About the Ministry . An agriculture ministry (also called an agriculture department, agriculture board, agriculture council, or agriculture agency, or ministry of rural development) is a ministry charged with agriculture.The ministry is often headed by a minister for agriculture. IDDRSI Focal Point: Mr. Jemal Aliye – National Program Coordinator for Drought Resilience and Sustainable Livelihood Program (DRSLP), Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries IDA Credit: $170.0 million equivalent Maturity: 38 years, Grace: 6 years Project ID: P159382. Overview of the Ministry; Vision, mission and objective; Programs and Projects; Organizational Structure; Meet the Minister; Directorates; Partners; Accountable Institutions; Contact; Sectors . Project description: This project will help increase productivity and commercialization of producers and processors in selected value chains, strengthen service delivery systems in the livestock and fisheries sectors, and respond promptly and effectively to an eligible crisis or emergency. animal/bird production & … ... Ethiopia is a focus country for the regional initiative on Building Resilience in Africa’s Dry lands. The Investment Centre and the World Bank are working with the Government of Ethiopia to make the country’s livestock and fisheries sector more productive, inclusive, resilient and profitable.. The CPF was prepared following consultations and agreements with the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Resources, Ministry of Forestry, Environment and Climate Change. The Livestock and Fisheries Sector Development Project (LFSDP) is an investment program aims to enhance livestock and fisheries productivity and commercialization in Ethiopia. Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries -Ethiopia Oct 2014 - Present 6 years 4 months. The project focuses on supporting and boosting the growth and transformation of smallholder producers and Ethiopia livestock sector analysis A 15 year livestock sector strategy ISBN 92–9146–526–7 The Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries, Ethiopia, works towards preventing and controlling animal disease, generating a surplus in the supply of animal forage, and supporting the … Welcome to the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries, the ministry has mandate of overall management and development of livestock, and Fisheries resources for sustainable achievement of Millennium Development Goals, National strategy for growth and reductio Soma zaidi Platform Steering Committee Member: Ato Serste Sebuh – National Coordinator for RPLRP-Ethiopia, Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries. addis ababa Associate Consultant Ruhe Consultancy PLC Jan 2013 - Present 8 years 1 month. The call by the Ethiopian Ministry of Science and Technology on Saturday came shortly after the East African country's decision to merge the former ministry of livestock and fisheries with the ministry of agriculture, saying it would spur developments in all involved sectors. Apiculture and Sericulture Resource Development Directorate Bachelor of Applied Science- Animal Science, MSc Animal production Contact Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries, Ethiopia — Government Body from Ethiopia with 51-200 employees, it`s involved in Agriculture, Fisheries & Aquaculture, Livestock (incl.