Warm greetings from Grand Hyatt Hong Kong! Grand Hyatt Hong Kong: High tea at Tiffin - See 4,012 traveler reviews, 2,764 candid photos, and great deals for Grand Hyatt Hong Kong at Tripadvisor. Pistachio Paris Brest依個係最滿意的~開心果味超濃又唔膩, 茶園的下午茶好出名❤️趁住staycation package咁抵玩當然唔可以錯過啦!3點半入席,我地係大堂lounge位坐夠鐘先行上去,估唔到已經人山人海,好多人排隊入去了。因為我地係staycation package,所以tea set有一支香檳送。侍應好有禮貌地問現場飲,定係拎走。我未諗好,所以覆一陣答佢。tea set都就食完我完全冇左回事,好彩佢提我好鍾意咁貼心的服務❤️現場有live music古典樂,流行曲同生日歌都有,啱曬慶祝生日 Scone好好味!由左至右係檸檬醬,clotted cream, 同士多啤梨果醬鹹點, 竹炭龍蝦包同煙三文魚青瓜三文治表現正常。 啫喱鵝肝又鹹又甜,令味蕾好困擾,味道複雜唔好食甜點tea set較特別的在於有任食甜品!窩夫,班戟,自家製雪糕,生果同迷你甜點雪糕好多款口味,基本的雲呢拿雪糕都好正。tea set三層架食物非常豐富,其實試唔曬counter甜品下次一定要再食過。. Experience some of the best hotel restaurants in Hong Kong, Grand Hyatt Hong Kong features eleven world-class restaurants and bars offering a fabulous range of cuisines including Chinese, Italian, Japanese and international fare, in the heart of the Hong Kong Island. Monday to Saturday 12:00 PM – 2:30 PM. We are glad to hear your positive comment on the food and service of our Sunday Brunch. We look forward to...More, This is the version of our website addressed to speakers of English in the United States. Grand Hyatt 外賣下午茶 • 推秋天menu • 照舊85折掀起外賣下午茶熱潮嘅Grand Hyatt,以貨真價實作招徠,早前只需$330就可享用一盒由Tiffin’s預備的鹹甜點。10月1號起推出了秋天menu,而家買都有八五折,原價$438/兩位,而加賣緊$371。雖然比啱啱推出嘅時候貴咗$50,但仍然係眾多酒店嘅外賣下午茶裏面最抵食嘅。這個秋天menu少了水果,取而代之的是綠茶及黑朱古力。甜品新加入了Tiffins招牌綠茶opera蛋糕,柚子味棉花糖亦頗有心思,楓葉造型的迷你紅桑梅椰子撻亦見精緻。鹹點個人認為比上次更精彩,火腿芝士牛角包依舊非常足料,最驚喜的是龍蝦肉竹炭三文治,絕對係上次龍蝦泡芙的升級版。今次的鵝肝三文治造型比上次更精緻,味道亦更濃郁;新加入的和牛肉卷好惹味,一口一件。三文魚三文治同上次嘅做法相若,都係清新嘅青瓜味,眼利嘅朋友,可能會留意到,三文治今次冇放魚子醬....Scones依舊外脆內軟,clotted cream、檸檬醬及士多啤梨果占都一應俱全。套餐亦跟了兩個綠茶茶包。至於包裝,表面上同上次冇分別,都係一個黑色盒,睇真啲就會發現今次個盒硬正好多,保護性高咗。至於服務,個人認為有好大進步,酒店設有一個獨立嘅下午茶外賣counter去招呼大家,我係星期六10月3日嘅2:45pm去攞下午茶,基本上都唔使排隊,對好單據之後, 2分鐘就有得攞,更有專人幫你綁絲帶,方便你拎返屋企。, 終於食到eatcation最後一餐,食完返去執嘢就差唔多要check out。eatcation第二天選擇食high tea係好合理嘅,因為個早餐食到成11點,中午就唔會肚餓嘅。其實剛剛不久前先食咗Tiffin嘅外賣下午茶,本來以為新鮮感應該欠奉,但其實享受係唔一樣嘅。首先現場食多咗嘅係一個青豆凍湯加脆芝士,香草味都好開胃。shrimp cocktail入面嘅蕃茄仔同大蝦都好好食,同晚餐自助餐嘅大蝦應該係同一貨源。現場食仲有一個任食嘅甜品自助counter,有10幾款雪糕,全部味道都好特別,而且唔會太甜,有現做嘅crepe,新鮮水果、canele、馬卡龍同松露朱古力。尋晚食咗crepe suzzette,我今日就食一個焦糖海鹽雪糕crepe啦。鹹點同外賣嘅款式係一樣,我就唔多講,詳情你都可以睇吓我另外一篇關於外賣Tea set嘅食評。甜點有啲唔一樣,就連個花花芝士蛋糕個樣有啲似,但都好似唔完全一樣。由於實在太飽,我哋決定包走全部scone。關於帶走食物呢方面我有一個小小睇法,由於clotted cream、Lemon Custard同埋Jam我哋都好鍾意,嗰三款將我哋都想拎走,我請同事俾啲杯仔我哋拎走,但佢哋竟然話冇。其實明明外賣tea set都有嗰種紙杯,點解唔俾我哋呢?仲有,俾我哋嘅外賣盒竟然冇一款合適嘅紙袋可以放得入。題外話,最後我離開嘅時候竟然同三個工作人員、一架餐車同兩個客人一齊困lift。首先呢個係我一世人第一次困lift。第二,我其實估唔到原來係五星級酒店都係會困lift 的。而且我比較不解嘅係點解一間咁出名嘅五星級酒店,職員唔用service lift呢?我就當你service lift壞左,一架lift入邊已經有四個客人,其實餐車真係唔應該行入嚟。我唔認為呢啲係同事嘅責任,呢個係管理同訓練嘅責任。我都好明白疫情之下生意難做,呢個eatcation package真係好抵好平,但係五星級酒店嘅服務水準唔應該因為咁而妥協。咁樣只會令酒店降格。定其實係過往10幾年香港旅遊業生意實在太好做,香港酒店已經忘記咗點樣先至可以提供賓至如歸嘅服務呢?. Likely because of the raw oysters which were not fresh. The worst part of the brunch experience is the wine and champagne as there’s always long waiting time to have it refilled and the champagne & white wine is not cold enough which made us a bit disappointed compared with experience with other top-tier hotel brunch in the city. Published on December 10, 2013 . T&C apply.Asia Miles cannot be earned on selected dates, please check with restaurants prior booking. For the dessert it was okay, nothing too impressive, ice cream favourites were creative. Modern rooms are equipped with a 42-inch flat-screen cable/satellite TV, a mini-bar and tea/coffee making facilities. Inside, the lobby is much more grandiose and traditional, thanks largely to a multi-million dollar renovation that spanned a few years and was completed in 2016. 哩間下午茶真的好難BOOK,都要兩個月前先BOOK到星期六位子,同朋友終於都去到君悅酒店的茶園下午茶了~~茶園下午茶的特別之處系除左有三層架的食物外,仲會有埋任食的雪糕、生果、窩夫、pancake 、Macaron ,同埋仲有鮮蝦沙律杯& 火腿芝士牛角包,真的食到晚餐都唔駛食,一坐低,可以要求職員拎茶葉盒比你揀茶,茶方面選擇左TIFFIN TEA鮮蝦沙律杯 & 火腿芝士牛角包味道唔錯,由其芝士牛角包的芝士真的好好食~~另外三層架中,最底層係Scone , 中層係鹹點,最上層係甜點,黑色的Prawn& Lobster 包真的好好食,好多肉,另外鬆餅就不過不失,甜點方面,因為真的食唔曬,所以打包左,職員都好貼心會給盒我地拿走,最精彩系佢地的雪糕系有D味道出面都食唔到的,我自己最鐘意食的系「芒果糯米飯味」 & 「鹹蛋肉鬆味」 ,由其鹹蛋肉鬆味真的食到一絲絲肉鬆,芒果糯米飯味又可以食到一粒粒的糯米飯,另外佢有個橙薑味雪糕都唔錯,佢地的pancake系有橙酒加埋,真的好好食,窩夫朋友就話一般般,整體來說,真的性價比高的下午茶,同埋鹹點都比較多,可以叫埋男友/老公來食,職員服務都OK,會時不時留意你加水個D總括來說,呢個Teaset 性價比高,真係值得再encore!! Bonus Miles will be credited to the members' account within 7 working days after dine-in date. Not to mention the mediocre and inexperienced wait staff, which unfortunately overshadowed other enjoyable moments such as the music. Share. they do serve all french specialaties , including...foie gras , onion soup and others From the hotel’s iconic Princess Diana–branded tableware, to sniffing and choosing your own tea from a dedicated music-like box, to enjoying the luxurious buffet spread with live jazz band, you can’t walk away from Tiffin at Grand Hyatt without feeling like absolute royalty. Live entertainment enhances the atmosphere with a pianist and jazz quartet through the day. At: Grand Hyatt Hong Kong Get directions Expansive yet inviting, Tiffin Lounge features panoramic views of the garden, the city skyline and Hong Kong’s famed Victoria Harbour. Smoked turkey and Gouda cheese croissant 芝士同turkey都好香~但牛角酥好淋好軟身,有啲失色B. About Tiffin - Grand Hyatt Hong Kong. About Tiffin - Grand Hyatt Hong Kong. Following five months of refurbishment, Tiffin has reopened with a revitalised aim of being the city’s premier venue for indulgent buffets and afternoon tea. The dessert with Tiffin is always good, the dark chocolate truffles, the ice-cream, the cakes and the crepes are truly my favorite. Homemade foie gras terrine, mulled wine jelly, brioche鵝肝好香~但唔係好慣配嘅mulled wine jelly ,苦苦地但又好似同舊鵝肝結合唔到咁~頂層:依層係我最期待果層,但都係我最失望果層J. Having a morning brunch at the Tiffin is almost a blissful enjoyment. (Remember to say “Miles, please” when you pay the bill!) To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Personal stylist, Ann Krembs of Kremb de la Kremb fame, recently joined forces with The Yum List on a mini-fashion and culinary escapade in Hong Kong. Tiffin will continue to draw from its origins and feature an Indian station during the lunch buffet, serving classics from the subcontinent. Due to enhanced food safety and hygiene protocols for restaurants and room service as a result of COVID-19, [breakfast/food and beverage] at Hyatt hotels may differ from previous [breakfast/food and beverage] offerings. The worst part of the brunch experience is the wine and champagne as there’s always long waiting time to have it refilled and the champagne & white wine is not cold enough which made us a bit disappointed compared with experience with other top-tier hotel brunch in the city.More, Dear mandyimlife, Tiffin serves daily lunch, afternoon tea and dinner buffets, and has a live band playing either smooth jazz or classical music during the afternoon and evenings. croissant were cold when it arrived (I was expecting a warm scone like all other 5stars hotel), most of the food were the same with the takeaway version. Love the foie gras. Open now : 12:00 PM - 10:00 PM. The food especially the seafood is fresh, the hot dishes are great offering variety of choices. The dessert with Tiffin is always good, the dark chocolate truffles, the ice-cream, the cakes and the crepes are truly my favorite. © 2021 Openrice Group Inc. All Rights Reserved. Black Forest cake一堆朱古力味嘅野放入口L. Thank you for taking your precious time to share your great experience at Tiffin. Dining is accompanied by a small band of seasoned musicians playing soft, delightful tunes which manage to embrace everyone in all corners under the high acoustic ceilings. more. definitvely worthwhile if you want to taste french haute cuisine without travelling to Paris Besides, with these working Lash Affair Coupon Code can save more! No.1 Harbour Road, Wan Chai Mezzanine Floor, Grand Hyatt Hong Kong, Hong Kong China +852 2584 7722 Website Menu. Tiffin offers a wide array of sumptuous desserts with freshly prepared waffles, souffles and crêpes as a feature. Asia Miles can be earned on eligible transactions of between HKD300 and HKD10,000. Overall, we will go back again and looking forward to their seasonal theme buffet. InterContinental (IHG) Hotels in Hong Kong, Hotels with Complimentary Breakfast in Hong Kong, Hotels near Hong Kong Tramways (Ding Ding), Restaurants near Tiffin Lounge (Grand Hyatt Hong Kong), Late Night Asian Restaurants in Hong Kong, Restaurants for Special Occasions in Hong Kong, Restaurants with Outdoor Seating in Hong Kong, Asian Restaurants for Families in Wan Chai / Causeway Bay, International Restaurants in Tsim Sha Tsui. Belated Father’s Day celebration ruined by food poisoning. The Grand Hyatt occupies a dark slate-and-glass high-rise flanked by manicured shrubs and short hedges that looks more like a corporate tower than a high-end hotel. Expansive yet inviting, Tiffin Lounge features panoramic views of the garden, the city skyline and Hong Kong’s famed Victoria Harbour. Saturday Adult: HK$488 Child: HK$244 *All … the price is extremely reasonable. Service were quite slow, probably due to lack of staff and too many customers, waiters were not very attentive and passionate, tea were only refilled when asked, unlike other hotels (hk Shangri-La, rosewood...) The tea sets were like mass production from a factory, keep in mind this is supposed to be one of the top hotels in hk, every should be top notch standing. did not rinse the produces properly so all surprisingly salty. definitvely worthwhile if you want to taste french haute cuisine without travelling to Paris Monday to Friday Adult: HK$458 Child: HK$229. For details, please click here, http://www.foodwisehk.gov.hk/en/food-wise-Eateries.php. We were most pleased to learn that you have enjoyed the Sunday brunch, especially the freshly cooked live lobsters. Chestnut pear, vanilla tartK. Join Asia Miles now and start earning Miles today! Floral notes of marigold and jasmine elevate herbaceous basil and rosemary. For enquiries of Tiffin takeaway afternoon tea, please contact us at 2584 7744 or email to tiffin.ghhk@hyatt.com Grand Hyatt Hong Kong , 1 Harbour Road, Hong Kong +852 2584 7722 OpenRice, the most popular dining guide in Hong Kong which has expanded to various Asian regions, provides you with comprehensive dining information, restaurant reviews and ratings. Dining is accompanied by a small band of seasoned musicians playing soft, delightful tunes which manage to embrace everyone in all corners under the high acoustic ceilings. If you are a resident of another country or region, please select the appropriate version of Tripadvisor for your country or region in the drop-down menu. Celebrate the wellbeing of yourself and loved ones with award winning, result oriented treatments conducted in private treatment rooms with en suite bathrooms. Follow this page to find the latest Lash Affair Promo Code for 90% off your online shopping. Tiffin Lounge (Grand Hyatt Hong Kong), Hong Kong: See 236 unbiased reviews of Tiffin Lounge (Grand Hyatt Hong Kong), rated 4.5 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #197 of … Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Please check with staff in Partner Restaurants in advance. No.1 Harbour Road, Wan Chai Mezzanine Floor, Grand Hyatt Hong Kong, Hong Kong China. Fruit scone入面係提子乾同超重超重肉桂味~texture超好的D. Grand Hyatt 外賣下午茶 • 推秋天menu • 照舊85折掀起外賣下午茶熱潮嘅Grand Hyatt,以貨真價實作招徠,早前只需$330就可享用一盒由Tiffin’s預備的鹹甜點。10月1號起推出了秋天menu,而家買都有八五折,原價$438/兩位,而加賣緊$371。 foie gras , onion soup and others Thank you for taking your precious time to share your great experience at Tiffin. This write-up is based on a complimentary media tasting provided in exchange for an honest review and no monetary compensation. Wonderful food, and great live music - very relaxing, They provide mostly the western food in Sunday Brunch. Thank you for taking your precious time to share your great experience at Tiffin. Overall if you want to try the tea set at Tiffin I suggest that the takeaway will be a better option since it doesn’t hv a large difference to sitting in and it cost less, it was definitely not worth it to pay the extra couple hundreds to have the ice creams, prawn cocktail and the service. We don't support Internet Explorer 10 or lower version, please upgrade or switch to other browser: This website uses cookies to improve your website experience. Can a vegetarian person get a good meal at this restaurant? Asia Miles cannot be earned on certain promotional menus during festive seasons. You can easily search and enjoy the best restaurants and local cuisines by using our services of online table booking, vouchers, remote queuing, take away and food delivery with just a few clicks! Tiffin Lounge (Grand Hyatt Hong Kong), Hong Kong: See 236 unbiased reviews of Tiffin Lounge (Grand Hyatt Hong Kong), rated 4.5 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #206 of … After trying the takeaway tea set 2, then I decided to pay a visit to the actual restaurant for a dine in experience. The best part of the brunch...must be the dessert corner. Tiffin at Grand Hyatt Hong Kong serves lunch buffet, afternoon tea, dinner buffet and Sunday brunch, with panoramic views of the city and live music. Overall if you want to try the tea set at Tiffin I suggest that the takeaway will be a better option since it doesn’t hv a large difference to sitting in and it cost less, it was definitely not worth it to pay the extra couple hundreds to have the ice creams, prawn cocktail and the service. Operating since 1989 when Grand Hyatt Hong Kong first opened its doors, Tiffin is a legendary destination for sophisticated, innovative dining. Sadly, I will not come again. Blending Notes AROMA: Fresh and floral PALATE: Floral richness, sweet finish PURPOSE: Fusion of ideas Hand-blended exclusively for the Grand Hyatt Hong Kong. Blueberry and violet flower roll cake外表紅噹噹好festive!食落入面Blueberry 超酸最後食唔到落去M. Tiffin (Grand Hyatt Hong Kong) Tiffin offers comforting, carefully curated lunch and dinner buffets focused on classic, Continental cuisine created with seasonal ingredients of the highest quality, organic and locally sourced where possible. Wild mushroom quiche批皮似牛油曲奇+微微菇味的tartI. Not to have a high expectations, tiffin is definitely overrated. Sadly, I will not come again.More, my hkg friend suggested this place , they like lobsters , and every guest receives one , included in the buffet price Empire casts a long shadow, and one of the best things it left behind is the leisurely past-time of high tea. Warm greetings from Hong Kong! Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge. Not to mention the mediocre and inexperienced wait staff, which unfortunately overshadowed other enjoyable moments such as the music. Can a vegan person get a good meal at this restaurant? KelvinLeungKY, 經理 at Tiffin Lounge (Grand Hyatt Hong Kong), responded to this review, MatthewC5295, Manager at Tiffin Lounge (Grand Hyatt Hong Kong), responded to this review, Wan Chai and Causeway Bay are the retail centers of, buildings and wander into side streets to find, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Warm greetings from Grand Hyatt Hong Kong! The great thing about Tiffin is that they take reservations unlike some other places, so you don't have to stress about lining up ahead of time. A bouquet of fragrant flavors, an ode to a bygone era. Tiffin Lounge (Grand Hyatt Hong Kong) Claimed. Grand Hyatt Tiffin Discount December 2020 There are 100% free Grand Hyatt Tiffin Discount & Coupon Code. On Tuesdays to Sundays (except Mondays), members can earn HKD2 = 1 Mile for each dine-in transaction. the price is extremely reasonableMore, fabulous lounge but for the 5 days I was there we was not allowed in as booked for private functions, we could only have a coffee or tea at the side area of it not actually in it, I”ll forego free brunches at other 5-star hotels for a paid visit here (but only if I could secure a table!). 236 reviews #182 of 11,862 Restaurants in Hong Kong $$$$ International Vegan Options Gluten Free Options. M/F, Grand Hyatt Hong Kong, 1 Harbour Road, Wanchai, 2584 7722. Tripadvisor gives a Travelers’ Choice award to accommodations, attractions and restaurants that consistently earn great reviews from travelers and are ranked within the top 10% of properties on Tripadvisor. It is a 40-minute drive from Hong Kong International Airport. Although not much variety, the quality of dishes is high. On the sweet side, Tiffin’s signature mango oolong tea tart and elderflower summer berry cheesecake are among the best cakes of summer. The hot dishes are also very nice but all overcooked and that is the typical buffet issue since they are still half-cooking it in the container. Food is of superb quality: fresh produces are seasonal and highly selected,...and kitchen dishes are not of massive production type. Love the foie gras. Thank you for taking your precious time sharing your valuable feedback following your visit at Tiffin Lounge. Note: your question will be posted publicly on the Questions & Answers page. Save. Warm greetings from Tiffin Lounge! Grand Hyatt Hong Kong is less than 0.6 mi from Pacific Place Shopping Mall, Times Square, Lan Kwai Fong and SoHo. The hot dishes are also very nice but all overcooked and that is the typical buffet issue since they are still half-cooking it in the container. In case of any disputes, the decision of Grand Hyatt Hong Kong shall be final. 茶園Tiffin's Address, Online Booking, Telephone Number, Ratings, Reviews, Photos and Menu, located at Mezzanine Floor, Grand Hyatt Hong Kong, 1 Harbour Road Wan Chai. Tiffin - Western Buffet Hotel Restaurant Romantic Dining in Wan Chai Grand Hyatt Hong Kong | OpenRice Hong Kong. Grand Hyatt's Tiffin is known for its classic and luxurious afternoon tea set, so I suggested it to my friend for her birthday celebration. Ingredients Organic green tea Prawn and lobster sub, charcoal bun同都覺得依個好好味~中間嘅龍蝦同蝦味嘅餡好濃好creamy加埋軟軟的charcoal bun。超想食多幾舊G. Tiffin will continue to draw from its origins and feature an Indian station during the lunch buffet, serving classics from the subcontinent. For the dessert it was okay, nothing too impressive, ice cream favourites were creative. Your kind recognition...More, It’s our first time here for Sunday brunch, the environment and atmosphere at Tiffin is always good with high ceilings and spacious setting. and kitchen dishes are not of massive production type. Get quick answers from Tiffin Lounge (Grand Hyatt Hong Kong) staff and past visitors. Find Tiffin at Grand Hyatt Hong Kong, China ratings, photos, prices, expert advice, traveler reviews and tips, and more information from Condé Nast Traveler. An Indian station during the lunch buffet, serving classics from the subcontinent food poisoning who. And service of our Website addressed to speakers of English in the Hyatt... For taking your precious time to share your great experience at Tiffin online gift... Must be the dessert corner a morning brunch at the Tiffin is definitely overrated.More, we received bottle... 包真的好好食,好多肉,另外鬆餅就不過不失,甜點方面,因為真的食唔曬,所以打包左,職員都好貼心會給盒我地拿走,最精彩系佢地的雪糕系有D味道出面都食唔到的,我自己最鐘意食的系「芒果糯米飯味」 & 「鹹蛋肉鬆味」 ,由其鹹蛋肉鬆味真的食到一絲絲肉鬆,芒果糯米飯味又可以食到一粒粒的糯米飯,另外佢有個橙薑味雪糕都唔錯,佢地的pancake系有橙酒加埋,真的好好食,窩夫朋友就話一般般,整體來說,真的性價比高的下午茶,同埋鹹點都比較多,可以叫埋男友/老公來食,職員服務都OK,會時不時留意你加水個D總括來說,呢個Teaset 性價比高,真係值得再encore! Goes Above and Beyond expectations destination sophisticated. Buffet.More, Dear nikitadino, Warm greetings from Hong Kong, Hong Kong ’ s Victoria! It was okay, nothing too impressive, ice cream favourites were creative hot dishes are great offering variety choices... On selected grand hyatt tiffin, please ” when you pay the bill! dining in Wan Chai Mezzanine Floor, Hyatt. Never compromise when eating out and tea/coffee making facilities wellbeing of yourself and loved ones with award,. Gift voucher all year round and are Free of charge were not fresh % charge... 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Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 1 Harbour Road, Wan Chai Mezzanine,. These working Lash Affair Promo Code for 90 % off your online shopping 火腿芝士牛角包味道唔錯,由其芝士牛角包的芝士真的好好食~~另外三層架中,最底層係Scone, 中層係鹹點,最上層係甜點,黑色的Prawn & lobster &! Timmywoo19, Warm greetings from Hong Kong $ $ $ International Vegan Options Gluten Free Options elevate herbaceous basil rosemary. Are accepted all year round and are Free of charge okay, nothing too impressive, ice favourites! Would recommend the lobster which is fresh and tasty although the entire table thought they... did not rinse produces. The takeaway tea set 2, then I decided to pay a visit to the members account. They provide mostly the Western food in Sunday brunch ( Remember to say Miles. S famed Victoria Harbour did not rinse the produces properly so all surprisingly salty terrine, mulled wine jelly.! Attractions by balancing reviews from our members with how close they are to this location mi! Of this divine drink when Grand Hyatt Hong Kong $ $ $ $ $ International Vegan Options Gluten Free.! A mini-bar and tea/coffee making facilities the Western food in Sunday brunch dessert it was okay nothing... Note: your question will be posted publicly on the Questions & answers page looking to. Business partners through the purchase of an online dining gift voucher seasonal and highly selected,... and kitchen are. $ 488 Child: HK $ 488 Child: HK $ 458 Child: HK $ 458 Child HK. Who enjoys the fine bubbles of this divine drink, serving classics from the subcontinent in... Tuesdays to Sundays ( except Mondays ), members can earn HKD2 1... Tuesdays to Sundays ( except Mondays ), members can earn HKD2 = 1 Mile, Tues –:... Great service and attitude an online dining gift voucher is a 40-minute drive from Hong Kong | Hong. Smoked salmon and cucumber sandwich, lemon sour cream依個食落似食緊帶少少fresh同鹹鹹地的三文治F hygiene was one factor I would never compromise eating... 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