The buyer can easily cross-check the dimensions and size of the plot online before buying the property. So you can share this information via WhatsApp & Facebook. Dekhe Online Bihar Bhumi Jankari Online Bihar Kaise Dekhen Bihar Ki Bhu Naksha Online Land Record LRC Vibhag Jamabandi Step-2 Select District, Division and Mauza. दोस्तों, आज हम आपको बिहार खतौनी / बिहार भूलेख / बिहार राज्य के … After this, you can get the map by selecting the plot number. of Revenue & Land Reforms ;Govt. Bhu naksha bihar 2021 online check & download कैसे करे इसकी पूरी जानकारी यहाँ बताया गया है। राजस्व एवं भूमि सुधार विभाग ने बिहार का भू नक्शा ऑनलाइन For this, open a web browser app on your mobile and go to Today many government schemes are becoming online. About Us | Contact Us | Privacy Policy | Terms and Conditions | Sitemap, How to Check Bhu Naksha Bihar Land Map Online, District Wise Bhu Naksha Bihar Check 2020, How To Check Bhu Naksha Bihar Online 2020. If you have an Android mobile, you can see the bhu naksha map very quickly. Thank you! It is because you can only be able to check the land map details on any land or plot from the districts that are available here. DM Kaushal Kumar has given instructions to the agency conducting the aerial survey in Bihar. To check bihar bhu naksha online land records, open the official website. Bhu Naksha is used to check, edit, and digitize maps that define the exact boundaries of the plot. In this, you can see all the details related to the bhu naksha land map. Check Bihar Bhu Naksha, Bihar Bhulekh Khatauni, Bihar Jamabandi. Bhu Naksha Bihar | Bihar Bhu Naksha Bihar Bhulekh Naksha-: बिहार के नागरिकों के लिए अच्छी खबर है। अब सभी लोग अपना खाता, खसरा-खतौनी नकल, भू-लेख नक्शा, बिहार भूमि नक्शा की ऑनलाइन जाँच कर सकते है। इसके लिए बिहार सरकार की राजस्व और भूमि सुधार विभाग ने आधिकारिक वेबसाइट लांच की है। इस पोर्टल के माध्यम से राज्य के सभी नागरिक अपने जमीन से जुडी जानकारी … Bhu Naksha Bihar. From where you will be able to open the bhunaksha … After the website is open, all the processes will remain the same as you were told above. The information to check bhunaksha Bihar online is useful to all our brothers and residents of Bihar. Apna Khata Bihar , Bhulekh Bihar , Bhu Naksha Bihar Online देखने की सुभिधा शुरू कर दी गई हैं ,अब आप बहुत ही आसानी से अपना खाता, खसरा , लगान , भू नक्सा , जमाबन्दी , भूलेख इत्यादि'.... देख सकते हैं bhu naksha up 2020 Update 15.11.2020. आपके सामने एक नया पेज खुल जायगा. भू नक्सा बिहार , online naksa bihar , bhu naksha bihar, बिहार भु नक्शा डाउनलोड,bihar bhumi jankari, bihar ka naksha, jamin ka naksa bihar, Bhu Naksha Maharashtra 2021 | भू नक्शा महाराष्ट्र कैसे देखे; Apna Khata Bihar | अपना खाता बिहार भूमि, जमाबंदी, खसरा संख्या For this, you should have the plot (khasra) number of your field. सुलभ राजस्व प्रशासन व्यवस्था उपलब्ध करायीं जाय ताकि समाज के सभी वर्गों विशेष रूप Step 6 – आप जैसे ही Map Report के लिंक पर क्लिक करते हैं. Latest updates on bhu naksha Bihar Aerial map under process soon in Bihar. How to register for Bhu Naksha Bihar (Bihar … नमस्कार दोस्तों ! Bihar Apna Khata , Bhulekh, Bhu Naksha Online बिहार भूलेख भू नक्शा October 18, 2020 October 18, 2020 by pmyojanajankari Apna Khata Bihar | Bhu naksha Bihar Bhulekh, , , Khasra Jamabandi, Khatauni Nakal | बिहार राज्य में अपना खाता फ़ोन पर ऑनलाइन ऐसे देखें Here is the complete list of which districts of Bihar will be able to download the bhu naksha land map online. As soon as we select the map report option, the bhu naksha land map of your land will open on the screen. Bihar Bhu Naksha Kaise Dekhe | Bhunaksha Bihar Online | Bhulekh Bihar Land Record @ . Bhu Naksha Bihar: Bhu Naksha UP: MP Bhu Naksha: Bhu Naksha Jharkhand: Chhattisgarh Bhu Naksha: Bhu Naksha Odisha: BhuNaksha Andhra Pradesh: Bhu Naksha Uttarakhand: Himachal Bhu Naksha: BhuNaksha Lakshyadeep: Bhu Naksha Maharashtra: BhuNaksha Rajsthan: BhuNaksha Telangana: BhuNaksha(भू-नक्शा) कैसे निकाले . DM Kaushal Kumar has given instructions to the agency conducting the aerial survey in Bihar. So let us also learn how to get a bhu naksha map online from home. After this, you can save the bhu naksha map by choosing the option of Save as PDF. Select this option to see the bhu naksha land map. For this, read this article further. The Bihar Bhu Naksha helps the buyer to cross-check plot records online. (भू नक्शा ऑनलाइन - Bhu Naksha Online is a app by which you can see Land map of given states online. The Bihar Bhu Naksha helps the buyer to cross-check plot records online. of Revenue & Land Reforms ;Govt. If there is an error in the land map detail of your farm, plot, or other lands, contact your tehsil office. Or you can also search the plot number in the search box. सर्वप्रथम उम्मीदवार को भू-नक्शा बिहार की ऑफिसियल वेबसाइट पर जाना होगा. Let us also give you information on how to check the bhu naksha land map on your mobile phones. There is currently no facility to view the bhu naksha land map of the abandoned district of Bihar. अभी आप घर बैठे ही अपने लैंड रिकार्ड्स का विवरण पता कर सकते हो. To apply for this scheme applicants will have to provide all the information of your Bhulekh and Bhoomi map, to apply for the scheme see the step by step procedure given below. Step-7 How to Download Bhu Naksha Bihar ? You just need to look through the list of districts that we did mention below. नमस्कार दोस्तों ! We meet with the government officers and request to provide the land map. From where you will be able to open the bhunaksha web portal without any hassle – Link, After the online bhu naksha map viewing website opens, select your District, Sub Div, Circle, and Mauza on the screen. There is a launch of an online web portal for the welfare of the people living in Bihar. Bihar Bhu Naksha Apna Khata Online Check Kare : बिहार भूमि नक्शा अपना खाता कैसे ऑनलाइन चेक करे, Bihar Land Khata Jaankari Kaise Online Check Kare Bhu naksha bihar 2021 online check & download कैसे करे इसकी पूरी जानकारी यहाँ बताया गया है। राजस्व एवं भूमि सुधार विभाग ने बिहार का भू नक्शा ऑनलाइन Bhu Naksha Bihar. (भू नक्शा ऑनलाइन - Bhu Naksha Online is a app by which you can see Land map of given states online. That is to follow the same process from step-1 to step-6 on mobile as well. Bhu Naksha Bihar Bhu Naksha Uttarakhand Himachal Bhu Naksha BhuNaksha Lakshyadeep Bhu Naksha Maharashtra BhuNaksha Rajsthan By this app you can see map of gram panchayati raj and city panchayat land. Your land is and should be very important for you. For this, the option of Map Report will be found below. What Is Bhu Naksha Bihar ? But due to many people not being aware of this, they are disturbed by going around the office. जिसपर आपको भू नक्शा से सम्बंधित सभी जानकारी को देख सकते हैं. For your convenience, we are providing a link to this website here. Apna Khata Bhu Naksha Bihar. Land, Search Bihar bhu naksha बिहार सरकार ने जमीन का भु-नक्शा ऑनलाइन निकले कि सुविधा दी है आप अपने खेत, घर , गांव एवं शहर के जमीन का नक्शा निकाल सकते है In this article, you are able to get simple procedure through which you are able to download land documents. यदि आप बिहार Check Bihar Bhu Naksha, Bihar Bhulekh Khatauni, Bihar Jamabandi. बिहार राज्य के नागरिकों को बिहार सरकार की तरफ से अब राजस्व से जुड़ी हुई सभी कार्यों को Apna Khata Bihar … आप किसी भी राज्य का भ� You can check & download bhunaksha Bihar online from your computer or mobile phone. Revenue & Land Reforms, Gov. Let us also tell you about how to download or print this map. For your convenience, we are providing a link to this website here. भू नक्शा बिहार 2020 – Bhu Naksha Bihar Online 2020 : खेत, प्लाट और भूमि का नक्शा Bihar online download बिहार ऑनलाइन डाउनलोड करने की इनफार्मेशन आप इस आर्टिकल के माध्यम से … So, if you need step by step information in natural language, how to get a bhu naksha land map of Bihar, then read this article till the end. However, if you are facing any problem in checking the bhu naksha Bihar or you have any questions related to it, then you can ask us in the comment box below. बिहार में ऑनलाइन जमीन का नक्‍शा और उसकी पूरी जानकारी | Bhu Naksha Download and Print . You can also touch on the email given below –, Read Also – Bhulekh Bihar 2020 Check Apna Khata Jamabandi. Bhu naksha Bihar 2020 check the land map online: The information to download the map of farm, plot, or bhu naksha online is given in this article. Government of Bihar CONTACT US Department of Revenue and Land Reforms Government of Bihar Old Secretariat, Bailey Road, Patna - 8000015 Help Line No -18003456215 Email : revenuebihar[at]gmail[dot]com Home Site designed and developed by NIC. Bihar Bhu Naksha Bihar Bhulekh Online Bihar Khasra Khatauni Nakal बिहार भू-नक्शा नक़ल बिहार भूलेख बिहार भू-अभिलेख बिहार खसरा खतौनी बिहार अपना खाता Bihar Apna Khata Bihar Bhumi Online Record Step-1 Open the bihar bhu naksha Officia website. भू नक्शा बिहार 2021 | Bhu Naksha Bihar (Plot Map) View | online bhu naksha Bihar | बिहार भूमि नक्शा | खेत का नक्शा बिहार | जमीन का नक्शा बिहार | Bihar Ka Naksha To download the bhu naksha map through your mobile, follow the step by step guide mentioned here carefully -: For this, you have to go to the official website of Revenue, and Land Reform Department, Bihar,, and select your district, tehsil, and village. Online Bhu-Naksha For Sheikhpura District any circle area Printed Large Scale Paper Land Map – Bhu – Naksha as per survey map, visit RTPS counter of Sheikhpura Circle office. - since June 2012]. As mentioned in the below screenshot –. समुचित लाभ सुनिश्चित हो सके ।, राजस्व एवं भूमि सुधार विभाग का प्रमुख उद्देश्य नागरिको को पारदर्शी, संवेदनशील एवं सक्रिय भूमि प्रबंधन व्यवस्था उपलब्ध कराना है । सरकार ने भूमि विवाद के त्वरित एवं सुगम निष्पादन के लिए बिहार भूमि विवाद निराकरण अधिनियम, २००९ राज्य में लागू किया है । इसी प्रकार भूमि से सम्बंधित वादों का राज्य की न्यायिक व्यवस्था पर बढते हुए दबाव को कम करने के दृष्टिकोण एवं भूमि से संबंधित मामलों के लिए एक सर्वसुलभ एकरूप मंच की व्यवस्था करने के उद्देश्य से बिहार भूमि न्यायाधिकरण अधिनियम २००९ लागू किया गया है ।, भू सर्वेक्षण के माध्यम से भू-अभिलेखों का अद्यतीकरण सरकार का सवैंधानिक दायित्व है। भू सर्वेक्षण के द्वारा जमीन का अद्यतन मानचित्र एवं खतियान तैयार करने के लिए प्रथम बार राज्य मे आधुनिक तकनीक का उपयोग किया जा रहा है। हवाई फोटोग्राफी के माध्यम से डिजिटल मानचित्र तैयार कर जमीनी सत्यापन के उपरांत खतियान तैयार किया जायेगा । सम्पूर्ण राज्य के अद्यतन मानचित्र एवं खतियान विभागीय वेबसाइट पर उपलब्ध होंगे। भूमि विवादों को हल करने की दिशा में यह एक सार्थक प्रयास है। इस सम्पूर्ण प्रक्रिया का मुख्य उद्देश्य किसानो एवं अन्य संबंधितो को ऑनलाइन भू-अभिलेखों के सम्बन्ध में जानकारी उपलब्ध कराना है।, [Visitor #    118713641 Seeing it well, verify whether it is the correct detail of your property –, When the details of the khasra (plot number) are correct, we will check the land map. To apply for this scheme applicants will have to provide all the information of your Bhulekh and Bhoomi map, to apply for the scheme see the step by step procedure given below. As mentioned in the screenshot below –. As soon as you select your plot number on the map, the details of that plot will appear on the left side. To find a map of the area, go to the official website and select the district, tehsil, and village. But after much effort, we get this document. You can also select the Print option from the menu option of the browser. of Bihar राजस्व एवं भूमि सुधार विभाग का प्रमुख उद्देश्य नागरिको को पारदर्शी, संवेदनशील एवं सक्रिय भूमि प्रबंधन व्यवस्था उपलब्ध कराना है … The portal includes the districts that are present here they are disturbed by going around the office is follow. At home in the land will open on the map, press Ctrl + P in the land will on... So let us also give you information on how to check Bihar bhu naksha Bihar by visiting online. 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