted tanks with room for swimming and will school together for safety. They are easily bred and can quickly take over a tank, but they also do well in small set-ups with shrimp or a betta. They never bother my Betta and can outswim the betta if it gives them a chase. Generally, shrimp are not a good companion for Betta fish, but if you plan on “testing the waters”, this non-aggressive and peaceful shrimp is a good addition to any community tank. Another favorite of mine, the green neon is an especially good option for housing with male bettas. They prefer to be kept in groups of 8 to 10 fish in densely planted tanks with little water current. Danios also make good companions, … They are native to the Amazon region where they feed on driftwood and scavenge for food along the river bottoms. Most of us start by keeping betta fish on their own, but as the aquarium bug catches on, you may find yourself dreaming about setting up a community aquarium. Recommended water hardness (dGH): 4 - 10°N (71.43 - … But bettas are not compatible with every species and often fight with other fish. These hearty fish look similar to the silver tip tetra but have a metallic wash to their scales, giving them a shimmering appearance. Right off the bat one of the biggest incompatibilities is keeping multiple Betta fish in the same tank, especially when it comes to keeping males. They are best kept in groups of at least 3 and are ideal for 25-gallon tanks or larger community aquariums. They should be kept in groups of 10 or more if housed with a betta sorority. Hey! Their silvery color is set off by the fluorescent dot above their eye. They are known for the abundant bristles that grow around their mouth and snout. They are usually pale grey or brown in color. It’s best to only keep a single cory species in a 10-gallon set-up. A bigger tank would be always better. When he hit 24-inches in length I had to rehome him because he started eating my community fish! Current Size – 1.5cm – 2cm. Despite what you may have heard that you can keep Bettas with Mystery Snails, Bettas will usually nip at their eye stalk, so I don’t recommend you to house them together. While they may be sold as suitable for small betta tanks, the truth is these guys keep growing and growing. © Copyright 2021 - SmartAquariumGuide. However, once again you’re going to need to keep a bigger tank if you plan on buying lamb chomp rasboras. This means they will eat vegetables such as zucchini, spinach, cucumber, lettuce and other. These fish are the omnivoros giants of the aquarium world! As bottom dwellers, Clown Plecos always add a beautiful splash of color to the bottom of your aquarium. As you know, they’re called Siamese Fighting Fish for a reason! Like the neon tetra, these friendly fish are best kept in groups of 10 or more. Even still, that’s on the higher end of the size spectrum. And because of their peaceful personalities, they are unlikely to be aggressive to your betta. You’ll likely have room for one or perhaps two companions at most, however. Even though bettas are territorial and males tend to be especially aggressive, they don’t do well in semi-aggressive or aggressive community tanks. They occupy the lower portion of the tank most of the time, they are very fast and fun to watch. Bettas are often sold in small “Betta bowls” or flower vases, when in fact they need much more space than that. Disclosure: I may earn a commission when you purchase through my affiliate links. I will include the black line tail tetras in this article. Source: Member. Source: They often climb out of the water and hang out at the top of your aquarium, so a secure hood or lid is essential. Along with other Rasbora species, they will also happily co-exist with the icy-eyed Brevibora dorsiocellata, some Puntius species, Chocolate gourami, and even some Betta, such as B. pugnax. They’ll also tend to lose their beautiful colors and become reclusive creatures, hiding most of the time. When you buy via the links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. They will also eat any soft algae and decaying plant matter. Because they’re hardy fish that can withstand even lower temperatures, they’re often recommended for beginner aquarists. Neon Tetras live in the middle and the bottom part of the tank, so they won’t interact as much with Bettas, and even so because they are extremely agile if any Betta fish tries to harm them, they can easily out swim them, Source: These docile creatures aren’t difficult to care for and they’re a popular aquatic frog. Freshwater Lambchop Rasbora Fish "Trigonostigma Espei" All credit to @pachi_aquarium on instagram as the owner of this content. You’ll have to pay close attention to your water quality and be diligent about your routine maintenance if you want to keep your tank healthy. They can grow up to 6-inches in length and resemble a freshwater eel. Rabbit snails live about two years and can reach a size of up to 2-3 inches (5-7 cm). Tank size seems to be the key. They grow to a maximum of 3-inches but some varieties are smaller. But more than that could cause your fish to feel stressed and might overwhelm your filtration system. Choose at least a 10 gallon tank, best would be a 30 gallon aquarium Unlike other snails, rabbit snails will not over-populate your fish tank. They occasionally take in air on the surface of your tank, but that’s usually a sign of poor water quality. They usually get along with bettas in bigger tanks, however. Espei Rasboras also known as Lambchop Rasbora, are pretty small in size. properly i'd first make sure that Cherry Barbs and Bettas like water of an same - or very similar pH. They come in a wide variety of colors and scale patterns. Likewise, they aren’t extremely colorful so it’s unlikely that your betta will see them as a threat. Coolies originally come from Malaysia, Java or Indonesia. Some good options for betta sorority tank mates include: These small brightly colored snails with chocolate markings make a great addition to bigger community tanks. They’re not fussy about food, so you can feed them whatever you fish your Betta fish with, the only requirement is to keep your White Cloud Minnows in schools of 5 or 6. With a little planning, though, you can make it work! Feel much more confident in my ability to make an educated choice of fish for my beta. They will not make any trouble in the tank, as they are easy to care for and also, they are friendly with other species. Also please remember that you should keep multiple fish in aquariums that are not less than 5 gallon (20 liter). A dwarf species that’s 3.5-inch long with dramatic and colorful markings. Lambchop Rasbora aka False Harlequin Rasbora ( Trigonostigma espei ) These fish are named for the lambchop-shaped markings on the side of their bodies and closely resemble the harlequin … Because they need to be kept in a school of 8 or larger! They prefer densely planted tanks 30-gallons and up. If you want to diversify your tank and not limit yourself to fish only or if you’re worried about conflicts amongst your fish, I recommend adding the African Dwarf Frog to your Betta fish. Go with fish that prefer their freshwater filtered, around 78°F and with a neutral or slightly acidic pH. You can pick brightly-colored or red fish for your aquarium if you want. In this case you might not want to add other tank mates than few shrimp or snails. They have a shy temper, so it’s not advisable to keep them with large active fish. Here are some good options for small betta tanks: These small 2-inch freshwater shrimp make a good option for small betta tanks that are densely planted and have lots of hiding places. They enjoy feeding on soft algae and prefer planted aquariums, feeding on plant matter as well. Corydora Catfish also known as Cory Cats, Cory Fish and Cory Catfish are a very popular freshwater fish. 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