Meaning: (Phrase) The phrase Good on ya is one of many popular Australian slang phrases that is widely used in the country and means good work.. sticky beak = [1] Someone who is curious about someone elses business, when its actually none of their business. Good on ya, mate!. Dryblower Murphy big ask = Something that is difficult to achieve, or a big favour, e.g. hes an arsey bastard. This word is slang for a person who is drunk or intoxicated. Agnes L. Storrie (Agnes L. Kettlewell), The Bastard from the Bush [poem, circa 1900] Not at all a nice nickname for someone on welfare. That expression, maybe only in Sydney, was Shot through like a Bondi tram,. I tried to learn algebra, but I couldnt get a handle on it. Youre useless, you should go south til your hat floats. tough as fencing wire = Someone or something that is very tough. Slang terms for sex, though, tend to proliferate in cities: hence CJ Dennis, whose Songs of a Sentimental Bloke focused on the urban Australian experience in the post-Federation period, gives us . Who asked you to stick your bib in?. Once again, were a continent and people do have different accents, depending on where you hail from, a point I find myself arguing ALL THE TIME. How are your wife and kids? in the nuddy - naked. toey = Restless, e.g. "I eat brekkie every morning before sunup." 2. Example: You are the top performer in your department and your hard yakka will be rewarded. He looks a bit down in the mouth; hes about as happy as a bastard on Fathers Day. A flannelette shirt, a uniform of choice in Australia. Tap to play GIF. kangaroos loose in the top paddock = Someone who is not all there, a bit mad, crazy, loony, e.g. BS = An abbreviation of the word bullshit (referring to a lie, to something said that is disagreed with, or to a situation that is disagreed with), e.g. To be in close proximate to something, like Tom lived within cooee of the local fish and chip shop.. sheila = A woman. The phrase seems to have gained currency around January 2009, prompted by a widely-shared photo of a map of Australia (with the slogan) mounted on what appears to be the fence of a tennis court. He was big-noting himself to impress that girl. Timeline of Australian history and culture The full phrase is She bangs like a dunny door in a cyclone. 100 Most Common Australian Slang Words and Sayings. Three expressions are repeated ( furphy and spit the dummy each occur four times, and daks twice). digger = [1] Friend, cobber, mate. duck-shoving = To move things around, to jockey for position, or to evade responsibility. It is then spun around and whoever it lands on has to have a drink, pouring it straight from the clothesline into their mouth. Usually an expression of surprise, disgust or amazement. Annoyed, not happy, angry. Journalist. In army slang, a kilometer is called a click, e.g. Ahhh, the days of Dragon playing at the Bondi Hotel, opposite the beach. Musician, singer, instrumentalist or sound engineer. Ive got a few VIC friends who use it too. I have definitely driven a distance simply to see a Big Thing in the past, haha. Sandgropers = Western Australians. Cooler. bower bird = A hoarder; can also refer to a petty thief. Shes up the duff. Bullamakanka = Somewhere very far away. off like a brides nightie = To depart very quickly, e.g. Thanks for the chuckle! Traditionally a cigarette break. For more, check out my other content on Australia. Example: Crikey! Doesn't have a zack: bankrupt. Shes such a great woman, her bloods worth bottling; hence the term bottler. fair suck of the sauce bottle = To call for fair treatment, or a demand to give someone a reasonable chance, e.g. as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike = Someone, or something, that is not useful. frog and toad = Rhyming slang for road, e.g. = A phrase used against someone using an item too much, e.g. An Australian-Israeli who loves to write and bake (in the kitchen and on the beach), is a singer/songwriter and a coffee addict. 8. Not to be confused with BS. Similar to get off the grass, get out of town. If Jimmy kissed Rileys girlfriend it would be considered a dog move. Exercise shoes also can be called joggers. Barra = Abbreviation of barramundi (a type of fish). Aussie salute - brushing away flies with your hand. Breakfast. He raged at the blue light disco all night long., To be excited about something. To pronounce this properly, the words oo and roo should both rhyme with boo, do, or you. The wine, a personal fave slang of mine to use for a happy hour. Geez, fair suck of the sauce bottle, give me a go. Similar to the term yall (you all), as used in the southern states of the USA. Geez, hes really having a good whinge, isnt he? Sometimes whingers may be asked Would you like some cheese with your whine?, whinger = Someone who excessively complains, moans, whines, or whinges. Aussies love hanging out in the arvo with a cold one. Did you see the dent he hit in my car? Super educational post! Tight gripping swimmers (speedos), popularised (not really) by former PM Tony Abbott. Dinner. One of the best known Aussie slang words, although its not used so much by younger generations. Id love to have the input of a pro, thats for sure! dead horse = Rhyming slang for sauce, usually regarding tomato sauce. How ya goin? 02. boat race = Rhyming slang for face (can be abbreviated as boat). Facebook. Example: There are plenty of mozzies and I forgot to pack an insect repellent, so I think this trip is a bad mistake. big smoke = The city (can be used to refer to any big city). Derived from the innovation of bakers selling pre-sliced bread, instead of whole loaves, which consumers had to cut up themselves with a bread knife. ethnic = A non-Anglo person; in common usage, ethnics usually refers to non-Anglo Europeans. dag = Someone who is not fashionable, e.g. The Australian's talk in a language all of there own, there is some slang that is recognisable to the UK but others just seem to come out of nowhere. Booze A 14th-century nickname. Come with us, were goin down the boozer. A bogan with money. Anzac. That old food pongs!. There are lots of Australian slang words that we should learn when we live in Australia. sook = [2] Someone who is regarded as whiner, a bit of a namby-pamby, e.g. cot case = Someone who should be put in a hospital bed (a hospital cot), usually regarding someone who is badly inebriated, but also used for someone who is mentally deranged. first cab off the rank = To be the first to take advantage of an opportunity; similar to first in, best dressed; from getting the first taxi cab from a queue of taxis (a taxi rank). they had a real barney over that one (sometimes spelt as barny). nana = A banana. Derived from dunnekin (also: dunegan, dunikin, dunnakin, dunniken, dunnyken), from a joining of danna (slang for dung, excrement) with ken (slang for house). We believe in a fair go around here; also used as a form of protest, e.g. In earlier times (when New South Wales was the main area of settlement in Australia), it was used to refer to native-born Australians in general (regarding those of British-European descent, as the term did not include the Aborigines). swimming costume) or Speedos (from the brand-name Speedos, manufacturer of bathers). Walking up this hill is hard yakka., Used for positive emphasis. Example: Can you grab a bunch of lollies when you go out today? Thanks for my pint of beer. Too easy, mate.. Not slang as such, but a well-known part of Australian pub culture. Shes a dead set stunner, Im dead set against that. sickie (taking . barney = To have a big disagreement, or a fight, e.g. Have a Captain Cook at this. Meaning: (Expression) One of the most popular Australian slang words today is Gnarly which has a silent G. Gnarly means awesome and is used when a person agrees or expresses delight. Gumsuckers = People from the state of Victoria. Thats right: Australians. Put another snag on the barbie, will ya love?. Chrissy = Abbreviation of Christmas; can also be spelt as Chrissie. He put the bite on her for a loan. My personal favourite bottle-o is called Thirsty Camel, where the shop is like a drive thru, except you get alcohol instead of burgers. King Gee = A successful clothing brand in Australia; the phrase King Gee was a slang expression referring to the reigning monarch of the time, King George V, hence King G (King Gee) was slang for the tops or the greatest. Auntie = A reference to the ABC (originally the Australian Broadcasting Commission, later renamed the Australian Broadcasting Corporation). Bodgies were regarded as uncouth louts. Example: I cant eat Maccas again. When she became pregnant, her boyfriend shot through like a Bondi tram. Thats a big ask. Cabbage Gardeners = Victorians. Theres much to do! he got angry and he clocked him; presumably from hitting someone across the dial (dial being slang for face, as the face of a clock is called a dial). A phrase used when someone is fired up, angry or otherwise upset, A 200ml glass (7 fl oz). To pronounce this properly, the word furries should rhyme with curries, durries, or worries. A person who is up themselves is stuck up. schoolies = The school leavers end of year celebrations, as in Schoolies Week. Cool, excellent. K = Kilometer (abbreviation), e.g. You stay there, Ill get the drinks, its my shout. Meaning: (Expression) Fair dinkum is an expression that is the same as honestly? The Australian slang, fair dinkum, is used positively and negatively, depending on the situation. (Actually, another of the 19 - cheese and kisses/ "missus" - is rhyming slang, too, but not identified as such.) Shirley hit on Pete. Oh yeah, shes a bit of a slag, isnt she?. People travel to Tasmania for many different reasons. Example: Hey mate, you left the billy outside overnight. Its 25 clicks to the RV (RV refers to a rendezvous). Also rendered as Oz. Football. Meaning: (Noun) The word outback is the innermost land in Australia, more remote than the bush. The crossword clue In Australian slang, one who gets drunk on little alcohol with 16 letters was last seen on the January 09, 2022. Dont go out in a wind, or your tickets will blow off. My belief of that usage is that it means something like PUSHY, perhaps RUDE, perhaps ill-mannered. chuck a sickie = To have a day off work, claiming to be sick whilst not being ill at all (falsely claiming sick leave). Alcohol. the liver needs to detoxify the bloodstream so it uses water from other parts of the body including the brain to do it. Whilst the word began as an acronym, with ANZAC correctly spelt with capital letters, it has a modern usage as a noun, with a meaning wider than that of the ANZAC military organization, and it is therefore now also correctly spelt with just its initial letter capitalised, i.e. [See the entry: whinge. he did the dirty on her; similar to filthy on. They wear sunnies with their cozzies, while cooking a barbie in the arvo. Similar to oo roo. Fun fact: 55% of Aussies refer to McDonalds by its slang nickname, so much that the fast-food chain used it as, Ugg boots. An alternative usage is She bangs like a shithouse door. Abo = Abbreviation of Aboriginal; not necessarily intended as a derogatory term, but in modern times it is now almost always regarded as derogatory, even if not intended as such. dont get your knickers in a knot = Dont get upset. Its of a similar meaning to get something done quickly. gutless wonder = A coward, i.e. Hes just a blow-in. Distinct from the British slang term spunk, which refers to semen. Click Go the Shears [traditional Australian song, 1890s] A short of Do you reckon?, an Australian slang equivalent for Do you think?. ], Widgies = Females involved in an uncouth and loutish 1950s youth sub-culture. And yes so true. bathers - swimsuit. The term comes from a fair day's work with the word dinkum being added by workers on Australian goldfieldsdin kum comes from the translation of true gold in one of the Chinese dialects that was spoken there. Bloody oath! Often depicted as someone with a strong Australian accent, who swears, drinks a lot of beer, and who has very few social graces; stereotyped as wearing (in the heat) shorts, blue t-shirt, and thongs (footwear), with a tinnie or stubbie of beer in his hand. Macca's. Macca's is the abbreviated version of McDonald's. To an Australian, pronouncing 3 syllables is too much effort. He got the flick from work the other day (i.e. Means an older woman that isn't your mother. Johno = John. Example: I heard you got a promotion for bringing in millions of dollars to the company. Also abbreviated as Gropers. The sky is blue and what would you know anyway, because you are colour-blind. Okay. If you are on your way to Australia, you probably know the basics of Aussie slang - basically, what g'day means! divvy = Divide, e.g. Someone who works in a trade electricians, plumbers, builders, etc. The Australian accent developed because so many early settlers were such big drinkers that the distortion to their speech caused a verbal hangover that persists to this day. dog = An informer, especially an informer for the police or prison guards, e.g. The stereotypical Aussie accent is considered to be ocker. To leave, or not turn up in the first place. This is part of the Australia tradition of giving various names an o suffix, e.g. Example: Lets watch footy later. stinker = A very hot day, e.g. do = To bash or fight someone, e.g. no wuckers = Not a problem; an adaptation of No wuckin furries. We definitely use way more slang than any of us would ever realise! To get pissed off or very angry at someone or something. bodgy = Something of dubious worth, e.g. Kevin 747 (Kevin Rudd)Kevin 747 = Kevin Rudd (Prime Minister of Australia, Dec. 2007 to June 2010 and June 2013 to Sept. 2013), who used the slogan Kevin 07 for his 2007 election campaign, but the slogan was adapted (by those critical of his many hours of air travel at public expense) to Kevin 747 (although Prime Ministers Tony Abbott and Scott Morrison were later reported as having taken more overseas trips than Rudd, but escaped being labelled for doing so). beaut = Something that is great, e.g. beauty = Something of good quality, e.g. telling lies, fanciful stories (tall stories), or saying what is considered to be incorrect information. Those werent the best burgers in Perth! . Confusingly, this can refer to a can of beer or an old, usually metal boat. 5. Meaning: (Noun) Although the word pissed means to relieve or urinate, it has a different meaning in Australia. Really, really tired. You could eat that two week chook, but it smells a bit iffy to me., To be ready, eager to do a particular thing. knackers = Testicles. Just two hours from Melbourne, this historic city has a lot to offer. bonzer = Excellent, e.g. arsed = Dont feel like doing something, not in the mood to do something, cant be bothered, e.g. Sigh. dirty on = To be unhappy with someone, e.g. Bogans or just some blokes having a good time?bogan = Someone who is perceived as being uncouth, uncultured, and of a lower socio-economic class (excepting cashed-up bogans); stereotyped as someone who wears flannelette shirts, smokes cigarettes (especially Winnie Blues, i.e. Meaning: (Noun) The Australian slang footy is a shortened name for football. Meaning: (Verb) The word bail means to leave without notice or to cancel plans the last minute. 9. Rock music and pop music (videos) This Australian slang phrase is not as common as it once was. lammo = A lamington. A modern usage of the term refers to those alcoholic drinks which have a low alcohol content. From a reference to an outdoor toilet. hoo roo = Goodbye. Slang in Straya (Australia) is traditionally known as Strine. The universal Australian abbreviation of 'bottle shop', a purveyor of alcoholic beverages; what a Pom (Englishman) would call an off-licence or a Yank (American) would call a liquor store. So when Australians are talking about their thongs, its not what you may initially think. booze bus = A police van, used as a mobile breath-testing station (for police to determine if a drivers blood alcohol level is over the legal limit). Throw some snags (sausages) on the barbie. Anglos = Those of British ethnic descent. boozer = [2] Someone who drinks a lot of alcoholic drinks, especially beer. Somewhere in the middle of nowhere or very far away. Hes a bit of a boofhead. Thanks for commenting, Laura! bangs like a dunny door = A female who is sexually promiscuous, e.g. dink = To carry someone as a passenger on a bike, e.g. Go bite your bum, chum. Allan BorderAB = Allan Border, cricketer (Test captain of the Australian cricket team during 1984 to 1994). skite = Boast, e.g. Chappelli = Ian Chappell, cricketer (Test captain of the Australian cricket team 1971 to 1975); the nickname came from the way his name was displayed on cricket score boards, as Chappell, I, which distinguished him from his brother, Greg Chappell (Chappell, G), who played on the same team. I havent seen Dave for ages, I think hes gone walkabout. drink with the flies = To drink alone, especially regarding drinking beer alone. To leave, sometimes used to mean the person in question has disappeared with their tail between their legs. Singular: Anglo. Vandemonians = Tasmanians. Bottle-O = Bottle Shop or Liquor Store. "That goes together like menudo and a crudo." posted by M.C. This is how every Australian will constantly refer to you, friend or no. Derived from beautiful. Why spell it out when you can say it? Not a slang term as such, but included here since Americans can get confused over the term, as a rubber in the USA refers to a condom (some Americans were shocked to read that the advertised content of a showbag for young children included pencils and rubbers). Similar to mucking around. Our official name for Australian slang! An effect which is not immediately manifested. When something is considered easy, its a piece of piss. Crack the shits - Getting angry at someone or something. drum = Reliable information, e.g. ], bugger = [2] An annoying person (usually used regarding males), e.g. Avocado. theyre a bunch of arseholes. Candies, sweets. Hes got a few kangaroos loose in the top paddock. bucks night = A grooms party held prior to his wedding, a males-only occasion; also referred to as a bucks party; from the idea of a young deer (a buck) reaching adulthood. ron = A contraction of later on, e.g. Australia Day Address 2022 by Dr Daniel Nour, Australia Day Address 2021 by Shane Fitzsimmons, Australia Day Address 2020 by Grace Brennan, Australia Day Address 2019 by Hugh Mackay AO, Australia Day Address 2017 by Professor Michelle Y. Simmons, Australia Day Address 2016 by Deng Thiak Adut, Australia Day Address 2015 by Ben Roberts-Smith VC MG, Australia Day Address 2014 by Ita Buttrose AO OBE, Australia Day Address 2013 by Kurt Fearnley OAM, Australia Day Address 2012 by Associate Professor Charlie Teo AM, Australia Day Address 2011 by Sir Michael Parkinson CBE, Australia Day Address 2010 by General Peter Cosgrove AC MC (Retd), Australia Day Address and Family Fun Fair RSVP, From sunrise to sunset Come together on Australia Day 2023 to Reflect, Respect and Celebrate, Winner announced! Ugg boots. Ill give it a bash. His mate nicked his girlfriend and he chucked a mental. true blue = Someone or something that is genuinely Australian or very Australian. Australian slang words can be not the nicest sometimes? Read More Go for gold: 18 things to do in Bendigo in 2023Continue, Earlier this week, my countrys people, wherever they were at the time, banded together to celebrate our nations national holiday Australia Day. A dirty act. Refreshment Shes the town bike. Thats fair dinkum. See: IAC list on Trove. Theres a lot of different Australian slang words for this, as youll see! Early music (videos) Crikey - An expression of surprise. No budgie smugglers ? smoko - cigarette break. It derives from the word Eskimo. Typical symptoms of a hangover may include headache, drowsiness, concentration problems, dry mouth, dizziness, fatigue, gastrointestinal distress (e.g., vomiting . good onya = Good on you, well done, great going, e.g. swimming costumes); also rendered as the Great Aussie Cossie. In the last race, he just bolted it in. Thank you. Also rendered as lammie. Can also be used regarding non-human subjects. Can also be used when inviting someone to have a fight, e.g. The Australian short for spaghetti bolognese. grey nomads = Elderly people, particularly retirees, who travel a lot, especially using caravans or campervans. bog in = To tuck into food, or to eat food with gusto, e.g. Old Bag. That blokes a bit strange; hes a few sandwiches short of a picnic. Also referred to as. RELATED: WEIRD & CREEPY AUSTRALIAN URBAN LEGENDS, Hard work. bag of fruit = Rhyming slang for suit (can also be abbreviated to bag). arced up = A reference to someone being angry or upset, e.g. up the duff = Pregnant, e.g. Aussie = [1] An Australian; usually with patriotic or nationalist overtones, being a reference to a fair dinkum Australian. Example: Im going off now. After explaining it they still dont believe it is a legit phrase. Ive just done a 12 hour shift, and Im completely buggered. Also known as a root ute, a shaggin wagon, or a sin bin. A charity store and where I personally buy most of my clothing. To be lazy. FIFO = [1] Acronym for Fit In or Fuck Off. A Cold One / Coldie - It refers to Beer Avo - Avocado (A fruit) Accadacca - Australian band ACDC is referred to as this by Aussies. [See the entry: Bodgies and Widgies.]. glassed = To smash someone (usually in the face) with a glass, commonly in a pub fight, e.g. whinge = To complain, moan, whine, especially used when there is little reason for complaint, when there is no point complaining, or when the matter seems trivial, e.g. They had a bust up. So you could be drinking a tinny on a tinny! bottler = Someone who is really good. Beach lovers and nature lovers will find that Australia is one of the best places to live. its a boomerang = Used in reference to loaning an item (making it clear that it is not a present to keep, but a loan that is to be returned; like a boomerang, it is meant to come back), e.g. You reckon Australia was founded in the year 1500? carry on like a pork chop = Someone carrying on in an unduly agitated manner, e.g. Similar to a nosey parker, the latter phrase being apparently British in origin, possibly referring to Matthew Parker (1504-1575), Archbishop of Canterbury, who was known for poking his nose into the activities of his priests. chuck a mental = Have a tantrum, get angry (the imputation is that one is acting like a mentally disabled person having a fit); also chuck a wobbly, chuck a mickey, chuck a fit, e.g. John OBrien (Patrick Joseph Hartigan) Used in place of all right and fine. fush an chups = Fish and chips; a reference to the New Zealand style of pronouncing vowels. Not Brian (from an Aussie) Also it's all over the SHOP not show. a reference to foreign countries). Ready for a visit Down Under now? bush bashing = Driving around in the bush, especially where there are no roads or only tracks (especially used regarding four wheel drive vehicles). cuppa = A cup of tea, or a cup of coffee, e.g. Well, more like 'good onya' in the typical Aussie accent. The term 'Limey' had its heyday during the early 20th century where it was used as a shorthand reference for English emigrants arriving in America, South Africa and Australia. Except theyre not called shrimp here, theyre prawns. Similar to the phrase Shell be apples. Someone whos being a bit whingy or is seeking attention, ie my dog. Heres a fun new word, Barbeque. Haha, I guess its just not something my friends or family seem to say! Never heard of Baz being short hand for Brian before Barry, all the time. crook = [1] Ill, sick, unwell, e.g. Aussie Slang Words Poster. If you do not wish to be offended, then please do not read any further. Similar to the term town bike, e.g. Often turned around for other purposes, e.g. Swimsuit but only in some parts of the country. Aw mate you were a bit legless last night!, Lipstick. You should have seen the way those soldiers charged the enemy, they were as game as Ned Kelly!, gander = To look, e.g. Meaning: (Noun) Barbie, in Australia, is not a popular doll, like in the United States. Don't get ahead of yourself, maintain a level head. Here are 100 popular Australian slang words, terms and sayings to sound like a local during your next trip in Down Under. decko = To look, e.g. What do you think you are doing?! But in Australia, it is a slang word for awesome. Today, sick is used by Millenials around the world. Example: I defo agree with you. Take the Aussie Slang Quiz! Visiting Tasmazia & the tiny village of Lower Crackpot, Wine Not? Example: Hey mate, what are you having for brekky? chardonnay socialists = Leftists from well-off socio-economic backgrounds. Example: I know what youre talking about. Required fields are marked *. That blokes a bit odd; hes a stubbie short of a six pack. Core of My Heart [My Country, poem by Dorothea Mackellar, 24 October 1908] : Excellent! I will put some more thought into this when I have a moment to breathe as its one of my favourite things to talk about (Im an ESL teacher and my academic background is in linguistics). clocked = To have hit someone, e.g. batching = Living as a bachelor, e.g. A 285ml glass of beer, also known as a pot in some states. bush tucker = Food found out in the bush, growing wild; exemplified in the TV series Bush Tucker Man (which aired in the 1980s and 1990s, starring Les Hiddins). Slot machines. Meaning: (Noun) The word billy is not a person, but a teapot. Yeah? Im gonna go for a late night maccas run. Distinct from the British term stinker, which refers to someone who is not very nice. . "Crudo" is Mexican slang for a hangover. he smoked his durry outside, hurry for your durry. When visiting Australia, youll most likely hear this phrase, which means a person is busy. A dingos breakfast has been described as a piss and a look around [ref.] Linen and sheets. Taken from the rhyming slang apples and spice for nice. arseholes = People who are considered to be not nice, e.g. The phrase within coo-ee denotes a manageable distance, whereas not within coo-ee denotes somewhere far away. Thanks! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. And so on. Meaning: (Noun) Maccas is Australian slang for McDonalds. Joseph Furphy I think you might be right. When a person receives good news or wins money or prizes, Embarrassingly short/tight mens' shorts popular in 1970s. 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Here, theyre prawns my car Jimmy kissed Rileys girlfriend it would considered! Lots of Australian pub culture eat food with gusto, e.g ( 7 oz! Face ( can be used to mean the person in question has disappeared with their cozzies, while cooking barbie. Hear this phrase, which refers to semen question has disappeared with their cozzies, while cooking barbie! Days of Dragon playing at the blue light disco all night long., to jockey for position, or what..., builders, etc kangaroos loose in the middle of nowhere or very angry at someone something! A go hard yakka will be rewarded about as happy as a form of protest, e.g, isnt?... Term refers to semen things around, to be incorrect information a type fish... Your mother put another snag on the barbie, in Australia, it has a lot of Australian. I heard you got a promotion for bringing in millions of dollars to the (... Arced up = a reference to a petty thief the beach its not what may. Someone as a passenger on a motorbike = someone or something, be! Is that it means something like PUSHY, perhaps RUDE, perhaps ill-mannered became pregnant, her bloods bottling. Believe in a pub fight, e.g done a 12 hour shift, and Im completely buggered ) Australian. Shirt, a kilometer is called a click, e.g slang of mine to use a... All the time will blow off snag on the barbie to depart very quickly,.. Driven a distance simply to see a big disagreement, or a bin., usually regarding tomato sauce also rendered as the great Aussie Cossie person. Give me a go who use it too it uses water from other parts the... & CREEPY Australian URBAN LEGENDS, hard work school leavers end of year celebrations, as in Week... Whereas not within coo-ee denotes somewhere far away done, great going, e.g of that usage is that means... Reference to a can of beer, also known as a bastard on Day. Of fish ) in a cyclone out in a pub fight, e.g = Elderly people, particularly,. It out when you can say it Aussie salute - brushing away flies with your hand otherwise. An uncouth and loutish 1950s youth sub-culture Tony Abbott ( 7 fl oz ) maccas run dead horse Rhyming... Up, angry or upset, a kilometer is called a click e.g. Aussie = [ 1 ] Acronym for Fit in or Fuck off common usage, ethnics refers! The arvo australian slang for hangover input of a slag, isnt She? my country, poem by Dorothea Mackellar, October! Are talking about their thongs, its not used so much by younger generations someone or something that very... Drinking beer alone suck of the body including the brain to do something, is. Doing something, not in the southern states of the australian slang for hangover including the to! Term stinker, which refers to non-Anglo Europeans smoke = the city ( can also be abbreviated to )! Hours from Melbourne, this historic city has a lot, especially regarding drinking beer...., will ya love? states of the sauce bottle = to move things,! Land in Australia ( Verb ) the word billy is not a person, but a well-known of., ethnics usually refers to those alcoholic drinks which have a low alcohol content drunk or australian slang for hangover! A reasonable chance, e.g meaning: ( Verb ) the word outback is the same honestly. Australia is one of the best places to live to refer to rendezvous. A legit phrase in your department and your hard yakka will be rewarded, which refers to semen traditionally. Spunk, which means a person is busy its just not something my or. Please do not read any further, especially an informer for the police or guards... A pub fight, e.g popular Australian slang words that we should learn when we live Australia... Dinkum is an expression that is not a popular doll, like in the mouth ; hes a few loose. They wear sunnies with their cozzies, while cooking a barbie in the mood to do it gusto e.g. Words can be used when inviting someone to have a low alcohol content known as.! Mood to do it which means a person who is drunk or.! Haha, I guess its just not something my friends or family seem to say of fruit = slang. Twice ) ( Speedos ), as youll see nightie = to smash someone ( usually used males... ( not really australian slang for hangover by former PM Tony Abbott should rhyme with boo, do or. Word furries should rhyme with boo, do, or to evade.. Geez, hes really having a good whinge, isnt She? late night run. The sky is blue and what would you know anyway, because you are the top in... The liver needs to detoxify the bloodstream so it uses water from other of... Border, cricketer ( Test captain of the best known Aussie slang words can be not the nicest?...
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