When she first encountered the Doctor, Bill was working as a canteen assistant at St Luke's University, seemingly destined for an unprivileged life. She was first shown as the new companion during a football game in 2016. [3] While serving in the Army from 1949 to 1955 he transcribed charts for Army bands; he also composed and arranged for Joe Timer and Willis Conover's ensemble, THE Orchestra, which broadcast on Voice of America radio. Bill Potts is the deuteragonist of Series 10 of the revived series of Doctor Who. Bill Potts (born circa 1991) was the final companion of the Twelfth Doctor. Bill Potts, né dans le comté d'Arlington en 1928 et mort à Fort Lauderdale aux États-Unis en 2005, est un pianiste et arrangeur de jazz américain. Wikipedia® est une marque déposée de la Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., organisation de bienfaisance régie par le paragraphe 501(c)(3) du code fiscal des États-Unis. At age 15, he won an accordion competition with a performance of "Twilight Time".He picked up piano in high school after hearing Count Basie on the radio. Bill Potts es un personaje de ficción creado por Steven Moffate interpretado por Pearl Mackieen la longeva serie británica de ciencia ficción Doctor Who. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Il lui propos… Pasan los meses, y Bill está intrigada por Heather, otra estudiante que tiene un defecto en un ojo similar a una estrella. Category:Bill Potts. 「約束」(やくそく、原題: "The Pilot")は、イギリスのSFドラマ『ドクター・フー』の第10シリーズ第1話。脚本はスティーヴン・モファットが執筆し、2017年4月15日に BBC One で初放送された。 「約束」はパール・マッキーの初出演やシリーズのソフトリブートが称賛された。 Shop for Vinyl, CDs and more from Bill Potts at the Discogs Marketplace. Bill Potts is a fictional character portrayed by Pearl Mackie in the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. April 1928 in Arlington, Virginia; † 15. O Doctor viu seu potencial desperdiçado e a convidou para uma série de aulas particulares. Her first full episode was in Series 10 Episode 1: The Pilot. 1 Early life 2 Doctor Who 3 Gallery 4 Trivia 5 Navigation Not much is known about Bill's early life apart from that she was born around 1991 to an unnamed woman, who later died. In 1967 he released an album on Decca Records, How Insensitive, with a studio group called Brasilia Nueve. She was portrayed by Pearl Mackie. ビル・ポッツ(Bill Potts)は、イギリスのSFドラマ『ドクター・フー』の登場人物。12代目ドクターのコンパニオンであり、パール・マッキーがシリーズ10『約束』から2017年クリスマススペシャル『戦場と二人のドクター』まで演じた。, 12代目ドクターが教授として在籍する大学の食堂で働く女性[1]。レズビアンのアフリカ系女性であり、性差別や人種差別に敏感である。女性が蔑ろに扱う考えを前時代的と非難するが、実際に過去の時代の人物がそういった発言をした際には矛を収めている[2]。同性の恋人ヘザーがおり、レズビアンであることはホストマザーには伏せている[1][3]が、旅先では公言している[4][5]。人種差別に対してはさらに強い憤りを見せており[6]、逆に自身が青い肌の異星人に対して差別的ともとれる反応をしてしまった際には誤解を解きつつ素直に謝罪している[7]。, 母は既に故人となっており、写真でしか見たことのない母に対し強い愛情を持つ。そこに由来する強い精神力を持つ一方で短気であると、12代目ドクターから評価されている[8]。, 大学で12代目ドクターの講義に潜り込んでその内容を楽しんでいたところ、彼に目をつけられて個人指導を開始される。同じく講義を受けていた女性ヘザーと出会い親密になるが、ヘザーは大学構内に出現した水たまりに人知れず飲み込まれ、水を全身から滴らせる化け物となってビルの前に姿を現す。ドクターとナードルにより事態は収束するが、この時にターディスで時空を旅し、彼との旅に同行するようになる[1]。, 旅を続ける中で真空中に放り出された際、ドクターが自身の宇宙服のヘルメットを貸すことでビルは助けられたが、真空空間に長時間晒された彼が視力を失うきっかけを作ってしまう[7]。彼の視力が回復しない間に地球は僧侶による侵攻を受け、視力を失ったゆえ窮地に陥ったドクターを救うために、彼女は彼の視力と引き換えに僧侶へ地球を譲り渡した[9]。僧侶に支配された地球で彼女は幽閉されていたドクターと合流し、僧侶の洗脳装置に母親への想いを流し込んで僧侶による洗脳を解除し、地球を取り戻した[10]。, それ以降も旅を続けていたが、ブラックホール付近で救難信号を発していた宇宙船に着陸した際に乗組員に撃たれ、胸に風穴を開けて床へ倒れ込んでしまう。宇宙船の最下層からやって来た白ずくめの者たちに体を回収され、最下層でサイバーマンへアップグレードされる[11]。僧侶との戦いで培った強い精神力で自我を保っていたが、6代目マスターにより心を折られた状態では抗いきることができず、ついにドクターをレーザーで撃って昏睡させてしまう。この直後に自我を取り戻して涙を流し、それを感知したヘザーの手で救出されてヘザーと同等の存在となり、ドクターをターディスに残して彼女とともに宇宙空間へ旅立っていった[8]。, その後は死亡したとみられており、死亡した人間の記憶を管理する組織テスティモニーによってガラスで復元され、12代目ドクターとの再会と初代ドクターとの遭遇を果たす。記憶を保っているため自分をビル・ポッツ本人と主張し、当初はいぶかしんでいた12代目ドクターにも認められ、再生せずに死を選ぼうとしたドクターを引き留めて別れを告げた[5]。, シリーズ10のテレビ放送に先駆けて評論家のために先行上映が行われ、ビル・ポッツに関する一般的な評価はまちまちであった。シリーズ10『約束』の放送後、彼女のキャラクターは肯定的に受け止められた。, ラジオ・タイムズのパトリック・マルケンはパール・マッキーに関して「駆け出しのコンパニオンビルの座を即座に勝ち取った」として紹介した[12]。Den of Geek のサイモン・ブリューもまたパール・マッキーの演技のユーモアを褒め、彼女に関して肯定的な意見を表明した[13]。, The A.V. Bill Potts ludis kiel infano havajgitaron kaj kiel junulo akordionon. Bill Potts (lawyer), criminal lawyer and past president of Queensland Law Society Bill Potts (American football), played in 1934 Pittsburgh Pirates (NFL) season Bill Potts (Doctor Who), a fictional character in the British television series Doctor Who Bill Potts may refer to: . Liens externes Notices d'autorité : … She shared a teacher-student relationship with him similar to that of Leela and Gabby Gonzalez, albeit on more official circumstances. [5] He also led a big band for occasional performances at Washington's Blues Alley nightclub in the 1980s. These recordings were later released as the Lester Young in Washington, D.C. [7] He taught music theory at Montgomery College from 1974 to 1990 and was the leader of the student jazz band. William Orie „Bill“ Potts (* 3. Potts played Hawaiian guitar as a child and accordion in his teens. Bill Potts, who works at the university's canteen, is called to the Doctor's office, where he notes she attends all his lectures, and Bill eventually becomes the Doctor's student. Februar 2005 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida) war ein US-amerikanischer Jazzpianist, Komponist, Arrangeur und Musikpädagoge. He retired to Fort Lauderdale in 1995, and died of cardiac arrest in 2005. Her first full episode was in Series 10 Episode 1: The Pilot. He attended Catholic University of America in 1946-1947, then formed his own group under the name Bill Parks, which toured in Massachusetts and Florida. [6], In 1957, Potts worked extensively as a composer, arranger, and performer for Freddy Merkle's Jazz Under the Dome album (which also featured Earl and Rob Swope). Bill Potts is a Queensland criminal defence practitioner and a past president of Queensland Law Society. She becomes a companion of the twelfth incarnation of the alien time traveller known as the Doctor , portrayed by Peter Capaldi . Bill Potts is a fictional university cafeteria worker and a main character on the British sci-fi cult classic Doctor Who. Dum sia militservo en la usona terarmeo ekde 1949 ĝis 1955 li transkribis pecojn por armebandoj; krome li verkis aranĝaĵojn por Joe Timer kaj la ensemblo de Willis Conover, THE Orchestra . Bill Potts is a fictional character created by Steven Moffat and portrayed by Pearl Mackie in the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who.In the show's tenth series, starting with the first episode, Bill served as a companion of the Twelfth Doctor, an incarnation of the alien time traveller known as the Doctor (portrayed by Peter Capaldi). Bill Potts är en fiktiv karaktär som skapades av Steven Moffat och gestaltas av Pearl Mackie i den brittiska science fiction TV-serien Doctor Who.I seriens tionde säsong, med början i det första avsnittet, var Bill en följeslagare till den 12:e inkarnationen av den utomjordiska tidsresenären som är känd som Doktorn, här gestaltad av den skotske skådespelaren Peter Capaldi. William Orie Potts (April 3, 1928, Arlington, Virginia – February 15, 2005, Plantation, Florida) was an American jazz pianist and arranger. From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Bill Potts (Played by Pearl Mackie) is a fictional character on the British television franchise ‘ Doctor Who ’. [4] He wrote four of the songs on THE Orchestra's 1954 Brunswick Records LP, and recorded some of their live shows, which occasionally featured guest appearances from Charlie Parker and Dizzy Gillespie. Club の Alasdair Wilkins も、彼女が以前の新シリーズのコンパニオンとは異なるエネルギーを作品にもたらしたと述べ、初登場回を「きちんとした導入」として表現した。彼はまた彼女のキャラクターについて「彼女が同性愛者の黒人かつ労働者階級であることは、番組を楽しんで本質を理解する人の範囲全体を反映する、歓迎されるべきドクター・フーの可能性の新たな段階」とコメントした[14]。, しかしながら、デイリー・テレグラフのキャサリン・ギーは批判的な意見を表明しており、パール・マッキーのプレミアエピソードを「ジェナ・コールマンというカリスマ的な煌めきを失った」とし、ビルについても「ごちゃごちゃしている」と述べた。ただし、パール・マッキーのキャラクターは中流階級ではなかったとして評価している[15]。, Doctor Who spoiler-free review: "The Pilot explores afresh the key concepts and joys of this 54-year-old show", Doctor Who series 10: The Pilot spoiler-free review, Doctor Who returns at long last, and it’s got us a brand new companion, Doctor Who, series 10, episode 1: The Pilot is a rather clunky introduction to the new companion - first look review, https://ja.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=ビル・ポッツ&oldid=80149874. [5], By 1956, Potts was leading a house band at Olivia Davis' Patio Lounge in Washington, D.C.. Lester Young booked an engagement there, and Potts convinced Young to record with him on two of the evenings. Potts played Hawaiian guitar as a child and accordion in his teens. Months pass, and Bill develops a mutual attraction to a student named Heather, who has a defect that makes it … He is a founding director of Potts Lawyers Queensland's largest private criminal law … Éste ha advertido que ella asiste a todas sus clases y le ofrece convertirse en su tutor. ビル・ポッツ(Bill Potts)は、イギリスのSFドラマ『ドクター・フー』の登場人物。12代目ドクターのコンパニオンであり、パール・マッキーがシリーズ10『約束』から2017年クリスマススペシャル『戦場と二人のドクター』まで演じた。 Il est intrigué, et la convoque alors dans son bureau. Bonjour à tous et toutes, travaillant actuellement sur la page "Bill Potts", force m'est de constater qu'un article sur le mini-épisode A Friend From The Future du 23 avril 2016 manque. At age 15, he won an accordion competition with a performance of "Twilight Time". C'était un extrait (allongé) de l'épisode The Pilot , mais il est compté sur plusieurs pages (anglaises, ainsi que la page française Pearl Mackie ) comme un mini-épisode à part. Bill Potts é uma personagem fictícia criada por Steven Moffat e interpretada por Pearl Mackie na série de ficção científica britânica Doctor Who.Bill serve como acompanhante do Décimo segundo Doutor, interpretado por Peter Capaldi, durante a 10ª temporada, juntamente com Nardole Early life. Bill Potts é apresentada no primeiro episódio da 10ª temporada, "The Pilot". Bill Potts, Steven Moffat tarafından oluşturulan ve Pearl Mackie tarafından uzun soluklu Büyük Britanya bilimkurgu dizisi Doctor Who 'da canlandırılan kurgusal karakter. [2], Following this, Potts spent several years working in New York City before returning to the D.C. area, where he worked locally in addition to touring with and/or arranging for Paul Anka, Eddie Fisher, Ella Fitzgerald, Stan Getz, Woody Herman, Quincy Jones, Stan Kenton, Ralph Marterie, Buddy Rich, Jeri Southern, Clark Terry, and Bobby Vinton. Down Beat magazine rated the album five out of five stars upon its release. Bill Potts is a Queensland criminal defence practitioner and a past president of Queensland Law Society. American jazz pianist, composer and arranger. Au début de l'épisode Le Pilote (le premier épisode de cette saison), il remarque qu'elle assiste à ses cours sans en avoir l'autorisation et qu'elle sourit quand elle ne comprend pas. Explore releases from Bill Potts at Discogs. Played by actress Pearl Mackie, she was introduced in the first episode of series ten, "The Pilot". This group included some of the players from the Porgy and Bess session (Markowitz, Sims), as well as Tito Puente, Chino Pozo, Mel Lewis, Barry Galbraith, and Louie Ramirez. İlk kez dizinin onuncu sezonunun ilk bölümünde Doktor 'un on ikinci yüzünün (Peter Capaldi) yol arkadaşı olarak görünmüştür. Potts played Hawaiian guitar as a child and accordion in his teens. Bill Potts è un personaggio immaginario della serie televisiva britannica Doctor Who, interpretata da Pearl Mackie. The Pilot (Doctor Who) - Wikipedia [4] Soon after this he suffered a crushed vertebra in a car crash and ended up in a body cast for three months. She was first shown as the new companion during a football game in 2016. A la desena temporada del programa, des del primer , Bill és la companya del Dotzè Doctor , l'encarnació d'un alien viatger del temps conegut con El Doctor (interpretat per Peter Capaldi ). She is presented as the fourth companion to the Twelfth Doctor after Clara Oswald, River Song, and Nardole. Politique de confidentialité À propos de Wikipédia Contact Aparições Televisão. She served as a companion of The Twelfth Doctor. William Orie Potts (April 3, 1928, Arlington, Virginia – February 15, 2005, Plantation, Florida) was an American jazz pianist and arranger. Au cours de la saison 10, Bill Potts est une jeune femme de 26 ans3 qui travaille au restaurant universitaire de l'Université de Bristol4, où le Docteur enseigne la physique quantique. She shared a teacher-student relationship with him similar to that of Leela and Gabby Gonzalez, albeit on more official circumstances. Bill Potts foi uma companion do Décimo Segundo Doctor.. Quando encontrou o Doctor pela primeira vez, Bill estava trabalhando na cantina da Universidade St. Luke, aparentemente destinada a uma vida desprivilegiada.Em seu tempo livre, ela assistia algumas das palestras do Doctor na universidade. From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. He had fully recovered by 1959, when he released a session under his own name entitled The Jazz Soul of Porgy and Bess. Bill Potts, que trabaja en la cantina de la universidad, es llamada al despacho del Doctor. Bill Potts és un personatge de ficció creat per Steven Moffat i interpretat per Pearl Mackie a la sèrie de televisió de ciència-ficció britànica Doctor Who. Bill Potts, who works at the university's canteen, is called to the Doctor's office, where he notes she attends all his lectures, and Bill eventually becomes the Doctor's student. This album, recorded for United Artists Records, featured a nineteen-piece band whose members included Al Cohn, Harry Edison, Art Farmer, Bill Evans, Bob Brookmeyer, Marky Markowitz, Zoot Sims, Charlie Shavers, Earl Swope, and Phil Woods. Impresite de la muziko de Count Basie li transiris dum la mezlerneja tempo al piano. Talk:Bill Potts (Doctor Who) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article is written in British English, which has its own spelling conventions (colour, travelled, centre, realise, defence, artefact), and some terms that are used in it may be different or absent from other varieties of English. Bill Potts (Played by Pearl Mackie) is a fictional character on the British television franchise ‘Doctor Who’. Bill Potts (April 3, 1928, Arlington, Virginia – February 15, 2005, Fort Lauderdale, Florida) was an American jazz pianist and arranger. Bill Potts (musician) (1928–2005), American jazz pianist Bill Potts (lawyer), criminal lawyer and past president of Queensland Law Society Bill Potts (American football), played in 1934 Pittsburgh Pirates (NFL) season Bill Potts (), a fictional … Aparece por primera vez en la décima temporada, comenzando dese el primer episodio, Bill es una acompañante del Duodécimo Doctor. [1], Jazzman Bill Potts, 76; Arranger and Composer, Bill Potts, 76, Big Band Arranger, Pianist and Teacher of Theory, Dies, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Bill_Potts_(musician)&oldid=984669474, Wikipedia articles with CANTIC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 21 October 2020, at 11:48. [1] He picked up piano in high school after hearing Count Basie on the radio. sessions. [4] During this time, he began working on charts and arrangements for an album consisting of jazz reinterpretations of many songs from George Gershwin's opera Porgy & Bess. Bill Potts is a fictional character appearing in Doctor Who and portrayed by Pearl Mackie. [2] He attended Catholic University of America in 1946-1947, then formed his own group under the name Bill Parks, which toured in Massachusetts and Florida. Bill Potts was the final companion of the Twelfth Doctor. He picked up piano in high school after hearing Count Basie. On Decca Records, How Insensitive, with a studio group called Brasilia Nueve and. Later released as the fourth companion to the Twelfth Doctor after Clara Oswald, River Song, and died cardiac. For Vinyl, CDs and more from bill Potts is a fictional character portrayed Pearl! 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bill potts wikipedia
bill potts wikipedia 2021