In a mix of classroom, studio and on-location environments, students learn how to write, shoot, and edit digital media that is not only focused and engaging, but tailored for a specific audience and distribution platform. Link. 3 Credit Hours. Prerequisites: COM 203 or COM 204Session Cycle: VariesYearly Cycle: Alternate Years. This course focuses on the history, development, implementation and effects of global communication systems. The course emphasizes the interpersonal and ethical aspects of modern writing style and structure, with special attention to professional or career writing. This course uses sports broadcasting as a platform for confronting the challenges of live, remote production. Department. Small Group Communication. Communication Department. Intercultural Communication. In addition, students will have the opportunity to apply such theory and research by interacting in a small group environment to solve a problem, and then analyzing what their group did right and what their group did wrong. Session Cycle: Fall, SpringYearly Cycle: Annual. COM 366. This course provides students with an introduction to the area of health communication, an area that is large and multifaceted. This course is cross-listed with LCS 450. Course assignments are filmed in the television studio, but with an emphasis on the “nontechnical” aspects of electronic journalism. Prerequisites: COM 252Session Cycle: FallYearly Cycle: Alternate Years. The Department’s focus is on oral, written, and mediated Communication skills essential in both professional and personal lives. Talk Radio: Sports, Politics and Podcasting. COM 204. Learn more about our Communication program. The department’s focus is on oral, written, and mediated communication skills that are essential in both professional and personal lives. The protection and promotion of students from all backgrounds, cultures, and countries is something we as the Bryant Communication faculty, take very seriously and as such, the department cultivates the ability to think in creative and critical ways and to effectively communicate the results of that thinking. Advanced writing and speaking skills need to be complemented by computer literacy and an understanding of the mass media, as well as an appreciation for the complexities in human interaction. COM 474. Graduates of Bryant's Communication program go on to prestigious graduate programs and are in demand in business, government, and nonprofit organizations. Innovative Communication Applications. COM 344. Today’s technologically oriented, increasingly diverse world is driven by the exchange of information. Prerequisites: Honors ProgramSession Cycle: FallYearly Cycle: Annual. It does so in two ways. Students learn what narrative is, how to create it, and how to shape it using camera and editing techniques. Additionally, we will explore differences and similarities in how men and women communicate and contrast research findings in these areas with those views espoused in popular literature. 3 Credit Hours. Likewise, course expectations of student performance and output are high. Students will … This course emphasizes planning, researching, executing, and evaluating actual public relations campaigns. Media’s contribution to effective communication—interpersonal and mass—falls along a continuum of rich to lean, employing criteria such as the presence of instant feedback, the use of multiple cues and natural language, and a medium’s personal focus. Having it as my major ensures success in my career.". Communication Internship. 3 Credit Hours. COM 491. 3 Credit Hours. Senior Seminar in Communication Theory. Social Media Communication. To help them better understand the communication literature, students will also be introduced to some basic statistical techniques used in the analysis of research data. Lectures, screenings and film assignments also explore how the filmmaker's communicative goal and point of view are expressed in a variety of modern documentary styles. Session Cycle: SpringYearly Cycle: Alternate. Advanced Media Literacy. COM 260. Bryant University was founded in 1863 as a branch of a national school which originally taught bookkeeping and methods of business communication and was named after founders, John Collins Bryant and Henry Beadman Bryant. About Kristen M. Berkos, Ph.D.: Kristen M. Berkos is the Director of Graduate Studies in Communication at Bryant University, where she is also an Associate Professor in the Department of Communication. Media Organizations. Thus, storytelling is a powerful tool for more effective communication in any professional environment. The Broadcast Journalism, Film, and Television specialization emphasizes the creation of film and television content. The curriculum sequence emphasizes communication messages about efficiency, appropriateness, power, teamwork, and using communication in professional settings. Develop, create, deliver, and assess appropriate and effective mediated messages. We will apply "The sociological imagination" (C. Wright Mills famous concept) to episodes of "The Wire", an HBO series that ran for five years. Crisis and Risk Communication. The department’s focus is on oral, written, and mediated communication skills that are essential in both professional and personal lives. This course uses the Sociological Imagination as the lens through which to analyze of the content of television. Students in this course consider the public relations process with emphasis on how corporations and other institutions relate to their various publics. This course is an introduction to television production in which, through basic studio exercises and productions, students become familiar with the tools of the medium and the processes involved in the creation of completed video content. The first will be to examine various theories and research about the codes and communicative functions of nonverbal behaviors. COM 265. Students engage in individually supervised work in communication and learn to apply communication skills, concepts, and theory to the work environment. This course will provide students with a subjective awareness of their own and others nonverbal messages. This course examines the impact of mass media on modern society. Students also expand their knowledge of media aesthetics as they create real television programs, from initial concept to actual broadcast on Channel 68 (or other broadcast outlet). The specific topics for the course will rotate based on student and instructor interest. Prerequisites: Sophomore StandingSession Cycle: Fall, SpringYearly Cycle: Annual. Assuming a basic understanding of studio and field video production, Advanced Television Production allows students to develop greater mastery of the medium's tools and required skills by working in a simulated professional production environment with tight deadlines and "client" participation. COM 452. As such, the department cultivates the ability to think in creative and critical ways and to effectively communicate the results of that thinking. Broadcast Journalism, Film, and Television. The Communication Department offers a variety of courses to help students in their careers, in addition to ever-changing special topics courses to augment permanent offerings. 207-226 (with Jennifer Budinsky). Intercultural communication is the systematic study of communicative interaction between individuals and groups whose cultural understandings, presuppositions and value orientations are distinct enough to exhibit clear effects on the course and consequences of communicative events. Session Cycle: Fall, SpringYearly Cycle: Annual. COM 275. Public Speaking. Bryant University ~ Communication Program Higher Education Smithfield, Rhode Island 199 followers Effective communication ranks among the top competencies every employer seeks. Advanced Television. Media Effects. COM 230. Morse became a member of the Bryant community as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication in 2008. This course provides students with an in-depth introduction to the fundamental philosophies underlying the field of communication. A genre approach to film study (one which takes the way we might categorize a film as its point of departure) provides the most effective means for understanding, analyzing, and appreciating cinema because it sees moviemaking as a dynamic process of exchange between the film industry and its audience. Division of Health Informatics and Implementation Science, Department of Quantitati ve Health Sciences, Uni versity of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA, United States. By the end, students should be able to research, outline, and organize public messages that are informative, persuasive, and celebratory in nature; analyze an audience; understand how verbal and nonverbal components of delivery influence speaker credibility; develop strategies to reduce and manage fears about communicating in public contexts; create and use visual aids appropriate to the message; answer questions effectively and efficiently; and develop the ability to think critically and creatively. This course is designed to introduce you to theoretical and applied issues in the study of social influence. This course is an advanced level course with a revolving topic of timely relevance to the field of communication. This course will also focus on integrating developing technologies in the broadcast field utilized by the video journalist. Global Communication. The class will split into two teams responsible for a live weekly broadcast. This course is designed to introduce students to major issues involved in the management, production, and distribution of the mass media. We’ll look at key job elements of those responsible for controlling the components that must come together for a successful broadcast. Contemporary professional writing stresses telling stories that reinforce or expand the brand, that is, the organization’s identity. Recommended for those who have an interest in media writing, producing, directing, editing, or marketing. The study of health and healthcare communication emphasizes the practice of communicating health issues to the public, such as in public health campaigns, and helping individuals make health decisions. Login Sign Up. The purpose of this course is to introduce students to research methods and concepts used in the field of communication. This allows us to think about a movie not just as an aesthetic object, but also as a consumer item molded in part by the shifting demands of the mass market. Additionally, strategies for compiling content to tell a compelling story of value and understanding the lifecycle of that content will be explored. Nonverbal Communication. Students will write original scripts in a variety of formats, direct and edit their classmates' scripts, and devise ad copy to "sell" the completed projects to a target audience. Specializations include: Organizational Communication and Social Media. The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the study of conflict and the role that communication plays in causing, escalating, and/or managing the conflict process. Previous topics have included political communication, social media, and communication for social change. Susan R. Baran. We will examine the lives of the characters and "urban space" as chronicled in "The Wire" including the work, neighborhoods, the city, morality, sexuality, politics, "childhood," gender and gender expression, race and social justice. Narrative Filmmaking. Wendy Samter. COM 280. This course gives students hands-on learning and experience creating broadcast and digital news content. In this course students learn how to create films using nonfictional "real" content as source material. COM 270. In addition to the business administration minor, communication majors also take a four-course minor to further enhance their career-oriented course of study. Session Cycle: VariesYearly Cycle: Alternate Years. COM 390. This course will investigate how individuals cope with social interaction that is difficult, problematic, challenging, distressing and disruptive. Information that is embedded in a narrative (story) is more easily understood and remembered, and increases our interest by generating curiosity and anticipation. Increasingly, people with finely-tuned communication skills are in demand to direct that information. This course focuses on two areas: field production and editing. Because there is no single, grand theory of communication, the explanation of communication behavior has been undertaken by a number of other disciplines including anthropology, literary and cultural studies, cognitive and social psychology, sociology, and linguistics. 3 Credit Hours. The course focuses on both the creation of social media and how it has changed the way we communicate in both our work and social lives. Session Cycle: VariesYearly Cycle: Alternate Years. attributions, goals, power, tactics, etc. Students pursuing a communication minor work with a faculty advisor to develop a personalized, tailored course of study. 3 Credit Hours. In this seminar style course, students will study relevant research and theory and apply this research to real or hypothetical situations. Developing Relationships, Christopher Morse and Sandra Metts. Prerequisites: Sophomore StandingSession Cycle: FallYearly Cycle: Alternate Years. This course is cross-listed with LCS 230. This specialization prepares students for a variety of careers in mass communication (news, sports, advertising, etc.) The pace is fast, the narrative largely unscripted, and creative and editorial decisions must be made rapidly. This separate chain of schools is currently called Bryant … A particular film, then, can tell us as much about the audience for which it's intended and the moment in history to which it belongs as it can about the institutions that produced it. COM 367. Event Planning. Today, effective writing consists of a strong narrative and a powerful storyline, both of which now trump style and flash. Session Cycle: Fall, SpringYearly Cycle: Annual. Session Cycle: VariesYearly Cycle: Annual. This class is designed to explore the complex relationships among women, men, language, and communication from theoretical and practical perspectives. Manuscripts from 2005 Using the Internet to Conduct Communication Research: Two Scholars' Experiences, Traci Lynn Anderson and Tara L. Crowell. We will also consider the relationship between social structures, culture, structure and agency. Some of the many specific questions to be addressed include (but are not limited to): What is gender? Special attention is given to the four main functions of a video journalist including: producer, reporter, videographer and editor. Prerequisites: COM 260 or COM 272Session Cycle: VariesYearly Cycle: Alternate Years. Organizations are not faceless entities sending information to people; rather they are now people connecting with people, especially in this age of sharing and social media. Session Cycle: Fall, SpringYearly Cycle: Annual. 3 Credit Hours. COM 442. Writing and Reporting for Broadcast and Digital Media. Students will examine the tools filmmakers employ to bring their works to the screen, including cinematography, production design, acting, editing, music, sound design, and narrative structure. Much of today’s Internet writing—personal, professional, and commercial—takes place on social networking sites (SNS). This course provides a study of social media communication and new technologies. And on the most practical level, students learn how to meet the challenge of scheduling a production based on "real" events that are often beyond the filmmaker's control. Advanced writing and speaking skills now need to be complemented by computer literacy and an understanding of the mass media, as well as an appreciation for the complexities in human interaction. Readings and discussions center on methods of conducting effective public relations and on legal and ethical issues. This course is intended to be an introduction to interpersonal communication and examines concepts/contexts relevant to the study of communication in relationships e.g. This class explores the potential of rich media in writing across a number of contexts, personal and professional, and provides practice and evaluation of students’ rich media efforts. Session Cycle: Fall, SpringYearly Cycle: Annual. Directed Study in Communication. As such, contemporary digital media encourage the writing (and audience expectation) of rich content, stories that contain original text, borrowed text, links to enriching, explanatory, or historical material, embedded video and audio, and opportunities for instant, often synchronous feedback. Furthermore, students will be introduced to various theories in communication as well as some of the common areas within the field (interpersonal, mass, health, intercultural, small group, etc.) Students will learn how to shoot television content on location (outside the studio environment). COM 252. 3 Credit Hours. 4. The need to assess, understand and implement an effective communication strategy following a crisis or risk event is becoming increasingly important. Specific topics to be covered may include jealousy, deception, infidelity, gossip, unrequited love, sexual coercion, stalking, breakups, and codependent relationships. 3 Credit Hours. Mass Communication. What are the effects of media on our experiences of gender? COM 368. This course is appropriate for anyone wishing to gain a better understanding of the complexities of interpersonal conflict as well as better and worse ways of managing the process. Some of the general topics to be discussed include the following: determining methods for incorporating media literacy skills into the "kinderculture," exploring measurements for determining quality media content, examining paradigm shifts in media education over the past five or six decades, and parental media education. Internships and volunteer opportunities will augment the course of study. There are no second takes--there is only the controlled chaos and dynamic energy flowing as everyone does his or her job to make live television happen. 3 Credit Hours. It illustrates the value of comparative study through discussions of broadcasting, cable, telecommunications, culture and new media policies and practices such as those surrounding the Internet. Manuscripts from 2003 And while individual sites carry specific freedoms and limitations (for example, the number of words allowed, the size and scope of the legitimate audience, the availability of still and video imagery and sound), the specific writing techniques demanded by SNS differ dramatically from more traditional narrative writing. Julie Volkman is a professor in the Communication department at Bryant University - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. In this way, our students are prepared to become impactful communicators and industry leaders. COM 242. Christopher Morse is a professor in the Communication department at Bryant University - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. The skills and knowledge afforded in a Communication degree with a specialization in Strategic Healthcare Communication will help students: 1) analyze different audiences, 2) understand attitudes, beliefs and perceptions about health issues, 3) strategically choose appropriate communication channels for health behavior changes, and 4) improve communication about health and healthcare. Department. It is a sophisticated, seminar-structured class designed for students who have declared communication as a major or minor and for those considering pursuing a degree in communication. ), the class will examine ways of altering negative conflict cycles, and the nature and effects of conflict in various intimate relationships such as parent-child relationship, same- and cross-sex friendship, and dating and marital relationships. The focus of the course will be on the various elements that impact relationships, as well as how these elements occur in the context of different types of social interactions. This course provides students with the necessary tools for examining mass media content from a critical perspective. Session Cycle: VariesYearly Cycle: Alternate Years. 3 Credit Hours. 3 Credit Hours. Session Cycle: Fall, SpringYearly Cycle: Annual. that require both communication skills and creativity. Students can focus on a more general organizational communication specialization with courses such as Small Group Communication and Intercultural Communication or focus specifically on social media communication. , shape and present the narrative largely unscripted, and storyteller philosophies underlying the field is performed evaluated... Is needed through our use of language and nonverbal codes explores the demands, limitations and... 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bryant university communication department
bryant university communication department 2021