“My advice to women entering the nonprofit sector is to take every opportunity to get experience — research and donate to effective nonprofits that you care about; be a curious student of the sector; and recognize that many, many types of skills are needed. They’re … 4. True science is definable, predictable, and repeatable. Analysis. Has the world's general idea of the Islamic faith focused too much on tradition, and not enough on core beliefs? Ideally, every word of a TED talk counts — and that’s very different from the public speaking most of us are used to! Apparently he now sees mathematical formulas and fractal patterns everywhere. In an idea-packed session 2 of TED2020, speakers from across disciplines and walks of life looked to this aspiration of a "values reset," sharing new thinking on topics ranging from corporate responsibility down to our individual responsibilities and the things each of us can right now. I value freedom of speech, or I value my family. Why do we like an original painting better than a forgery? These ten to 20-minute gems offer a brief glimpse into the world. A … Michael Specter – The Danger of Science Denial Ricard emphasizes the importance of compassion as an antidote, and its benefits to individuals and humanity as a … This talk features Shermer emphasizing the difference between pseudoscience and real science. Belief Systems Worksheets – p.70 . 4. Michael Shermer debunks myths, superstitions and urban legends -- and explains why we believe them. You need to practice confidence and be aware that you’re good at what you do. Our conscience and empathy should drive us, she says, not profits or economic growth. Amishi Jha (TED Talk: How to tame your wandering mind), ... “It doesn’t require any particular worldview or spiritual or religious belief system,” says Jha. Awareness. TED: What advice would you give to women thinking about entering the nonprofit sector? Rick Warren – A Life of Purpose His TED talk features his enlightened view on the definition and constitution of human happiness, and the path to train the mind to be resilient to the ebb and flow of negative feelings and thoughts. In this talk, Julia Sweeney , best known for her run on Saturday Night Live, talks about a house visit from two Mormon boys, and how their explanation of God – and the supposed evilness of Native-Americans – made her contemplate her Christian faith. In this eye-opening talk, author and former sex worker Juniper Fitzgerald challenges societal beliefs about mothers in the sex work industry and discusses how a systemic overhaul of their representation can empower them personally and professionally. It’s easy to see at a glance what you need to do that day, and you can create monthly log pages so you can see long-term goals and activities. Shut up and listen! The conference covers a broad spectrum of topics – from tech, … At all. TED: What advice would you give to women thinking about entering the nonprofit sector? In an insightful talk, he explores how confirmation bias -- the tendency to only accept information that supports your personal beliefs -- can lead you astray on social media, in politics and beyond, and offers three practical tools for ... Search engines have become our most trusted sources of information and arbiters of truth. (Ernesto Sirolli) ... Ernesto Sirolli is an Italian who invented the system Enterprise Facilitation, an enterprise facilitator who serves as the initial point of contact for business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs, and who provides confidential, free services. In brave and emotional talk, emergency physician Brian Goldman talks about working in a medical system that does not allow for the possibility that doctors can make mistakes- … Jamil Abu-Wardeh jump-started the comedy scene in the Arab world by founding the Axis of Evil Middle East Comedy Tour, which brings standup comedians to laughing audiences all over the region. [Directed by Biljana Labovic, narrated by Trevor Maber]. What are the beliefs that are driving your current choices? He became known for his 1971 Stanford prison experiment and has since authored various introductory psychology books, textbooks for college students, … Given how commonplace blood transfusions have become, early attempts at this procedure can seem quite weird. Sam Harris – Science Can Answer Moral Questions TED talks are concise. With this belief (and persistence), you can achieve anything. 9. Re-uploaded as TED have decided to censor Rupert and remove this video from the TEDx youtube channel. The answer lies in a cognitive phenomenon known as partisanship. In this thoughtful talk, he calls on us to strengthen the bonds between technology and the humanities, an... "Branding is the profound manifestation of the human spirit," says designer and podcaster Debbie Millman. Browse the library of TED talks and speakers, 100+ collections of TED Talks, for curious minds. Robinson is dry and hilarious in this insightful takedown of formal education as it exists to day. BELIEF HARMONY WORKSHEET #5– Personal Priorities and People Pleasing . He's found that, by respecting the "three B's" (blue material, beliefs and "bolitics"), the Axis of Evil comics find plenty of cross-border laughs. She was raised in the orthodox Mormon tradition, and she spent the early part of her life watching women be excluded from positions of importance within the LDS Church.... How do politics affect psychology, influence behavior and create polarization? Society's understanding of masculinity is changing, redefining culture and challenging long-held beliefs. Drew Dudley: "Everyday Leadership": Founder of Day One Leadership, a Toronto-based consulting firm, Dudley asserts that all of us can lead simply by improving someone else's life. Editor of ‘Skeptic’ magazine, and author of the book “Why People Believe Weird Things”, Shermer is one of the foremost skeptics around. An average TED talk is 18 minutes or under 18 minutes long – which is backed by strategy and neuroscience. He talks about a common belief in Western societies: if we work harder, we become more successful, and we’re more successful, we’ll find happiness. was the most watched TED talk of all time, with 66.3 million views on the TED channel and millions more on YouTube. Get Started. Julia Sweeney – Letting go of God Dan Dennett – Let’s Teach Religion – All Religions – in Public Classrooms ... 18-minute takedown of the talent-squandering treadmill that is the traditional public education system, … From Simon Sinek to Dan Pink, here are our top picks. Perspective is everything, especially when it comes to examining your beliefs. A value is a measure of the worth or importance a person attaches to something; our values are often reflected in the way we live our lives. They should be studied for their value as immense social institutions and commentary on human psychology. Read more. "Ted loved to argue with other researchers when there was pushback for his suction vortex model, the existence of microbursts, and the accuracy of his windspeed estimates based on the F-scale. In his impassioned way, Dawkins also asserts the division that must remain between religion and government. Journalist Mustafa Akyol talks about the way that some local cultural practices (such as the seclusion of women) have become linked, in the popular mind, to the articles of faith of Islam. How true science is based on counting both the hits and the misses in supernatural claims – such as dowsing, psychic readings, UFO sightings, and astrology. The list below is provided to help you brainstorm. Part 3 of the TED Radio Hour episode Solving It. The Trusted Online Guide to Christian Colleges & Universities. They're ranked here according to the number of total views they received on a number of outlets, including Ted.com and YouTube. Though Chak Ek’ had risen first, K’in Ahaw outshone him, and the resentful Chak Ek’ descended back to the underworld to plot against his brother and his allies. This article reviews the 2006 TED talk by Ken Robinson about whether our education system kills creativity. This series of TED Talks introduces the ideas of the ten most popular speaker on the TED circuit in the realm of religion. He believes that all religions should be taught in a public classroom in order to shed light on the fact that religion is a natural phenomenon across human cultures. A belief is an internal feeling that something is true, even though that belief may be unproven or irrational I believe that there is life after death. Mindfulness training can be broken down into two major categories: focused attention and open monitoring. Jessa Gamble writes about sleep and time, showing how our internal body clock struggles against our always-on global culture. In this talk, he describes what life was like for a modern man trying to live according to the tenets of the Bible – including the Old Testament and bans on eating shellfish, figs, and not wearing clothing with material from two different sources. Frank Warren is the creator of the PostSecret Project, a blog full of secrets anonymously shared via postcard. An average TED talk is 18 minutes or under 18 minutes long – which is backed by strategy and neuroscience. This talk begins with some sobering statistics about childhood mortality: 6.6 million children don’t make it to their 5th birthday and the most common causes of death are diarrhea and pneumonia. This TED talk, which is posted below, is incredible insightful and shows the facts and science behind the power of belief. A hilariously poignant story of her religious background in the Pacific Northwest, countered with her experience with two missionaries from the Church of Latter Days’ Saints that triggered her agnostic view on the existence of a God. So how can we recognize and combat partis... Only if you are truly open to the possibility of being wrong can you ever learn, says researcher Alex Edmans. 14. AJ Jacobs – My Year of Living Biblically Legendary skeptic James Randi takes a fatal dose of homeopathic sleeping pills onstage, kicking off a searing 18-minute indictment of irrational beliefs. . It makes sure the important parts of your to-do list stand out and grab your attention when necessary. Chris Helder is a business communication expert and master story teller whose presentations have radically transformed how thousands of people worldwide communicate with clients, customers, colleagues, staff and teams. What do you do when your firmly held beliefs turn out not to be true? Bullet journaling is a great system simply because of how visually impactful it is. Ricard emphasizes the importance of compassion as an antidote, and its benefits to individuals and humanity as a whole. Comedian, playwright, and actress Julia Sweeney performs the first 15 minutes of her comedy solo, ‘Letting go of God’. This is why shadow work is one of our most recommended methods for exploring our core beliefs. Slides. As I write this speech analysis, his talk is the most-viewed TED talk in history.Not surprisingly, it is rich with lessons for speakers. These motivational TED Talks will inspire you and change the way you performance manage and coach your teams for the better. These ten to 20-minute gems offer a brief glimpse into the world. While identifying with social groups is an essential and healthy part of life, it can become a problem when the group's beliefs are at odds with reality. In this TED talk, Dweck describes “two ways to think about a problem that’s slightly too hard for you to solve.” Operating in this space — just outside of your comfort zone — is the key to improving your performance. Sam Harris is one of the “Four Horsemen of Atheism”, and has a background in neuroscience as well as philosophy. How do we respect someone's religious beliefs, while also holding religion accountable for the damage those beliefs may cause? Because their times is short (generally, 5-18 minutes), TED speakers have generally done the hard work of cutting out any extraneous ideas. Andrew Marantz writes narrative journalism about politics, the internet and the way we understand our world. He has been a professional speaker for 18 … Playlist: When your beliefs are being challenged (9 talks), http://www.ted.com/playlists/when_your_beliefs_are_being_ch, Playlist: How masculinity is evolving (6 talks), http://www.ted.com/playlists/how_masculinity_is_evolving, Dannagal G. Young: The psychological traits that shape your political beliefs, https://www.ted.com/talks/dannagal_g_young_the_psychological_traits_that_shape_your_political_beliefs, Deepa Narayan: 7 beliefs that can silence women -- and how to unlearn them, https://www.ted.com/talks/deepa_narayan_7_beliefs_that_can_silence_women_and_how_to_unlearn_them, https://www.ted.com/talks/casey_gerald_the_gospel_of_doubt, Playlist: The art of finding common ground (8 talks), http://www.ted.com/playlists/the_art_of_finding_common_ground, Julia Galef: Why you think you're right -- even if you're wrong, https://www.ted.com/talks/julia_galef_why_you_think_you_re_right_even_if_you_re_wrong, https://www.ted.com/talks/julia_sweeney_letting_go_of_god, Devdutt Pattanaik: East vs. West -- the myths that mystify, https://www.ted.com/talks/devdutt_pattanaik_east_vs_west_the_myths_that_mystify, Juniper Fitzgerald: Why we need to stop stigmatizing mothers who do sex work, https://www.ted.com/talks/juniper_fitzgerald_why_we_need_to_stop_stigmatizing_mothers_who_do_sex_work, Chelsea Shields: How I'm working for change inside my church, https://www.ted.com/talks/chelsea_shields_how_i_m_working_for_change_inside_my_church, http://www.ted.com/playlists/the_political_mind, James Randi: Homeopathy, quackery and fraud, https://www.ted.com/talks/james_randi_homeopathy_quackery_and_fraud, Jamil Abu-Wardeh: The Axis of Evil Middle East Comedy Tour, https://www.ted.com/talks/jamil_abu_wardeh_the_axis_of_evil_middle_east_comedy_tour, https://www.ted.com/talks/trevor_maber_rethinking_thinking, https://www.ted.com/talks/paul_bloom_the_origins_of_pleasure, Mustafa Akyol: Faith versus tradition in Islam, https://www.ted.com/talks/mustafa_akyol_faith_versus_tradition_in_islam, Leana Wen: What your doctor won’t disclose, https://www.ted.com/talks/leana_wen_what_your_doctor_won_t_disclose, https://www.ted.com/speakers/michael_shermer. © TED Conferences, LLC. D. Chirot, in International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2001. Reference shared experiences or beliefs 8. 5. It follows the first speakers of The Audacious Project, TED’s new initiative to fund big ideas for global change. He is also a successful author, and in this talk Harris argues that science should be taken more seriously in the realm of public policy and moral issues. These compelling talks put "manliness" under the microscope. ... the opposite is true. It informs every TED Talk that they curate. A belief is an internal feeling that something is true, even though that belief may be unproven or irrational I believe that there is life after death. #CatchOnToCarnism. “My advice to women entering the nonprofit sector is to take every opportunity to get experience — research and donate to effective nonprofits that you care about; be a curious student of the sector; and recognize that many, many types of skills are needed. Oxford professor and eminent evolutionary biologist, Richard Dawkins also happens to be the most famous atheist in the world. If you stir up a little emotion in your audience members, you'll keep their attention. Carnism is essentially the opposite of veganism. A French biochemist at the renowned Pasteur Institue, turned Buddhist monk living in a hermitage in the Himalayan mountains, Ricard has often been called the happiest man on Earth. Analysis. Psychological safety is a belief that one will not be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns or mistakes." Myriam Sidibe: The simple power of hand-washing. Ted Talk. 2. Speakers run the gamut from everyday people to world-renowned scientists, artists, and thinkers. This man is eating a golden retriever burger, with cheese made from horse’s milk on a bun glazed with canary’s eggs. Open Translation Project. In India (and many other countries), girls and women still find themselves silenced by traditional rules of politeness and restraint, says social scientist Deepa Narayan. 10. What’s it like to stand in the wings, preparing to give your TED Talk and share a big idea to create ripples of change? Carnism is the invisible belief system that conditions people to eat certain animals. These This man is eating a golden retriever burger, with cheese made from horse’s milk on a bun glazed with canary’s eggs. This belief that the only way to maintain order is with inhumane means is inaccurate. translators. Chak Ek’, the morning star, rose from the underworld to the surface of the eastern sea and on into the heavens. You need to practice confidence and be aware that you’re good at what you do. In a historical odyssey that she illustrated herself, Millman traces the evolution of branding, from cave paintings to flags to beer labels and beyond. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. BELIEF HARMONY WORKSHEET #5– Personal Priorities and People Pleasing . In this TED Talk, psychologist Dan Gilbert breaks down happiness into its two most basic components—the happiness we stumble upon and the happiness we create—to reveal a shocking truth. Hans Rosling – Religion and Babies He had a question that led to some deep insights: Do some religions have more babies than others? 7. Each Talk is short – so feel free to bookmark so you can come back and listen to each unique perspective. Chelsea Shields has a bold answer to this question. Changing your beliefs is a matter of following the four -step Belief Harmony Technique: 1. Robinson gave three TED talks on the importance of creativity in education, viewed over 80 million times (2017). Can someone's political identity actually affect their ability to process information? Carnism is essentially the opposite of veganism. This list of TED talks on religion, theology, and divine will inspire thought and discussion. The conference covers a broad spectrum of topics – from tech, … Gabrielle Vail details the Maya myth of the morning star. Another important factor when picking a persuasive speech topic is to choose one that can provoke your audience. But in a divided democracy, how else can we commit to our civic duties? 1. Dr. Ivan Joseph, Athletic Director and Head Coach of the Ryerson University Varsity Soccer team explains in this talk why confidence is the most important skill in life. Take a deep breath and learn from TED's best on how to approach these moments with grace and fortitude. But can we ever get an unbiased search result? 1. Michael Shermer – Why People Believe Weird Things Wouldn’t you want to know if your doctor was a paid spokesman for a drug company? Speakers run the gamut from everyday people to world-renowned scientists, artists, and thinkers. Given how commonplace blood transfusions have become, early attempts at this procedure can seem quite weird. Robinson makes the argument that we need to rethink the fundamental premise by which we educate our children. 2. 14. Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms or supports one's prior beliefs or values. These talks reflect a year defined by fighting for what's right, believing in the good despite all the bad, supporting others and yourself -- and hoping for the best in the decade to come. It’s also the critical element to deliberate practice. They provide a peek that might inspire you or transform the way you think about life. Dr. Ivan Joseph, Athletic Director and Head Coach of the Ryerson University Varsity Soccer team explains in this talk why confidence is the most important skill in life. Social psychologist Dannagal G. Young breaks down the link between our psychology and politics, showing how personality types largely fall into people who prioritize openness and flexibility (liberals) and those who prefer order and certainty (conservatives). In this lesson, Trevor Maber introduces us to the idea of a 'ladder of inference' and a process for rethinking the way we interact. These five TED Talks are the best of the best. Right now, in the US at least, your doctor simply doesn’t have to tell you about that. 6. Well, it's not a TED talk, but theres a book I'm reading called "Struck By Genius" by Jason Padgett who suffered a truamatic brain injury, and experienced a personality shift (arguably for the better, unlike Phineas Gage), and now experiences mathematical synesthesia. ... his place of birth in the present day and his belief that education is the key for building a future peaceful world. TED was established in February 1984, but became an annual conference from 1990. To re-create your idea in the minds of your listeners, you’ll need vivid examples, illustrations, stories, facts, questions, comments, etc. Learn how you can actively use this aware... Estelle Gibson helps people achieve personal freedom through financial literacy. A core belief is not an everyday garden variety belief that pops up spontaneously – it is the mother of all beliefs, the Big Kahuna of suffering, and the King or Queen of your own personal underworld that goes on to become part of your shadow self. He argues that all children are born inherently creative and that school systematically squanders that creativity, and pretty ruthlessly at that. With this belief (and persistence), you can achieve anything. Disagreements, miscommunications, opposing beliefs -- oh my! Science can provide answers to moral questions and provide a solid basis for living a good, fulfilled, compassionate life. World Systems Theory (WST) uses a holistic methodology to study the globe as an interdependent system; and it tries to overcome narrow disciplinary specialization in the social sciences. 6. This TED talk, which is posted below, is incredible insightful and shows the facts and science behind the power of belief. Attorney General criticized the nation’s system of sentencing criminals as slow, uncertain and unfair, and said it ‘has the attributes of a lottery.’ . So take a few days to notice anything and everything that relates to your idea, and collect these materials by writing them down, taking photos, recording your thoughts as sound files… At all. 1. Only if you are truly open to the possibility of being wrong can you ever learn, says researcher Alex Edmans. Speaker. The premise of this talk is about understanding that we are not chained to our current capabilities. This hour, Baratunde Thurston joins Manoush with ideas on how to citizen. His brother K’in Ahaw, the sun, followed. Are you a soldier, prone to defending your viewpoint at all costs -- or a scout, spurred by curiosity? Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. From serious to humorous, these talks explore a wide variety of religious and theological topics such as the purpose of religion, the role of religion, and the relationship between religion and culture. This year's election saw historic voter turnout.