Soon, War Thunder tankers will have the chance to command the arguably most iconic version of the Abrams, … In War Thunder wird die Super Mystère B.2 französischen Piloten den actiongeladenen und rasanten Kampf in den Luftkämpfen auf Rang VI näher bringen. Ähnlich wie die vorhergehende MD.452 Mystère IIC ist auch die Super Mystère mit der gleichen Primärbewaffnung bewaffnet, die aus zwei 30 mm DEFA-Kanonen mit 150 Schuss pro Kanone besteht. Posted by just now. Funfact: Die Super Mystère war nicht nur das erste französische Flugzeug, das im Horizontalflug Überschallgeschwindigkeiten erreichte, sondern auch das erste westeuropäische Überschallflugzeug, das in Serie ging. 1 month ago. The Dassault Super Mystere B2 is the result of many years of research and development, specifically learning lessons from earlier Mystère fighters. The Super Mystere has a bugged FM with god awful energy retention but still has some strengths. Posted by. The Super Mystere B2 is a typical middle of the road jet fighter in terms of flight performance. owner of all aircraft. Posted by just now. können sich die französischen Piloten mit der Einführung der mit Spannung erwarteten Super Mystère B.2 auf den Zugang zu Rang VI der Flugzeuge zu erhalten! Featuring a modified design over the preceding Mystère 4 and being fitted with the new Rolls-Royce Avon afterburning turbojet engine, the resulting Super Mystère B.1 prototype became the first French supersonic jet fighter after conducting its maiden flight in March 1955. Modifications and upgrades from earlier Mystère fighters moulded the Super Mystere B2 into what it is, going from its swept wings and tailplanes to its strengthened wing spars all held together with titanium bolts. (n.d.). RB Air . War Thunder [Development] Super Mystère B.2: Over the Barrier. Subcategories. Almost all NATO top jets (F-4s, T-2, G.91s, Lightning, Super Mystere etc) always receive multiple unique and interesting skins. However so far, MiG-19 and MiG-21 for both the USSR … Its acceleration is bad, even with afterburner. Pilot sniping may be effective from the side, but trying to line up that shot will be difficult and the attacking pilot will have a better chance to hit the larger areas of the wings or fuselage. Super Mystere B2 : War Thunder : Fighter Super Mystere B2 - Info. frissítésben a francia pilóták megkapják az első VI. These rockets can be considered an area denial weapon as when salvos are fired at an airfield, aircraft attempting to land intent on capturing the runway will most likely power up and abort the landing or risk the destruction of their aircraft. WAR THUNDER PRÄSENTIERT Update 1.87 “Locked on!” Spiel herunterladen. When manoeuvring in this fighter, it is best to make short and quick movements rather than long turning manoeuvres to help conserve energy. This page was last edited on 22 January 2021, at 08:29. If this isn´t a tigor plane, Idon´t know. Nach dem erfolgreichen Erstflug des Prototyps der Super Mystère entstand kurz darauf eine ausgefeiltere Serienversion der Maschine. A next generation MMO combat game dedicated to World War II military aviation, armored vehicles, and fleets. Die als Super Mystère B.2 bekannte Serienversion des Flugzeugs besaß das SNECMA Atar 101G-Triebwerk anstatt dem Rolls-Royce Avon des Prototyps. Super Mystère made a Super Mistake. RB Air. M.D.452 Mystere IIA : War Thunder : Fighter M.D.452 Mystere IIA - Info. Limitations for this missile are the same as the AA-20 being a command guidance control missile which results in the pilot's concentration during the launch and contact with the target phase resulting in a vulnerable aircraft. For this purpose, the Super Mystere B2 and morph into the fighter-interceptor role and pursue fighters, attackers and bombers without discrimination. The Super Mystère is the final aircraft in the French Mystère family of jet fighters and the first one to attain supersonic speeds in level flight. Privacy policy; About War Thunder Wiki; © 2010—2021 by Gaijin Entertainment. Also, exhaust gasses from the cannons were not anywhere near air intake and did not threaten to choke out the engine as happened with the Hunter F.6 or the MiG-19 fighters when their guns were fired and exhaust gasses were ingested into the air intakes. Retrieved October 2019, from. This site uses We recommend the following browsers Select Language Site search Donate Site search Donate War Thunder. The Super Mystere B2 is a fighter/interceptor/bomber which newer pilots to supersonic jets can master quickly, especially with a playstyle they are comfortable with. Материал из War Thunder Wiki ... присвоен индекс Super Mystère B2 — именно эта версия и представлена в War Thunder. Die 1957 bei der französischen Luftwaffe in Dienst gestellte Super Mystère B.2 diente gut zwei Jahrzehnte lang in französischen Einheiten, bevor sie durch neuere und fortschrittlichere Maschinen ersetzt wurde. Most maps in War Thunder lend themselves to cater to air-to-air attacks, especially on domination maps with battles to control airfields. In 1958, two Super Mystère B.4 prototypes were built. Though the rockets and missiles are not a guarantee that the enemy will be hit and go down, always be ready to follow up with the DEFA 552 as the enemy fighter will most likely be in an energy-drained situation and a relatively easy target to mop up with the autocannon. Im Dienst in Honduras führten die Super Mystères ihre letzten Missionen im Rahmen von Aktionen gegen nicaraguanische Streitkräfte während Grenzscharmützeln durch, bevor sie 1996 schließlich außer Dienst gestellt wurden. rangú repülőjüket, a már nagyon várt Super … In War Thunder, the Super Mystère B.2 will introduce French pilots to the action-packed and fast-paced combat found in rank VI air battles. Video Game (2012) A next generation MMO combat game dedicated to military aviation, armored vehicles, and fleets. In service with Honduras, the Super Mystères undertook their final missions as part of actions against Nicaraguan forces during border skirmishes before being ultimately decommissioned in 1996. Thanks to the many different options of suspended armaments available to this aircraft, options and roles can be mixed and matched to the pilot's desires and the map's available targets, for either air-to-air combat, ground-attack combat or a mixed-bag of both. War Thunder General Discussions. Not the easy fire-and-forget style like the Sidewinder, this missile will take some skill and much practice to master. Insbesondere Super Mystère-Piloten haben die Wahl zwischen den französischen AA.20 oder bewährten amerikanischen Sidewinder-Lenkraketen, wenn es um die Auswahl der bevorzugten Lenkwaffen geht. AA-20 Nord: The AA-20, typically regarded as a stepping stone to future missiles, had many limitations in that it requires the pilot to guide the missile to its target through a command link. I grinded soo much for this plane just to be stomped by CLs (combined with ally teams constantly loosing due to axis power creep ) feelsbadman . From War Thunder Wiki. This category has the following 14 subcategories, out of 14 total. Initially starting with the Dassault Ouragan, modifications and upgrades led to the Mystère II, Mystère III and Mystère IV. Im glad that the French are coming to War Thunder in update 1.73, however, there is one aircraft I would like to suggest, and this is the Dassault Mystere IV. Entering service with the French Air Force in 1957, the Super Mystère B.2 served with French units for a good two decades before being replaced by newer and more advanced machines. Posted by. The game is … Wie einige erfahrene französische Piloten bereits wissen, macht die hohe Kadenz dieser Kanonen in Verbindung mit der verheerenden hochexplosiven Munition mit jedem Flugzeug kurzen Prozess, das unglücklicherweise die Schussbahn durchfliegt. To combat this problem, the fighter has a 14 mm steel plate which blocks the entire front area of the cockpit area, protecting the pilot but leaving enough space for the air to get to the engine. Ein genauerer … Super Mystère: origins, characteristics and performance data. The huge gaping hole in the front of the aircraft sucking in copious amounts of air for the engine presents a problem, as, during head-on attacks, bullets potentially could fly right into the air intake and penetrate the cockpit with very little resistance. Mit einer modifizierten Konstruktion gegenüber der vorhergehenden Mystère 4 und dem neuen Rolls-Royce Avon Triebwerk mit Nachbrenner wurde der entstandene Prototyp der Super Mystère B.1 nach dem Erstflug im März 1955 zum ersten französischen Überschalljagdflugzeug. Source : Developers Blog: Over The Barier: Date : 9 March 2019 Author : Gaijin File history In my opinion, the biggest strength that the Super Mystere has is its weapon loadouts. Super Mystere B2. The result is a well-rounded fighter/interceptor/bomber aircraft which will have no problems finding a role on any map to maximize its potential. A. Another plus to the Super Mystère was that its turbojet engine was equipped with an afterburner which earlier Mystère fighters did not have. Aéronautique Navale Name. The ▄F-84F Thunderstreak is a rank V French jet fighter with a battle rating of 8.7 (AB/RB/SB). As the Super Mystère B.2, sometimes known as the SMB.2, the aircraft entered production in 1957. Ground-attack rockets are a good option especially with the T10 151 or SNEB type 23 to focus on attacking lighter clustered targets. «Супер Мистэр» появился в игре с … Info. Archived. Bis dahin, Piloten! Reply. The production version differed from the prototype by having a more powerful SNECMA Atar 101G engine. Neben den Hauptkanonen kann die Super Mystère aber auch eine Vielzahl von Sekundärwaffen tragen. Home. USA. Ve War Thunderu uvede Super Mystère B.2 francouzské piloty do akcí nabité a frenetické 6. úrovně leteckých bitev. Die Darstellung einer realen Waffe oder eines realen Fahrzeugs in diesem Spiel bedeutet nicht die Teilnahme an der Spieleentwicklung, dem Sponsoring oder eine Empfehlung durch einen Waffen- oder Fahrzeughersteller. Another advantage in its use with GRB is the fact that the Super Mystere can carry a pair of AS.20s and a SNEB belly tray while keeping its DEFAs, unlike the (undeniably better in dogfights) Etendard IVM. Faster in level flight than a majority of similar rank aircraft, Afterburner provides superior high-speed acceleration compared to many of its peers, Good armament and a wide range of ordinance options, Has a drogue chute to aid braking when landing, SNEB Type 23 rockets launch from the middle fuselage, providing accurate aim even when fired from further distances from the target, Cannot reach Mach 1 in level flight below 6,000 m (19,700 ft), Mediocre low-speed acceleration even with afterburner, 15-meter proximity fuse on the AA-20 missiles will sometimes result in no damage hits, Dassault Aviation. I have to say this plane feel absolutely amazing to me! Posted by 1 year ago. The speed and manoeuvrability trade-off is worth it as this fighter converted to a bomber can carry a hefty payload for an aircraft of its size. The French tree really needs a great fighter jet. This is a subreddit for War Thunder, a cross platform vehicular combat MMO … Die Super Mystère B.2 ging 1956 in Produktion, wobei ein erster Vertrag über 150 Flugzeuge unterzeichnet wurde. Songs:- I've Seen Footage by Death Grips- Monsters Inc. theme- Cowboy Bebop OST - Tank!- Dust by M.O.O.N.Thanks OldeDeus for letting me missile you Super Mystere impressions!! The player takes part in many of the major battles, fighting with other … Super Mystere B2. A. This page was last edited on 14 January 2021, at 13:57. Im Update 1.87 "Locked on!" War Thunder. Archived. In War Thunder, the Super … War Thunder General Discussions. Still holding onto some of the facets of a WW II fighter which later fighters eliminate, this French fighter has a decent amount of armour to protect the pilot, something later jets forgo to allow for more speed and to carry more ordnance. From War Thunder Wiki. 8 months ago. Super Mystere b2 improper engine performance. Schnell, gut bewaffnet und mit einer Vielzahl von sekundären Bewaffnungsoptionen ausgestattet, wird die lang erwartete Super Mystère es französischen Piloten ermöglichen, gegen fast jeden Gegner sowohl in der Luft als auch in den Verbundenen … This file contains additional information, probably added from the digital camera or scanner used to create or digitize it. RB Air. Vote. #warthunder #live_wt #workshop P63 EC 1/7 Late War By JeNeDiraiRien Updated to work with the French P-63C-5 Click for more pictures and info! In update 1.87 “Locked on!”, French pilots Read more: [Development] Super … Ausgestattet mit einem SNECMA Atar 101G axialverdichtetem Turbojet, der bei eingeschaltetem Nachbrenner 44,1 kN Schub erzeugt, erreicht die Super Mystère in 11.000 m Höhe eine Höchstgeschwindigkeit von rund 1200 km/h (Mach 1.125). For direct bomb-to-target ordnance, the aircraft has the choice of outfitting either 1,000 or 2,000 lbs of bombs, enough to do serious damage to larger ships, hardened targets and bases. Fighter M.D.452 Mystere … This is a subreddit for War Thunder… World of Tanks; ... Super Mystere B2 ␙Super Mystere B2. Though relatively nimble and quick when outfitted for air-to-air combat, things change when switched to ground-pounding. Still holding onto some of the facets of a WW II fighter which later fighters eliminate, this French fighter has a decent amount of armour to protect the pilot, something later jets forgo to allow for more speed and to carry more ordnance. War Thunder Realistic Jet Gameplay. A Super Mystère a Mystère-család végső gépe, de egyben az első amely vízszintes repüléssel képes átlépni a hangsebességet. Kurz gesagt: Der erste französische Düsenjäger, der Überschallgeschwindigkeiten im Horizontalflug erreicht! World of Tanks; World of Warplanes; World of Warships; War Thunder… As the Super Mystère was slowly being phased out of French and Israeli service, Israel sold around a dozen of its Super Mystères to Honduras. Den actiongeladenen und rasanten Kampf in den Luftkämpfen auf Rang VI näher bringen fighter-interceptor role and pursue,... Can not take any other fighters for granted an reactor with after-burner in addition to a motor. And quick when outfitted for air-to-air combat include: Converting this fighter-interceptor to a rocket pod edited! Dem französischen und israelischen Verkehr genommen wurde, verkaufte Israel rund ein Dutzend ihrer Super Mystères, which introduced... Having a more powerful SNECMA Atar 101G-Triebwerk anstatt dem Rolls-Royce Avon des der! On 14 January 2021, at 13:57 initial contract for 150 aircraft being signed its forces... The fighter-interceptor role and pursue fighters, attackers and bombers without discrimination B.2 Piloten. 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