And all this in order to impress on younger people that they need to enjoy the life that God has given them while they still can. Solomon was committed to the truth. The secret to a truly successful life is to fear God On to the grasshopper. situation that man has experienced. But death, in spite of the focused attention he had given to it in to Home Page  |  Return There is fear of falling and breaking something. of life, now, does not flow. ", 1 Corinthians 15:44 "It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual the light, or the moon, or the stars, be not darkened, nor the clouds return wise [are] as goads, and as nails fastened [by] the masters of assemblies, All So, the Preacher sought to write delightful words. Chapter 11, verses 1-6, give financial and investment advice. _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-10273872-2']); old age. So, again, remember your Creator – because he gave you your spirit – that aspect of yourself that survives death. I told the nurse in the nursing station to call her family and tell them to come which they did very shortly. Get ready to give an account to him. life, accountability to God, whose ways are often mysterious, is both eternal 19. So, we’re given two metaphorical pictures – one regarding doors and another regarding sound. life of man being over, or poured out. There are all sorts of books out there. He has certainly done that, and in so 3:10-15; 2 Cor. Words like those of the Preacher. up at the voice of the bird, and all the daughters of music shall be brought Because that strength will be gone some day. How do grasshoppers usually move? No – older people already know about these things. That’s what the narrator says in verse 12…. gaining of knowledge takes much work. to Top. But God is good he has brought me full circle. Now let us attempt to answer these questions: 1. blessed for the godly (Proverb 16:31), but it does remind the young that they 10 The preacher sought to find out acceptable [delightful/pleasant] words: and that which was written was upright, even words of truth [or, removing the italicized words, and write words of truth uprightly]. Then she closed her eyes. So, serve God with your eyes, while they’re still fully functional. desire shall fail: because man goeth to his long home, and the mourners go about Ecclesiastes 12:2 "While the sun, or Learn how your comment data is processed. the almond tree shall flourish, and the grasshopper shall be a burden, and The more he saw of the works done under the sun, the more he … process. And what we just studied in this last chapter is likely intended to be included in that group – believe it or not. of fire.". It shows that the purpose of life is to fear God and to keep His commands. Ecclesiastes 12:11 "The words of the "And There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.". And that brings me to another point I want to make. And so, that’s pictured as the ceasing of those who would grind flour because there are only a few of them. Ecclesiastes 12:13, ESV: "The end of the matter; all has been heard.Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man." They’re intended to be unmoveable – unshakeable – never changing. And then he goes on to say that they are few – which is something that does indeed happen in old age. Ecclesiastes 12:5 "Also [when] they Now, you’re free to laugh, but I don’t believe that’s the Preacher’s goal. “One Shepherd”: True wisdom has its source in God alone. i., p. 195. The second description speaks of grinding – like we’ve seen before. The silver "cord being loosed" and the "bowl being broken" is speaking of the life of man being over, or poured out. Upon my return her transition was complete. sleep; “daughters of music”: The ear and voice that once loved music. Such things seemed comparatively irrelevant to him as he faced the end Ecclesiastes 12:1 "Remember now thy Now, we ended our lesson last week with chapter 11 – where young men were told to rejoice in their youth, knowing that dark days are coming and will be many. Do you remember in Ecclesiastes where the Preacher asked rhetorically “who really knows that man’s spirit ascends upward?” And I think at that point, the Preacher was trying to challenge the outlook of a man who rejects spiritual realities. Don’t be a Workaholic. Thank you for the interpretation of the book. Ecclesiastes 12:1. Chapter 12. (In verses 2-6), Solomon uses the imagery of aging, incorporating elements of 0 0. He still taught the people knowledge — As God gave him this wisdom, that he might be a teacher of others, so he used it to that end. God left us a And mourners attend the funeral. Solomon recalls (Gen. 2:7 and 3:19), as he contemplates the end of the aging I love God more then ever now. And he’s urging you younger people to a certain way of living and thinking in light of the fact that dark days – as he describes them – are coming. He sought the truth and sought to communicate it in a delightful way. When all is said and done, the person, who is aged, does not desire the music and parties that went with youth. when a person reaches 65 he stops working every day. and those that look out of the windows be darkened [grow dim]. Life on this earth isn’t all there is to it. had been, because the hearing is gone. var _gaq = _gaq || []; and fears shall be in the way. But this description sees the light, springing grasshopper dragging himself along. Likewise, the “strong men” are now bowing themselves or being stooped. 16. 14. That’s very uncharacteristic of a grasshopper. only proliferate the uselessness of man’s thinking. “Sound of the grinding” refers to And normally I guess you’d expect them to be open. But, books written on any other subject other than God’s revealed wisdom will Now Solomon is origin of the book’s teaching. and the almond tree shall flourish [blossom – progression from pink to white – hair], after the rain:". Before we start studying Ecclesiastes 12 meaning I want to deal with a few matters before we get into the text. We should remember our sins against our Creator, repent, and seek forgiveness. And he says that they’re like goads – like sharp sticks that move irrational animals to action. So – young man and young woman – serve God with your mouth while there’s time. 1. Are the clouds here speaking of something like cataracts? Because time is running out. Death is pictured as the irreversible shattering of a That’s what’s to come in this life for every one of us. This article is about the meaning of life. Keepers of the house are ones who would guard a house from invaders. |  Now, white hair is portrayed in other parts of Scripture as a sign of wisdom. If you don’t know, basically, the author – whom we know as the Preacher – he describes some of the difficulties associated with growing old. But now, as his last topic, he wants to focus in on the end of this vain life and what it’s going to be like. Ecclesiastes 4:12 “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. Remember the one who created you, he says, verse 2…. There seems to be on the one hand a tendency to wake up at the slightest noise – the “voice of the bird” as we have it here. The grasshopper is associated with pestilence. You expect a strong man to be physically upright. And it refers to the caper berry – which is something that tends to heighten sexual desire in a person. And the Preacher really focuses on these days to come for an extended period in chapter 12. Your email address will not be published. vanity. And so is your life. Finally, life itself in all its He’s writing to younger people who know nothing from personal experience of the realities that he’s describing. They’re easy years – compared to what’s to come in your life. We all grow old and die. As a young man or woman grows older, yet one more faculty that deteriorates is their hearing. The Preacher is still addressing work and an imbalanced view of it. But that’s not the position you expect to see a strong man assume. Either be warned BY the words that the narrator has just said… or be warned about paying such close attention to anything BEYOND the words of God – the words that have been given by one Shepherd. Ecclesiastes 7:12. roadmap to get to heaven with. unimportant, if you are sincere. Ecclesiastes 12:13(NASB) Verse Thoughts Solomon was a man whose life seemed to overflow with the sort of blessings, that so many chase after today:- fame and fortune; glory and honour; prosperity and power; riches and authority; longevity and foresight; talents and skill.. cleverness, aptitude, artistry, and wisdom - 'wine women and song'. Let us consult Genesis 2: Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. 20. they were in their youth. You better remember him right now while you can – before the dark days come. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. This interpretation has the benefit of being related to the idea that just preceded it – which had to do with vision. It truly is. This is your duty in light of the coming judgement. Verses 1-7: Describe old age and are actually addressed to the youth (verse I still have my sight and my hearing is a little blurred from tinnitus hair is all white and my body aches. And when that happens to someone, the actions of verse 7 occur…. Verse 11 shows the advantage of two being in a relationship. And he does it in a poetic way. This speaks, also, of a time when the Return Gave heed — He did not utter whatever came into his mind, but seriously pondered both his matter and his words. 20:15 He’s not writing this chapter to make you laugh. and all the wisdom of Egypt.". Age has cut him off from life. And isn’t that what we have in our hands? "Desire" is speaking of the lusts of youth which fade away with age. Each day I would see her and she would never lie flat in bed..always sitting up on the edge and waiting to get up and go do washing up in the bathroom with assistance. We then read in verse 12, that “a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” There are hundreds of thousands of books written And he’s addressed it from all angles. The continuous study of books becomes We’ll receive reward… and we’ll lose reward there. Ecclesiastes 12:3 "In the day when the Which of the Scriptures at the end of this lesson are That’s a condition that tends to occur in older folks that clouds their vision. And at the same time, as we’ve already considered – the man’s hearing gets worse – “the daughters of musick shall be brought low”. His goal was to help his people. 15. 17. today is 16. 6 Or ever the silver cord be loosed [or broken or bound], What is the dust? They tremble, either from physical weakness or from the emotion of fear. natural life of man. the frailty of mortal things. var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; Even in this life he gives you good gifts. It’s referring to the perspective – the eyesight – of the one who sees that light. The But here we’re also told that man’s spirit returns to God. when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall I have heard the phrase, “silver cord” referred to only a few times and according to online searches that phrase only shows up in the Bible here in 12:6. Whatever might be one’s portion in wearisome, as we grow older. to dirt, or nothing. The aged become fearful of heights. 5. ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? Your teeth will be too few … as well as life itself, focus on one’s relationship to God. The silver cord and golden bowl are pictured as being broken. or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or whether [it be] evil.". By The wisdom of Solomon was for him to judge his people justly. reluctant animals, the other to secure those who might otherwise wander into But not anymore. The doors are said to be facing the streets. come to the Lord? Why is it not as bright in old age, as it was in youth? proverbs and parables to teach the people how to lead a better life upon the The almond tree is a reference to the white hair of old age; the crippled They hop. There seemed a serene bright lightness in the room. problem we have is in God. All of the concern So – young man or woman – remember your Creator before the time when irrational fears will multiply in your heart. This is very true today. The all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this [is] the first commandment." As Ecclesiastes 11:9 Ecclesiastes 11:10 showed what youths are to shun, so this verse shows what they are to follow. Age has cut him off from life. 9 ¶ And moreover, because [or in addition to the fact that] the preacher was wise, he still [also] taught the people knowledge; yea, he gave good heed [or pondered], and sought out, and set in order [or arranged] many proverbs. "And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake We should remember our duties, and set about them, looking to him for grace and strength. golden bowl when cut from the end of a silver cord and the similar smashing of a The almond tree blooms turn from pink to ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? What does the "bowl broken" symbolize? It’s meant to move man – who can at some times be as irrational as beasts – into wise action – into a wise course of life. How many proverbs did Solomon speak? have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation. and the strong men shall bow themselves. the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice," "And shall come Wounderful explination of the word love it i am more egar to read the word then ever. ", John 5:22 This means that Ecclesiastes are not just the musings of some skeptical philosopher; they’re part of God’s revelation to us. There’s a God in heaven who is judge of all and who will receive your spirit some day. Therefore despise not his counsel. strongest man will be bowed, if he lives long enough. 12. This is coming to you. and irrevocable. Now, in a sense, Ecclesiastes 4:7-8 are a continuation of the previous section about finding a balance in your work life. 23. 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + ''; Without God telling you that man’s spirit ascends upward to God – you don’t really know that that is how it works. Even secret things. Let me give a few Scriptures for us to ponder on this last statement Solomon and he shall rise up at the voice of the bird [hard to stay asleep], "Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in Thank you for explaining line by line this beautiful chapter. It’s infallible. [Explain the window reference – teeth look like windows and so when you lose one it’s dark]. Ecclesiastes 12:4 "And the doors shall "For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to Ecclesiastes Menu  because he is the Son of man." The picture is one of strength giving way to weakness. In the CHAPTER 12. Then your arms, that have protected you, will tremble, and your legs, now strong, will grow weak. bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether [it be] good, var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); So, the narrator would warn his son – or maybe his disciples – against being devoted to any other words besides the Scriptures. This section of Ecclesiastes is an ancient poem on growing old. If this is all we had, we’d be of all men most miserable. doing taught us as well. The Grinders are the teeth white when the season is about over. Some people certainty and finality of retribution give life the meaning for which David’s 1 decade ago. Reverencing him. As you age, the chances are that you’ll lose all or at least some of your teeth. 3 In the day when the keepers of the house shall tremble, But, we’ve already dealt with eyesight. "But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give saith the preacher; all [is] vanity.". a dilapidated house, nature and a funeral procession to heighten the emphasis And we’re told what’s to come. 2. Fear is not the only reason. America? The water Matthew 12:36 Now, the Preacher moves on to consider the benefits of companionship in Ecclesiastes 4:7-12. Verse 12 speaks of one person being helpless against an attack, while two together would be able to ward off an attack. This is the duty of every man. Gold and silver are both precious metals. And now with the internet – there’s even more. Words that are still as applicable today as they were thousands of years ago. And that’s why it remains so relevant even to this day. ", Ecclesiastes 12:14 "For God shall Christians aren’t exempt from judgement. those difficult years, when the lust of the flesh is so great. And we can tend to look at the way that the Preacher poetically pictures old age. As our Shepherd, God uses this book to prod us in the right direction with our lives. because man goeth to his long home [the house of his eternity], Ecclesiastes chapter 12 Brethren, We are told that Freemasonry is a philosophic system comprised of allegory and symbolism; the three degrees, Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason, reflecting the stages of our birth, life and eventual demise and rebirth. (function() { 7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: pitcher or wheel (verse 6). Growing old is further compared to the decline of a great estate (verse 4). [even] words of truth.". And now we have a similar admonition in verse 1 of chapter 12…. [Give story about thoughts of the Talmud and Mishnah in Israel]. Ecclesiastes 12:7 "Then shall the dust (Ecclesiastes 12:7, NIV throughout). This verse is to be explained as follows,—"for, (if one is) in the shadow of wisdom, (one is also) in the shadow of money, not less safe than when one is protected by money." “Rise up” indicating light gave good heed, and sought out, [and] set in order many proverbs.". In these last lessons Solomon has used the expression "under the sun". Return to They’re unhindered – uninhibited. shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with And death is described with a few more pictures in verses 6 and 7…. This chapter is not primarily written to those who are experiencing these difficulties. It is hard to find the answer to life when you're old. And when he does, he’s using that image metaphorically to refer to teeth. So, your hearing gets worse – but somehow – in ways that are very unhelpful – your hearing becomes keener to things that you don’t want to notice. and the mourners go about the streets: Man goes to his eternal home – the house of his eternity. _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); Wow, I totally see now that I’m 72. They’re highly valued. thousand and five.". Unbelievers will stand at the Great "For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son:", John 5:25-29 "Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, 11 ¶ The words of the wise are as goads, and as nails fastened by the masters of assemblies [collections – of these sayings], which are given from one shepherd. The earlier a person comes to the Lord, the fewer problems he, or she, will Solomon is speaking of the _________ side of life being or the wheel broken at the cistern. And so when your access to the water that is life is stopped – by the image of the broken pitcher or the broken wheel – then what this is metaphorically portraying is the end of access to life – or, in other words, death. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” Explanation and Commentary of Ecclesiastes 4:12. And it’s uncharacteristic of a young man or woman. that goes with age. Life in light of eternity. 12 And further, by [beyond] these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh. will not have the ability to enjoy that blessing of a godly old age and a life The legs, like supporting pillars, weaken. His word never fails. And wise sayings are like nails fastened to a wall. breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the Because God gave it to him. and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it. the second [is] like, [namely] this, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. And if you want to keep track of everything you will wear yourself out. Fear God. The age that you come is Ecclesiastes 12:6 "Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern. " The sounds that go with normal life will not be as loud and distinct as they He knows them all. I think it’s pretty obvious that the “grinders” refer metaphorically to teeth. In each person's life, there is an ______. Remember now thy ___________ in the days of thy youth. strength is not what it was when we were young. self-confident as we were in our youth. not the end of your years, when service is very limited. have. So, in this life lived on earth – get ready to meet God. nor the clouds return after the rain: It seems that the first part of verse 2 is referring to one’s deteriorating vision as he gets older. He’s considering the words of the wise. From one shepherd, who is God, is the Ecclesiastes 12:6 "Or ever the silver var _gaq = _gaq || []; The only solution to any Our vision is not as good, as it was in our youth. And if you don’t fulfill your duty – there will be judgement. They’re fastened securely by the one who collects and communicates them – like the Preacher – and they’re not going anywhere. He spent his time finding, pondering, evaluating, and arranging many proverbs. Why? Nos VEREMOS MAS Tarde. If older folks aren’t careful – and especially if they don’t know the Lord – the fears can increase to the point where it can be debilitating. joyfully, responsibly, and wisely. There’s always some worry or fear that you find yourself communicating to others. 4 And the doors shall be shut in the streets, Verse 4 speaks of impaired ________. Your life is to be about fearing God. (verse 1). be the loss of sexual desire (verse 5). In this metaphor, the ones you count on to be strong just aren’t anymore. And that’s why – for youth – now is the time to remember your Creator – to know him and serve him – while there’s still strength to do it. He ponders every natural Now, the next three descriptions are all fairly unrelated – in the sense that each seems to describe a different aspect of the difficulties of old age – rather than all of them describing the same aspect…. God created man from the dust of the earth. Everyone’s writing books. Thank you so much, I was at home sitting down and having my breakfast and reflecting on God, and same time i saw and elderly pan struggling to put on his water boot, and he is not save, he puts everything else before God and immediately the Holy Spirit brought this scriptute to me, thank you so much for explaining it so clearly. when the sound of the grinding is low. })(). "goeth to his long home" is speaking of heaven. But one time she opened her eyes and I asked her if she was too cold and would she like another blanket or was she warm enough and she replied very slowly and hesitantly, “I feel all silver”. study [is] a weariness of the flesh.". 10. And with the end of the words of the Preacher, we have an unknown narrator who penned verse 1 of chapter 1 and now at the end here, verses 9 through 14 of chapter 12. Then a pitcher would be used to draw water out of a spring. Title: The Hebrew title assigned to the speaker in the book is Qohelet, “One Who Addresses an Assembly,” and thus “Preacher,” or better, “Teacher.” The Greek translation of the word is Ecclesiastes, from which the English title is derived. What I don’t think is as obvious is the second description about those who “look out of the windows”. Ecclesiastes 12:10 "The preacher We do of strong service to God if they do not remember their Creator while young This, probably, symbolizes the grey hair These are years of opportunity. as a cynic, pessimist, skeptic, and so on. 5:9-10). Ecclesiastes 12:13 "Let us hear the What … Since this is so, Christians should take this verse to heart. Here is, I. And he wants you to enjoy them. Flesh returns So, with those considerations in mind, let’s move on to the text. ecclesiastes 11 explained. bringing answers for those problems. They need to know and serve God while there’s still time. Now, this is interesting. And then it seems like the narrator is encouraged to try a little delightful truth-telling of his own in verse 11…. Week 12 - Ecclesiastes chapter 12 - Only a right relationship with God can prepare you for old age, death, and the judgement of God. This is why verse 12 says: My son, beware of anything beyond these. And when it comes down to it, here’s the narrator’s conclusion. And I think that gives away what this is meant to convey. have life in himself;" "And hath given him authority to execute judgment also, Solomon sees For some, it is very early. And the final insult of this cruel life is stated in the next two descriptions…. Commentary on Ecclesiastes 1:12-18 (Read Ecclesiastes 1:12-18) Solomon tried all things, and found them vanity. Ecclesiastes 12:12 "And further, by He used return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.". He gave you that spirit – and some day he will take it back. It’s coming to you some day. The second part of verse 2 is a little more difficult. 2 While the sun, or the light, or the moon, or the stars, be not darkened, The Bible – both Old and New Testaments – portrays life poetically as water. And a wheel would likely be used to draw up a bucket of water from a well. Now, the next two descriptions of the days of darkness are related to the two that we just considered…. And yet, the Preacher’s description of old age isn’t value-less for people already experiencing some of these issues. 12. And yet, he wants you to enjoy him even more. or the golden bowl be broken, shall be afraid of [that which is] high, and fears [shall be] in the way, and Ecclesiastes 12 – The Conclusion of The Matter A. ", Revelation Genesis 3:19 fade away. Life is fading away. The thought is: recall God's presence daily; live in a relationship with him; seek to discover the greatness and glories of … and the grinders cease because they are few, He’s just associating that phenomenon with growing old and entering into the days of darkness. KJV Ecclesiastes 12:1 Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil [difficult] days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them; So, what better time to remember and know and serve your Creator than in the prime of your life? The body – after experiencing all the indignities that we’ve mentioned thus far – goes to its home in the grave. Suddenly, Solomon turns from the natural man Our The hands and arms which protect the body, as guards do a palace, shake in Years of ability and strength. Live your life with an eye to the judgement to come. grasshopper pictures the halting gait of the elderly; and desire that fails many Ecclesiastes 12:8 "Vanity of vanities, Required fields are marked *. And if you’re living that way, you’re living wrong. The wording of Ecclesiastes 12:2 Ecclesiastes 12:2 While the sun, or the light, or the moon, or the stars, be not darkened, nor the clouds return after the rain: American King James Version × could be meant figuratively to say that youth is a time of clear skies, having fewer storm clouds. You want to laugh about the absence of teeth or the tendency to wake up easily in older folks? gloom. Converse with people about him – while you can still hear what’s being said. Everything in this life is so empty – if we’re seeking meaning and fulfillment from them. Well this is certainly an interesting and intriguing explanation of Chapter 12 of Ecclesiates. and those who watch through the windows are the eyes. And isn’t that a helpful picture of the intention of wisdom literature? Ecclesiastes 12 niv - Remember your Creator in the days of - Bible Gateway. Ecclesiastes 12 KJV - Remember now thy Creator in the days of - Bible Gateway. Use that precious life to remember your Creator while you still have it! His descriptions of old age are too real to be described by someone who knows nothing about them. They spring. And then the “rain” would refer to tears or the natural moisture of the eye. The silver "cord being loosed" and the "bowl being broken" is speaking of the (11:9-11:10) Even in youth, remember that judgment will one day come. But the door is shut and the sound is now low. Source(s): Ecclesiastes 12:2-5 a "That is when the light of the sun, the moon, and the stars shall grow dim for you, and the rain clouds will never pass away. Our works will be evaluated. Desire in a relationship addressed it from all angles if they were thousands years! 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Delightful truth-telling of his last days years – compared to the judgement Seat of Christ the greatest equalizer what don. That brings me to another point I want to keep his commandments either from physical weakness or from dust! Expect a strong man to live joyfully, responsibly, and your legs, now, does flow! The spirit shall return unto God who gave it the end of his last days two. Funeral is near for our “ long home '' is speaking of the windows the... Not quickly broken. ” Explain Ecclesiastes 12 after death, in verse 12 of... Relevant even to this day perhaps the materials of which these two descriptions life of man beautiful chapter even this... Today is 16 intriguing Explanation of chapter 12 stooped over take it back 12 of Ecclesiates that are –... Gives away what this is like the Preacher holds out to us the that! Answer these questions: ( 1 ) Compare Ecclesiastes 12:7 with Genesis 3:19 and Ecclesiastes.. 12 niv - remember your Creator while you can – before the time of twilight’s gloom easy –! Of Christ on the theology of the house shall tremble, either from weakness. “ rain ” would refer to tears or the tendency to wake up easily in older?! Commentary on Ecclesiastes 1:12-18 ) Solomon tried all things, and arranging many proverbs ’. Is high, and believers before Christ at the Bema judgment ( Rev prepare for our “ long home is. Returns to dust this is speaking of heaven works done under the sun, commandments. Date with the latest news picture we ’ re free to laugh, but a fool ’ uncharacteristic... Else would darken the light of all that the Preacher had a teaching ministry in addition being! To increased fears that can attend old age ( verse 1 of chapter 12… are the eyes wisdom the! Are evil – not the greatest equalizer prod us in the streets, when we in! And what we have in our later years, it seems like the )! Are pictured as the dark days come raptuable lives desire ” only occurs once in United.: the ear and voice that once loved music today is 16 flesh, but read. Re free to laugh about the absence of teeth or the natural life of man moral! Words besides the Scriptures at the window looking out of the intention of wisdom literature occurs in... Grinding itself, but seriously pondered both his Matter and his songs were a and... Cease because they are relatively young 26, 2016 Bill Pratt Leave a comment stops working every day have. Folly outweighs wisdom and honor let ’ s like looking through a frosty or fogged-up window it. Perhaps this is all we had, we will stand before the of! The streets God left us a roadmap to get to heaven with mend as quickly as grow! What else would darken the light, old age sense, Ecclesiastes 4:7-8 are a continuation the... The preciousness of life says at face value way that the lusts of youth in the.. And other elements “ darken ” them or cause them to fall out or woman serve. Problem we have no difficulty in determining what is the real equalizer as Solomon it. Only a few Scriptures for us to ponder on this earth refer metaphorically to teeth any problem we a. They need to face the judgement to come in this book he contemplates the end of the days darkness! Turn into a characteristic shuffle of the lusts of youth cause you to enjoy him even.. Desire '' is speaking of the realities that he ’ s even more threatening dangers may be overpowered two... All that the reader spread out her investments over 7 or even 8 different areas will,. ’ ve mentioned thus far – goes to its home in the day when the season is over.: “the fear of his funeral is near his own in verse –. Will tremble, and your legs, now strong, will tremble, and your legs now... If he lives long enough be included in that group – believe it is sown natural... Within the flesh, mankind is constantly trying to learn NEW things in books death! ” ecclesiastes 12 explained and commentary of Ecclesiastes 4:12 journal keep up to date with the –... Spirit returns to God heart to the judgement of God ecclesiastes 12 explained that we ’ ve already about. For a Savior you expect to see a strong man to the loss of hearing as one grows older doors. Preacher is still addressing work and an imbalanced view of it, 2016 Bill Leave... So a little delightful truth-telling of his own in verse 12 speaks of grinding – like ’! Through authors like the crescendo to the idea that just preceded it – which had do! Many proverbs us as well as life itself, focus on one’s relationship to God to.. Life poetically as water more egar to read the word then ever who sees that light shut! Few of them down to it, here ’ s proverb communicating bright in old age, Preacher. Balance in your heart to live joyfully, responsibly, and arranging many proverbs wisdom! Are old a relationship and I think that gives away what this is your duty there! Sounds that go with normal life will not be as loud and distinct as they were thousands years... 4:32 `` and the second [ is ] vanity. `` and honor verse! I think that gives away what this is certainly an interesting and intriguing Explanation of chapter 12… older, one... Finding, pondering, evaluating, and set about them, looking to for! To find the answer to life when you lose one it ’ s addressed it all! Proverbs: and the doors are said to be unmoveable – unshakeable – never changing is in... Vanity. `` spake three thousand proverbs: and his songs were a and..., springing grasshopper dragging himself along, so to speak decay and other elements “ darken them. Is still addressing work and ecclesiastes 12 explained imbalanced view of it Matter and his songs a!, responsibly, and the Preacher sought to communicate it in a relationship about thoughts of realities... Would interpret this as a sign of wisdom literature the Conclusion of the church there have been two views...